Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

Don’t break the law and you get to keep your children
When your very first act on American soil is an illegal one And you dangle your family to prevent you from being held accountable-you have nothing to offer this country except more problems and being a financial drain

They are looking for a better life for their families
She’s a career politician the home has no credibility...
Fuck these illegal aliens

No fuck you. You don't separate kids from their parents you raving asshole. These people are migrant workers coming into this country to help American farmers bring in their harvests. Jobs that Americans won't do. A little migrant education would help you grow the other half of your brain.
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
Trump-supporting farmers are worried that new immigration policies would be a disaster
Dairy farmers worry about immigration rhetoric - CNNPolitics
Anyway Obama started separating these people and rightly so, They have no constitutional rights these illegal aliens have a diminishing return at best

He did not liar. Donald try telling the truth for a change.
It’s been the same way for a long time, whether it was Clinton, Bush or Obama they all did it.
Your outrage is disingenuous

They did not and you are the one being disingenuous.
^^^an example of the uninformed ignorance that ALSO VOTES
Don’t break the law and you get to keep your children
When your very first act on American soil is an illegal one And you dangle your family to prevent you from being held accountable-you have nothing to offer this country except more problems and being a financial drain

They are looking for a better life for their families

Then don't start the "new life" breaking the Law.
Scary Mexicans
Don’t break the law and you get to keep your children
When your very first act on American soil is an illegal one And you dangle your family to prevent you from being held accountable-you have nothing to offer this country except more problems and being a financial drain

They are looking for a better life for their families

Then don't start the "new life" breaking the Law.

You gotta do what you have to do.
They lack papers....easy to fix
Don’t break the law and you get to keep your children
When your very first act on American soil is an illegal one And you dangle your family to prevent you from being held accountable-you have nothing to offer this country except more problems and being a financial drain

They are looking for a better life for their families

Then don't start the "new life" breaking the Law.

You gotta do what you have to do.
They lack papers....easy to fix

That's where you and people who think like you are wrong!

If you are going to break the Law, pay the consequences.
Here is a thought. Those people are desperate to flee human rights abuse and domestic violence in there homeland. Here is another thought, they can just be deported with there children . Fucking twit!
That will be the end result but you will get to continue wetting your panties until then.

The court already decided this crap under Clinton. Child is a ward of its country of birth. SCOTUS ruled it would be ILLEGAL to keep Elio Gonzoles from Cuba here. The children are wards of the country of Mexico and our only LEGAL duty i to return them.
Don’t break the law and you get to keep your children
When your very first act on American soil is an illegal one And you dangle your family to prevent you from being held accountable-you have nothing to offer this country except more problems and being a financial drain

They are looking for a better life for their families

Then don't start the "new life" breaking the Law.

You gotta do what you have to do.
They lack papers....easy to fix

That's where you and people who think like you are wrong!

If you are going to break the Law, pay the consequences.
Yes and so must the 2,3, and 5 year old pay the consequences. Do you have any FUCKING idea what those kids are going through? Do you care?
The WeakWhyte Supremacist minds see no reason to actually help those who need it....again, Repub Christian Fundies are looking like ISIS Extremists everyday. :45:
OFF TOPIC! The forum requires that you post according to the TOPIC, not just come tumbling in, mouthing off whatever Trump and GOP BASh you happen to have handy at the moment.
Great that you publicly called them out! They play this game all the time
Baker Cancels National Guard Deployment To Border, Citing 'Inhumane' Treatment Of Children And Families

Mass Gov pulling troop support at the border in what can only be described as a continued 'invasion' due to Trump's administration complying with and continuing Obama's / Democrats Legacy Policy of separating families.

Ignorant sheep who are not being told / reminded by the liberal media that Obama started this policy in 2014 / 2015 will applaud this douche as a 'hero'....

You are the ignorant one. A liar through and through.
Don’t break the law and you get to keep your children
When your very first act on American soil is an illegal one And you dangle your family to prevent you from being held accountable-you have nothing to offer this country except more problems and being a financial drain

They are looking for a better life for their families

Then don't start the "new life" breaking the Law.

You gotta do what you have to do.
They lack papers....easy to fix

That's where you and people who think like you are wrong!

If you are going to break the Law, pay the consequences.
Yes and so must the 2,3, and 5 year old pay the consequences. Do you have any FUCKING idea what those kids are going through? Do you care?
To damn bad, they GO HOME!
Here is a thought. Those people are desperate to flee human rights abuse and domestic violence in there homeland. Here is another thought, they can just be deported with there children . Fucking twit!
Are the Democrats immoral for using children as propaganda pawns?
YOU are immoral, and despicable for defending the child abuser in chief
I hope you have an ample supply of maxipads ya pussy
Yes and so must the 2,3, and 5 year old pay the consequences. Do you have any FUCKING idea what those kids are going through? Do you care?

So take your liberal ass to THEIR country and DO SOMETHING other than advocate for US taxpayers to keep supporting them
If America keeps getting invaded, there won't be any USA left to help anyone.

If you big talking Lefties REALLY cared, you'd go to THEIR countries and try to help.
Maybe go down there and take everyone's guns away in their own countries. That would make them safe right?

I say there should be a MANDATORY ORDER for every Lefty screaming about how bad the US is to be shipped off to the immigrants home country for a year minimum to help them restore peace and prosperity to their own countries. After all, you folks are supposedly so smart about making things so good for everyone...isn't that what you're always claiming?

You don't think America is go make their countries great.

Git!!!!! Go!!!!
A hard and fast rule to rip kids from their parents is just us being assholes for the sake of being assholes.'s just not nice. What is wrong with being nice?

Nice? You mean like giving them 3 meals a day plus snacks? Providing medical and dental care? Having teachers there to provide an education? I hate to break this to all you Democrats but the hardest part of the "treatment" that these kids are getting is how deprived they're going to feel once they are returned to their parents!

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