Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

What is problematic is that we're keeping family members from seeing their mother and father as a matter of policy; sometimes for months at a time. One lady from Brazil didn't see her kid for over 80 days. That shouldn't happen. The most violent offenders in our judicial system get visitation.

They can stay in Mexico, try swimming to Canada, or spread their wings and fly to Europe if they don't like our policy.
Showing up uninvited and bitching about the accommodations isn't very productive.


The places they're being housed, are top grade. They are in very, comfortable, air-conditioned facilities, in clean, nice bedrooms, with very clean, well-equipped kitchens, good food, computers, play soccer, attend classes, get counseling, medical/dental care. In short, they're treated 100 times better than AMERICAN kids of jailed parents, who also are separated from their parents, but don't get all these massive freebies.

Really? Then why does The Orange Fuhrer keep the press away from these wonderful facilities?

The kids of jailed Americans are usually placed with relatives who aren't jailed. Or they are put into foster homes.

They aren't put into prison camps with porta-potties, left to fend for themselves.
Probably because they will only be living in these luxury conditions for less then As of May 2014, ORR reported that the average length of stay in its facilities was
approximately 35 days
and that about 85 percent of the children served are released while their deportation proceedings are in progress.
A Guide to Children Arriving at the Border: Laws, Policies and Responses

that was 2015....back when we had some compassion and not 2018 with this chaotic, unprepared, unorganized and unthoughtful process...intended to harm the children....

Prove it! Where is your link? I provided a link... otherwise YOU are just full of crap!
I'm really tired of these false stories. These guesses. Provide PROOF!
YOU provided a link from 2015.... in 2018 Sessions came out with his ZERO TOLERANCE program....

the zero tolerance program of arresting everyone and charging them, was not staffed to achieve the task, and not thought out, or INTENTIONALLY not staffed with the judges and prosecutors and other people at the border to make the new zero tolerance program work efficiently or expeditiously....
What is problematic is that we're keeping family members from seeing their mother and father as a matter of policy; sometimes for months at a time. One lady from Brazil didn't see her kid for over 80 days. That shouldn't happen. The most violent offenders in our judicial system get visitation.

They can stay in Mexico, try swimming to Canada, or spread their wings and fly to Europe if they don't like our policy.
Showing up uninvited and bitching about the accommodations isn't very productive.

It says much more about us than it does about them. We’re better than this.
Child separation?

I say to those idiotic selfish not use your children as not brake the law with them ....don't do it

don't be idiots.... you selfish creatures you scum and more....go back to your lands.
Almost hit agree. What would you do if you had everything on the line. Wife, kids. I would do anything. I would learn about the United States legal immigration system. I would learn about options. Free schools? Wow! How about health care? I want to go to this magical land.

Not to mention the bigotry in your last line.

Yes, but would you consider the United States obligated to let you get away with it? Would you consider them to be "bad" or "at fault" if they caught you doing it and arrested you?

Thanks for the reply. No to your first question. The taxpayers are on the hook for the additional costs, either way.

True. So if we're going to be footing the bill, is it wrong for us to do so in the way that defends our own sovereignty?
A hard and fast rule to rip kids from their parents is just us being assholes for the sake of being assholes.'s just not nice. What is wrong with being nice?

If what you say is true (and it would certainly be an historic first if it was), why were LEFTISTS "assholes for the sake of being assholes" by screaming and demanding the law in the first place? YOU tell US "what is wrong with being nice", since it was THE LEFT who's responsible for this.
The law was put in place in 2008, before Obama as President is my understanding, for child trafficking, and primarily men that cross the border with children, that are clearly not their children.... it was not put in place to separate young mothers with young children seeking refugee status...they were released during their waiting period for refugee status hearings.
The devil is in the details. How are they vetted? I want to understand why Democrats are so vested in increasing the number of low and no-skill labor to compete against their union base.

Right now, the Democrats seem vested in trying to alleviate the humanitarian crisis at the border.

No, they don't. If that's what they wanted, they could - and should - introduce legislation to fix it today. The Democrats seem vested in coldbloodedly using those children as a tool and weapon, without doing a damned thing to actually help them.
And asylum seekers have to register at entrance points for court cases in front of judges, no Asylum seeker has been seperated, it's those who broke that rule and snuck in entered avoiding the process=illegal entrance. Furthermore people have abused that asylum loophole and you should be outraged by that abuse and the Dems who's laws opened up that loophole and who have been "obstructing" voting to change laws and fix the system.
Voting in unison for obstructive resistance does not help the country or the immigrants. Learn to place blame where it deserves to be not where propagandist narrative lead you to be played.
Bullshit. You got ICE agents closing the legal crossing points where you would ask for asylum, then saying you try to come in anywhere else and we will arrest you. It is a deliberate catch 22 policy which is just fucked. And the people that support this bullshit are inhuman pieces of shit that make up only 10% of the country. The people that support this policy have nothing to do with American values.

Prove it.
It says much more about us than it does about them. We’re better than this.

I can only hope they get the message ... :thup:

Texas sheriff deputy charged for child abuse after allegedly blackmailing undocumented mother with deportation

Imagine how many times this happens and goes unreported. I’ve heard stories about INS officials at these prison camps telling parents that they need to “question” the kids and take them into another room. The kid is then put onto transport to another camp.
I can only hope we do.

I understand the message ... If someone wants to illegally enter our country and endanger their family unit ...
It's a better idea to find a more productive means by which to gain entry.

Now I cannot expect those who put no value on personal responsibility to understand that.
They always do better telling other people what they should be doing ... But lack the wherewithal to accomplish much more.

There are rules and laws that govern gaining entry to a foreign country.
I have never had any problems visiting the ones I desire ... Because I am careful to meet their requirements.

A hard and fast rule to rip kids from their parents is just us being assholes for the sake of being assholes.'s just not nice. What is wrong with being nice?

If what you say is true (and it would certainly be an historic first if it was), why were LEFTISTS "assholes for the sake of being assholes" by screaming and demanding the law in the first place? YOU tell US "what is wrong with being nice", since it was THE LEFT who's responsible for this.
The law was put in place in 2008, before Obama as President is my understanding, for child trafficking, and primarily men that cross the border with children, that are clearly not their children.... it was not put in place to separate young mothers with young children seeking refugee status...they were released during their waiting period for refugee status hearings.
The devil is in the details. How are they vetted? I want to understand why Democrats are so vested in increasing the number of low and no-skill labor to compete against their union base.


Utterly ridiculous Cecilie!

We can't even get the LEGAL Hispanics to vote in elections....

Out of all categories voting or races voting from whites, blacks, Asians, Native Americans, Island Pacifics etc ....

in every single election we have ever had nationally, the Hispanics are the least likely to vote even though they can legally vote..... A very very low percentage end up voting.

And I'm sorry, there is no way the illegals think of voting and committing a felony to do such, as said before, when we can not even get LEGAL Hispanics to vote in any kind of percentage that would count and move an election....

If Democrats could only get the registered to vote legal Hispanic citizens to voting, then Republicans would lose every election from here on out... who the heck needs illegals voting, Dems just need the legal ones, to vote, and we'd be all set.
I can only hope we do.

I understand the message ... If someone wants to illegally enter our country and endanger their family unit ...
It's a better idea to find a more productive means by which to gain entry.

Now I cannot expect those who put no value on personal responsibility to understand that.
They always do better telling other people what they should be doing ... But lack the wherewithal to accomplish much more.

There are rules and laws that govern gaining entry to a foreign country.
I have never had any problems visiting the ones I desire ... Because I am careful to meet their requirements.

It says much more about the status of America that we have no mercy, we have no compassion, we have no capacity for just acting like a decent human being. We do, of course. We used to make the world a better place. Now…not so much.
A hard and fast rule to rip kids from their parents is just us being assholes for the sake of being assholes.'s just not nice. What is wrong with being nice?

If what you say is true (and it would certainly be an historic first if it was), why were LEFTISTS "assholes for the sake of being assholes" by screaming and demanding the law in the first place? YOU tell US "what is wrong with being nice", since it was THE LEFT who's responsible for this.
The law was put in place in 2008, before Obama as President is my understanding, for child trafficking, and primarily men that cross the border with children, that are clearly not their children.... it was not put in place to separate young mothers with young children seeking refugee status...they were released during their waiting period for refugee status hearings.
The devil is in the details. How are they vetted? I want to understand why Democrats are so vested in increasing the number of low and no-skill labor to compete against their union base.


Utterly ridiculous Cecilie!

We can't even get the LEGAL Hispanics to vote in elections....

Out of all categories voting or races voting from whites, blacks, Asians, Native Americans, Island Pacifics etc ....

in every single election we have ever had nationally, the Hispanics are the least likely to vote even though they can legally vote..... A very very low percentage end up voting.

And I'm sorry, there is no way the illegals think of voting and committing a felony to do such, as said before, when we can not even get LEGAL Hispanics to vote in any kind of percentage that would count and move an election....

If Democrats could only get the registered to vote legal Hispanic citizens to voting, then Republicans would lose every election from here on out... who the heck needs illegals voting, Dems just need the legal ones, to vote, and we'd be all set.

I know right….
It says much more about the status of America that we have no mercy, we have no compassion, we have no capacity for just acting like a decent human being. We do, of course. We used to make the world a better place. Now…not so much.

We aren't making the world a better place no matter what we do at the border ... They want to come here illegally nit-wit ... :thup:
Seriously though ... You don't want for me to start thinking of ways I could break the law and make the world a better place.

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What is problematic is that we're keeping family members from seeing their mother and father as a matter of policy; sometimes for months at a time. One lady from Brazil didn't see her kid for over 80 days. That shouldn't happen. The most violent offenders in our judicial system get visitation.

They can stay in Mexico, try swimming to Canada, or spread their wings and fly to Europe if they don't like our policy.
Showing up uninvited and bitching about the accommodations isn't very productive.

It says much more about us than it does about them. We’re better than this.
We are better than protecting the USA that these people want to come to and they want to change to their ways? America is a melting pot. But more and more "immigrants'
are waving their country's flags, introducing THEIR mores, their laws and Americans like me that are an amalgamation of ethnic backgrounds are truly disturbed.
Disturbed that emotion rather than thinking is the rule. "Feelings" are to show we are "better"?
That's why these illegals are coming here is THAT THEIR country's laws are NOT being followed so they want to come here and destroy our laws?
It says much more about the status of America that we have no mercy, we have no compassion, we have no capacity for just acting like a decent human being. We do, of course. We used to make the world a better place. Now…not so much.

We aren't making the world a better place no matter what we do at the border ... They want to come here illegally nit-wit ... :thup:
Seriously though ... You don't want for me to start thinking of ways I could break the law and make the world a better place.

no, they come from central America, one of the most crime ridden, and dangerous places in the world, as asylum seekers, which is legal.... they are deported afterwards, if the legal asylum process does not approve their refugee how it was done in Bush 2 and Obama, whether crossing over the bridge or walking under it, when turning themselves in.

This is no longer the case with Session's new, Zero Tolerance program.

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