Chick-Fil-A CEO has a right to refuse to embrace homosexuality


Aug 12, 2012
It is not a crime to refuse to embrace homosexuality. It is not a crime to refuse to support homosexuality.

We still have free speech rights in the USA.
I don't think we are very far off from a time when if you do not
actively support the gay lifestyle your business will suffer,you will feel
pressure from the community to pack up and move elsewhere.
Local government will go out of their way to get you out of town.
It is not a crime to refuse to embrace homosexuality. It is not a crime to refuse to support homosexuality.

We still have free speech rights in the USA.

You're right.............we DO have free speech rights in this country, but's a double edged sword.

You have the right to say what you like (Chik Fil A CEO has the right to say he doesn't approve of homosexuality), and the people who DO support gay rights have the right to protest and say that they don't approve of what he said.

Same thing with Dr. Laura. She said some pretty fucked up stuff on her radio show about African Americans, and those same people who felt offended utilized their free speech to denounce what she said and boycott businesses that supported her program.

Nobody is being stopped from airing their views, it's just that conservatives get pissed off whenever someone disagrees with them and accuses them of trying to supress their free speech, even though the liberals disagreeing with them have the same right of free speech to disagree.

Having the right to free speech means you can say what you want, but also means that others can express opinions on what you just said.

I never saw the Chick Fil A CEO being muzzled, did anyone else, and if so, can you provide an actual news link?
A bunch of gay activists vandalized a Chick-Fil-A restaurant (their expression of 'free speech'). Free speech does not include commiting crimes against those you disagree with.

The problem with gay activists is they engage in criminal activity. I simply boycott is sufficient but these gay extremists want to use any and all means to silence opinions they dont agree with.
They are a minority it idoes not give them the right to shove their life style in our face. If you don't like the company don't buy anything. I can assure you they will surrive.
A bunch of gay activists vandalized a Chick-Fil-A restaurant (their expression of 'free speech'). Free speech does not include commiting crimes against those you disagree with.

The problem with gay activists is they engage in criminal activity. I simply boycott is sufficient but these gay extremists want to use any and all means to silence opinions they dont agree with.

Got any actual news source links to verify that the gay activists engaged in criminal activity?
I don't think we are very far off from a time when if you do not
actively support the gay lifestyle your business will suffer,you will feel
pressure from the community to pack up and move elsewhere.
Local government will go out of their way to get you out of town.

That's what generally happens when there is a state religion.
It is not a crime to refuse to embrace homosexuality. It is not a crime to refuse to support homosexuality.

We still have free speech rights in the USA.

You're right.............we DO have free speech rights in this country, but's a double edged sword.

You have the right to say what you like (Chik Fil A CEO has the right to say he doesn't approve of homosexuality), and the people who DO support gay rights have the right to protest and say that they don't approve of what he said.

Same thing with Dr. Laura. She said some pretty fucked up stuff on her radio show about African Americans, and those same people who felt offended utilized their free speech to denounce what she said and boycott businesses that supported her program.

Nobody is being stopped from airing their views, it's just that conservatives get pissed off whenever someone disagrees with them and accuses them of trying to supress their free speech, even though the liberals disagreeing with them have the same right of free speech to disagree.

Having the right to free speech means you can say what you want, but also means that others can express opinions on what you just said.

I never saw the Chick Fil A CEO being muzzled, did anyone else, and if so, can you provide an actual news link?

You can find plenty of news links to the statements of the mayors of Boston, Chicago, Washington D.C. and San Francisco threatening to use their official office and the powers thereof to prevent Mr. Cathy's business from locating anywhere in their cities, in clear reprisal for his remark. Government (at any level) cannot use its authority to muzzle or attempt to muzzle individual or corporate free speech! That's blatantly unconstitutional and you know it, and it is the threats from those politicians that precipitated this entire argument
A bunch of gay activists vandalized a Chick-Fil-A restaurant (their expression of 'free speech'). Free speech does not include commiting crimes against those you disagree with.

The problem with gay activists is they engage in criminal activity. I simply boycott is sufficient but these gay extremists want to use any and all means to silence opinions they dont agree with.

There is no evidence that attack was done by gay activists.
I don't think we are very far off from a time when if you do not
actively support the gay lifestyle your business will suffer,you will feel
pressure from the community to pack up and move elsewhere.
Local government will go out of their way to get you out of town.

Aside from the government acting, free speech has consequences. See you spout stupid bullshit. you are free to be the idiot you are and to spout your bullshit. Because of yuour actions anyone with a brain understand you are an idiot. In fact because of this they are well within their right to refuse to hire you, not be your friend, or even to comment how out of your mind stupid you are.

As for the government, I agree they should not be using their authoerity to block chik fil a from opening. However, due to zoning laws put on the books to allow people to keep out gay, islamic, and other businesses they do not like, there is a legal method to discriminate against chik fil a. Let us get those laws off the books so there can be gay bars in every town, and a mosque to. Then they could all go to chik fil a for lunch unless it is sunday.
A bunch of gay activists vandalized a Chick-Fil-A restaurant (their expression of 'free speech'). Free speech does not include commiting crimes against those you disagree with.

vandalism is not, and has never been, free speech. It is the destruction of property and is a criminal activity. No, no one allows them to do such things. if they are caught they will be prosecuted within the law. In no place in the constitutiopn or state law is the act of vandalism protected by free speech so you can quit your bitchin
The problem with gay activists is they engage in criminal activity.

If lying was a crime, you would be in jail. Just like any other organization, certain people do criminal activity. The majority of gay activists have never, and will never, commit a crime. Your claims that gay activism is about vandalism are just showing how much of a fucknut you are.
I simply boycott is sufficient but these gay extremists want to use any and all means to silence opinions they dont agree with.

Yeah, nothing like the Klan, churches, republicans, anti-abortion assasins, or any number of right wing conservative people who have taken to illegal actions based on their beliefs. None of which is legal. but feel glad no one makes you tell the truth except on sworn statements. perjury is a felony, and if you said that in court you would be a felon yourself.
I don't think we are very far off from a time when if you do not
actively support the gay lifestyle your business will suffer,you will feel
pressure from the community to pack up and move elsewhere.
Local government will go out of their way to get you out of town.

Better the businesses that support discrimination than allowing children to be hounded out of their own towns.

North Carolina Pastor Sean Harris Urges Parents To 'Man Up' And 'Punch' Effeminate Children - Forbes
A bunch of gay activists vandalized a Chick-Fil-A restaurant (their expression of 'free speech'). Free speech does not include commiting crimes against those you disagree with.

The problem with gay activists is they engage in criminal activity. I simply boycott is sufficient but these gay extremists want to use any and all means to silence opinions they dont agree with.

There is no evidence that attack was done by gay activists.

Right up to the time they caught the guy in WeHo where he lives.
A bunch of gay activists vandalized a Chick-Fil-A restaurant (their expression of 'free speech'). Free speech does not include commiting crimes against those you disagree with.

The problem with gay activists is they engage in criminal activity. I simply boycott is sufficient but these gay extremists want to use any and all means to silence opinions they dont agree with.

There is no evidence that attack was done by gay activists.

Whoever they were, they did it on behalf of the gay movement.
A bunch of gay activists vandalized a Chick-Fil-A restaurant (their expression of 'free speech'). Free speech does not include commiting crimes against those you disagree with.

The problem with gay activists is they engage in criminal activity. I simply boycott is sufficient but these gay extremists want to use any and all means to silence opinions they dont agree with.

There is no evidence that attack was done by gay activists.

Whoever they were, they did it on behalf of the gay movement.

Got a news link to prove your bullshit?

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