Chickenshit Media Scared: Montana Candidate Stands Up to Them

Only in Looney land. You know which bathroom you will use today?

Reality exists...your ability to name call has no bearing on the facts.
So which bathroom will you be using today. The messed up fact of liberalism. Using the bathroom can be a decision, no matter you should use the one your gender says you are.
Isn't it interesting how a trumpette can't even stay on the topic of the thread?
Your queer have you chosen a different bathroom?
What's with RightWrs and their aversion to correct English?
Just showing the lunacy of liberal logic. Your suppose to be the party of science, but you cannot follow one of the main rules of it. It's called you cannot change DNA. No matter how you feel about it.
One can Meet the Press, they cannot Beat the Press. Will this turn the election blue? We'll see.
Absolutely will not. The man just gained support. You live in the bubble don't you.
In Montana, when men are men and sheep are nervous, he just might have and no, I do not live in a bubble. There are still, a few, moral Americans who still consider assault and battery a crime. In Montana, as we all know, that's considered foreplay.
There are those who do have actual morals (not the liberal phony talking point) who find that shoving an object into the face of a person to be a violation of that person's personal space and some of us consider it assault. I'd say its self-defense.
People who aren't corrupt don't end up paying off for defrauding others, many times now.
If you are talking about settling out of court then you are seriously lost. It's often the faster cheaper way to go, it is not a guilty verdict.

And not criminal. From my experience in Montana, Missoula and on down to Darby into Anaconda SD, a court room full of folks in trouble for slapping other folks is not really uncommon at all. Just an opinion, but I'm thinking an annoyed judge will slap a fine on him and be done with it. If it were me I would pay for the reporters broken stuff.
I was born in Missoula.
The state has been invaded by liberals for decades. Montana used to be a heavy Democratic state, but things have changed since Obama took the White House. Northern Democrats are really just Republicans with common-sense. We aren't like those racists in the South.
Missoula is a lovely've left, right?

They don't need your plywood. It's gay.
I've been seeing this coming for months.
The left attacks us and attacks us....and we're not allowed to react.
Well, I think much of America is ready to do, kick-ass, whatever it takes, to end this constant BullShit.

"Do you have a response to the CBOs scoring of GOP plan?"

Yeah, that was a vicious attack. I can see why he had to physically assault him for that.
Good thing that that brave candidate didn't shoot him in self defense, eh?
Speaking of shooting, have you picked up a firearm yet, Bodzilla?
I already have several, thank you.
Oh yeah, You're one of those bad ass, shoot em up kind of dikes. I forgot.
I am not a long wall or embankment build to prevent flooding from the sea.
Reality exists...your ability to name call has no bearing on the facts.
So which bathroom will you be using today. The messed up fact of liberalism. Using the bathroom can be a decision, no matter you should use the one your gender says you are.
Isn't it interesting how a trumpette can't even stay on the topic of the thread?
Your queer have you chosen a different bathroom?
What's with RightWrs and their aversion to correct English?
Pride, in being ignorant.
So we can change someone's DNA know? Please answer me!
Says he shoved his phone/recorder in Gianforte's face and wouldn't leave when asked...he was not invited, he basically interrupted another interview in progress. Jacobs is a dick, wish he would've broke his neck instead of his glasses.

The witnesses have stated the reporter was not at all physical.
Getting into people's personal space like that can be considered assault.

You going with that ? A known reporter approaches a politician the day before an election and asks him some Qs. That's assault ?? He was taking with him before flipping out!
I'm going with if you get in my space I'd do the same thing Gianforte did and I have done that when people invade my personal space.
Sure you will.....sure you will....because you're so rugged.
One can Meet the Press, they cannot Beat the Press. Will this turn the election blue? We'll see.
Absolutely will not. The man just gained support. You live in the bubble don't you.
In Montana, when men are men and sheep are nervous, he just might have and no, I do not live in a bubble. There are still, a few, moral Americans who still consider assault and battery a crime. In Montana, as we all know, that's considered foreplay.
There are those who do have actual morals (not the liberal phony talking point) who find that shoving an object into the face of a person to be a violation of that person's personal space and some of us consider it assault. I'd say its self-defense.

See? It's that simple.
Reality exists...your ability to name call has no bearing on the facts.
So which bathroom will you be using today. The messed up fact of liberalism. Using the bathroom can be a decision, no matter you should use the one your gender says you are.
Isn't it interesting how a trumpette can't even stay on the topic of the thread?
Your queer have you chosen a different bathroom?
What's with RightWrs and their aversion to correct English?
Leftists and their aversion to honesty.
Or common sense.
MSM sitting in their Greenwich Village bistro's are flabbergasted that citizens and candidates outside New York City and Left Coast have had enough of their shit. They hide behind 1st Amendment to push a liberal agenda. Well you liberal cherries expect more of same in fly over country you spit on.
Greg Gianforte just made a massive error on the final night of the Montana special election -
He does not seem to have the disposition for the job, no matter what side you're on…
I think he has exacy the type of disposition needed. When a libroid starts mouthing off, somebody needs to issue an immediate response.
He is probably better suited in something other than a politicians job… Like something more important.
DC is where real men to be pussy-fied....
So which bathroom will you be using today. The messed up fact of liberalism. Using the bathroom can be a decision, no matter you should use the one your gender says you are.
Isn't it interesting how a trumpette can't even stay on the topic of the thread?
Your queer have you chosen a different bathroom?
What's with RightWrs and their aversion to correct English?
Pride, in being ignorant.
So we can change someone's DNA know? Please answer me!
DNA? You mean XY and XX? Or do you mean like XYY, XXY, XXXY, XYYY, X_, etc?

Maybe you meant how we can change DNA to cure diseases or use radiation to both cure and cause them?
"The EC is undemocratic. In a democracy the majority wins and rules. Had that been the case Trump would not be in office. This is not a complicated thing to understand."

Yep, you are unaware. And proving it diligently. This is the UNITED STATES, I'll bet you don't even know what that means. Democracy is two lions and a lamb deciding on what to have for dinner.

The EC keeps big city liberals from taking over the country.
The EC is undemocratic.
So what?
So, had you actually read the thread before jumping in, you would have noticed that this all started because an idiot said the majority voted for Trump, which they did not.
Too bad, this isn't a democracy, it is a representative republic. Trump won the majority in the majority of States.
But he did not win the majority ergo - the minority won which is - one more time with feeling - undemocratic.
Again...So what? The system we use is meant to have the least amount of democracy possible. It is not nor was it ever intended to be a direct democracy.

Don't like it, move to somewhere with direct democracy.
One can Meet the Press, they cannot Beat the Press. Will this turn the election blue? We'll see.
Absolutely will not. The man just gained support. You live in the bubble don't you.
In Montana, when men are men and sheep are nervous, he just might have and no, I do not live in a bubble. There are still, a few, moral Americans who still consider assault and battery a crime. In Montana, as we all know, that's considered foreplay.
There are those who do have actual morals (not the liberal phony talking point) who find that shoving an object into the face of a person to be a violation of that person's personal space and some of us consider it assault. I'd say its self-defense.
The police disagree. It's why they cited him for assault.
The EC is undemocratic.
So what?
So, had you actually read the thread before jumping in, you would have noticed that this all started because an idiot said the majority voted for Trump, which they did not.
Too bad, this isn't a democracy, it is a representative republic. Trump won the majority in the majority of States.
But he did not win the majority ergo - the minority won which is - one more time with feeling - undemocratic.
Again...So what? The system we use is meant to have the least amount of democracy possible. It is not nor was it ever intended to be a direct democracy.

Don't like it, move to somewhere with direct democracy.
Not the least amount, that would be a dictatorship, but both our system and that are undemocratic.

The point was never more than, but you idiots are so slow you can't get it, the majority did not vote for Trump. End of point.
I've been seeing this coming for months.
The left attacks us and attacks us....and we're not allowed to react.
Well, I think much of America is ready to do, kick-ass, whatever it takes, to end this constant BullShit.

"Do you have a response to the CBOs scoring of GOP plan?"

Yeah, that was a vicious attack. I can see why he had to physically assault him for that.
Good thing that that brave candidate didn't shoot him in self defense, eh?
Speaking of shooting, have you picked up a firearm yet, Bodzilla?

This is a salient point.

I used to not understand resorting to unwarranted violence, but once I squeezed that trigger and blew a hole through something I began to have a new found appreciation for exerting physical dominance to resolve issues.
He wasn't talking to you, scumbag.

Lol idiot, wasn't talking to you either, so you just self-defeated.
Reality exists...your ability to name call has no bearing on the facts.
So which bathroom will you be using today. The messed up fact of liberalism. Using the bathroom can be a decision, no matter you should use the one your gender says you are.
Isn't it interesting how a trumpette can't even stay on the topic of the thread?
Your queer have you chosen a different bathroom?
What's with RightWrs and their aversion to correct English?
Just showing the lunacy of liberal logic. Your suppose to be the party of science, but you cannot follow one of the main rules of it. It's called you cannot change DNA. No matter how you feel about it.
Since when was this thread about DNA? Oh, that's right....when it became so awkward for you trumpettes you had to try to change its focus.
One can Meet the Press, they cannot Beat the Press. Will this turn the election blue? We'll see.
Absolutely will not. The man just gained support. You live in the bubble don't you.
In Montana, when men are men and sheep are nervous, he just might have and no, I do not live in a bubble. There are still, a few, moral Americans who still consider assault and battery a crime. In Montana, as we all know, that's considered foreplay.
There are those who do have actual morals (not the liberal phony talking point) who find that shoving an object into the face of a person to be a violation of that person's personal space and some of us consider it assault. I'd say its self-defense.
The police disagree. It's why they cited him for assault.
The 'Police don't have an opinion. They just issue a citation. The Judge will determine who was at fault. Regardless, someone shoves something into My face and they get more than just body slammed.
"Do you have a response to the CBOs scoring of GOP plan?"

Yeah, that was a vicious attack. I can see why he had to physically assault him for that.
Good thing that that brave candidate didn't shoot him in self defense, eh?
Speaking of shooting, have you picked up a firearm yet, Bodzilla?
I already have several, thank you.
Oh yeah, You're one of those bad ass, shoot em up kind of dikes. I forgot.
I am not a long wall or embankment build to prevent flooding from the sea.

Lol, that was cool.
One can Meet the Press, they cannot Beat the Press. Will this turn the election blue? We'll see.
Absolutely will not. The man just gained support. You live in the bubble don't you.
In Montana, when men are men and sheep are nervous, he just might have and no, I do not live in a bubble. There are still, a few, moral Americans who still consider assault and battery a crime. In Montana, as we all know, that's considered foreplay.
There are those who do have actual morals (not the liberal phony talking point) who find that shoving an object into the face of a person to be a violation of that person's personal space and some of us consider it assault. I'd say its self-defense.
But not the morals to keep from assaulting someone who asks you a question, right?
Good thing that that brave candidate didn't shoot him in self defense, eh?
Speaking of shooting, have you picked up a firearm yet, Bodzilla?
I already have several, thank you.
Oh yeah, You're one of those bad ass, shoot em up kind of dikes. I forgot.
I am not a long wall or embankment build to prevent flooding from the sea.
But you are a lesbian and that prevents you from being flooded with sperm.
That has what to do with this thread? This isn't the Flame Zone, btw.
One can Meet the Press, they cannot Beat the Press. Will this turn the election blue? We'll see.
Absolutely will not. The man just gained support. You live in the bubble don't you.
In Montana, when men are men and sheep are nervous, he just might have and no, I do not live in a bubble. There are still, a few, moral Americans who still consider assault and battery a crime. In Montana, as we all know, that's considered foreplay.
There are those who do have actual morals (not the liberal phony talking point) who find that shoving an object into the face of a person to be a violation of that person's personal space and some of us consider it assault. I'd say its self-defense.
The police disagree. It's why they cited him for assault.
The 'Police don't have an opinion. They just issue a citation. The Judge will determine who was at fault. Regardless, someone shoves something into My face and they get more than just body slammed.
The police don't cite someone just for the hell of it. Based upon their reports - he broke the law.

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