Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

It really does appear that Democrats are using the separations of illegal alien parents (some are not parents) from illegal alien children, as a political tool. When have American children ever accompanied their parents/guardians into jails ? When Americans are sent to jail, they go alone, not with their kids. It's been this way for hundreds of years, but have we heard an outcry from Democrats over that ?

No. We have not. It is only now, with illegal aliens, that Democrats are suddenly upset about separation of parent and child. So what about all the American kids, whose parents got locked up ? What are they ? Chopped liver ? They don't count ?

Actually, to Democrats, no they don't count. And maybe "count" is just the right word, since VOTE counts are what this is all about. Democrats want illegal aliens in the US, as VOTES for THEM. American kids and their jailed parents, aren't seen that way.


Anything else you want to lie about. Trumpscum are evil.
We pay $268 per bed at family detention centers........of which only 3000 beds are still available.

In another thread it was costing us $500 per child near a military base.................

The Flores law only allows children to be detained 20 days..........

Most court case hearings take longer than 20 days if they request Asylum...........

Legally or laws SCREW ICE with no alternatives...........under the law.......their hands are tied......

Flores law has been a Law since 1997.........this situation has been going on a long time...........

Now back to my first 2 issues here.........PRICE..............let's look at prices of JAM UP HOTELS in El Paso........
El paso hotel sweet rates - Google Search

Check it out...........Our gov't STUPIDITY IS UNREAL....

Liberals are using the children as pawns for the coming election.......Since they have nothing else to run on..........

Yet ignore the laws that help cause this.........and how much it costs........and the fact that this situation has been going on for decades......

Use fake stories.......the missing children........LOOK WHAT TRUMP DID...............yet they were released under Obama to relatives......OH MY.

Then they showed pictures and showed children in cages................going LOOK WHAT TRUMP DID..............the pictures are from OBAMA..........


But to TDS.........we see this daily.....
Crocodile tears for political reasons with Dems doing NOTHING TO SOLVE ANYTHING...............

Do you see them repealing the law that has ICE screwed.............................................NOPE.......

Do you see them demanding more detention centers....................................................NOPE.........

Do you see them demanding more judges and courts..................................................NOPE........

Do you see them demanding more border agents.......................................................NOPE.......

Did you see them doing this shit under previous administrations.........same shit going on.........................NOPE.........

So............finally ......................should we listen to them...........................................NOPE.........
ah, so you're only for forcing 'diversity on others, and exempting yourself. Yes, I thought so, you're a racist fraud.

Um... no. I wouldn't force anyone to move here who didn't want to be here.

And I have no problem with people who want to move here... especially if it pisses off inbred white rednecks like you.

As opposed to the black rednecks?'re an idiot!
You have ZERO AMMO. All you have is LIES, as Post # 231 clearly showed in photos, videos, and text from the Dept of Health & Human Services. You may get away with the scam temporarily, but eventually, the media will be caught misleading us, and will be forced to show the dozens of beautiful detention centesrs where lucky illegal aliens kids are living, practically in luxury.

You keep telling yourself that..


AP: Girl separated from family had diaper changed by other kids

A teenager told an advocate that she had to teach kids at a U.S. Border Patrol facility in Texas how to change a young girl’s diaper after she was separated from her aunt, The Associated Press reported Monday.

According to the news agency, the 16-year-old girl had been taking of a 4-year-old girl she didn’t know for three days.

Michelle Brane, director of migrant rights at the Women’s Refugee Commission, said the teenager told her the story on Friday after the agency allowed her to spend several hours in the facility.

Fuck. Is this really what you want America to be seen as around the world?
You have ZERO AMMO. All you have is LIES, as Post # 231 clearly showed in photos, videos, and text from the Dept of Health & Human Services. You may get away with the scam temporarily, but eventually, the media will be caught misleading us, and will be forced to show the dozens of beautiful detention centesrs where lucky illegal aliens kids are living, practically in luxury.

You keep telling yourself that..


AP: Girl separated from family had diaper changed by other kids

A teenager told an advocate that she had to teach kids at a U.S. Border Patrol facility in Texas how to change a young girl’s diaper after she was separated from her aunt, The Associated Press reported Monday.

According to the news agency, the 16-year-old girl had been taking of a 4-year-old girl she didn’t know for three days.

Michelle Brane, director of migrant rights at the Women’s Refugee Commission, said the teenager told her the story on Friday after the agency allowed her to spend several hours in the facility.

Fuck. Is this really what you want America to be seen as around the world?

It's embarrassing to watch you buy the bullshit that people like the "Director of Migrant Rights at the Women's Refugee Commission" are selling, Joey! You really are one of the more clueless posters on this board and that's saying something. Here's a hint for you, Sparky...when reading someone's viewpoint on a subject...always question whether they have a bias that needs to be taken into account. Duh?
It really does appear that Democrats are using the separations of illegal alien parents (some are not parents) from illegal alien children, as a political tool. When have American children ever accompanied their parents/guardians into jails ? When Americans are sent to jail, they go alone, not with their kids. It's been this way for hundreds of years, but have we heard an outcry from Democrats over that ?

No. We have not. It is only now, with illegal aliens, that Democrats are suddenly upset about separation of parent and child. So what about all the American kids, whose parents got locked up ? What are they ? Chopped liver ? They don't count ?

Actually, to Democrats, no they don't count. And maybe "count" is just the right word, since VOTE counts are what this is all about. Democrats want illegal aliens in the US, as VOTES for THEM. American kids and their jailed parents, aren't seen that way.

Listening to the audio really doesn't tear me up!

Because here is the reason for the girl being separated from her mother...

She said her niece and sister set out for the United States over a month ago. They paid a smuggler $7,000 to guide them through Guatemala, and Mexico and across the border into the United States. Now, she said, all the risk and investment seem lost.
Listen to Children Who’ve Just Been Separated From Their Parents at the Border — ProPublica
It's embarrassing to watch you buy the bullshit that people like the "Director of Migrant Rights at the Women's Refugee Commission" are selling, Joey! You really are one of the more clueless posters on this board and that's saying something. Here's a hint for you, Sparky...when reading someone's viewpoint on a subject...always question whether they have a bias that needs to be taken into account. Duh?

Your right... when those commie bitches like Laura Bush says this is a terrible thing, we should all just ignore it because Trump is Jesus.. or something.
Now consider this regarding the above... where did they get $7,000 to be smuggled?
More importantly all they have to do is make application to become a legal immigrant. $7,000 would have gone a long way in accomplishing that!
You keep telling yourself that..
AP: Girl separated from family had diaper changed by other kids
A teenager told an advocate that she had to teach kids at a U.S. Border Patrol facility in Texas how to change a young girl’s diaper after she was separated from her aunt, The Associated Press reported Monday.
According to the news agency, the 16-year-old girl had been taking of a 4-year-old girl she didn’t know for three days.
Michelle Brane, director of migrant rights at the Women’s Refugee Commission, said the teenager told her the story on Friday after the agency allowed her to spend several hours in the facility.

Fuck. Is this really what you want America to be seen as around the world?

Liar !!!!
If you REALLY care, get on the next bus to Guatemala or Honduras. Take your checkbook.
Sponsor a community of children THERE in THEIR Home towns. Make THEIR world a better, safer place so they don't need to flee in the first place. let the world see how sincere Americans are. You did mean what you said, right?
Your money will go a LONG way there. You may save HUNDREDS with just your savings.

While you're there making THEIR home country a better place, go out in the streets disarming their criminals since after all, you do want to push gun control right?
What better way to show you true concern about gun violence?

Stop being an obvious, obnoxious lying twit and Do SOMETHING that will make a difference if you REALLY CARE.....

But alas, you WON'T DON'T...and you NEVER will. it's all an ACT!

Because you ARE a lying fraud and a hypocrite.
In fact, I'll bet you're one of those who never even leave a tip when you eat out.
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Now consider this regarding the above... where did they get $7,000 to be smuggled?
More importantly all they have to do is make application to become a legal immigrant. $7,000 would have gone a long way in accomplishing that!

And wait ten years to maybe get in?

When there are people in your home country trying to kill you NOW?

Hey, let's try that for you gun nuts. If you are all real scared, pay us $7000 for a gun permit,and might let you have one in 10 years.

Yeah, that'll work.
It's embarrassing to watch you buy the bullshit that people like the "Director of Migrant Rights at the Women's Refugee Commission" are selling, Joey! You really are one of the more clueless posters on this board and that's saying something. Here's a hint for you, Sparky...when reading someone's viewpoint on a subject...always question whether they have a bias that needs to be taken into account. Duh?

Your right... when those commie bitches like Laura Bush says this is a terrible thing, we should all just ignore it because Trump is Jesus.. or something.

Well remember the God Obama set this policy up before Trump!
“The agencies were surfacing every possible idea,” Cecilia Muñoz, Mr. Obama’s top domestic policy adviser, recalled, including whether to separate parents from their children. “I do remember looking at each other like, ‘We’re not going to do this, are we?’ We spent five minutes thinking it through and concluded that it was a bad idea. The morality of it was clear — that’s not who we are.”

They did, however, decide to vastly expand the detention of immigrant families, opening new facilities along the border where women and young children were held for long periods while they awaited a chance to have their cases processed.

Mr. Johnson wrote an open letter to appear in Spanish-language news outlets warning parents that their children would be deported if they entered the United States illegally. He traveled to Guatemala to deliver the message in person. Opening a large family immigration detention facility in Dilley, Tex., he held a news conference to showcase what he called an “effective deterrent.”
How Trump Came to Enforce a Practice of Separating Migrant Families
Well remember the God Obama set this policy up before Trump!

I'm going to stop you before I even read the rest of this shit.

Obama did NOT separate children from their families, and he did not concentrate thousands of people in camps.

He did deport a record number of people, something you guys deny that he did until Trump's inhumanity started to be realized.
Your right... when those commie bitches like Laura Bush says this is a terrible thing, we should all just ignore it because Trump is Jesus.. or something.
All the Bushes should STFU when it comes to immigration. George W's immigration policies were horrible, and those lenient policies of his (and Obama's) are one of the causes of the troubles we face today. Bush, Clinton, and Obama allowed this problem to grow, and now Trump has to deal with the mess they brought about.

Be quiet Laura. The Bushes are part of the problem, not the solution. They are the last ones who should be talking about immigration.

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