Child bride in Yemen dies of internal bleeding on wedding night: activist

Hahaha ! Nice one Roudy. You just owned Sherri !

What a biased %&$%%$^$ she is !

Notice how whenever something negative that a Muslim(s) did is presented here, she does whatever she can to defend them and when she gets desperate, she will involve Jews or Israel hahahaha.

Funny isn't it? She sifted through the entire page, and ended up posting something totally irrelevant to our discussion, yet conveniently overlooked facts that totally debunked her claims, in relation to child brides among Muslims having everything to do with Islam.

But that's how she is with all her claims. If you poke at it, it blows up in her face. LOL
Tales of Destruction

It seems as if there is a competition among Islamic nations as to who can stoop to the most degraded form of immorality by adhering to the barbaric religious laws and traditions put forth by the Quran. Spokesman of the Iranian Parliament, (Majiles) Mohammad Ali Isfenani, announced recently that in order for Iran to view itself as completely complying with Sharia Law it must concede to allow female children under the age of 10 to marry. This seems an obvious gesture to out-pious their Islamic neighbors, Saudia Arabia, who just three months ago lowered their own legal marrying age to 10.
Mohabat News, an Iranian Christian news service, quotes Mohamaad Ali Isfenani as announcing to the public and Parliament in a recent meeting:

“As some people may not comply with our current Islamic legal system, we must regard 9 as being the appropriate age for a girl to have reached puberty and qualified to get married. To do otherwise would be to contradict and challenge Islamic Sharia law.”

According to recently released statistics reported by Mohabat news, in the past few weeks over seventy-five female children under the age of 10 were forced to marry much older men in Iran.
British haredi man charged with child sexual abuse attempts to get into Israel using phony passport, seeks citizenship under law allowing all Jews to immigrate to Jewish state

Does the Law of Return trump international law? This question will have to be ruled on by the High Court of Justice, following an attempt by an ultra-Orthodox Jew from England, who was charged with sexual abuse of children, to find asylum in Israel.
Law of Return ? or long arm of law? - Israel News, Ynetnews

"Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known man intimately. 18"But all the girls who have not known man intimately, spare for yourselves.…
Numbers 31:17 Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man,
So, Yousef Mohammed, would it make you happy if we post many, many articles about Muslim men abusing children not only in Muslim countries but in Europe as well, especially those teachers in madrassas and clergy in the mosques. Of course, there would be even more articles if Muslim parents spoke up about this, but as one Muslim father had previously said in an article, when he was going to report what happened to his children in a madrassas, the other parents told him to keep quiet. By the way, Yousef, could you tell us what your hero, Ayatollah Khomeni, had to say about rules for sex?
Well, here's one:

Muslim Men and Their Child Brides

CNN reported this week that “a 12-year-old Yemeni girl, who was forced into marriage, died during a painful childbirth that also killed her baby.” It was a horrific story – but in the Islamic world, not an unusual one.

In Yemen in 2008, an eight-year-old girl, Nojoud Mohammed Nasser, was granted a divorce from her thirty-year-old husband in a high-profile case. GulfNews reported at the time that Nojoud was joyful when she was granted her divorce: “I am so happy to be free and I will go back to school and will never think of getting married again,” she said. “It is a good feeling to be rid of my husband and his bad treatment.”

But what was unusual about her case was not her age – it was the fact that she was able to get out of her marriage. GulfNews continued: “According to the International Centre for Research on Women's 2007 statistics, Yemen is one of 20 developing countries where child marriages are common. Nearly half of all Yemeni girls are married before the age of 18.”

This is because of the example of the prophet of Islam, Muhammad, whom the Koran (33:21) calls the “excellent example” of conduct for Muslims. Muhammad himself notoriously had a child bride. According to Sahih Bukhari, the hadith collection that Muslims consider most reliable, Islamic tradition, “the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death).” Another tradition recalls that at the age of nine, she was playing on a swing with some of her friends when Muhammad came for her.
Really? Care to support that statement? I suspect child marriages pre-date Islam in Persia.
I don't have to. I lived it, and previous generations did as well. Very Young girls would get married in the past, as was common, but never at the specific age of 9 coinciding with Aisha's age.

In other words you can't prove anything about pre-Islamic Persia.
Pre-Islamic Persia? That was before the 15th century. You need to brush up on your history there.

Geez, another irrelevant answer.

Yeah, move along folks, this sort of thing happens all over the place. Nothing to do with Islam or Mohammad, move along:

Read more: The British child brides: Muslim mosque leaders agree to marry girl of 12... so long as parents don't tell anyone | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

British Muslim clerics are willing to carry out sharia marriages involving child brides as young as 12, an investigation has found.

Two imams said they would be prepared to officiate at the wedding of an underage girl to a man in his twenties, despite fears the pair would later have sex.

More than 1,000 of the 8,000 forced marriages of Britons each year are believed to involve girls of 15 or under, with one case last year allegedly involving a girl of five. The clerics were approached by man posing as the father of a 12-year-old who wanted her to marry to prevent her being tempted into a decadent Western lifestyle.

Imam Mohammed Kassamali, of the Husaini Islamic Centre in Peterborough, stressed the need for secrecy with such a ceremony.

He allegedly said: ‘If it (the marriage) was not possible, I would have told you straight away... I would love the girl to go to her husband’s houses (sic) as soon as possible, the younger the better.
‘Under sharia (Islamic law) there is no problem. It is said she should see her first sign of puberty at the house of her husband.

He explained how the Prophet Muhammad had married a seven-year-old girl before adding: ‘We are his followers, and that is what you have to explain (to your daughter).’

Read more: The British child brides: Muslim mosque leaders agree to marry girl of 12... so long as parents don't tell anyone | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Culture? Maybe, you mean the Culture of Islam? Yeah. Definitely.

Let's hear it from the horse's mouth:

Iranian Child Brides Get Younger — And More Numerous

As Iranian lawmakers now seek to lower the legal age of marriage for girls to nine-years-old, the number of Iranian brides already under 10 years of age is sharply rising.

The Iranian decision to allow nine-year-old girls the legal opportunity to be married to fully grown men was announced by Mohammad Ali Isfenani, chairman of the Iranian Parliament’s Legal Affairs Committee.

Isfenani called Iran’s current civil legislation, which sets the minimum legal age of marriage for girls at 13-years-old, “un-Islamic and illegal,” saying, “We must regard nine as being the appropriate age for a girl to have reached puberty and qualified to get married. To do otherwise would be to contradict and challenge Islamic Sharia law.”

Geez...lemme where did we hear THAT magical age again?
Yeah, move along folks, this sort of thing happens all over the place. Nothing to do with Islam or Mohammad, move along:

Read more: The British child brides: Muslim mosque leaders agree to marry girl of 12... so long as parents don't tell anyone | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

British Muslim clerics are willing to carry out sharia marriages involving child brides as young as 12, an investigation has found.

Two imams said they would be prepared to officiate at the wedding of an underage girl to a man in his twenties, despite fears the pair would later have sex.

More than 1,000 of the 8,000 forced marriages of Britons each year are believed to involve girls of 15 or under, with one case last year allegedly involving a girl of five. The clerics were approached by man posing as the father of a 12-year-old who wanted her to marry to prevent her being tempted into a decadent Western lifestyle.

Imam Mohammed Kassamali, of the Husaini Islamic Centre in Peterborough, stressed the need for secrecy with such a ceremony.

He allegedly said: ‘If it (the marriage) was not possible, I would have told you straight away... I would love the girl to go to her husband’s houses (sic) as soon as possible, the younger the better.
‘Under sharia (Islamic law) there is no problem. It is said she should see her first sign of puberty at the house of her husband.

He explained how the Prophet Muhammad had married a seven-year-old girl before adding: ‘We are his followers, and that is what you have to explain (to your daughter).’

Read more: The British child brides: Muslim mosque leaders agree to marry girl of 12... so long as parents don't tell anyone | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

It's rare outside of the developing countries. Like pedophilic priests and rabbi's condoning child marriages - it is not part of the mainstream religion in western countries. You can always find examples and try to make them the norm as you do with Islam.

Child marriages are first and formost driven by poverty and lack of education - even your own sources, UNICEF etc say that. And I don't need to yell and bold big letters to make that point. Your sources already made it.
I don't have to. I lived it, and previous generations did as well. Very Young girls would get married in the past, as was common, but never at the specific age of 9 coinciding with Aisha's age.

In other words you can't prove anything about pre-Islamic Persia.
Pre-Islamic Persia? That was before the 15th century. You need to brush up on your history there.

Geez, another irrelevant answer.


Roudy, this was your statement:

Yes, and when the Islamists came to power they allowed it, and cited Islamic reasons for it. Not "cultural". You never get it right. Child marriage was never a "cultural thing" before the Shah.

Perhaps I'm interpreting it wrong but it sounds as if you are claiming it was always a "religious" thing. If that is correct, then my question about pre-Islamic Persia is relevant. If it is incorrect - then I haven't a clue what you are trying to say here.
British haredi man charged with child sexual abuse attempts to get into Israel using phony passport, seeks citizenship under law allowing all Jews to immigrate to Jewish state

Does the Law of Return trump international law? This question will have to be ruled on by the High Court of Justice, following an attempt by an ultra-Orthodox Jew from England, who was charged with sexual abuse of children, to find asylum in Israel.
Law of Return ? or long arm of law? - Israel News, Ynetnews

"Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known man intimately. 18"But all the girls who have not known man intimately, spare for yourselves.…
Numbers 31:17 Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man,
So, Yousef Mohammed, would it make you happy if we post many, many articles about Muslim men abusing children not only in Muslim countries but in Europe as well, especially those teachers in madrassas and clergy in the mosques. Of course, there would be even more articles if Muslim parents spoke up about this, but as one Muslim father had previously said in an article, when he was going to report what happened to his children in a madrassas, the other parents told him to keep quiet. By the way, Yousef, could you tell us what your hero, Ayatollah Khomeni, had to say about rules for sex?

Are you concerned about child abuse and child marriages? Or does it only concern you when it's Muslims?

The countries where the highest number of child marriages occur span religions. Hindu's even have a festival celebrating child brides as business transactions. Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Jews in western countries and educated affluent regions seldom approve of child marriages.

There was considerable public outrage in other Muslim countries over the situation in the OP forcing the Yemeni government to make a change in it's laws. This seems indicative of change at the public level regarding child marriage in Muslim countries. I'm not sure how much effect it will have - Yemen is desperately poor and that is a major driver in child marriages around the world. They are rare in affluent well educated countries and communities regardless of religion. It's a shame people can't notice things like that and instead focus on demonizing Islam as a whole.

The OP here is promoting an excellent discussion - a much needed discussion. it's also seperating out those who simply want to demonize Islam and those are concerned with child abuse and child marriages.

Interestingly, few seem to want to remark on child abuse or the abuse of women outside of Muslim countries or explore reasons beyond religion. No one is saying religion is not a factor at all (I predict someone is going to claim that is what is being said) - but it is not the primary factor.
Well, here's one:

Muslim Men and Their Child Brides

CNN reported this week that “a 12-year-old Yemeni girl, who was forced into marriage, died during a painful childbirth that also killed her baby.” It was a horrific story – but in the Islamic world, not an unusual one.

In Yemen in 2008, an eight-year-old girl, Nojoud Mohammed Nasser, was granted a divorce from her thirty-year-old husband in a high-profile case. GulfNews reported at the time that Nojoud was joyful when she was granted her divorce: “I am so happy to be free and I will go back to school and will never think of getting married again,” she said. “It is a good feeling to be rid of my husband and his bad treatment.”

But what was unusual about her case was not her age – it was the fact that she was able to get out of her marriage. GulfNews continued: “According to the International Centre for Research on Women's 2007 statistics, Yemen is one of 20 developing countries where child marriages are common. Nearly half of all Yemeni girls are married before the age of 18.”

This is because of the example of the prophet of Islam, Muhammad, whom the Koran (33:21) calls the “excellent example” of conduct for Muslims. Muhammad himself notoriously had a child bride. According to Sahih Bukhari, the hadith collection that Muslims consider most reliable, Islamic tradition, “the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death).” Another tradition recalls that at the age of nine, she was playing on a swing with some of her friends when Muhammad came for her.

British haredi man charged with child sexual abuse attempts to get into Israel using phony passport, seeks citizenship under law allowing all Jews to immigrate to Jewish state

Law of Return ? or long arm of law? - Israel News, Ynetnews

Numbers 31:17 Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man,
So, Yousef Mohammed, would it make you happy if we post many, many articles about Muslim men abusing children not only in Muslim countries but in Europe as well, especially those teachers in madrassas and clergy in the mosques. Of course, there would be even more articles if Muslim parents spoke up about this, but as one Muslim father had previously said in an article, when he was going to report what happened to his children in a madrassas, the other parents told him to keep quiet. By the way, Yousef, could you tell us what your hero, Ayatollah Khomeni, had to say about rules for sex?

Are you concerned about child abuse and child marriages? Or does it only concern you when it's Muslims?

The countries where the highest number of child marriages occur span religions. Hindu's even have a festival celebrating child brides as business transactions. Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Jews in western countries and educated affluent regions seldom approve of child marriages.

There was considerable public outrage in other Muslim countries over the situation in the OP forcing the Yemeni government to make a change in it's laws. This seems indicative of change at the public level regarding child marriage in Muslim countries. I'm not sure how much effect it will have - Yemen is desperately poor and that is a major driver in child marriages around the world. They are rare in affluent well educated countries and communities regardless of religion. It's a shame people can't notice things like that and instead focus on demonizing Islam as a whole.

The OP here is promoting an excellent discussion - a much needed discussion. it's also seperating out those who simply want to demonize Islam and those are concerned with child abuse and child marriages.

Interestingly, few seem to want to remark on child abuse or the abuse of women outside of Muslim countries or explore reasons beyond religion. No one is saying religion is not a factor at all (I predict someone is going to claim that is what is being said) - but it is not the primary factor.

It seems that a basic element of the issue surrounding child marriage is the unholy allowance for it in islamist ideology.

Education and improving economies can be a solution in non-islamist nations and cultures. Not necessarily so in islamism. In Islam, muhammud (swish), is the central authority, king, Fuhrer and unquestionable figurehead. As the role model for humanity, his words and actions serve as the example not only for moslems but for all humankind.

If you earnestly believe that something is "perfect" as claimed by a 7th century warlord who claims he heard voices from the gods, most of us would dismiss it as irrelevant. When you are raised in an environment that bestows godhead on that man, you won't endeavor to "fix" it. You won't alter it to accommodate changing times and differing values—you will instead demand that the times and values adapt to accommodate your perfect, divinely decreed way of life. And if anyone dares to challenge your convictions in this regard, you try to kill them. With God's imprimatur.

This is precisely what we see taking place across the islamist world.
Discussions of "child marriage" are silly if they do not include details----such as huge
age differences and ---FORCE. The islamo nazis on this board have resorted to
lumping the marriage of two 16 year old kids in love with the banging to death of an
eight year old by her 40 year old "husband" The real key to understanding the "culture"
in question will be just how the shariah courts deal with the murderer
Actually, surprisingly - I agree with that. There is a distinct difference. In many of those child marriages - the child is effectively sold for her dower.
It seems that a basic element of the issue surrounding child marriage is the unholy allowance for it in islamist ideology.

Education and improving economies can be a solution in non-islamist nations and cultures. Not necessarily so in islamism. In Islam, muhammud (swish), is the central authority, king, Fuhrer and unquestionable figurehead. As the role model for humanity, his words and actions serve as the example not only for moslems but for all humankind.

If you earnestly believe that something is "perfect" as claimed by a 7th century warlord who claims he heard voices from the gods, most of us would dismiss it as irrelevant. When you are raised in an environment that bestows godhead on that man, you won't endeavor to "fix" it. You won't alter it to accommodate changing times and differing values—you will instead demand that the times and values adapt to accommodate your perfect, divinely decreed way of life. And if anyone dares to challenge your convictions in this regard, you try to kill them. With God's imprimatur.

This is precisely what we see taking place across the islamist world.

Actually, it already has an effect on child marriages in Islamic countries.
British haredi man charged with child sexual abuse attempts to get into Israel using phony passport, seeks citizenship under law allowing all Jews to immigrate to Jewish state

Law of Return ? or long arm of law? - Israel News, Ynetnews

Numbers 31:17 Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man,
So, Yousef Mohammed, would it make you happy if we post many, many articles about Muslim men abusing children not only in Muslim countries but in Europe as well, especially those teachers in madrassas and clergy in the mosques. Of course, there would be even more articles if Muslim parents spoke up about this, but as one Muslim father had previously said in an article, when he was going to report what happened to his children in a madrassas, the other parents told him to keep quiet. By the way, Yousef, could you tell us what your hero, Ayatollah Khomeni, had to say about rules for sex?

Are you concerned about child abuse and child marriages? Or does it only concern you when it's Muslims?

The countries where the highest number of child marriages occur span religions. Hindu's even have a festival celebrating child brides as business transactions. Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Jews in western countries and educated affluent regions seldom approve of child marriages.

There was considerable public outrage in other Muslim countries over the situation in the OP forcing the Yemeni government to make a change in it's laws. This seems indicative of change at the public level regarding child marriage in Muslim countries. I'm not sure how much effect it will have - Yemen is desperately poor and that is a major driver in child marriages around the world. They are rare in affluent well educated countries and communities regardless of religion. It's a shame people can't notice things like that and instead focus on demonizing Islam as a whole.

The OP here is promoting an excellent discussion - a much needed discussion. it's also seperating out those who simply want to demonize Islam and those are concerned with child abuse and child marriages.

Interestingly, few seem to want to remark on child abuse or the abuse of women outside of Muslim countries or explore reasons beyond religion. No one is saying religion is not a factor at all (I predict someone is going to claim that is what is being said) - but it is not the primary factor.
I'm not concerned only because it involves Muslims. What concerns me is the fact that Islam incorporates paedophilia into it's religion and the other major religions don't. And what's odd is the impression that you seem to be defending the sickening practice.
So, Yousef Mohammed, would it make you happy if we post many, many articles about Muslim men abusing children not only in Muslim countries but in Europe as well, especially those teachers in madrassas and clergy in the mosques. Of course, there would be even more articles if Muslim parents spoke up about this, but as one Muslim father had previously said in an article, when he was going to report what happened to his children in a madrassas, the other parents told him to keep quiet. By the way, Yousef, could you tell us what your hero, Ayatollah Khomeni, had to say about rules for sex?

Are you concerned about child abuse and child marriages? Or does it only concern you when it's Muslims?

The countries where the highest number of child marriages occur span religions. Hindu's even have a festival celebrating child brides as business transactions. Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Jews in western countries and educated affluent regions seldom approve of child marriages.

There was considerable public outrage in other Muslim countries over the situation in the OP forcing the Yemeni government to make a change in it's laws. This seems indicative of change at the public level regarding child marriage in Muslim countries. I'm not sure how much effect it will have - Yemen is desperately poor and that is a major driver in child marriages around the world. They are rare in affluent well educated countries and communities regardless of religion. It's a shame people can't notice things like that and instead focus on demonizing Islam as a whole.

The OP here is promoting an excellent discussion - a much needed discussion. it's also seperating out those who simply want to demonize Islam and those are concerned with child abuse and child marriages.

Interestingly, few seem to want to remark on child abuse or the abuse of women outside of Muslim countries or explore reasons beyond religion. No one is saying religion is not a factor at all (I predict someone is going to claim that is what is being said) - but it is not the primary factor.
I'm not concerned only because it involves Muslims. What concerns me is the fact that Islam incorporates paedophilia into it's religion and the other major religions don't. And what's odd is the impression that you seem to be defending the sickening practice.

No. I'm not.

I'm pointing out that religion isn't the primary factor that drives child marriages in those countries and it's by far not universally accepted amongst Muslims. I've linked to sources like UNICEF that support that and I've linked to sources that show it's also intertwined with religion in Hindu dominant countries.

I have NEVER defended the practice and if you are going to say that then please show me where I defended it even by implication!

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