Chickenshit Media Scared: Montana Candidate Stands Up to Them

This is how liberal groups and media harass candidates in fly over country...real Americans. Must watch.
Big Sky, Big Money
Asking them hard questions. How terrible of them. The press is so mean.
This is the pattern now for the RussianW led by the trumpettes. To ask anything besides really really softball have the nerve to show what a candidate/politician actually did and said thru video/ grossly unfair.
If you want to beat the press for that, you might be a trumpette.

It's what Authoritarian leaders do.

Not really. Typically they have their opponents family killed and then their opponent tortured and killed. Happens south of the border allot. Talk about the pres not having acesess! Those dudes get raped and beheaded down there and this dude crys over a slap! What a pussy!
And trumpettes envy what Authoritarians can do to the Press.
This is how liberal groups and media harass candidates in fly over country...real Americans. Must watch.
Big Sky, Big Money
Asking them hard questions. How terrible of them. The press is so mean.
This is the pattern now for the RussianW led by the trumpettes. To ask anything besides really really softball have the nerve to show what a candidate/politician actually did and said thru video/ grossly unfair.
If you want to beat the press for that, you might be a trumpette.

It's what Authoritarian leaders do.

Not really. Typically they have their opponents family killed and then their opponent tortured and killed. Happens south of the border allot. Talk about the pres not having acesess! Those dudes get raped and beheaded down there and this dude crys over a slap! What a pussy!
And trumpettes envy what Authoritarians can do to the Press.

Or plywood delivery techs.
So conservatism has become snowflake central. They can't even answer questions without whining and crying about it. Why then are you in public life running for public office where you will be accountable to the public?

Kim Jong Un doesn't have to answer questions, all politicians in the US do. Sorry, that's the deal with Democracy, when elected you derps work for and answer to us, not the other way around. Trump is the biggest snowflake of them all.
Trump gives even snowflakes a bad name. Whenever called upon to make a stand he folds like a towel. I'm surprised he didn't convert to Islam the way he kissed Saudi ass. Maybe 9-11, which they paid for, was good for NY real estate?

Did Trump bow down to the king of Saudi Arabia like Ohbummer did on his Apology Tour?
Trump curtsied. :rolleyes:
And received a lovely pet collar as a parting "gift". After making arrangements to selling those muslims lots of weapons.
One can Meet the Press, they cannot Beat the Press. Will this turn the election blue? We'll see.
Absolutely will not. The man just gained support. You live in the bubble don't you.
In Montana, when men are men and sheep are nervous, he just might have and no, I do not live in a bubble. There are still, a few, moral Americans who still consider assault and battery a crime. In Montana, as we all know, that's considered foreplay.
Real good. You live in New York City or Boston don't you? Your why Trump won in 2016.
"You're". It will be on the next spelling test. And Trump won only the Electoral College, which makes him nuts to this day.
Oh..I don't belive in the Constitution or state rights. YOUR nuts. Lol.
:lol: Says the trumpette cheering on assault and battery.
1. It wasn't democratic. The loser won. 2. Turning the insane out of public office is not overthrowing the government. The process for such a thing was written down in - the Constitution.

Flunked civics too? Are we seeing a trend here when liberal democrats do not understand the electoral process?

Maybe that is why they are getting so great at losing!
Civics should have taught you that in an actual democratic election, the majority wins. In the case of Trump, the minority won. That is undemocratic.

Same for Half Black Jesus. Matter of fact, "she who twitches allot" had to be given a job as Secretary of State so she would not jam him up.
She didn't want the job, and the primaries made him head of the ticket. Spin won't help you with me.

Not spinnat all. Had Bammer left Hillary out then her and Bill would have undercut him at every turn. Bet they wished they had. Bammer will at least get a spot on a ruler , Hillary's? Meh, she will fade away as no one gives her money anymore. She will have to get used to transitioning from the life of a "has been" to the life of a "never was." Either way, Black Jesus and the epeleptic one have nothing to do with a douche getting slapped in Montana.
Hillary Clinton, the most accomplished woman in American political history, the one who should have been the first female President, will not be fading away nor will she ever be a never-was.
Oh..I don't belive in the Constitution or state rights. YOUR nuts. Lol.
Constitution? You dare speak about the Constitution when you are doing your best to destroy the first amendment?

The people are the only censors of their governors: and even their errors will tend to keep these to the true principles of their institution. To punish these errors too severely would be to suppress the only safeguard of the public liberty. The way to prevent these irregular interpositions of the people is to give them full information of their affairs thro’ the channel of the public papers, & to contrive that those papers should penetrate the whole mass of the people. The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers & be capable of reading them.

Thomas Jefferson

That criminal seeking to represent Montana in the House committed assault in an attempt to shut up the press.
Liberals are trying to destroy the Constitution by trying to overturn a democratic election and overthrow our government.
1. It wasn't democratic. The loser won. 2. Turning the insane out of public office is not overthrowing the government. The process for such a thing was written down in - the Constitution.

Flunked civics too? Are we seeing a trend here when liberal democrats do not understand the electoral process?

Maybe that is why they are getting so great at losing!
Civics should have taught you that in an actual democratic election, the majority wins. In the case of Trump, the minority won. That is undemocratic.

We are a guaranteed a Republican form of government. It is in the Constitution. Democracy is never mentioned.

Further proof you flunked civics!
The OP is a hypocrite.

When the leftards on campus are violent he complains. But when one of his tribe does it, the rube cheers.
That's perfectly normal, for bullies like the OP. He's used to getting his way using what he knows - violence.
I honestly don't think he's personally used to it. He hides and lives vicariously thru others. It's a lot safer for him that way.
Hmmmmmm,. Let's crunch the numbers. GOP controls House and Senate. GOP likely to pick up seats in 2018. Impeachment talk is fantasy.
The GOP will lose the House in 2018, and impeachment is very, very likely, if nothing more than for the coverup and obstruction of justice. Impeachment is a political process not a criminal one. All Trump has to be is the fuck-up that he already is.

Meth is a powerful drug.
So, stop using it.

Not a problem here. No hallucinations. You seem to have an issue with those.
I see only too clearly. You never have to worry much about people as corrupt as Trump. Them undoing themselves, in unusually public and entertaining ways, is always just a matter of time. They can't help themselves, it's their nature.
Well, that's what happened to Hillary but I don't share your opinion on Trump. Rough around the edges, yes, corrupt, no.
Constitution? You dare speak about the Constitution when you are doing your best to destroy the first amendment?

The people are the only censors of their governors: and even their errors will tend to keep these to the true principles of their institution. To punish these errors too severely would be to suppress the only safeguard of the public liberty. The way to prevent these irregular interpositions of the people is to give them full information of their affairs thro’ the channel of the public papers, & to contrive that those papers should penetrate the whole mass of the people. The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers & be capable of reading them.

Thomas Jefferson

That criminal seeking to represent Montana in the House committed assault in an attempt to shut up the press.
Liberals are trying to destroy the Constitution by trying to overturn a democratic election and overthrow our government.
1. It wasn't democratic. The loser won. 2. Turning the insane out of public office is not overthrowing the government. The process for such a thing was written down in - the Constitution.

Flunked civics too? Are we seeing a trend here when liberal democrats do not understand the electoral process?

Maybe that is why they are getting so great at losing!
Civics should have taught you that in an actual democratic election, the majority wins. In the case of Trump, the minority won. That is undemocratic.

We are a guaranteed a Republican form of government. It is in the Constitution. Democracy is never mentioned.

Further proof you flunked civics!
I am aware of what we are and what we are, especially in electing a President, is undemocratic. That is how Trump, the one with the least number of votes, won.
The GOP will lose the House in 2018, and impeachment is very, very likely, if nothing more than for the coverup and obstruction of justice. Impeachment is a political process not a criminal one. All Trump has to be is the fuck-up that he already is.

Meth is a powerful drug.
So, stop using it.

Not a problem here. No hallucinations. You seem to have an issue with those.
I see only too clearly. You never have to worry much about people as corrupt as Trump. Them undoing themselves, in unusually public and entertaining ways, is always just a matter of time. They can't help themselves, it's their nature.
Well, that's what happened to Hillary but I don't share your opinion on Trump. Rough around the edges, yes, corrupt, no.
People who aren't corrupt don't end up paying off for defrauding others, many times now.
Liberals are trying to destroy the Constitution by trying to overturn a democratic election and overthrow our government.
1. It wasn't democratic. The loser won. 2. Turning the insane out of public office is not overthrowing the government. The process for such a thing was written down in - the Constitution.

Flunked civics too? Are we seeing a trend here when liberal democrats do not understand the electoral process?

Maybe that is why they are getting so great at losing!
Civics should have taught you that in an actual democratic election, the majority wins. In the case of Trump, the minority won. That is undemocratic.

We are a guaranteed a Republican form of government. It is in the Constitution. Democracy is never mentioned.

Further proof you flunked civics!
I am aware of what we are and what we are, especially in electing a President, is undemocratic. That is how Trump, the one with the least number of votes, won.
Can you have an adult proof read before posting? And wrong, Trump got the most EC votes, the ones that matter. All you know is bullshit.
So conservatism has become snowflake central. They can't even answer questions without whining and crying about it. Why then are you in public life running for public office where you will be accountable to the public?

Kim Jong Un doesn't have to answer questions, all politicians in the US do. Sorry, that's the deal with Democracy, when elected you derps work for and answer to us, not the other way around. Trump is the biggest snowflake of them all.
Trump gives even snowflakes a bad name. Whenever called upon to make a stand he folds like a towel. I'm surprised he didn't convert to Islam the way he kissed Saudi ass. Maybe 9-11, which they paid for, was good for NY real estate?

Did Trump bow down to the king of Saudi Arabia like Ohbummer did on his Apology Tour?
Trump curtsied. :rolleyes:

I should ignore people like you because you contribute nothing but lies.

Are you proud of yourself? You really should be ashamed for all of the lies you post.

Pitiful is what you are.
Meth is a powerful drug.
So, stop using it.

Not a problem here. No hallucinations. You seem to have an issue with those.
I see only too clearly. You never have to worry much about people as corrupt as Trump. Them undoing themselves, in unusually public and entertaining ways, is always just a matter of time. They can't help themselves, it's their nature.
Well, that's what happened to Hillary but I don't share your opinion on Trump. Rough around the edges, yes, corrupt, no.
People who aren't corrupt don't end up paying off for defrauding others, many times now.
If you are talking about settling out of court then you are seriously lost. It's often the faster cheaper way to go, it is not a guilty verdict.
1. It wasn't democratic. The loser won. 2. Turning the insane out of public office is not overthrowing the government. The process for such a thing was written down in - the Constitution.

Flunked civics too? Are we seeing a trend here when liberal democrats do not understand the electoral process?

Maybe that is why they are getting so great at losing!
Civics should have taught you that in an actual democratic election, the majority wins. In the case of Trump, the minority won. That is undemocratic.

We are a guaranteed a Republican form of government. It is in the Constitution. Democracy is never mentioned.

Further proof you flunked civics!
I am aware of what we are and what we are, especially in electing a President, is undemocratic. That is how Trump, the one with the least number of votes, won.
Can you have an adult proof read before posting? And wrong, Trump got the most EC votes, the ones that matter. All you know is bullshit.
The EC is undemocratic. In a democracy the majority wins and rules. Had that been the case Trump would not be in office. This is not a complicated thing to understand.

When someone says, and they did, the majority voted for Trump that is untrue. Over and out.
The GOP will lose the House in 2018, and impeachment is very, very likely, if nothing more than for the coverup and obstruction of justice. Impeachment is a political process not a criminal one. All Trump has to be is the fuck-up that he already is.

Meth is a powerful drug.
So, stop using it.

Not a problem here. No hallucinations. You seem to have an issue with those.
I see only too clearly. You never have to worry much about people as corrupt as Trump. Them undoing themselves, in unusually public and entertaining ways, is always just a matter of time. They can't help themselves, it's their nature.
Well, that's what happened to Hillary but I don't share your opinion on Trump. Rough around the edges, yes, corrupt, no.

YOU know I did not go for Trump. We discussed that before. Even I will say he is not corrupt. I will also say that any sane person would agree, a better case can be made against the Clintons any time. There is also the added bonus that however long Trump is in office it will cause ungodly heart burn to all libs.
The OP is a hypocrite.

When the leftards on campus are violent he complains. But when one of his tribe does it, the rube cheers.
i long for the day when we all (myself included) simply step over the stupid and quit validating their whining with responses.
Is that what you think that Montana candidate did? "simply step over the stupid"?
So conservatism has become snowflake central. They can't even answer questions without whining and crying about it. Why then are you in public life running for public office where you will be accountable to the public?

Kim Jong Un doesn't have to answer questions, all politicians in the US do. Sorry, that's the deal with Democracy, when elected you derps work for and answer to us, not the other way around. Trump is the biggest snowflake of them all.
Trump gives even snowflakes a bad name. Whenever called upon to make a stand he folds like a towel. I'm surprised he didn't convert to Islam the way he kissed Saudi ass. Maybe 9-11, which they paid for, was good for NY real estate?

Did Trump bow down to the king of Saudi Arabia like Ohbummer did on his Apology Tour?
Trump curtsied. :rolleyes:
And received a lovely pet collar as a parting "gift". After making arrangements to selling those muslims lots of weapons.

I hate when people lie.

You are a liar.

Disgusting is what you are.
On base, in uniform, when we stopped those Soviet ships off of Cuba. A long time ago, but now people like you are ready to cozy up to Putin. You are traitors to your nation, and to the ideals that founded it. You worship raw violence, and stupidity.
YOUR a pussy.
LOL Judging from your posting, you are drunk.
Nope. Just killing time before going to work by toying with you liberal half-wits.
How about you try what that Montana candidate did at your place of work......I'm sure you'd get cheered on as some righteous hero, right?

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