Chief Justice Roberts will decide the winner

I think my gun will, and Roberts Can seek Extradition to another country.
Are you into BJJ ???
Jitss is slang for hardcore bjj

You know ? The ufc Gracie ground submission system ??
I am
You’re into BJJ ??
I did no-gi for only a full year
Then the coaches changed and the class was miserable and I quit . I want to try another program .
I am doing mma classes right now .
The problem is the gyms I like have no-gi on same days with mma
I don’t think I can physically handle both on same day
I also cannot do a 90 min class as it will be 45 min of rolling and my body cannot do that
I can handle only an hour class and only 15 min of rolling
No open mats !! My back is a mess
The Stalin Dems will create millions of fake votes

How? ...
1)Creating fake ballots and signing them and sending it back with fake names .so easy

2) purposely losing ballots in conservative areas

3) sending ballots to illegals on purpose
4) Not removing both dead folks and residents who moved from voting rolls
Are you an American? If so, why are you clueless on how our voting system works?

You can't create a fake ballot and have some illegal or anyone use it. Only registered voters, can vote, and only ballots whose signature matches with the Sig on file, get counted.
You’re living in old America
This is the new Soviet America and the Pol Pot dens can do just about anything thanks to the Jewish Goebbels media of Stalinism
You’re so naive lol
Obama spied on T using the FBI and CIA
Hillary made hundreds of millions for her and her cronies in “pay for play “ , Clinton Foundation!!
She erased 33,000 classified emails
Schumer and Schiff fabricated the entire Russian hoax to remove T
Wise up
Obama covered up Libya !
How are the “ queen of hearts “ both Nancy and Feinstein the richest women on earth lol
I was in Vegas in 2018 to vote and not a single person even checked my Nevada DL lol
1)Creating fake ballots and signing them and sending it back with fake names .so easy
2) purposely losing ballots in conservative areas
3) sending ballots to illegals on purpose
4) Not removing both dead folks and residents who moved from voting rolls

Have you ever voted? ... or maybe your government does things much differently in your country ...

Here in the United States ... one must register to vote ... that's right, we have have to go down to the county seat building and sign some paperwork ... election officials have the census maps, so there's no way to fake an address ... all this registration has to be finished weeks if not months in advance ...

1] Ballots all have numbers printed on them, numbers and names match as the ballots are sent out, numbers and names are matched as they come in ... any extra ballots received are sent over to the DA's office for prosecution ...

2] We talking mail-in election ... we won't have precinct boxes to 'lose' like in Texas, 1960 ... the ballots go directly to the county elections office ... stacked unopened until the polls close, typically 8pm Election Night ... remember, three people are involved with opened and dealing with the ballots: an election worker, a Democrat and a Republican ... why would a Republican lose ballots in a conservative area? ...

3] Conservative areas have voter ID laws ... and share their information with ICE ... even Oregon shares information with ICE ... and this happens weeks if not months before the election ...

These three points are total horseshit ... just stupid to think election officials accept 400 registrations from one address ... especially in "law and order" conservative areas in "law and order" conservative States ... show me where this has been prosecuted, with legal citations ... shouldn't be hard for you to find ...

4a] This takes two parts ... the voter must be dead and have died in another county. state, country ... not all that unusual ... next, someone who has the dead person's signature and still lives at that address ... most likely collecting the dead person's SS checks ... and for this to escape the DA's attention, the dead person must be listed as "missing" ... such that a death certificate wasn't issued ... otherwise, it's a easy paper trail to catch the forger ...

4b] Where there's "Motor/Voter" laws, this is almost a complete non-issue ... fines are steep for not sending a change of address to the DMV, letting folks change their voter registration at the same time works quite well ... again as above, we still need the current resident at the address to have access to the voters signature to forge ... much easier in this case as there will be Escrow documents ... but again, an easy clear paper trail for the DA ... and this time, the documents are available to the public ... easy peasy ...

In total, you're sniffing glue if you think elections officials haven't seen any of this in the past 230 years of elections ...

Sign up to be a Party Observer this election ... spend your election day evening down at the elections office ... just nuts to think ballots are photocopied off in the millions ... just nuts ...
I was in Vegas in 2018 to vote and not a single person even checked my Nevada DL lol

Oregon issues DL's to illegal immigrants ... the "Real ID" program is strictly voluntary here, and costs quite a bit extra ... State officials recommended getting a US passport for the TSA checkpoints at airports ... let the Feds spend their money ...

I'm beginning to doubt you're old enough to vote ... you seem so completely clueless as to how voting is done here ...
John Roberts is being blackmailed. Biden gets to win because John Roberts has skeletons in his closet? Nope.

We demand the answer now on how you will vote John Roberts! What is your stance on voter democrat fraud! We want to know! When Trump wins in a landslide are you gonna allow votes showing up from blue states WEEKS LATER?
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I was in Vegas in 2018 to vote and not a single person even checked my Nevada DL lol

Oregon issues DL's to illegal immigrants ... the "Real ID" program is strictly voluntary here, and costs quite a bit extra ... State officials recommended getting a US passport for the TSA checkpoints at airports ... let the Feds spend their money ...

I'm beginning to doubt you're old enough to vote ... you seem so completely clueless as to how voting is done here ...
I lived a decade in Oregon and their voting rolls are archaic and many illegal ballots go out
535,000 votes were dismissed during the Democratic primary
The entire voting rolls are rigged

If there's no citation ... then it didn't happen ... that's 12% the entire population of Oregon ... dream on ...
That 12 percent decides key states !!
In blue key states like Michigan and Pennsylvania :the Pol Pot governors will count them to win

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