Chickenshit Media Scared: Montana Candidate Stands Up to Them

Speaking of shooting, have you picked up a firearm yet, Bodzilla?

This is a salient point.

I used to not understand resorting to unwarranted violence, but once I squeezed that trigger and blew a hole through something I began to have a new found appreciation for exerting physical dominance to resolve issues.
He wasn't talking to you, scumbag.

Lol idiot, wasn't talking to you either, so you just self-defeated.
A circular argument.

Me pointing out a salient fact....your obviously unwanted and frivolous post, isn't self-defeating.

Geezus stfu already, I will respond to anything I feel like on this PUBLIC forum, just as you have been.

That's called CONSISTENT STANDARD and there is nothing circular about it. have every right to tell us how fucked up you are.
This isn't the one, but it's one I remember. Man this dude would just BEAT those reporters.


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So which is worse?

1. The OP doesn't really believe in brownshirt style violence against reporters, and he's just trolling because he's immature, or,

2. He really does believe in it.

lol, tough call, eh?
Liberals are trying to destroy the Constitution by trying to overturn a democratic election and overthrow our government.
Trump is doing a fine job all on his own with getting himself removed from office. If you expect citizens to sit back and take his abuses of office, then you better think again, asshole
Isn't it interesting how a trumpette can't even stay on the topic of the thread?
Your queer have you chosen a different bathroom?
What's with RightWrs and their aversion to correct English?
Pride, in being ignorant.
So we can change someone's DNA know? Please answer me!
DNA? You mean XY and XX? Or do you mean like XYY, XXY, XXXY, XYYY, X_, etc?

Maybe you meant how we can change DNA to cure diseases or use radiation to both cure and cause them?
You don't change the DNA dumbass. In stem cell transplants most of the time they use your own stem cells. You have to be a great match to use someone else's. Anyway you don't start with a penis and end up with a vagina in a stem cell transplant or a radiation treatment.
So which bathroom will you be using today. The messed up fact of liberalism. Using the bathroom can be a decision, no matter you should use the one your gender says you are.
Isn't it interesting how a trumpette can't even stay on the topic of the thread?
Your queer have you chosen a different bathroom?
What's with RightWrs and their aversion to correct English?
Just showing the lunacy of liberal logic. Your suppose to be the party of science, but you cannot follow one of the main rules of it. It's called you cannot change DNA. No matter how you feel about it.
Since when was this thread about DNA? Oh, that's right....when it became so awkward for you trumpettes you had to try to change its focus.
Making excuses for liberal lunacy i see. You weren't so worried about violence when Hillary supporters were attacking Trump supporters.
Your queer have you chosen a different bathroom?
What's with RightWrs and their aversion to correct English?
Pride, in being ignorant.
So we can change someone's DNA know? Please answer me!
DNA? You mean XY and XX? Or do you mean like XYY, XXY, XXXY, XYYY, X_, etc?

Maybe you meant how we can change DNA to cure diseases or use radiation to both cure and cause them?
You don't change the DNA dumbass. In stem cell transplants most of the time they use your own stem cells. You have to be a great match to use someone else's. Anyway you don't start with a penis and end up with a vagina in a stem cell transplant or a radiation treatment.
DNA can be changed, and XY is only mostly male and XX only mostly female. Do you have some kind of point here or are you just throwing out random thoughts?
And not criminal. From my experience in Montana, Missoula and on down to Darby into Anaconda SD, a court room full of folks in trouble for slapping other folks is not really uncommon at all. Just an opinion, but I'm thinking an annoyed judge will slap a fine on him and be done with it. If it were me I would pay for the reporters broken stuff.
I was born in Missoula.
The state has been invaded by liberals for decades. Montana used to be a heavy Democratic state, but things have changed since Obama took the White House. Northern Democrats are really just Republicans with common-sense. We aren't like those racists in the South.
Missoula is a lovely've left, right?
Most of us jobs.:hmpf:
FYI, Dana Carvey from SNL and I were born in the same hospital....Saint Patrick's.....

BTW, To become a Green Beret I had to leave Missoula. Not much opportunity there.:smoke:
"to become a Green Beret" :rofl:

No just getting into the Army first, eh? Right to "Green Beret"? :rofl:

I know. You must think it just happens. Bet you think 'Rambo' was a true story as well.

Generally one has to progress from one school to the next in order to qualify for Special Forces Selection, much less attend the 'Q' Course and pass it. It takes years of experience and training just to be accepted to attend the course.....and none of that would have happened if I had stayed in Missoula.
Yes, one has to be IN the Army first and then go thru a progression of schools and applications to get tell us again how you had to leave Missoula to "become a Green Beret".
MSM sitting in their Greenwich Village bistro's are flabbergasted that citizens and candidates outside New York City and Left Coast have had enough of their shit. They hide behind 1st Amendment to push a liberal agenda. Well you liberal cherries expect more of same in fly over country you spit on.
Greg Gianforte just made a massive error on the final night of the Montana special election -
Yep, real men destroy themselves with a fit of juvenile rage.

Montana congressional candidate Greg Gianforte allegedly 'body slams' reporter

Three Montana newspapers rescind Gianforte endorsements after alleged body-slamming incident
Well, you know, those newspapers are in on it.
MSM sitting in their Greenwich Village bistro's are flabbergasted that citizens and candidates outside New York City and Left Coast have had enough of their shit. They hide behind 1st Amendment to push a liberal agenda. Well you liberal cherries expect more of same in fly over country you spit on.
Greg Gianforte just made a massive error on the final night of the Montana special election -

LOL, another bully who hides behind his keyboard lashes out on Truth, Justice and the American Way, i.e. The First Amendment Rights of all Americans. Nothing in the first Amendment suggests thuggery is a protected right. Even if this thug wins, Ryan had better think hard and fast if he is an example he wants in his caucus and in the H. or Rep.

He should serve, in the County Jail, not in the Congress.
MSM sitting in their Greenwich Village bistro's are flabbergasted that citizens and candidates outside New York City and Left Coast have had enough of their shit. They hide behind 1st Amendment to push a liberal agenda. Well you liberal cherries expect more of same in fly over country you spit on.
Greg Gianforte just made a massive error on the final night of the Montana special election -
Yep, real men destroy themselves with a fit of juvenile rage.

Montana congressional candidate Greg Gianforte allegedly 'body slams' reporter

Three Montana newspapers rescind Gianforte endorsements after alleged body-slamming incident
Fuck those newspapers.
Liberal rags the lot of them.
Ding! Ding! Ding! And.....we've got a winnah! :clap:
This is how liberal groups and media harass candidates in fly over country...real Americans. Must watch.
Big Sky, Big Money
Asking them hard questions. How terrible of them. The press is so mean.
This is the pattern now for the RussianW led by the trumpettes. To ask anything besides really really softball have the nerve to show what a candidate/politician actually did and said thru video/ grossly unfair.
If you want to beat the press for that, you might be a trumpette.

It's what Authoritarian leaders do.

Not really. Typically they have their opponents family killed and then their opponent tortured and killed. Happens south of the border allot. Talk about the pres not having acesess! Those dudes get raped and beheaded down there and this dude crys over a slap! What a pussy!

Yes, really.

Attacking the free press is how dictators get started.
Isn't it interesting how a trumpette can't even stay on the topic of the thread?
Your queer have you chosen a different bathroom?
What's with RightWrs and their aversion to correct English?
Just showing the lunacy of liberal logic. Your suppose to be the party of science, but you cannot follow one of the main rules of it. It's called you cannot change DNA. No matter how you feel about it.
Since when was this thread about DNA? Oh, that's right....when it became so awkward for you trumpettes you had to try to change its focus.
Making excuses for liberal lunacy i see. You weren't so worried about violence when Hillary supporters were attacking Trump supporters.
Were they arrested for assault and battery? They should have been. How about when trump supporters were attacking Hillary supporters? Were they arrested for assault and battery? They should have been.

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