Chickenshit Media Scared: Montana Candidate Stands Up to Them

MSM sitting in their Greenwich Village bistro's are flabbergasted that citizens and candidates outside New York City and Left Coast have had enough of their shit. They hide behind 1st Amendment to push a liberal agenda. Well you liberal cherries expect more of same in fly over country you spit on.
Greg Gianforte just made a massive error on the final night of the Montana special election -
Yep, real men destroy themselves with a fit of juvenile rage.

Montana congressional candidate Greg Gianforte allegedly 'body slams' reporter

Three Montana newspapers rescind Gianforte endorsements after alleged body-slamming incident
I hope this starts a trend with media pos getting their ass whipped all over.
Getting in his face all campaign and being rude. Now little liberal reporter gets his ass slammed...good for the candidate I say.
Yes, because to your childish mind playground-level violence is the answer to what you cannot deal with.
lord you got a stupid stick wedged pretty deep up your ass.
For most adults, understanding assault and battery is not a difficult thing. In time you may understand it as well?

Maybe this will help? "Gianforte has been charged with misdemeanor assault in relation to the incident. He's received a citation and is scheduled to appear in Gallatin County Justice Court between now and June 7, the sheriff's office said."

I guess he (and his attorney) will cast ballots and then appear before the judge.
When someone gives you shit...punch them in the face.

You rabid RWNJs have no idea what you are are attacking. You make everything partisan but this was a journalist doing his job in a very reasonable manner. The reason for the attack was that the politician didn't like being asked about the disaster known as trump care.

In spite of trump telling RWNJs to punch and even kill those who you don't like, it's still illegal.

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And so is the violence at college campuses. Where was your outrage then?

Getting in his face all campaign and being rude. Now little liberal reporter gets his ass slammed...good for the candidate I say.
Yes, because to your childish mind playground-level violence is the answer to what you cannot deal with.
lord you got a stupid stick wedged pretty deep up your ass.
For most adults, understanding assault and battery is not a difficult thing. In time you may understand it as well?

Maybe this will help? "Gianforte has been charged with misdemeanor assault in relation to the incident. He's received a citation and is scheduled to appear in Gallatin County Justice Court between now and June 7, the sheriff's office said."

I guess he (and his attorney) will cast ballots and then appear before the judge.
When someone gives you shit...punch them in the face.

You rabid RWNJs have no idea what you are are attacking. You make everything partisan but this was a journalist doing his job in a very reasonable manner. The reason for the attack was that the politician didn't like being asked about the disaster known as trump care.

In spite of trump telling RWNJs to punch and even kill those who you don't like, it's still illegal.

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Oh! You were an eyewitness huh? Why aren't you testifying? Is it because you are a liar?
Says he shoved his phone/recorder in Gianforte's face and wouldn't leave when asked...he was not invited, he basically interrupted another interview in progress. Jacobs is a dick, wish he would've broke his neck instead of his glasses.

The witnesses have stated the reporter was not at all physical.
Getting into people's personal space like that can be considered assault.

No, he was told to leave.

It is assault.
Says he shoved his phone/recorder in Gianforte's face and wouldn't leave when asked...he was not invited, he basically interrupted another interview in progress. Jacobs is a dick, wish he would've broke his neck instead of his glasses.

The witnesses have stated the reporter was not at all physical.
Getting into people's personal space like that can be considered assault.

No, he was told to leave.

It is assault.
Another eyewitness!
MSM sitting in their Greenwich Village bistro's are flabbergasted that citizens and candidates outside New York City and Left Coast have had enough of their shit. They hide behind 1st Amendment to push a liberal agenda. Well you liberal cherries expect more of same in fly over country you spit on.
Greg Gianforte just made a massive error on the final night of the Montana special election -
Yep, real men destroy themselves with a fit of juvenile rage.

Montana congressional candidate Greg Gianforte allegedly 'body slams' reporter

Three Montana newspapers rescind Gianforte endorsements after alleged body-slamming incident
Fuck those newspapers.
Liberal rags the lot of them.
And not criminal. From my experience in Montana, Missoula and on down to Darby into Anaconda SD, a court room full of folks in trouble for slapping other folks is not really uncommon at all. Just an opinion, but I'm thinking an annoyed judge will slap a fine on him and be done with it. If it were me I would pay for the reporters broken stuff.
I was born in Missoula.
The state has been invaded by liberals for decades. Montana used to be a heavy Democratic state, but things have changed since Obama took the White House. Northern Democrats are really just Republicans with common-sense. We aren't like those racists in the South.
Missoula is a lovely've left, right?
Most of us jobs.:hmpf:
FYI, Dana Carvey from SNL and I were born in the same hospital....Saint Patrick's.....

BTW, To become a Green Beret I had to leave Missoula. Not much opportunity there.:smoke:
"to become a Green Beret" :rofl:

No just getting into the Army first, eh? Right to "Green Beret"? :rofl:

I know. You must think it just happens. Bet you think 'Rambo' was a true story as well.

Generally one has to progress from one school to the next in order to qualify for Special Forces Selection, much less attend the 'Q' Course and pass it. It takes years of experience and training just to be accepted to attend the course.....and none of that would have happened if I had stayed in Missoula.

I hope this starts a trend with media pos getting their ass whipped all over.

Hell yeahs! Someplace out on the interwebs there is a photo of Sean Penn just blasting a photographer in their face as Madonna gawks on. Like I said, free press sure, but if you are an asshole you accept the consequences.
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This is how liberal groups and media harass candidates in fly over country...real Americans. Must watch.
Big Sky, Big Money
Asking them hard questions. How terrible of them. The press is so mean.
Getting in his face all campaign and being rude. Now little liberal reporter gets his ass slammed...good for the candidate I say.
Yes, because to your childish mind playground-level violence is the answer to what you cannot deal with.

You mean like burning college campuses and spraying pepper spray in students face?

LMAO at the kettle calling the pot black

I can assault and battery assault and battery. I call childish adults - childish adults.
Says he shoved his phone/recorder in Gianforte's face and wouldn't leave when asked...he was not invited, he basically interrupted another interview in progress. Jacobs is a dick, wish he would've broke his neck instead of his glasses.

The witnesses have stated the reporter was not at all physical.
Sure. The polite reporter simply asked him a question and they guy went Bruce Lee on him.


According to the audio and several eyewitnesses, you are correct.

You RWNJs are getting what you want and what trump told you to do.

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Says he shoved his phone/recorder in Gianforte's face and wouldn't leave when asked...he was not invited, he basically interrupted another interview in progress. Jacobs is a dick, wish he would've broke his neck instead of his glasses.

The witnesses have stated the reporter was not at all physical.
Sure. The polite reporter simply asked him a question and they guy went Bruce Lee on him.


According to the audio and several eyewitnesses, you are correct.

You RWNJs are getting what you want and what trump told you to do.

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According to no eyewitnesses, dipshit.
Says he shoved his phone/recorder in Gianforte's face and wouldn't leave when asked...he was not invited, he basically interrupted another interview in progress. Jacobs is a dick, wish he would've broke his neck instead of his glasses.

The witnesses have stated the reporter was not at all physical.
Getting into people's personal space like that can be considered assault.

No, he was told to leave.

It is assault.
Another eyewitness!

I was responding to Openminded saying the reporter assaulted the candidate.
Obviously I wasn't an eyewitness but there were reports stating the candidate told the reporter to leave.
The reporter didn't leave, instead the reporter came at the candidate.
Assault by the reporter.
Good thing that that brave candidate didn't shoot him in self defense, eh?
Speaking of shooting, have you picked up a firearm yet, Bodzilla?

This is a salient point.

I used to not understand resorting to unwarranted violence, but once I squeezed that trigger and blew a hole through something I began to have a new found appreciation for exerting physical dominance to resolve issues.
He wasn't talking to you, scumbag.

Lol idiot, wasn't talking to you either, so you just self-defeated.
A circular argument.

Me pointing out a salient fact....your obviously unwanted and frivolous post, isn't self-defeating.

Geezus stfu already, I will respond to anything I feel like on this PUBLIC forum, just as you have been.

That's called CONSISTENT STANDARD and there is nothing circular about it.
It will be interesting to see if this guy wins.

The interesting thing is that there are something like 250,000 mail ins already in place.

Those votes can't change.

"Bodyslammed" was the word used by the pussy of a reporter.

A good bodyslam and he would not be walking away.

He was assaulted and his glasses were broken.

He could walk, he could talk.

That's not a bodyslam.

Unless you are a weak pitiful jerk like this guy.
Says he shoved his phone/recorder in Gianforte's face and wouldn't leave when asked...he was not invited, he basically interrupted another interview in progress. Jacobs is a dick, wish he would've broke his neck instead of his glasses.

The witnesses have stated the reporter was not at all physical.
Getting into people's personal space like that can be considered assault.

No, he was told to leave.

It is assault.
Another eyewitness!

I was responding to Openminded saying the reporter assaulted the candidate.
Obviously I wasn't an eyewitness but there were reports stating the candidate told the reporter to leave.
The reporter didn't leave, instead the reporter came at the candidate.
Assault by the reporter.

That's what nobody on the left will acknowledge.

He went into something where not invited.

Asked to leave and he didn't.

Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote.
It will be interesting to see if this guy wins.

The interesting thing is that there are something like 250,000 mail ins already in place.

Those votes can't change.

"Bodyslammed" was the word used by the pussy of a reporter.

A good bodyslam and he would not be walking away.

He was assaulted and his glasses were broken.

He could walk, he could talk.

That's not a bodyslam.

Unless you are a weak pitiful jerk like this guy.
He looks like a total pansy.
MSM sitting in their Greenwich Village bistro's are flabbergasted that citizens and candidates outside New York City and Left Coast have had enough of their shit. They hide behind 1st Amendment to push a liberal agenda. Well you liberal cherries expect more of same in fly over country you spit on.
Greg Gianforte just made a massive error on the final night of the Montana special election -
He does not seem to have the disposition for the job, no matter what side you're on…
I think he has exacy the type of disposition needed. When a libroid starts mouthing off, somebody needs to issue an immediate response.
And there you have it......a trumpette advocating attacking liberals just for "mouthing off".

If the guy was unarmed and black and mouthed off to a cop, they'd say the cop would be tight to shoot him. In the back.

Neither trump nor RWNJs believe in a free press and the right of the people to know what a (Repub) candidate thinks and believes.

Both the audio and the witnesses agree that the politician lied.

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MSM sitting in their Greenwich Village bistro's are flabbergasted that citizens and candidates outside New York City and Left Coast have had enough of their shit. They hide behind 1st Amendment to push a liberal agenda. Well you liberal cherries expect more of same in fly over country you spit on.
Greg Gianforte just made a massive error on the final night of the Montana special election -
He does not seem to have the disposition for the job, no matter what side you're on…
I think he has exacy the type of disposition needed. When a libroid starts mouthing off, somebody needs to issue an immediate response.
And there you have it......a trumpette advocating attacking liberals just for "mouthing off".

If the guy was unarmed and black and mouthed off to a cop, they'd say the cop would be tight to shoot him. In the back.

Neither trump nor RWNJs believe in a free press and the right of the people to know what a (Repub) candidate thinks and believes.

Both the audio and the witnesses agree that the politician lied.

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So emotional....

Free Press doesn't mean free to storm into an office they weren't invited into and shove a recorder in someone's face.

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