Chick-fil-A restaurant in CA will pay employees $17 an hour

lol you don't know jack shit; you're just another parrot.

No, $17 an hour is, dumbass. See, you're too stupid to get by without somebody holding your hand.

lol you don't know jack shit

I know more than you......low bar, admittedly.

No, $17 an hour is, dumbass

Hey, fucktard, it you only add $10 an hour in value, you won't get hired at $17 an hour, you'll be unemployed

at $0 an hour.

Oh pipe down, troll; you're just another spammer with an agenda, and an especially dumb one at that. You know nothing about business or labor costs, period, and you know squat about 'adding value' to anything. You don't even know how to fill out those 1040 EZ's you have HR Block do for you every year. You just take their word for it what you owe.

Anybody who can't pay $17 an hour isn't doing enough business to hire anybody in the first place. IT's either a glutted market, or one of no real value to anybody. That's all there is to it.

Let me guess. You've never had to make a payroll, have you?

If you do it correctly it isn't an issue.

Being adequately financed, know who to hire (which can be farmed out), and NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, hire relatives.

Wow such great words of advice, so your telling is your lemonade stand failed, huh?

I think he's saying his brother fired him from the lemonade stand.
lol you don't know jack shit

I know more than you......low bar, admittedly.

No, $17 an hour is, dumbass

Hey, fucktard, it you only add $10 an hour in value, you won't get hired at $17 an hour, you'll be unemployed

at $0 an hour.

Oh pipe down, troll; you're just another spammer with an agenda, and an especially dumb one at that. You know nothing about business or labor costs, period, and you know squat about 'adding value' to anything. You don't even know how to fill out those 1040 EZ's you have HR Block do for you every year. You just take their word for it what you owe.

Anybody who can't pay $17 an hour isn't doing enough business to hire anybody in the first place. IT's either a glutted market, or one of no real value to anybody. That's all there is to it.

Let me guess. You've never had to make a payroll, have you?

If you do it correctly it isn't an issue.

Being adequately financed, know who to hire (which can be farmed out), and NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, hire relatives.

Wow such great words of advice, so your telling is your lemonade stand failed, huh?

I think he's saying his brother fired him from the lemonade stand.

Yup I caught the little poor ass douche bag a few days ago admitting the truth about himself..
Oh pipe down, troll; you're just another spammer with an agenda, and an especially dumb one at that. You know nothing about business or labor costs, period, and you know squat about 'adding value' to anything. You don't even know how to fill out those 1040 EZ's you have HR Block do for you every year. You just take their word for it what you owe.

Anybody who can't pay $17 an hour isn't doing enough business to hire anybody in the first place. IT's either a glutted market, or one of no real value to anybody. That's all there is to it.

No the troll is you ...todd knows exactly what he is talking about


No, he doesn't, which why none of you losers ever post any real numbers to back up the stupid bullshit. that's because they don't exist.

It's a zero game that's all minimum wage is, and I won't say anymore, you have an IQ of like 23..


That's 22 points higher than yours. Go ahead and show us how much $17 an hour is going to add to the average fast food order at any store with a decent business.. We'll wait. Well, maybe not for Todster, since he has no idea what the question even means.

So now we are just talking the fast food bussiness?

You are stupid 50% of American workers make less then $17 an hour


you're a moron who can't follow a thread.
Anybody who can't pay $17 an hour isn't doing enough business to hire anybody in the first place.

And that's why you don't care if your hike in the minimum wage costs low skilled people their jobs.
Hadit, seems to have had it, with providing any rebuttals.

That isn't the case in Seattle or San Francisco. Both have lower unemployment rates than the national average.

You have no explanation. The left does.

Seattle and San Fransisco also have a lot of wealthy people who don't mind paying more for stuff. You're ignoring that.
Doesn't explain it. Seattle has a fifteen dollar an hour an hour minimum wage. San Francisco has a fourteen dollar an hour minimum wage. Why is the Unemployment rate lower, if not for more People looking for work at that wage rate?

In case you haven't noticed, UE is down all over the country, which means labor is more valuable, which means employers are willing to pay more for it. Those two cities have enough wealth and economic activity that they can afford higher wages. You simply have cause and effect backwards.

Now, you try to impose a $15/he MW on Mobile, Ala and the story would be a little different. IOW, you're cherry picking two outliers and pretending they represent the entire graph.
Nope. Doesn't explain it. Two different States.

Monopsony, explains it. A statutory minimum wage is what causes it. Normally, people respond to prices.

The point of a minimum wage is to limit abuse of workers and to actually increase competition based on quality and managerial skill. Obviously a lot of darts can't stay in business under such conditions, and run around crying about it. They also can't survive without the Government protecting them from creditors either. But they all think they know stuff about 'business'. They've sent off for all those CD's from those late night infomercials.
No the troll is you ...todd knows exactly what he is talking about


No, he doesn't, which why none of you losers ever post any real numbers to back up the stupid bullshit. that's because they don't exist.

It's a zero game that's all minimum wage is, and I won't say anymore, you have an IQ of like 23..


That's 22 points higher than yours. Go ahead and show us how much $17 an hour is going to add to the average fast food order at any store with a decent business.. We'll wait. Well, maybe not for Todster, since he has no idea what the question even means.

So now we are just talking the fast food bussiness?

You are stupid 50% of American workers make less then $17 an hour


you're a moron who can't follow a thread.

I was waiting for you to log on, so I can concentrate on destroying your argument..

So what's this again I hear you say , your only argument is fast food workers need to be paid $17 an hour?
Hadit, seems to have had it, with providing any rebuttals.

That isn't the case in Seattle or San Francisco. Both have lower unemployment rates than the national average.

You have no explanation. The left does.

Seattle and San Fransisco also have a lot of wealthy people who don't mind paying more for stuff. You're ignoring that.
Doesn't explain it. Seattle has a fifteen dollar an hour an hour minimum wage. San Francisco has a fourteen dollar an hour minimum wage. Why is the Unemployment rate lower, if not for more People looking for work at that wage rate?

In case you haven't noticed, UE is down all over the country, which means labor is more valuable, which means employers are willing to pay more for it. Those two cities have enough wealth and economic activity that they can afford higher wages. You simply have cause and effect backwards.

Now, you try to impose a $15/he MW on Mobile, Ala and the story would be a little different. IOW, you're cherry picking two outliers and pretending they represent the entire graph.
Nope. Doesn't explain it. Two different States.

Monopsony, explains it. A statutory minimum wage is what causes it. Normally, people respond to prices.

The point of a minimum wage is to limit abuse of workers and to actually increase competition based on quality and managerial skill. Obviously a lot of darts can't stay in business under such conditions, and run around crying about it. They also can't survive without the Government protecting them from creditors either. But they all think they know stuff about 'business'.

No the reason we have a minimum wage was because of racism, you idiot.
It's a zero game that's all minimum wage is, and I won't say anymore, you have an IQ of like 23..


That's 22 points higher than yours. Go ahead and show us how much $17 an hour is going to add to the average fast food order at any store with a decent business.. We'll wait. Well, maybe not for Todster, since he has no idea what the question even means.

Go ahead and show us how much $17 an hour is going to add to the average fast food order at any store with a decent business..

Sounds like an interesting exercise.
You should definitely open a fast food restaurant, pay all your employees at least $17/hour and be
sure to post your results here. Your food will probably be cheaper than all your competitors, and your profits higher, because you're such an economics wiz.
We have metrics from establishments that passed on that cost via a surcharge.

No where near what right wing hearsayers and right wing soothsayers claim.

At the average McDonalds', it would add in the neighbor hood of 11 cents per order to raise the wages from $7.25 to $17 an hour. The cheapest order is around $1, or 11%, with a drink $2, or 5.5%, a regular breakfast meal at $4 or so, 2.75 %, etc., etc, etc. That Big giant increase in burgers?Well, a Big Mc meal is what, now, $6 or so? 1.8%

At the average McDonalds', it would add in the neighbor hood of 11 cents per order to raise the wages from $7.25 to $17 an hour.

An extra 975 cents per employee per hour would be paid for by 11 cents per order?
That would mean 89 orders per hour per employee. How many employees? 7? More?
I don't think your numbers add up.

View attachment 200314
Owning a McDonald’s Franchise: Purchase Cost vs. Annual Profit

Assuming "Crew Payroll" is the minimum wage employees, 17/7.25=2.345,
2.345 x 540,000 = 1,266,207. An increase of 726k.
726000/2700000(net sales) = 27%.

You think 11 cents an order is 27%? DERP!

Keep talking out of your ass, it's amusing.

Sorry dumbass, most of the 'crew' doesn't work except during rush times, a few hours a day. Not to mention your math is silly, typical for you parrots.

Let's see if you can even Google Scholar up ''crew costs', and tell us what that even is. Anybody here think it is all wages? .... Anybody ever sat in a McDonald's and counted the number of orders per hour they get during a rush at a decent location?

As a manager during college, I worked lunch and evening shifts. We handled over 1,100 to 1,800 orders from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the University's food court. with 5 employees, including myself. This was in 1970, without the modern automated equipment, just a grill, a refrigerator, and a fryer.

How many orders is that per hour per employee? If 89 orders an hour is a lot to you, then it's clear why you failed at fast food and want to punish those who don't fail at those jobs. Good thing Daddy got you on at his place.
Last edited:
Seattle and San Fransisco also have a lot of wealthy people who don't mind paying more for stuff. You're ignoring that.
Doesn't explain it. Seattle has a fifteen dollar an hour an hour minimum wage. San Francisco has a fourteen dollar an hour minimum wage. Why is the Unemployment rate lower, if not for more People looking for work at that wage rate?

In case you haven't noticed, UE is down all over the country, which means labor is more valuable, which means employers are willing to pay more for it. Those two cities have enough wealth and economic activity that they can afford higher wages. You simply have cause and effect backwards.

Now, you try to impose a $15/he MW on Mobile, Ala and the story would be a little different. IOW, you're cherry picking two outliers and pretending they represent the entire graph.
Nope. Doesn't explain it. Two different States.

Monopsony, explains it. A statutory minimum wage is what causes it. Normally, people respond to prices.

The point of a minimum wage is to limit abuse of workers and to actually increase competition based on quality and managerial skill. Obviously a lot of darts can't stay in business under such conditions, and run around crying about it. They also can't survive without the Government protecting them from creditors either. But they all think they know stuff about 'business'.

No the reason we have a minimum wage was because of racism, you idiot.

no, silly kid, we have a minimum wage because businesses spent a century or two abusing workers and FDR and Congress wanted to reduce their dependence on govt. by forcing businesses to compete on well, competence and ability, not how cheap their labor was. Obviously you can't, and don't like that. That's because you're stupid and wouldn't know how.
Last edited:
Doesn't explain it. Seattle has a fifteen dollar an hour an hour minimum wage. San Francisco has a fourteen dollar an hour minimum wage. Why is the Unemployment rate lower, if not for more People looking for work at that wage rate?

In case you haven't noticed, UE is down all over the country, which means labor is more valuable, which means employers are willing to pay more for it. Those two cities have enough wealth and economic activity that they can afford higher wages. You simply have cause and effect backwards.

Now, you try to impose a $15/he MW on Mobile, Ala and the story would be a little different. IOW, you're cherry picking two outliers and pretending they represent the entire graph.
Nope. Doesn't explain it. Two different States.

Monopsony, explains it. A statutory minimum wage is what causes it. Normally, people respond to prices.

The point of a minimum wage is to limit abuse of workers and to actually increase competition based on quality and managerial skill. Obviously a lot of darts can't stay in business under such conditions, and run around crying about it. They also can't survive without the Government protecting them from creditors either. But they all think they know stuff about 'business'.

No the reason we have a minimum wage was because of racism, you idiot.

no, silly kid, we have a minimum wage because businesses spent a century or two abusing workers and wanted to reduce their dependence on govt. by forcing businesses to compete on well, competence and ability, not how cheap their labor was. Obviously you can't, and don't like that. That's because you're stupid and wouldn't know how.

You that fucking ignorant , minimum wage laws across the globe was based on racism nothing more nothing less you fool.
In case you haven't noticed, UE is down all over the country, which means labor is more valuable, which means employers are willing to pay more for it. Those two cities have enough wealth and economic activity that they can afford higher wages. You simply have cause and effect backwards.

Now, you try to impose a $15/he MW on Mobile, Ala and the story would be a little different. IOW, you're cherry picking two outliers and pretending they represent the entire graph.
Nope. Doesn't explain it. Two different States.

Monopsony, explains it. A statutory minimum wage is what causes it. Normally, people respond to prices.

The point of a minimum wage is to limit abuse of workers and to actually increase competition based on quality and managerial skill. Obviously a lot of darts can't stay in business under such conditions, and run around crying about it. They also can't survive without the Government protecting them from creditors either. But they all think they know stuff about 'business'.

No the reason we have a minimum wage was because of racism, you idiot.

no, silly kid, we have a minimum wage because businesses spent a century or two abusing workers and wanted to reduce their dependence on govt. by forcing businesses to compete on well, competence and ability, not how cheap their labor was. Obviously you can't, and don't like that. That's because you're stupid and wouldn't know how.

You that fucking ignorant , minimum wage laws across the globe was based on racism nothing more nothing less you fool.

Whites didn't want blacks to undercut them, read a God damn history book will ya..
That's 22 points higher than yours. Go ahead and show us how much $17 an hour is going to add to the average fast food order at any store with a decent business.. We'll wait. Well, maybe not for Todster, since he has no idea what the question even means.

Go ahead and show us how much $17 an hour is going to add to the average fast food order at any store with a decent business..

Sounds like an interesting exercise.
You should definitely open a fast food restaurant, pay all your employees at least $17/hour and be
sure to post your results here. Your food will probably be cheaper than all your competitors, and your profits higher, because you're such an economics wiz.
We have metrics from establishments that passed on that cost via a surcharge.

No where near what right wing hearsayers and right wing soothsayers claim.

At the average McDonalds', it would add in the neighbor hood of 11 cents per order to raise the wages from $7.25 to $17 an hour. The cheapest order is around $1, or 11%, with a drink $2, or 5.5%, a regular breakfast meal at $4 or so, 2.75 %, etc., etc, etc. That Big giant increase in burgers?Well, a Big Mc meal is what, now, $6 or so? 1.8%

At the average McDonalds', it would add in the neighbor hood of 11 cents per order to raise the wages from $7.25 to $17 an hour.

An extra 975 cents per employee per hour would be paid for by 11 cents per order?
That would mean 89 orders per hour per employee. How many employees? 7? More?
I don't think your numbers add up.

View attachment 200314
Owning a McDonald’s Franchise: Purchase Cost vs. Annual Profit

Assuming "Crew Payroll" is the minimum wage employees, 17/7.25=2.345,
2.345 x 540,000 = 1,266,207. An increase of 726k.
726000/2700000(net sales) = 27%.

You think 11 cents an order is 27%? DERP!

Keep talking out of your ass, it's amusing.

Sorry dumbass, most of the 'crew' doesn't work except during rush times, a few hours a day. Not to mention your math is silly, typical for you parrots.

Let's see if you can even Google Scholar up ''crew costs', and tell us what that even is. Anybody here think it is all wages? ....

Wages are the biggest thing in small company's , WTF are you another one who thinks McDonald's inc owns every store?
That's 22 points higher than yours. Go ahead and show us how much $17 an hour is going to add to the average fast food order at any store with a decent business.. We'll wait. Well, maybe not for Todster, since he has no idea what the question even means.

Go ahead and show us how much $17 an hour is going to add to the average fast food order at any store with a decent business..

Sounds like an interesting exercise.
You should definitely open a fast food restaurant, pay all your employees at least $17/hour and be
sure to post your results here. Your food will probably be cheaper than all your competitors, and your profits higher, because you're such an economics wiz.
We have metrics from establishments that passed on that cost via a surcharge.

No where near what right wing hearsayers and right wing soothsayers claim.

At the average McDonalds', it would add in the neighbor hood of 11 cents per order to raise the wages from $7.25 to $17 an hour. The cheapest order is around $1, or 11%, with a drink $2, or 5.5%, a regular breakfast meal at $4 or so, 2.75 %, etc., etc, etc. That Big giant increase in burgers?Well, a Big Mc meal is what, now, $6 or so? 1.8%

At the average McDonalds', it would add in the neighbor hood of 11 cents per order to raise the wages from $7.25 to $17 an hour.

An extra 975 cents per employee per hour would be paid for by 11 cents per order?
That would mean 89 orders per hour per employee. How many employees? 7? More?
I don't think your numbers add up.

View attachment 200314
Owning a McDonald’s Franchise: Purchase Cost vs. Annual Profit

Assuming "Crew Payroll" is the minimum wage employees, 17/7.25=2.345,
2.345 x 540,000 = 1,266,207. An increase of 726k.
726000/2700000(net sales) = 27%.

You think 11 cents an order is 27%? DERP!

Keep talking out of your ass, it's amusing.

Sorry dumbass, most of the 'crew' doesn't work except during rush times, a few hours a day. Not to mention your math is silly, typical for you parrots.

Let's see if you can even Google Scholar up ''crew costs', and tell us what that even is. Anybody here think it is all wages? ....

most of the 'crew' doesn't work except during rush times, a few hours a day.

And you've just increased their wages by 726k.

Tell me again about 11 cents. That was fucking hilarious.

Google Scholar up ''crew costs', and tell us what that even is. Anybody here think it is all wages? ….

Who said wages were all the costs? DERP!
If your 11 cents per order (still hilarious!!!) doesn't come close to covering the wage increase, who cares that it won't cover payroll taxes?

How long have you been obsessed with me that you would say that? Seriously, do you think I'm in the idle rich class?

I'm just answering your posts, so who's 'obsessed', here? ....

Now stop trying to change the subject onto me.

that's pretty funny, since that's what you resorted to almost immediately ',,, as always.

We're talking about those who take huge risks being able to earn big rewards and those who envy them.

They aren't 'taking hug risks', they're hiding behind a wonderful gimmick called 'limited liability corporations'.

Try again.

They aren't 'taking hug risks', they're hiding behind a wonderful gimmick called 'limited liability corporations'.

And nobody ever loses money when they run an LLC...…….moron!

their personal wealth is protected; they aren't taking 'huge risks'. Get back to me when shareholders have to start paying their own bills and debts they owe to the penny instead of that crooked stop-loss scam that lets them keep whatever they plundered out of the companies over the weekend before filing bankruptcy on Monday.

As I said and you keep on proving in every post, you don't know shit about any of it, you're just a parrot.

You obviously have never started a business, never struggled to make it succeed, never had to meet payroll when cash flow fell off. In short, you're arguing from a position of vast ignorance.

Now, please try to get the subject back on me. I'm fascinating.

Ah, now you're just projecting as usual. You really should learn about business before you run around the net prattling about it.

How long have you been obsessed with me that you would say that? Seriously, do you think I'm in the idle rich class?

I'm just answering your posts, so who's 'obsessed', here? ....

Now stop trying to change the subject onto me.

that's pretty funny, since that's what you resorted to almost immediately ',,, as always.

We're talking about those who take huge risks being able to earn big rewards and those who envy them.

They aren't 'taking hug risks', they're hiding behind a wonderful gimmick called 'limited liability corporations'.

Try again.

They aren't 'taking hug risks', they're hiding behind a wonderful gimmick called 'limited liability corporations'.

And nobody ever loses money when they run an LLC...…….moron!

their personal wealth is protected; they aren't taking 'huge risks'. Get back to me when shareholders have to start paying their own bills and debts they owe to the penny instead of that crooked stop-loss scam that lets them keep whatever they plundered out of the companies over the weekend before filing bankruptcy on Monday.

As I said and you keep on proving in every post, you don't know shit about any of it, you're just a parrot.

You obviously have never started a business, never struggled to make it succeed, never had to meet payroll when cash flow fell off. In short, you're arguing from a position of vast ignorance.

Now, please try to get the subject back on me. I'm fascinating.

Ah, now you're just projecting as usual. You really should learn about business before you run around the net prattling about it.

Tell us have you seen the books or spread sheets on company's you worked for?

I have..
Go ahead and show us how much $17 an hour is going to add to the average fast food order at any store with a decent business..

Sounds like an interesting exercise.
You should definitely open a fast food restaurant, pay all your employees at least $17/hour and be
sure to post your results here. Your food will probably be cheaper than all your competitors, and your profits higher, because you're such an economics wiz.
We have metrics from establishments that passed on that cost via a surcharge.

No where near what right wing hearsayers and right wing soothsayers claim.

At the average McDonalds', it would add in the neighbor hood of 11 cents per order to raise the wages from $7.25 to $17 an hour. The cheapest order is around $1, or 11%, with a drink $2, or 5.5%, a regular breakfast meal at $4 or so, 2.75 %, etc., etc, etc. That Big giant increase in burgers?Well, a Big Mc meal is what, now, $6 or so? 1.8%

At the average McDonalds', it would add in the neighbor hood of 11 cents per order to raise the wages from $7.25 to $17 an hour.

An extra 975 cents per employee per hour would be paid for by 11 cents per order?
That would mean 89 orders per hour per employee. How many employees? 7? More?
I don't think your numbers add up.

View attachment 200314
Owning a McDonald’s Franchise: Purchase Cost vs. Annual Profit

Assuming "Crew Payroll" is the minimum wage employees, 17/7.25=2.345,
2.345 x 540,000 = 1,266,207. An increase of 726k.
726000/2700000(net sales) = 27%.

You think 11 cents an order is 27%? DERP!

Keep talking out of your ass, it's amusing.

Sorry dumbass, most of the 'crew' doesn't work except during rush times, a few hours a day. Not to mention your math is silly, typical for you parrots.

Let's see if you can even Google Scholar up ''crew costs', and tell us what that even is. Anybody here think it is all wages? ....

most of the 'crew' doesn't work except during rush times, a few hours a day.

And you've just increased their wages by 726k.

Tell me again about 11 cents. That was fucking hilarious.

Google Scholar up ''crew costs', and tell us what that even is. Anybody here think it is all wages? ….

Who said wages were all the costs? DERP!
If your 11 cents per order (still hilarious!!!) doesn't come close to covering the wage increase, who cares that it won't cover payroll taxes?

Ah, so you admit you were deliberately avoiding answering truthfully. Yes, that was obvious. You cut and pasted a bunch of number you have no idea of what they are. Now get back to washing your Dad's car, kid.
I'm just answering your posts, so who's 'obsessed', here? ....

that's pretty funny, since that's what you resorted to almost immediately ',,, as always.

They aren't 'taking hug risks', they're hiding behind a wonderful gimmick called 'limited liability corporations'.

Try again.

They aren't 'taking hug risks', they're hiding behind a wonderful gimmick called 'limited liability corporations'.

And nobody ever loses money when they run an LLC...…….moron!

their personal wealth is protected; they aren't taking 'huge risks'. Get back to me when shareholders have to start paying their own bills and debts they owe to the penny instead of that crooked stop-loss scam that lets them keep whatever they plundered out of the companies over the weekend before filing bankruptcy on Monday.

As I said and you keep on proving in every post, you don't know shit about any of it, you're just a parrot.

You obviously have never started a business, never struggled to make it succeed, never had to meet payroll when cash flow fell off. In short, you're arguing from a position of vast ignorance.

Now, please try to get the subject back on me. I'm fascinating.

Ah, now you're just projecting as usual. You really should learn about business before you run around the net prattling about it.

Tell us have you seen the books or spread sheets on company's you worked for?

I have..

So what? I do my own accounting, I don't need to read fiction generated by somebody else. You seem impressed by software, though. Another reason why you can't compete.
They aren't 'taking hug risks', they're hiding behind a wonderful gimmick called 'limited liability corporations'.

And nobody ever loses money when they run an LLC...…….moron!

their personal wealth is protected; they aren't taking 'huge risks'. Get back to me when shareholders have to start paying their own bills and debts they owe to the penny instead of that crooked stop-loss scam that lets them keep whatever they plundered out of the companies over the weekend before filing bankruptcy on Monday.

As I said and you keep on proving in every post, you don't know shit about any of it, you're just a parrot.

You obviously have never started a business, never struggled to make it succeed, never had to meet payroll when cash flow fell off. In short, you're arguing from a position of vast ignorance.

Now, please try to get the subject back on me. I'm fascinating.

Ah, now you're just projecting as usual. You really should learn about business before you run around the net prattling about it.

Tell us have you seen the books or spread sheets on company's you worked for?

I have..

So what? I do my own accounting, I don't need to read fiction generated by somebody else. You seem impressed by software, though. Another reason why you can't compete.

So your accounted now, and can't figure about profit margins and is bitching about the national minimum wage?

If your so rich what do you care about what a burger flipper makes?
They aren't 'taking hug risks', they're hiding behind a wonderful gimmick called 'limited liability corporations'.

And nobody ever loses money when they run an LLC...…….moron!

their personal wealth is protected; they aren't taking 'huge risks'. Get back to me when shareholders have to start paying their own bills and debts they owe to the penny instead of that crooked stop-loss scam that lets them keep whatever they plundered out of the companies over the weekend before filing bankruptcy on Monday.

As I said and you keep on proving in every post, you don't know shit about any of it, you're just a parrot.

You obviously have never started a business, never struggled to make it succeed, never had to meet payroll when cash flow fell off. In short, you're arguing from a position of vast ignorance.

Now, please try to get the subject back on me. I'm fascinating.

Ah, now you're just projecting as usual. You really should learn about business before you run around the net prattling about it.

Tell us have you seen the books or spread sheets on company's you worked for?

I have..

So what? I do my own accounting, I don't need to read fiction generated by somebody else. You seem impressed by software, though. Another reason why you can't compete.

You keep posting I am going to catch you in a lie like I did to one precenter
We have metrics from establishments that passed on that cost via a surcharge.

No where near what right wing hearsayers and right wing soothsayers claim.

At the average McDonalds', it would add in the neighbor hood of 11 cents per order to raise the wages from $7.25 to $17 an hour. The cheapest order is around $1, or 11%, with a drink $2, or 5.5%, a regular breakfast meal at $4 or so, 2.75 %, etc., etc, etc. That Big giant increase in burgers?Well, a Big Mc meal is what, now, $6 or so? 1.8%

At the average McDonalds', it would add in the neighbor hood of 11 cents per order to raise the wages from $7.25 to $17 an hour.

An extra 975 cents per employee per hour would be paid for by 11 cents per order?
That would mean 89 orders per hour per employee. How many employees? 7? More?
I don't think your numbers add up.

View attachment 200314
Owning a McDonald’s Franchise: Purchase Cost vs. Annual Profit

Assuming "Crew Payroll" is the minimum wage employees, 17/7.25=2.345,
2.345 x 540,000 = 1,266,207. An increase of 726k.
726000/2700000(net sales) = 27%.

You think 11 cents an order is 27%? DERP!

Keep talking out of your ass, it's amusing.

Sorry dumbass, most of the 'crew' doesn't work except during rush times, a few hours a day. Not to mention your math is silly, typical for you parrots.

Let's see if you can even Google Scholar up ''crew costs', and tell us what that even is. Anybody here think it is all wages? ....

most of the 'crew' doesn't work except during rush times, a few hours a day.

And you've just increased their wages by 726k.

Tell me again about 11 cents. That was fucking hilarious.

Google Scholar up ''crew costs', and tell us what that even is. Anybody here think it is all wages? ….

Who said wages were all the costs? DERP!
If your 11 cents per order (still hilarious!!!) doesn't come close to covering the wage increase, who cares that it won't cover payroll taxes?

Ah, so you admit you were deliberately avoiding answering truthfully. Yes, that was obvious. You cut and pasted a bunch of number you have no idea of what they are. Now get back to washing your Dad's car, kid.

Ah, so you admit you were deliberately avoiding answering truthfully.

I lied? Interesting. Tell me more.

And tell me what orifice you pulled 11 cents from.

Even for a moron such as yourself, that was especially stupid.

You cut and pasted a bunch of number you have no idea of what they are.

Proof that your 11 cents were moronically wrong.

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