Chickenshit Media Scared: Montana Candidate Stands Up to Them

I was responding to Openminded saying the reporter assaulted the candidate.
Obviously I wasn't an eyewitness but there were reports stating the candidate told the reporter to leave.
The reporter didn't leave, instead the reporter came at the candidate.
Assault by the reporter.

That's what nobody on the left will acknowledge.

He went into something where not invited.

Asked to leave and he didn't.

Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote.
"Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote."
Of course.
You're a trumpette.
I'd love to throw one off a rooftop. Fag or not.
Of course you say that. But would never dare take any real action. That would be too scary and too risky.

However unlikely it would be, one of them shoves a mike in my face they gonna get it shoved in their ass.
I hope this starts a trend with media pos getting their ass whipped all over.
^ a trumpette
I felt this way about media scum WAY before Trump was ever a question. I felt this way back when Clinton was in office.

Politicians aside, how many people get pushed around by the press just because they are the press? I mentioned Sean Penn, asshole for sure but how about princess Di? The press being slimy has always been an issue and like polititions need to be corrected frequently.
I was interviewed once by a Seattle Times reporter and he totally twisted what I said and omitted most of what I actually said.

If only I had known he would do that, I would have slapped him for it during the interview.

Lying in print is one thing, still way not cool, but physically pushing in and shoving a cake or recorder in a persons face out of no where? In any other instance any person who commented here would not react positively to it.
Another eyewitness!

I was responding to Openminded saying the reporter assaulted the candidate.
Obviously I wasn't an eyewitness but there were reports stating the candidate told the reporter to leave.
The reporter didn't leave, instead the reporter came at the candidate.
Assault by the reporter.

That's what nobody on the left will acknowledge.

He went into something where not invited.

Asked to leave and he didn't.

Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote.
"Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote."
Of course.
You're a trumpette.
I'd love to throw one off a rooftop. Fag or not.
^Another ISIS admirer.
Liar. You, like most liberal cowards, don't have the spine to stand up for yourself.
Face the truth, Trump has instigated an attack on the 1st., A. that being his attacks on a free press, which biddable neo fascists support and echo.
Where is his rights in your dank world? He has called them on their bullshit, it's you who are the fascists and want opposition to speech shut up.
No one has a right to behave this way.

Says who ? The reporter had no right to say when he was asked to leave. Go look at Obama. He treated reporters way worse if they ever got a chance to talk to him.
I hope this starts a trend with media pos getting their ass whipped all over.
^ a trumpette
I felt this way about media scum WAY before Trump was ever a question. I felt this way back when Clinton was in office.

Politicians aside, how many people get pushed around by the press just because they are the press? I mentioned Sean Penn, asshole for sure but how about princess Di? The press being slimy has always been an issue and like polititions need to be corrected frequently.
I was interviewed once by a Seattle Times reporter and he totally twisted what I said and omitted most of what I actually said.

If only I had known he would do that, I would have slapped him for it during the interview.
That tends to happen when you can't voice a cohesive thought.
MSM sitting in their Greenwich Village bistro's are flabbergasted that citizens and candidates outside New York City and Left Coast have had enough of their shit. They hide behind 1st Amendment to push a liberal agenda. Well you liberal cherries expect more of same in fly over country you spit on.
Greg Gianforte just made a massive error on the final night of the Montana special election -

LOL, another bully who hides behind his keyboard lashes out on Truth, Justice and the American Way, i.e. The First Amendment Rights of all Americans. Nothing in the first Amendment suggests thuggery is a protected right. Even if this thug wins, Ryan had better think hard and fast if he is an example he wants in his caucus and in the H. or Rep.

He should serve, in the County Jail, not in the Congress.

Why did the 1st Amendment get stomped at UC Berkley and other Universities?

I can wait

That was completely wrong....and wouldn't surprise me if it was outsiders coming in to stir that up. Berkeley should have done as Notre Dame did...don't like it, don't go or walk out quietly. But I heard RussianWrs didn't like that either.
View attachment 128757
Except no one said the Russians hacked voting machines.
I was responding to Openminded saying the reporter assaulted the candidate.
Obviously I wasn't an eyewitness but there were reports stating the candidate told the reporter to leave.
The reporter didn't leave, instead the reporter came at the candidate.
Assault by the reporter.

That's what nobody on the left will acknowledge.

He went into something where not invited.

Asked to leave and he didn't.

Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote.
"Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote."
Of course.
You're a trumpette.
I'd love to throw one off a rooftop. Fag or not.
ISIS is always hiring. They aren't big a Free Press either however they do have an affinity for tall buildings at times.
You keep blabbering about 'free press'. Do you think there aren't limits on what the press can do and when or something?
Point out what that reporter did illegally.
I was responding to Openminded saying the reporter assaulted the candidate.
Obviously I wasn't an eyewitness but there were reports stating the candidate told the reporter to leave.
The reporter didn't leave, instead the reporter came at the candidate.
Assault by the reporter.

That's what nobody on the left will acknowledge.

He went into something where not invited.

Asked to leave and he didn't.

Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote.
"Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote."
Of course.
You're a trumpette.
You are drier than toast...
I can understand your need to make this all about me..........I.........guess.......
Because you are so slow and lacking in a sense of humor, you can't even tell when people are saying stuff just to mess with you.
Well, of course. Walk it back.
I hope this starts a trend with media pos getting their ass whipped all over.
^ a trumpette
I felt this way about media scum WAY before Trump was ever a question. I felt this way back when Clinton was in office.

Politicians aside, how many people get pushed around by the press just because they are the press? I mentioned Sean Penn, asshole for sure but how about princess Di? The press being slimy has always been an issue and like polititions need to be corrected frequently.
I was interviewed once by a Seattle Times reporter and he totally twisted what I said and omitted most of what I actually said.

If only I had known he would do that, I would have slapped him for it during the interview.
That tends to happen when you can't voice a cohesive thought.
No faggot, that tends to happen when they have an agenda and what you say doesn't fit the narrative they wish to push.
I was responding to Openminded saying the reporter assaulted the candidate.
Obviously I wasn't an eyewitness but there were reports stating the candidate told the reporter to leave.
The reporter didn't leave, instead the reporter came at the candidate.
Assault by the reporter.

That's what nobody on the left will acknowledge.

He went into something where not invited.

Asked to leave and he didn't.

Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote.
"Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote."
Of course.
You're a trumpette.
I'd love to throw one off a rooftop. Fag or not.
ISIS is always hiring. They aren't big a Free Press either however they do have an affinity for tall buildings at times.

You keep blabbering about 'free press'. Do you think there aren't limits on what the press can do and when or something?

There are limits - but not to be enforced by government. You conservatives are hypocrites, you want to censor MSM Journalists, but allow and echo Breitbart, The Daily Caller and too many other propaganda purveyors who promote conspiracy theories and the assassinations of the character of Democrats, liberals and progressives, scapegoat minorities including women, and foster hate and fear.
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I was responding to Openminded saying the reporter assaulted the candidate.
Obviously I wasn't an eyewitness but there were reports stating the candidate told the reporter to leave.
The reporter didn't leave, instead the reporter came at the candidate.
Assault by the reporter.

That's what nobody on the left will acknowledge.

He went into something where not invited.

Asked to leave and he didn't.

Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote.
"Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote."
Of course.
You're a trumpette.
I'd love to throw one off a rooftop. Fag or not.
Of course you say that. But would never dare take any real action. That would be too scary and too risky.

However unlikely it would be, one of them shoves a mike in my face they gonna get it shoved in their ass.
Face the truth, Trump has instigated an attack on the 1st., A. that being his attacks on a free press, which biddable neo fascists support and echo.
Where is his rights in your dank world? He has called them on their bullshit, it's you who are the fascists and want opposition to speech shut up.
No one has a right to behave this way.

Says who ? The reporter had no right to say when he was asked to leave. Go look at Obama. He treated reporters way worse if they ever got a chance to talk to him.
"The reporter had no right to say......" Wait....what country do you think we live in?
MSM sitting in their Greenwich Village bistro's are flabbergasted that citizens and candidates outside New York City and Left Coast have had enough of their shit. They hide behind 1st Amendment to push a liberal agenda. Well you liberal cherries expect more of same in fly over country you spit on.
Greg Gianforte just made a massive error on the final night of the Montana special election -

LOL, another bully who hides behind his keyboard lashes out on Truth, Justice and the American Way, i.e. The First Amendment Rights of all Americans. Nothing in the first Amendment suggests thuggery is a protected right. Even if this thug wins, Ryan had better think hard and fast if he is an example he wants in his caucus and in the H. or Rep.

He should serve, in the County Jail, not in the Congress.

Why did the 1st Amendment get stomped at UC Berkley and other Universities?

I can wait

That was completely wrong....and wouldn't surprise me if it was outsiders coming in to stir that up. Berkeley should have done as Notre Dame did...don't like it, don't go or walk out quietly. But I heard RussianWrs didn't like that either.
View attachment 128757
Except no one said the Russians hacked voting machines.
No one EVER said that? Bull....I saw libtards making that and still do.
That's what nobody on the left will acknowledge.

He went into something where not invited.

Asked to leave and he didn't.

Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote.
"Personally, a good video of the reporter going out through a close window would get my vote."
Of course.
You're a trumpette.
I'd love to throw one off a rooftop. Fag or not.
ISIS is always hiring. They aren't big a Free Press either however they do have an affinity for tall buildings at times.
You keep blabbering about 'free press'. Do you think there aren't limits on what the press can do and when or something?
Point out what that reporter did illegally.
Whether it was illegal or not, he was not invited and interrupted interview in progress. Then shoved a recorder in the guys face...which could be considered assault.
I hope this starts a trend with media pos getting their ass whipped all over.
^ a trumpette
I felt this way about media scum WAY before Trump was ever a question. I felt this way back when Clinton was in office.

Politicians aside, how many people get pushed around by the press just because they are the press? I mentioned Sean Penn, asshole for sure but how about princess Di? The press being slimy has always been an issue and like polititions need to be corrected frequently.
I was interviewed once by a Seattle Times reporter and he totally twisted what I said and omitted most of what I actually said.

If only I had known he would do that, I would have slapped him for it during the interview.
Sure you would have.....if only....if only....if only....
Face the truth, Trump has instigated an attack on the 1st., A. that being his attacks on a free press, which biddable neo fascists support and echo.
Where is his rights in your dank world? He has called them on their bullshit, it's you who are the fascists and want opposition to speech shut up.
No one has a right to behave this way.

Says who ? The reporter had no right to say when he was asked to leave. Go look at Obama. He treated reporters way worse if they ever got a chance to talk to him.
"The reporter had no right to say......" Wait....what country do you think we live in?
He meant *stay obviously. Good lord, you are slow
LOL, another bully who hides behind his keyboard lashes out on Truth, Justice and the American Way, i.e. The First Amendment Rights of all Americans. Nothing in the first Amendment suggests thuggery is a protected right. Even if this thug wins, Ryan had better think hard and fast if he is an example he wants in his caucus and in the H. or Rep.

He should serve, in the County Jail, not in the Congress.

Why did the 1st Amendment get stomped at UC Berkley and other Universities?

I can wait


You tell me. I've already expressed what I know about and experienced first hand on who are attracted to protests. Fools and liars take a data point or two and make claims that the 1st. A. was stomped at CAL.

Face the truth, Trump has instigated an attack on the 1st., A. that being his attacks on a free press, which biddable neo fascists support and echo.
We are going to gas all the journalists.

Heil Trump! Lol

Nah, we will put it on PBS and then end PBS for good.

This is how liberal groups and media harass candidates in fly over country...real Americans. Must watch.
Big Sky, Big Money
Asking them hard questions. How terrible of them. The press is so mean.
Getting in his face all campaign and being rude. Now little liberal reporter gets his ass slammed...good for the candidate I say.
Yes, because to your childish mind playground-level violence is the answer to what you cannot deal with.
then what do you call Berkeley?
A very good school in California. What do you call it?
cesspool of snowflakes.
Oh..I don't belive in the Constitution or state rights. YOUR nuts. Lol.
Constitution? You dare speak about the Constitution when you are doing your best to destroy the first amendment?

The people are the only censors of their governors: and even their errors will tend to keep these to the true principles of their institution. To punish these errors too severely would be to suppress the only safeguard of the public liberty. The way to prevent these irregular interpositions of the people is to give them full information of their affairs thro’ the channel of the public papers, & to contrive that those papers should penetrate the whole mass of the people. The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers & be capable of reading them.

Thomas Jefferson

That criminal seeking to represent Montana in the House committed assault in an attempt to shut up the press.
Liberals are trying to destroy the Constitution by trying to overturn a democratic election and overthrow our government.
1. It wasn't democratic. The loser won. 2. Turning the insane out of public office is not overthrowing the government. The process for such a thing was written down in - the Constitution.

Flunked civics too? Are we seeing a trend here when liberal democrats do not understand the electoral process?

Maybe that is why they are getting so great at losing!
Civics should have taught you that in an actual democratic election, the majority wins. In the case of Trump, the minority won. That is undemocratic.
well perhaps you didn't listen when they discussed presidential elections. oops. The democratic vote is per state for an electoric. here: United States presidential election - Wikipedia

"The Electoral College and its procedure is established in the U.S. Constitution by Article II, Section 1, Clauses 2 and 4; and the Twelfth Amendment (which replaced Clause 3 after its ratification in 1804). Under Clause 2, each of the states casts as many electoral votes as the total number of its Senators and Representatives in Congress, while, per the Twenty-third Amendment ratified in 1961, Washington, D.C. casts the same number of electoral votes as the least-represented state, which is three. Also under Clause 2, the manner for choosing electors is determined by each state legislature, not directly by the federal government. Many state legislatures used to select their electors directly, but over time all of them switched to using the popular vote to help determine electors. Once chosen, electors will generally cast their electoral votes for the candidate who won the plurality in their state, but at least 21 states do not have provisions that specifically address or punish "faithless electors" and "unpledged electors", those who vote against the plurality decision of their state.[1] In modern times, faithless and unpledged electors have not affected the ultimate outcome of an election, thus the results can generally be determined based on the state-by-state popular vote."

And the majority were for Trump. oops. you're welcome.

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