Chief Justice Roberts will decide the winner

Let us recall ...

I lived a decade in Oregon and their voting rolls are archaic and many illegal ballots go out

I'm guessing you admit you just made that up because you thought it sounded cool ...

In blue key states like Michigan and Pennsylvania :the Pol Pot governors will count them to win

Have you also lived a decade in Michigan and Pennsylvania? ... let's throw in Istanbul and Timbuktu while we're at it ... oh, and a decade in Cambodia ...

Blowing smoke is what they say ... just blowing smoke ...
This depends entirely on State Law ... Oregon has been exclusively mail-in voting for decades ... 8 pm Election Night is the absolute cut off time ... doors are locked, ballots are counted, some guy in a Datsun drives the results up to Salem ... 10 million votes for The Donald in Wednesday's mail, too bad, they don't count ...

Cut-offs vary by state. Some states require votes be delivered by mail by election day. And anything received after, no matter when it was postmarked, doesn't get counted. Other states allow from 3 days to 2 weeks for absentee ballots to show up. Of course, they can call the election while waiting for them if the margin of victory is large enough that the absentee ballots won't change the outcome. But if the vote is close, they'll wait weeks before making the call.

Of course, Trump calling mail-in votes subject to fraud, he forgets he also called in person voting subject to voter fraud. So there are no votes Trump would accept, except those that voted for him.

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