Chickenshit Media Scared: Montana Candidate Stands Up to Them

No, he was told to leave.

It is assault.
Another eyewitness!

I was responding to Openminded saying the reporter assaulted the candidate.
Obviously I wasn't an eyewitness but there were reports stating the candidate told the reporter to leave.
The reporter didn't leave, instead the reporter came at the candidate.
Assault by the reporter.

That's what nobody on the left will acknowledge.

He went into something where not invited.

Asked to leave and he didn't.

Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote.
"Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote."
Of course.
You're a trumpette.
You are drier than toast...
I can understand your need to make this all about me..........I.........guess.......
Another eyewitness!

I was responding to Openminded saying the reporter assaulted the candidate.
Obviously I wasn't an eyewitness but there were reports stating the candidate told the reporter to leave.
The reporter didn't leave, instead the reporter came at the candidate.
Assault by the reporter.

That's what nobody on the left will acknowledge.

He went into something where not invited.

Asked to leave and he didn't.

Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote.
"Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote."
Of course.
You're a trumpette.
I'd love to throw one off a rooftop. Fag or not.
ISIS is always hiring. They aren't big a Free Press either however they do have an affinity for tall buildings at times.
You keep blabbering about 'free press'. Do you think there aren't limits on what the press can do and when or something?
No, he was told to leave.

It is assault.
Another eyewitness!

I was responding to Openminded saying the reporter assaulted the candidate.
Obviously I wasn't an eyewitness but there were reports stating the candidate told the reporter to leave.
The reporter didn't leave, instead the reporter came at the candidate.
Assault by the reporter.

That's what nobody on the left will acknowledge.

He went into something where not invited.

Asked to leave and he didn't.

Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote.
"Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote."
Of course.
You're a trumpette.
I'd love to throw one off a rooftop. Fag or not.
Of course you say that. But would never dare take any real action. That would be too scary and too risky.
Another eyewitness!

I was responding to Openminded saying the reporter assaulted the candidate.
Obviously I wasn't an eyewitness but there were reports stating the candidate told the reporter to leave.
The reporter didn't leave, instead the reporter came at the candidate.
Assault by the reporter.

That's what nobody on the left will acknowledge.

He went into something where not invited.

Asked to leave and he didn't.

Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote.
"Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote."
Of course.
You're a trumpette.
You are drier than toast...
I can understand your need to make this all about me..........I.........guess.......
Because you are so slow and lacking in a sense of humor, you can't even tell when people are saying stuff just to mess with you.
MSM sitting in their Greenwich Village bistro's are flabbergasted that citizens and candidates outside New York City and Left Coast have had enough of their shit. They hide behind 1st Amendment to push a liberal agenda. Well you liberal cherries expect more of same in fly over country you spit on.
Greg Gianforte just made a massive error on the final night of the Montana special election -

LOL, another bully who hides behind his keyboard lashes out on Truth, Justice and the American Way, i.e. The First Amendment Rights of all Americans. Nothing in the first Amendment suggests thuggery is a protected right. Even if this thug wins, Ryan had better think hard and fast if he is an example he wants in his caucus and in the H. or Rep.

He should serve, in the County Jail, not in the Congress.

Why did the 1st Amendment get stomped at UC Berkley and other Universities?

I can wait


You tell me. I've already expressed what I know about and experienced first hand on who are attracted to protests. Fools and liars take a data point or two and make claims that the 1st. A. was stomped at CAL.

Face the truth, Trump has instigated an attack on the 1st., A. that being his attacks on a free press, which biddable neo fascists support and echo.
Awe, another GOP snowflake who spontaneously combusted.

An all the other snowflakes get all excited. Next thing you know they'll start chanting "Give him the Chair!".

"Give him the Chair!"
"Give him the Chair!"

He's lucky he wasn't on a balcony!
MSM sitting in their Greenwich Village bistro's are flabbergasted that citizens and candidates outside New York City and Left Coast have had enough of their shit. They hide behind 1st Amendment to push a liberal agenda. Well you liberal cherries expect more of same in fly over country you spit on.
Greg Gianforte just made a massive error on the final night of the Montana special election -

LOL, another bully who hides behind his keyboard lashes out on Truth, Justice and the American Way, i.e. The First Amendment Rights of all Americans. Nothing in the first Amendment suggests thuggery is a protected right. Even if this thug wins, Ryan had better think hard and fast if he is an example he wants in his caucus and in the H. or Rep.

He should serve, in the County Jail, not in the Congress.

Why did the 1st Amendment get stomped at UC Berkley and other Universities?

I can wait


You tell me. I've already expressed what I know about and experienced first hand on who are attracted to protests. Fools and liars take a data point or two and make claims that the 1st. A. was stomped at CAL.

Face the truth, Trump has instigated an attack on the 1st., A. that being his attacks on a free press, which biddable neo fascists support and echo.
We are going to gas all the journalists.

Heil Trump! Lol
MSM sitting in their Greenwich Village bistro's are flabbergasted that citizens and candidates outside New York City and Left Coast have had enough of their shit. They hide behind 1st Amendment to push a liberal agenda. Well you liberal cherries expect more of same in fly over country you spit on.
Greg Gianforte just made a massive error on the final night of the Montana special election -
Yep, real men destroy themselves with a fit of juvenile rage.

Montana congressional candidate Greg Gianforte allegedly 'body slams' reporter

Three Montana newspapers rescind Gianforte endorsements after alleged body-slamming incident
Fuck those newspapers.
Liberal rags the lot of them.

Yeah, fuck em'.
Very likely. That's why had it been me the little fucker would have gotten the boot when he went down. The press today are a bunch of little inconsiderate entitled pussys.


Just saying. If out of the blue I came out of nowhere while you and your best half were say leaving a restaurant. You have a thing jammed in your face and I'm asking you about your best halfs boob job. Say all that happened in the space of 10 seconds. If I were that guy, the one bothering you I would be expecting you to at a minimum to slap my hand out of my face. Guess what, you just assaulted the press. Can't say for sure, but I think Elton John beat a dude up for something like that. Let's see how court go's.

For what's it worth; according to eye witnesses, The Guardian reporter wasn't acting aggressively. It appears the guy lost his cool and will now have to face the proper authorities.
And the voters. That should be interesting. Can he serve them well while - serving time in jail?
Serving time in jail?

For a misdemeanor?
Another eyewitness!

I was responding to Openminded saying the reporter assaulted the candidate.
Obviously I wasn't an eyewitness but there were reports stating the candidate told the reporter to leave.
The reporter didn't leave, instead the reporter came at the candidate.
Assault by the reporter.

That's what nobody on the left will acknowledge.

He went into something where not invited.

Asked to leave and he didn't.

Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote.
"Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote."
Of course.
You're a trumpette.
I'd love to throw one off a rooftop. Fag or not.
Of course you say that. But would never dare take any real action. That would be too scary and too risky.

However unlikely it would be, one of them shoves a mike in my face they gonna get it shoved in their ass.
Another eyewitness!

I was responding to Openminded saying the reporter assaulted the candidate.
Obviously I wasn't an eyewitness but there were reports stating the candidate told the reporter to leave.
The reporter didn't leave, instead the reporter came at the candidate.
Assault by the reporter.

That's what nobody on the left will acknowledge.

He went into something where not invited.

Asked to leave and he didn't.

Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote.
"Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote."
Of course.
You're a trumpette.
I'd love to throw one off a rooftop. Fag or not.
ISIS is always hiring. They aren't big a Free Press either however they do have an affinity for tall buildings at times.
Can't stay on topic can you lib? Defending yourself terrifies you doesn't it?
MSM sitting in their Greenwich Village bistro's are flabbergasted that citizens and candidates outside New York City and Left Coast have had enough of their shit. They hide behind 1st Amendment to push a liberal agenda. Well you liberal cherries expect more of same in fly over country you spit on.
Greg Gianforte just made a massive error on the final night of the Montana special election -

LOL, another bully who hides behind his keyboard lashes out on Truth, Justice and the American Way, i.e. The First Amendment Rights of all Americans. Nothing in the first Amendment suggests thuggery is a protected right. Even if this thug wins, Ryan had better think hard and fast if he is an example he wants in his caucus and in the H. or Rep.

He should serve, in the County Jail, not in the Congress.

Why did the 1st Amendment get stomped at UC Berkley and other Universities?

I can wait


You tell me. I've already expressed what I know about and experienced first hand on who are attracted to protests. Fools and liars take a data point or two and make claims that the 1st. A. was stomped at CAL.

Face the truth, Trump has instigated an attack on the 1st., A. that being his attacks on a free press, which biddable neo fascists support and echo.
We are going to gas all the journalists.

Heil Trump! Lol

Face the truth, Trump has instigated an attack on the 1st., A. that being his attacks on a free press, which biddable neo fascists support and echo.
Where is his rights in your dank world? He has called them on their bullshit, it's you who are the fascists and want opposition to speech shut up.
I was responding to Openminded saying the reporter assaulted the candidate.
Obviously I wasn't an eyewitness but there were reports stating the candidate told the reporter to leave.
The reporter didn't leave, instead the reporter came at the candidate.
Assault by the reporter.

That's what nobody on the left will acknowledge.

He went into something where not invited.

Asked to leave and he didn't.

Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote.
"Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote."
Of course.
You're a trumpette.
I'd love to throw one off a rooftop. Fag or not.
Of course you say that. But would never dare take any real action. That would be too scary and too risky.

However unlikely it would be, one of them shoves a mike in my face they gonna get it shoved in their ass.
But they might like it.
MSM sitting in their Greenwich Village bistro's are flabbergasted that citizens and candidates outside New York City and Left Coast have had enough of their shit. They hide behind 1st Amendment to push a liberal agenda. Well you liberal cherries expect more of same in fly over country you spit on.
Greg Gianforte just made a massive error on the final night of the Montana special election -

LOL, another bully who hides behind his keyboard lashes out on Truth, Justice and the American Way, i.e. The First Amendment Rights of all Americans. Nothing in the first Amendment suggests thuggery is a protected right. Even if this thug wins, Ryan had better think hard and fast if he is an example he wants in his caucus and in the H. or Rep.

He should serve, in the County Jail, not in the Congress.

Why did the 1st Amendment get stomped at UC Berkley and other Universities?

I can wait


You tell me. I've already expressed what I know about and experienced first hand on who are attracted to protests. Fools and liars take a data point or two and make claims that the 1st. A. was stomped at CAL.

Face the truth, Trump has instigated an attack on the 1st., A. that being his attacks on a free press, which biddable neo fascists support and echo.
We are going to gas all the journalists.

Heil Trump! Lol

Nah, we will put it on PBS and then end PBS for good.
I hope this starts a trend with media pos getting their ass whipped all over.
^ a trumpette
I felt this way about media scum WAY before Trump was ever a question. I felt this way back when Clinton was in office.

Politicians aside, how many people get pushed around by the press just because they are the press? I mentioned Sean Penn, asshole for sure but how about princess Di? The press being slimy has always been an issue and like polititions need to be corrected frequently.
No, he was told to leave.

It is assault.
Another eyewitness!

I was responding to Openminded saying the reporter assaulted the candidate.
Obviously I wasn't an eyewitness but there were reports stating the candidate told the reporter to leave.
The reporter didn't leave, instead the reporter came at the candidate.
Assault by the reporter.

That's what nobody on the left will acknowledge.

He went into something where not invited.

Asked to leave and he didn't.

Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote.
"Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote."
Of course.
You're a trumpette.
I'd love to throw one off a rooftop. Fag or not.
^Another ISIS admirer.
I hope this starts a trend with media pos getting their ass whipped all over.
^ a trumpette
I felt this way about media scum WAY before Trump was ever a question. I felt this way back when Clinton was in office.

Politicians aside, how many people get pushed around by the press just because they are the press? I mentioned Sean Penn, asshole for sure but how about princess Di? The press being slimy has always been an issue and like polititions need to be corrected frequently.
I was interviewed once by a Seattle Times reporter and he totally twisted what I said and omitted most of what I actually said.

If only I had known he would do that, I would have slapped him for it during the interview.

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