Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

And asylum seekers have to register at entrance points for court cases in front of judges, no Asylum seeker has been seperated, it's those who broke that rule and snuck in entered avoiding the process=illegal entrance. Furthermore people have abused that asylum loophole and you should be outraged by that abuse and the Dems who's laws opened up that loophole and who have been "obstructing" voting to change laws and fix the system.
Voting in unison for obstructive resistance does not help the country or the immigrants. Learn to place blame where it deserves to be not where propagandist narrative lead you to be played.
Bullshit. You got ICE agents closing the legal crossing points where you would ask for asylum, then saying you try to come in anywhere else and we will arrest you. It is a deliberate catch 22 policy which is just fucked. And the people that support this bullshit are inhuman pieces of shit that make up only 10% of the country. The people that support this policy have nothing to do with American values.
That's not a response, that's an ad hominem attempt to avoid your lie.
You proved what came out of your typing so well right? Sources, proof. Where is your subtance fake news propagandist? You just admited you lied by ommission.
FALSE! They were not separated during the Obama years. The fact is that the Obama Administration was clearly taken aback by unaccompanied minors and it took time for them to sort it out. Trump and Sessions are the ones responsible for separating children from their parents. They have made a conscious decision to do so and it has nothing to do with the 1997 law. Laura Bush has called it out as has Melania. Franklin Graham has called it disgusting as has Anthony Scaramucci who has remained a Trump supporter despite being fired by the guy. Jim Lankford from Oklahoma and William Hurd from Texas are calling on Trump to reverse the decision.

What do you call a child who is screaming for their mother. You are the who is using
SCAM words :asshole:
FALSE! Of course they were separated from thi parents during the Obama administration, and all administrations since Washington, and for all crimes, not just immigration.

The only "decision" that Trump and Sessions have made is to do their jobs and enforce the law (US Code8, Section 1325), with which some previous presidents (Clinton, Bush, Obama) have been negligent in doing. They were guilty of dereliction of duty, and trump is doing his job correctly of PROTECTING the American people from invading migrants.

As for Laura Bush, the Bushes were horribly negligent on immigration, and they should be the last ones to take the floor to talk about it.

The American people elected Trump to STOP illegal immigration. It has been a CRIME to cross the border without inspection since 1911, and if Democrats think they are going to scam their way into repealing a 107 year old law, that has stood firm though 19 presidencies, they're crazy.

The 1997 law (from Flores vs Reno) is not going anywhere either. Can anyone imagine putting small children in prisons where fights, stabbings, and killings go on routinely ? For Democrats to do this would be the height of their display of liberalism as a mental disorder.
ah, so you're only for forcing 'diversity on others, and exempting yourself. Yes, I thought so, you're a racist fraud.

Um... no. I wouldn't force anyone to move here who didn't want to be here.

And I have no problem with people who want to move here... especially if it pisses off inbred white rednecks like you.

As opposed to the black rednecks?'re an idiot!

Well, he's your typical left wing racist sociopath homophobe, which is why he's always projecting. No way this pos actually cares about 'The Children'.
As for Laura Bush, the Bushes were horribly negligent on immigration, and they should be the last ones to take the floor to talk about it.


The Bushes live in Highland Park, behind tall fences, and lots of govt. funded 'security' around, and they are never ever going to be living around any mestizos, so their 'tolerance' is worth less than nothing. Like the Democratic Party's money bags, the GOP Bush types loves them lots of cheap labor and totally bankrupt safety nets for citizens.
As for Laura Bush, the Bushes were horribly negligent on immigration, and they should be the last ones to take the floor to talk about it.


The Bushes live in Highland Park, behind tall fences, and lots of govt. funded 'security' around, and they are never ever going to be living around any mestizos, so their 'tolerance' is worth less than nothing. Like the Democratic Party's money bags, the GOP Bush types loves them lots of cheap labor and totally bankrupt safety nets for citizens.
Jeb Bush is the father of Mestizo children.
All the Bushes should STFU when it comes to immigration. George W's immigration policies were horrible, and those lenient policies of his (and Obama's) are one of the causes of the troubles we face today. Bush, Clinton, and Obama allowed this problem to grow, and now Trump has to deal with the mess they brought about.

Except the problem hasn't grown. The number of undocumented immigrants leveled off in 2009 and has remained flat ever since.


Not that really is ANY EXCUSE to put children in a concentration camp to deter their parents from trying to enter the country.
FALSE, FALSE, and FALSE. Obama separated adults and kids in all law enforcement. Immigration, and many other crimes. So did Bush, Clinton, Reagan, carter, Nixon, Eisenhower, FDR, Wilson, Lincoln, Polk, Jackson, Jefferson, Adams, and Washington.

Sorry, man comparing undocumented immigrants, some of whom asked for asylum when they got here like the law requires, to actual honest to God criminals isn't going to pass the laugh test.

Even in cases where we throw (way too many) people in jail, we don't send their kids to concentration camps.

Also, 5/6 of migrants are not parents of the kids they're bringing.

Do you have any proof of that, or are you making shit up like Trump does?

It would seem to me that if they caught traffickers, they kids would be screaming "Where's my mommy!!!" Or the Spanish equivlent. They only scream that when Trump sends them off to the Camp.

What's Spanish for "Arbeit Machen Frei" ?
The American people elected Trump to STOP illegal immigration.

Um, no, he lost by 3 million votes.. If you want to argue that Immigration was on the ballot in 2016, then the current policies LOST.

The only "decision" that Trump and Sessions have made is to do their jobs and enforce the law (US Code8, Section 1325), with which some previous presidents (Clinton, Bush, Obama) have been negligent in doing. They were guilty of dereliction of duty, and trump is doing his job correctly of PROTECTING the American people from invading migrants.

Previous presidents didn't separate parents from their children, or house thousands of people in concentration camps.
All the Bushes should STFU when it comes to immigration. George W's immigration policies were horrible, and those lenient policies of his (and Obama's) are one of the causes of the troubles we face today. Bush, Clinton, and Obama allowed this problem to grow, and now Trump has to deal with the mess they brought about.

Except the problem hasn't grown. The number of undocumented immigrants leveled off in 2009 and has remained flat ever since.


Not that really is ANY EXCUSE to put children in a concentration camp to deter their parents from trying to enter the country.
This is why you are losing Jewish voters, the sick twisted notion of comparing the 2 is revealing a pattern of pathelogical lying and insensitive pandering by the left.
IF you compare feeding, health screening, education, motivation workshops, & up to 20 days processing of kids 90% who are unacommpanied (thus many saved from human trafficking) with that of Nazis who starved, gased, tortured, took teeth and hair, experimented on, stole health, stole sanity, and kept people without release,
killing over 12 million, and responsible for training and influencing Islamic Jihaadist hate propaganda to continue the torture and destructive behavior, then you are verifiably insane in a manner that needs attention by the authorities. Tell us who influenced this sick logic, was it MSNBC or was it CNN?
CNN is famous for it's anti semitic remarks so I'm guessing the later?
Except the problem hasn't grown. The number of undocumented immigrants leveled off in 2009 and has remained flat ever since.


Not that really is ANY EXCUSE to put children in a concentration camp to deter their parents from trying to enter the country.
It grew under Clinton and Bush, and it sure didn't go away under Obama, with his Catch & Release policies. Maybe more of the newer arrivals decided to go the anchor baby welfare route, instead of swiping a job.

As for your SCAM talk about "a concentration camp", the kids have to go somewhere while their parent(s) are incarcerated. Where would you put them ? In jail with their parents, with criminals, fights, stabbings, etc ?

The places they're being housed, are top grade. They are in very, comfortable, air-conditioned facilities, in clean, nice bedrooms, with very clean, well-equipped kitchens, good food, computers, play soccer, attend classes, get counseling, medical/dental care. In short, they're treated 100 times better than AMERICAN kids of jailed parents, who also are separated from their parents, but don't get all these massive freebies.

See Post # 228.

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A hard and fast rule to rip kids from their parents is just us being assholes for the sake of being assholes.'s just not nice. What is wrong with being nice?
Was it nice for Obama and the Democrats to create sanctuary cities to encourage these families to try coming here so they would have to go through this, and then refuse to deal with DACA after the president asked them to?
This is why you are losing Jewish voters, the sick twisted notion of comparing the 2 is revealing a pattern of pathelogical lying and insensitive pandering by the left.
IF you compare feeding, health screening, education, motivation workshops, & up to 20 days processing of kids 90% who are unacommpanied (thus many saved from human trafficking) with that of Nazis who starved, gased, tortured, took teeth and hair, experimented on, stole health, stole sanity, and kept people without release,

Yawn, guy, get a clue, will you?

Hillary got 71% of the Jewish vote in 2016.. Obama got 69% of the Jewish vote.

Decent Jewish people are as horrified by what is going on on the Southern Border as anyone else is, as they should be.
Um, no, he lost by 3 million votes.. If you want to argue that Immigration was on the ballot in 2016, then the current policies LOST.

Previous presidents didn't separate parents from their children, or house thousands of people in concentration camps.
1. Um YEAH, he WON by 10 million AMERICAN votes. After we get rid of all the illegals, dumb vote counters won't be counting illegal alien votes anymore. Making America great again.

2. Every previous president from Washington to Trump separated jailed parents from their children. In everything from immigration to robbery, to burglary, to arson, to bad checks, etc. I don't recall seeing groups of kids sitting in jail cells with their parents, do you ? o_O
The places they're being housed, are top grade. They are in very, comfortable, air-conditioned facilities, in clean, nice bedrooms, with very clean, well-equipped kitchens, good food, computers, play soccer, attend classes, get counseling, medical/dental care. In short, they're treated 100 times better than AMERICAN kids of jailed parents, who also are separated from their parents, but don't get all these massive freebies.

Really? Then why does The Orange Fuhrer keep the press away from these wonderful facilities?

The kids of jailed Americans are usually placed with relatives who aren't jailed. Or they are put into foster homes.

They aren't put into prison camps with porta-potties, left to fend for themselves.
The American people elected Trump to STOP illegal immigration.

Um, no, he lost by 3 million votes.. If you want to argue that Immigration was on the ballot in 2016, then the current policies LOST.

The only "decision" that Trump and Sessions have made is to do their jobs and enforce the law (US Code8, Section 1325), with which some previous presidents (Clinton, Bush, Obama) have been negligent in doing. They were guilty of dereliction of duty, and trump is doing his job correctly of PROTECTING the American people from invading migrants.

Previous presidents didn't separate parents from their children, or house thousands of people in concentration camps.
Being 10 million illegals we're ushered in by the previous administration to vote for democrats, it is easy to see that Trump actually won the popular vote, also. But that is actually irrelevant since we elect our president with the electoral college.
But when an American citizen in this country goes to jail or prison, his/her children already have an established life in this country. A place to stay or maybe relatives take them in. The children of most of the illegals, not so much. How would a parent even know if immigration didn't separate the children from each other if there were more than one. Inhumane treatment I say, considering that it's not a violent offense to try to sneak into our country.
Lots of American kids have no place to go when a single parent is jailed. Yu show a typical lack of concern for American kids, while being all upset about illegals.

Lots of crimes pertain to things that are not violence. That doesn't make them OK.

Requesting asylum isn't breaking any law.
Depends how you request it
Go to a US consulate i you home country, OK.
Show up at an entry point, OK.
Sneak across the border, illegal
Dea, with it it's the parents putting their chi.dren at risk.
Being 10 million illegals we're ushered in by the previous administration to vote for democrats, it is easy to see that Trump actually won the popular vote, also. But that is actually irrelevant since we elect our president with the electoral college.

First, there's no evidence that illegal aliens vote in any signifigant numbers.

You guys have been making this claim since Bush in 2000, and have yet to prove it.

second, the reason why we have so many undocumented workers here is rich white people hire them.

If we went after the people who hired them, they probably wouldn't come in such numbers.
Was it nice for Obama and the Democrats to create sanctuary cities to encourage these families to try coming here so they would have to go through this, and then refuse to deal with DACA after the president asked them to?

Meh, they come here because Rich White People offer them jobs.

That's why they come here.
They come here because filthy libstained communists as yourself invite them here. Then you pukes want to take our guns away to make it easier for these criminals to walk into our homes and rape and murder our families.

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