Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

"Give me you tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free....."

OP, you sound like a real prick. I bet you're even more of a prick in person.

You're going to do great when you fry in Hell. DJT will meet you there. I hear he's been securing quite a bit of real estate there for friends & family.


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There's a difference between "give me your poor" and "send your poor flooding over the border illegally". Also, please note that the LAST line of the poem you mindless hormone-bomb leftists like to quote is "I lift my lamp beside the golden door". Last time I checked, Lady Liberty wasn't standing out in the middle of the Arizona desert.
Who is imprisoned on a misdemeanor charge in the USA...... And their children taken from them while they are waiting for their court date????

Try...... No one!!!!
If they are arrested on a misdemeanor, and cannot make bail, they'll be in the county jail for months (depending on the court calender-many are jammed)-all this time, they're separated from their kids (who don't go to jail with them)

This is news to you ?
sorry, I don't believe children are taken away from their parents and put in a guarded child camp, that has been charged with simply a misdemeanor....and has not gone to trial and been found guilty yet.

if it happens, it is very very very rare....

What most often happens with a misdemeanor is the accused gets a PR bond. They also get PR bonds for some felonies. It costs big bucks to detain people for minor crimes.

Too bad for you that invading our country isn't a "minor crime", and there's no amount of pretending it's equivalent to jaywalking and littering that's going to convince anyone of anything except that you're gibbering loon.
Keep the parents and children together on the Mexican side of the border. Provide them with applications to enter the US. If their application is accepted they will be allowed to enter.

Some estimates state that there are over 6 million immigrant visa applications a year. Why should illegals be allowed to jump the line. Allowing illegal immigration isn't fair to the more than 6 million individuals and families each year that legally and respectfully follow our laws in the hopes of being allowed residency in the US.


How, precisely, do you expect us to do ANYTHING on the Mexican side of the border? I don't know if you're aware of this, but Mexico is a sovereign nation, and they kinda have an issue with other governments operating on their soil.
I want to publish the following before the libbies do-
Trump is ripping nursing babies away from Mother’s breasts AND coping a feel while he does it
But when an American citizen in this country goes to jail or prison, his/her children already have an established life in this country. A place to stay or maybe relatives take them in. The children of most of the illegals, not so much. How would a parent even know if immigration didn't separate the children from each other if there were more than one. Inhumane treatment I say, considering that it's not a violent offense to try to sneak into our country.

Please explain to me where it is codified by law ANYWHERE that a person must commit a "violent offense" in order to be put in jail, or for their children to subsequently be put in foster care.

Seems to me that the fact that those children don't have family in this country is all the MORE reason why they need foster care. That IS what the foster care system is for, after all: taking care of children who have no one else to do so.

Go ahead, come right out and actually state what you're REALLY after (because we all know you don't actually give a tin shit about those kids): for adults to be allowed to wander across the border unimpeded. I dare you to just admit it.
sorry, it's a misdemeanor, not a SERIOUS or felonious crime....

Congress wrote the law that way.... they did not make it a felony.... a serious crime.
No need for you to be sorry. I don't care if it's a misdemeanor or not. It's a serious crime. Battery is a misdemeanor. Does this look not serious to you ? >>

View attachment 199188

Also, second and subsequent offenses of US Code 8, section
1325 are felonies.

Typical shit from you. No one is harmed or battered by them crossing the border.

Here are the government statistics from 2013:

Illegal Aliens Murder at a Much Higher Rate Than US Citizens Do

You won't find the stats from any other years to be a great deal different. IMPORTANT: We are looking at ILLEGALS here and not at all immigrants. Most legal immigrants are generally pretty good citizens because they came here with the intention of being law abiding Americans.

Essentially all of the brutal, deadly MS13 gang members are illegals who came here across the U.S./Mexico border.

The violent MS-13 gang, which was nearly eradicated by the Bush administration, has been able to rebuild its ranks on the backs of illegal immigrant recruits, according to a new think tank report Wednesday.

Nearly a quarter of MS-13 gang members arrested or charged with crimes since 2012 came to the U.S. as part of the Obama-era surge of Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC), including a staggering number who have faced murder charges, according to the Center for Immigration Studies, which looked at 506 cases. . .​
MS-13 gang members gaining numbers by recruiting illegal immigrants: Report

You can be pretty sure that at least some who came across the border with a kid in tow to take advantage of Obama's catch and release policy were bringing in an MS13 gang member.
Child separation?

I say to those idiotic selfish not use your children as not brake the law with them ....don't do it

don't be idiots.... you selfish creatures you scum and more....go back to your lands.
Almost hit agree. What would you do if you had everything on the line. Wife, kids. I would do anything. I would learn about the United States legal immigration system. I would learn about options. Free schools? Wow! How about health care? I want to go to this magical land.

Not to mention the bigotry in your last line.

Yes, but would you consider the United States obligated to let you get away with it? Would you consider them to be "bad" or "at fault" if they caught you doing it and arrested you?
Trump made this an issue when he changed US policy towards families that previously were just deported without any judicial proceeding. And it's not new. DHS proposed this when Kelly was secretary, but it got shot down. Now Stephen Miller and Ole Jeff Buearegard Sessions III dusted it off and gave it a go.

Right or wrong, it's Trump's "tar baby."

Uh, no, he didn't "change policy toward families that [sic] previously were just deported". He changed policy toward families who were previously just released.

From 2016:

"Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, told Congress that Homeland Security was embarrassed by the number of illegal immigrants not showing up for their deportation hearings, but instead of cracking down on the immigrants, the department ordered agents not to arrest them in the first place — meaning they no longer need to show up for court."

Obama reinstates ‘catch-and-release’ policy for illegal immigrants

Also from 2016:

"In his responses to questions submitted for the record to the Committee, Brandon Judd, President of the American Federation of Government Employees National Border Patrol Council, stated that on August 26, 2015 he and two other Border Patrol agents met with Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Deputy Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to discuss concerns about the Administration’s policy of releasing unlawful immigrants into the United States. During the meeting, Deputy Secretary Mayorkas confirmed to the agents that the Administration has no intention of removing unlawful immigrants coming to the border as part of the ongoing surge. Specifically, he stated:

“Why would we [issue a Notice to Appear to] those we have no intention of deporting? We should not place someone in deportation proceedings, when the courts already have a 3-6 year backlog.” "

Obama Administration Official Confirms “Catch and Release” Policy - House Judiciary Committee

So don't even try to piss on our legs and insist that it's raining.
Trump made this an issue when he changed US policy towards families that previously were just deported without any judicial proceeding. And it's not new. DHS proposed this when Kelly was secretary, but it got shot down. Now Stephen Miller and Ole Jeff Buearegard Sessions III dusted it off and gave it a go.

Right or wrong, it's Trump's "tar baby."
FALSE! Obama had kids locked up, and not in such pleasant conditions. This is more Trump's positive achievement than any thing else - an on a problem caused by Democrats.
Trump altered policy to avoid catch and release. In 2014 there was a "surge" in child immigration, and Obama did establish "family detention centers."
The rules are somewhat different when children are involved. Under the terms of a 1997 settlement in the case of Flores v. Meese, children who enter the country without their parents must be granted a “general policy favoring release” to the custody of relatives or a foster program. When there is cause to detain a child, he or she must be housed in the least restrictive environment possible, kept away from unrelated adults and provided access to medical care, exercise and adequate education. Whether these protections apply to children traveling with their parents has been a matter of dispute. The Flores settlement refers to “all minors who are detained” by the Immigration and Naturalization Service and its “agents, employees, contractors and/or successors in office.” When the I.N.S. dissolved into the Department of Homeland Security in 2003, its detention program shifted to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency. Federal judges have ruled that ICE is required to honor the Flores protections to all children in its custody.
The Shame of America’s Family Detention Camps
Three Year Anniversary of Family Detention Center Is Sad Reminder of America's Cruelest Immigration Policy Practice

he Dilley facility, on the other hand, costs American taxpayers an estimated $298 per bed per day, or approximately $261 million annually, with bed space for up to 2,400 mothers and their children.

Numerous attacks over the past several months on asylum seekers and the immigrant community at large suggests that the Trump administration is doubling down against immigrant families.

However, in reflecting on the Dilley family detention center’s three-year anniversary, we are reminded that the last two administrations’ approach to refugees and asylum-seeking families is inhumane and completely out of line with American values.

$298 a bed per day..........Only in America can we be this stupid. We could put the kids in a jam up hotel for that price.
This is Trump's failed, moronic policy; he alone is responsible.

"Appeal from the United States District Court for the Central District of California Dolly M. Gee, District Judge, Presiding Argued and Submitted June 7, 2016 Pasadena, California Filed July 6, 2016

In 1997, the plaintiff class (“Flores”) and the government entered into a settlement agreement (the “Settlement”) which “sets out nationwide policy for the detention, release, and treatment of minors in the custody of the INS.” Settlement ¶ 9. The Settlement creates a presumption in favor of releasing minors and requires placement of those not released in licensed, non-secure facilities that meet certain standards. In 2014, in response to a surge of Central Americans attempting to enter the United States without documentation, the government opened family detention centers in Texas and New Mexico. The detention and release policies at these centers do not comply with the Settlement. The government, however, claims that the Settlement only applies to unaccompanied minors and is not violated when minors accompanied by parents or other adult family members are placed in these centers.

Although the issues underlying this appeal touch on matters of national importance, our task is straightforward— we must interpret the Settlement. Applying familiar principles of contract interpretation, we conclude that the Settlement unambiguously applies both to accompanied and unaccompanied minors, but does not create affirmative release rights for parents. We therefore affirm the district court in part, reverse in part, and remand."

Excuse me, WHOSE policy is this?
Imagine for a chilling second if Hillary had won.......

O - M - G
If the Left EVER gains power again, it's in Venezuela. As in Germany. As in No more Constitution. No more America. THE END
The kids are being terrorized. Being separated from their parents is something neither Bush or Obama did. Liars like you are the same type of people who brought Hitler to power. You think putting children in a tent city in Texas is humane. You are a sick individual. You really think that you can replace a parent.
FALSE! Illegal alien kids were not only separated from their parents, during the Obama years, but they were put (In violation of Flores vs Reno - 1997) into harsh living conditions. Trump, on the other hand, has been complying with the 1997 law, and has the kids in facilities that lots of kids wouldn't mind going into (quite nice), as shown in Post # 231. :biggrin:

"Terrorized" -
now there's a SCAM word if there ever was one. :rolleyes: :puhleeze:

FALSE! They were not separated during the Obama years. The fact is that the Obama Administration was clearly taken aback by unaccompanied minors and it took time for them to sort it out. Trump and Sessions are the ones responsible for separating children from their parents. They have made a conscious decision to do so and it has nothing to do with the 1997 law. Laura Bush has called it out as has Melania. Franklin Graham has called it disgusting as has Anthony Scaramucci who has remained a Trump supporter despite being fired by the guy. Jim Lankford from Oklahoma and William Hurd from Texas are calling on Trump to reverse the decision.

What do you call a child who is screaming for their mother. You are the who is using
SCAM words :asshole:

This is Trump's failed, moronic policy; he alone is responsible.

"Appeal from the United States District Court for the Central District of California Dolly M. Gee, District Judge, Presiding Argued and Submitted June 7, 2016 Pasadena, California Filed July 6, 2016

In 1997, the plaintiff class (“Flores”) and the government entered into a settlement agreement (the “Settlement”) which “sets out nationwide policy for the detention, release, and treatment of minors in the custody of the INS.” Settlement ¶ 9. The Settlement creates a presumption in favor of releasing minors and requires placement of those not released in licensed, non-secure facilities that meet certain standards. In 2014, in response to a surge of Central Americans attempting to enter the United States without documentation, the government opened family detention centers in Texas and New Mexico. The detention and release policies at these centers do not comply with the Settlement. The government, however, claims that the Settlement only applies to unaccompanied minors and is not violated when minors accompanied by parents or other adult family members are placed in these centers.

Although the issues underlying this appeal touch on matters of national importance, our task is straightforward— we must interpret the Settlement. Applying familiar principles of contract interpretation, we conclude that the Settlement unambiguously applies both to accompanied and unaccompanied minors, but does not create affirmative release rights for parents. We therefore affirm the district court in part, reverse in part, and remand."

Excuse me, WHOSE policy is this?

Simple.....all other administrations charged any one crossing the border illegally was charged with a "civil" crime....Adolph trump has decided to charge them all....including asylum seekers "criminally". This gives the Great Leader an excuse to separate the children from parents.....simply put....the Bastard has a hot place reserved for him in Hell....scum....
They know that they can and will be separated from their kids if they get caught crossing our border illegally. Seems to me they care more about crossing the border, than they care about their own kids. I don't think President Trump or our immigration laws should be blamed for the actions of irresponsible parents.
Children will always be separated from Adults when being detained. Hundreds, if not Thousands of brutal adult criminals flow across our Border daily. It's for their safety. You would think that would be common sense for the Open Borders crowd.
Open borders crowd isn't interested in common sense. They're interested in any CONCOCTION they can come up with, to scam voters into rejecting Trump.

Trump supporters talking about common sense. That is a funny one.

Imagine for a chilling second if Hillary had won.......

O - M - G
If the Left EVER gains power again, it's in Venezuela. As in Germany. As in No more Constitution. No more America. THE END

America has been screwed ever since Trump came to power. We are seeing ordinary people getting little while the rich and big business strike it rich at the expense of the little people..
Not when Laura Bush former first lady jumps into the middle and blasts Trump's policy, it's no Democrat Scam.

Laura Bush blasts Trump migrant policy as 'cruel' and 'immoral'


“Americans pride ourselves on being a moral nation,” she wrote. “If we are truly that country, then it is our obligation to reunite these detained children with their parents — and to stop separating parents and children in the first place."
Attorney General Jeff Sessionsannounced the so-called zero tolerance policy earlier this year, saying that the Justice Department would prosecute all adults crossing the border illegally, which could result in families being separated.
She’s a career politician the home has no credibility...
Fuck these illegal aliens

No fuck you. You don't separate kids from their parents you raving asshole. These people are migrant workers coming into this country to help American farmers bring in their harvests. Jobs that Americans won't do. A little migrant education would help you grow the other half of your brain.
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
Trump-supporting farmers are worried that new immigration policies would be a disaster
Dairy farmers worry about immigration rhetoric - CNNPolitics
Anyway Obama started separating these people and rightly so, They have no constitutional rights these illegal aliens have a diminishing return at best

He did not liar. Donald try telling the truth for a change.
It’s been the same way for a long time, whether it was Clinton, Bush or Obama they all did it.
Your outrage is disingenuous

They did not and you are the one being disingenuous.
It really does appear that Democrats are using the separations of illegal alien parents (some are not parents) from illegal alien children, as a political tool. When have American children ever accompanied their parents/guardians into jails ? When Americans are sent to jail, they go alone, not with their kids. It's been this way for hundreds of years, but have we heard an outcry from Democrats over that ?

No. We have not. It is only now, with illegal aliens, that Democrats are suddenly upset about separation of parent and child. So what about all the American kids, whose parents got locked up ? What are they ? Chopped liver ? They don't count ?

Actually, to Democrats, no they don't count. And maybe "count" is just the right word, since VOTE counts are what this is all about. Democrats want illegal aliens in the US, as VOTES for THEM. American kids and their jailed parents, aren't seen that way.


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