Chickenshit Media Scared: Montana Candidate Stands Up to Them

I was born in Missoula.
The state has been invaded by liberals for decades. Montana used to be a heavy Democratic state, but things have changed since Obama took the White House. Northern Democrats are really just Republicans with common-sense. We aren't like those racists in the South.
Missoula is a lovely've left, right?
Most of us jobs.:hmpf:
FYI, Dana Carvey from SNL and I were born in the same hospital....Saint Patrick's.....

BTW, To become a Green Beret I had to leave Missoula. Not much opportunity there.:smoke:
"to become a Green Beret" :rofl:

No just getting into the Army first, eh? Right to "Green Beret"? :rofl:

I know. You must think it just happens. Bet you think 'Rambo' was a true story as well.

Generally one has to progress from one school to the next in order to qualify for Special Forces Selection, much less attend the 'Q' Course and pass it. It takes years of experience and training just to be accepted to attend the course.....and none of that would have happened if I had stayed in Missoula.
Yes, one has to be IN the Army first and then go thru a progression of schools and applications to get tell us again how you had to leave Missoula to "become a Green Beret".
Well, first you have to join.
Then you have to get orders.
Then you have to get on a jet.
Then you have to fly to wherever you receive your inprocessing.
Then you have to get off of the jet.
Then you have to take a bus to the post, in my case Ft Dix.
Then you have to go thru basic.
Then you have to attend AIT.
Then you have to wait on security clearances and wait on orders to your first assignment.
Then you have to go to your first assignment and do your job for several years.
Then you have get promoted to at least E5 or SGT in my case.
Then you have to max out your PT scores at age 17 and have a GT score of at least 119.
Then you have to apply to Special Forces Selection.
Then you have to be accepted and wait on orders to Ft Bragg.
Then you have to take those orders and get on a jet and fly to Fayetteville NC.
Then you have to get off of that jet and take a cab to Ft Bragg.
Then you have to report to JFKSWC and wait for your start date.
Then you have to make it thru selection.
Then you have to be picked by the selection commmitee to advance to the 'Q' Course.
Then you have to take a cab back to the airport and get on a jet and fly back to your unit to wait on orders.
Then you take those orders and fly back to Bragg and attend AIMC School, Phase I, Phase II, BNCO, and then Phase III.
Then you attend the Graduation ceremony. Mine was August 1990.
Then you put on your first Green Beret and sow on your Special Forces Tab.
Then you wait on your orders to your first assignment. Mine was 5th Special Forces Group Ft Campbell, and Persian-Farse school.
Then you report to your unit and get assigned to your team.
Mine was ODA 521.
Then you meet your fellow team members and work your fucking ass off for your country, training foreign armies how to fight.
LOL, another bully who hides behind his keyboard lashes out on Truth, Justice and the American Way, i.e. The First Amendment Rights of all Americans. Nothing in the first Amendment suggests thuggery is a protected right. Even if this thug wins, Ryan had better think hard and fast if he is an example he wants in his caucus and in the H. or Rep.

He should serve, in the County Jail, not in the Congress.

Why did the 1st Amendment get stomped at UC Berkley and other Universities?

I can wait

That was completely wrong....and wouldn't surprise me if it was outsiders coming in to stir that up. Berkeley should have done as Notre Dame did...don't like it, don't go or walk out quietly. But I heard RussianWrs didn't like that either.
View attachment 128757
Except no one said the Russians hacked voting machines.
No one EVER said that? Bull....I saw libtards making that and still do.
"Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote."
Of course.
You're a trumpette.
I'd love to throw one off a rooftop. Fag or not.
ISIS is always hiring. They aren't big a Free Press either however they do have an affinity for tall buildings at times.
You keep blabbering about 'free press'. Do you think there aren't limits on what the press can do and when or something?
Point out what that reporter did illegally.

Whether it was illegal or not, he was not invited and interrupted interview in progress. Then shoved a recorder in the guys face...which could be considered assault.

You were not there. Hence, you are not credible. Correction: never credible.

Assault is a threat, battery is an attack. Apparently the thug was undercharged by the Sheriff; the DA might see the event as described by witnesses as a Battery. In fact the event seems to be both a civil and a criminal act when the statement by the Fox Reporter is considered along with the audio tape of the thugs rant.

Given these facts, I would surmise that the thug would be placed on 3 years probation, required to pay a fine and make restitution to the reporter, enroll in and complete an Anger Management Course and serve 30 days in the county lockup.
Face the truth, Trump has instigated an attack on the 1st., A. that being his attacks on a free press, which biddable neo fascists support and echo.
Where is his rights in your dank world? He has called them on their bullshit, it's you who are the fascists and want opposition to speech shut up.
No one has a right to behave this way.

Says who ? The reporter had no right to say when he was asked to leave. Go look at Obama. He treated reporters way worse if they ever got a chance to talk to him.
"The reporter had no right to say......" Wait....what country do you think we live in?

Stay indeed. Getting harassed by the press isn't just an issue for politicians. Celebrities have the same issues. What if it were an LBGTQRSTWXYZ.12510 couple out with their child and this douche shoves a mike in your face and will not just leave the family alone? Same deal. If the reporter gets beat by a weirdo then they kind of got what was coming yes?
Check out this guy's stand on retirement:

Aging and retirement
Gianforte has outlined his position on retirement by using the Biblical example of Noah. He said, "There's nothing in the Bible that talks about retirement. And yet it's been an accepted concept in our culture today. Nowhere does it say, 'Well, he was a good and faithful servant, so he went to the beach... The example I think of is Noah. How old was Noah when he built the ark? 600. He wasn't like, cashing Social Security checks, he wasn't hanging out, he was working. So, I think we have an obligation to work. The role we have in work may change over time, but the concept of retirement is not biblical."[58][59][60][61]
Face the truth, Trump has instigated an attack on the 1st., A. that being his attacks on a free press, which biddable neo fascists support and echo.
Where is his rights in your dank world? He has called them on their bullshit, it's you who are the fascists and want opposition to speech shut up.
No one has a right to behave this way.

Says who ? The reporter had no right to say when he was asked to leave. Go look at Obama. He treated reporters way worse if they ever got a chance to talk to him.
"The reporter had no right to say......" Wait....what country do you think we live in?

Stay indeed. Getting harassed by the press isn't just an issue for politicians. Celebrities have the same issues. What if it were an LBGTQRSTWXYZ.12510 couple out with their child and this douche shoves a mike in your face and will not just leave the family alone? Same deal. If the reporter gets beat by a weirdo then they kind of got what was coming yes?

Battery is a crime! Period. This candidate is a thug, by definition a violent person, and should not have his behavior excused because he is a Republican Pol - in fact he should be held to a higher standard of behavior than the average citizen.

Is his behavior that of a role model and one who should hold high office in our Federal Government? Ryan needs to put forth a resolution to delay the thug his seat, and if convicted of the crime, bring to the full H. of Rep. a vote on Art. I, sec 5, clause 2 which would require a 2/3 vote to expel the member.
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MSM sitting in their Greenwich Village bistro's are flabbergasted that citizens and candidates outside New York City and Left Coast have had enough of their shit. They hide behind 1st Amendment to push a liberal agenda. Well you liberal cherries expect more of same in fly over country you spit on.
Greg Gianforte just made a massive error on the final night of the Montana special election -
Yep, real men destroy themselves with a fit of juvenile rage.

Montana congressional candidate Greg Gianforte allegedly 'body slams' reporter

Three Montana newspapers rescind Gianforte endorsements after alleged body-slamming incident

Good, I hope he loses, but the mail in votes are in already. What a loser. Oh wait he is a millionaire, who thinks min wage should not be raised, what a real loser. I swear the GOP just gets sicker by the day. There are no words for the GOP anymore.
Trump gives even snowflakes a bad name. Whenever called upon to make a stand he folds like a towel. I'm surprised he didn't convert to Islam the way he kissed Saudi ass. Maybe 9-11, which they paid for, was good for NY real estate?

Did Trump bow down to the king of Saudi Arabia like Ohbummer did on his Apology Tour?
Trump curtsied. :rolleyes:
And received a lovely pet collar as a parting "gift". After making arrangements to selling those muslims lots of weapons.

I hate when people lie.

You are a liar.

Disgusting is what you are.
You must be especially disgusted with Trump.

If and when Trump lies, he probably has a purpose. You seem to do it for fun simply because your lies are so transparent, and everyone knows you are lying..
Check out this guy's stand on retirement:

Aging and retirement
Gianforte has outlined his position on retirement by using the Biblical example of Noah. He said, "There's nothing in the Bible that talks about retirement. And yet it's been an accepted concept in our culture today. Nowhere does it say, 'Well, he was a good and faithful servant, so he went to the beach... The example I think of is Noah. How old was Noah when he built the ark? 600. He wasn't like, cashing Social Security checks, he wasn't hanging out, he was working. So, I think we have an obligation to work. The role we have in work may change over time, but the concept of retirement is not biblical."[58][59][60][61]

Oh yes I forget he is a "fundamentalist Christian" which means the most unchristian type there is. They are known as Republican Christians.
LOL, another bully who hides behind his keyboard lashes out on Truth, Justice and the American Way, i.e. The First Amendment Rights of all Americans. Nothing in the first Amendment suggests thuggery is a protected right. Even if this thug wins, Ryan had better think hard and fast if he is an example he wants in his caucus and in the H. or Rep.

He should serve, in the County Jail, not in the Congress.

Why did the 1st Amendment get stomped at UC Berkley and other Universities?

I can wait

That was completely wrong....and wouldn't surprise me if it was outsiders coming in to stir that up. Berkeley should have done as Notre Dame did...don't like it, don't go or walk out quietly. But I heard RussianWrs didn't like that either.
View attachment 128757
Except no one said the Russians hacked voting machines.
No one EVER said that? Bull....I saw libtards making that and still do.
"Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote."
Of course.
You're a trumpette.
I'd love to throw one off a rooftop. Fag or not.
ISIS is always hiring. They aren't big a Free Press either however they do have an affinity for tall buildings at times.
You keep blabbering about 'free press'. Do you think there aren't limits on what the press can do and when or something?
Point out what that reporter did illegally.
Whether it was illegal or not, he was not invited and interrupted interview in progress. Then shoved a recorder in the guys face...which could be considered assault.

Find a case where a reporter "shoving a recorder in a guy's face" was prosecuted as assault.
Trump gives even snowflakes a bad name. Whenever called upon to make a stand he folds like a towel. I'm surprised he didn't convert to Islam the way he kissed Saudi ass. Maybe 9-11, which they paid for, was good for NY real estate?

Did Trump bow down to the king of Saudi Arabia like Ohbummer did on his Apology Tour?
Trump curtsied. :rolleyes:
And received a lovely pet collar as a parting "gift". After making arrangements to selling those muslims lots of weapons.

I hate when people lie.

You are a liar.

Disgusting is what you are.

The continuous lies by the left are why you have lost all respect and no one will elect your liberals to office except those who lie themselves.
Where is his rights in your dank world? He has called them on their bullshit, it's you who are the fascists and want opposition to speech shut up.
No one has a right to behave this way.

Says who ? The reporter had no right to say when he was asked to leave. Go look at Obama. He treated reporters way worse if they ever got a chance to talk to him.
"The reporter had no right to say......" Wait....what country do you think we live in?

Stay indeed. Getting harassed by the press isn't just an issue for politicians. Celebrities have the same issues. What if it were an LBGTQRSTWXYZ.12510 couple out with their child and this douche shoves a mike in your face and will not just leave the family alone? Same deal. If the reporter gets beat by a weirdo then they kind of got what was coming yes?

Battery is a crime! Period. This candidate is a thug, by definition a violent person, and should not have his behavior excused because he is a Republican Pol - in fact he should be held to a higher standard of behavior than the average citizen.

Is his behavior that of a role model and one who should hold high office in our Federal Government? Ryan needs to put forth a resolution to delay the thug his seat, and if convicted of the crime, bring to the full H. of Rep. a vote on Art. I, sec 5, clause 2 which would require a 2/3 vote to expel the member.

He's got money and is accepted by his party, just like Trump can do not wrong.
MSM sitting in their Greenwich Village bistro's are flabbergasted that citizens and candidates outside New York City and Left Coast have had enough of their shit. They hide behind 1st Amendment to push a liberal agenda. Well you liberal cherries expect more of same in fly over country you spit on.
Greg Gianforte just made a massive error on the final night of the Montana special election -

Nice to see more of the real you emerge.
Sounds kinda queer Bambi.
Those afraid of gays are always - hiding something. Got a not-so-secret thing for dick there, playground boy?

Nobody is afraid of gays. People have the right to choose with whom they associate.

Why then are conservatives almost universally fearful of gays have same sex marriage rights?
it's a simple answer, but too simple for you to understand.
Why did the 1st Amendment get stomped at UC Berkley and other Universities?

I can wait

That was completely wrong....and wouldn't surprise me if it was outsiders coming in to stir that up. Berkeley should have done as Notre Dame did...don't like it, don't go or walk out quietly. But I heard RussianWrs didn't like that either.
View attachment 128757
Except no one said the Russians hacked voting machines.
No one EVER said that? Bull....I saw libtards making that and still do.
I'd love to throw one off a rooftop. Fag or not.
ISIS is always hiring. They aren't big a Free Press either however they do have an affinity for tall buildings at times.
You keep blabbering about 'free press'. Do you think there aren't limits on what the press can do and when or something?
Point out what that reporter did illegally.
Whether it was illegal or not, he was not invited and interrupted interview in progress. Then shoved a recorder in the guys face...which could be considered assault.

Find a case where a reporter "shoving a recorder in a guy's face" was prosecuted as assault.
This case right here. He was prosecuted by his victim throwing his sorry ass down. Should have gotten a medal for it.
This is how liberal groups and media harass candidates in fly over country...real Americans. Must watch.
Big Sky, Big Money
Asking them hard questions. How terrible of them. The press is so mean.
Getting in his face all campaign and being rude. Now little liberal reporter gets his ass slammed...good for the candidate I say.
Yes, because to your childish mind playground-level violence is the answer to what you cannot deal with.
then what do you call Berkeley?

Berkeley's violence was almost entirely clashes between leftwing and rightwing extremists.
it was? left wing only bubba, there were no right wingers there. can't even take ownership of your own messes.
Asking them hard questions. How terrible of them. The press is so mean.
Getting in his face all campaign and being rude. Now little liberal reporter gets his ass slammed...good for the candidate I say.
Yes, because to your childish mind playground-level violence is the answer to what you cannot deal with.
then what do you call Berkeley?

Berkeley's violence was almost entirely clashes between leftwing and rightwing extremists.
it was? left wing only bubba, there were no right wingers there. can't even take ownership of your own messes.
He's one of the biggest liars here.
Asking them hard questions. How terrible of them. The press is so mean.
Getting in his face all campaign and being rude. Now little liberal reporter gets his ass slammed...good for the candidate I say.
Yes, because to your childish mind playground-level violence is the answer to what you cannot deal with.
then what do you call Berkeley?
A very good school in California. What do you call it?

cesspool of snowflakes.

In one short idiot-gram ^^^, Ignorance on steroids,
Did Trump bow down to the king of Saudi Arabia like Ohbummer did on his Apology Tour?

Trump curtsied. :rolleyes:

And received a lovely pet collar as a parting "gift". After making arrangements to selling those muslims lots of weapons.

I hate when people lie.

You are a liar.

Disgusting is what you are.


The continuous lies by the left are why you have lost all respect and no one will elect your liberals to office except those who lie themselves.

"continuous lies"? For example:
So conservatism has become snowflake central. They can't even answer questions without whining and crying about it. Why then are you in public life running for public office where you will be accountable to the public?

Kim Jong Un doesn't have to answer questions, all politicians in the US do. Sorry, that's the deal with Democracy, when elected you derps work for and answer to us, not the other way around. Trump is the biggest snowflake of them all.
Trump gives even snowflakes a bad name. Whenever called upon to make a stand he folds like a towel. I'm surprised he didn't convert to Islam the way he kissed Saudi ass. Maybe 9-11, which they paid for, was good for NY real estate?

Did Trump bow down to the king of Saudi Arabia like Ohbummer did on his Apology Tour?

Trump bowed to him and he curtsied like the pussy he is. Then he put his hands on a glowing Orb to placate their gods. Trump looked weak like a car salesman.
So conservatism has become snowflake central. They can't even answer questions without whining and crying about it. Why then are you in public life running for public office where you will be accountable to the public?

Kim Jong Un doesn't have to answer questions, all politicians in the US do. Sorry, that's the deal with Democracy, when elected you derps work for and answer to us, not the other way around. Trump is the biggest snowflake of them all.
Trump gives even snowflakes a bad name. Whenever called upon to make a stand he folds like a towel. I'm surprised he didn't convert to Islam the way he kissed Saudi ass. Maybe 9-11, which they paid for, was good for NY real estate?

Did Trump bow down to the king of Saudi Arabia like Ohbummer did on his Apology Tour?

Trump bowed to him and he curtsied like the pussy he is. Then he put his hands on a glowing Orb to placate their gods. Trump looked weak like a car salesman.

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