Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

Right now, the Democrats seem vested in trying to alleviate the humanitarian crisis at the border.

No, they don't. If that's what they wanted, they could - and should - introduce legislation to fix it today. The Democrats seem vested in coldbloodedly using those children as a tool and weapon, without doing a damned thing to actually help them.

I'll take that "oh, it's so funny, but I can't respond to it" as an admission of surrender, chickenshit.
Trump made this an issue when he changed US policy towards families that previously were just deported without any judicial proceeding. And it's not new. DHS proposed this when Kelly was secretary, but it got shot down. Now Stephen Miller and Ole Jeff Buearegard Sessions III dusted it off and gave it a go.

Right or wrong, it's Trump's "tar baby."
FALSE! Obama had kids locked up, and not in such pleasant conditions. This is more Trump's positive achievement than any thing else - an on a problem caused by Democrats.
Trump altered policy to avoid catch and release. In 2014 there was a "surge" in child immigration, and Obama did establish "family detention centers."
The rules are somewhat different when children are involved. Under the terms of a 1997 settlement in the case of Flores v. Meese, children who enter the country without their parents must be granted a “general policy favoring release” to the custody of relatives or a foster program. When there is cause to detain a child, he or she must be housed in the least restrictive environment possible, kept away from unrelated adults and provided access to medical care, exercise and adequate education. Whether these protections apply to children traveling with their parents has been a matter of dispute. The Flores settlement refers to “all minors who are detained” by the Immigration and Naturalization Service and its “agents, employees, contractors and/or successors in office.” When the I.N.S. dissolved into the Department of Homeland Security in 2003, its detention program shifted to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency. Federal judges have ruled that ICE is required to honor the Flores protections to all children in its custody.
The Shame of America’s Family Detention Camps
Three Year Anniversary of Family Detention Center Is Sad Reminder of America's Cruelest Immigration Policy Practice

he Dilley facility, on the other hand, costs American taxpayers an estimated $298 per bed per day, or approximately $261 million annually, with bed space for up to 2,400 mothers and their children.

The Shame of America’s Family Detention Camps
Three Year Anniversary of Family Detention Center Is Sad Reminder of America's Cruelest Immigration Policy Practice

he Dilley facility, on the other hand, costs American taxpayers an estimated $298 per bed per day, or approximately $261 million annually, with bed space for up to 2,400 mothers and their children.

Numerous attacks over the past several months on asylum seekers and the immigrant community at large suggests that the Trump administration is doubling down against immigrant families.

However, in reflecting on the Dilley family detention center’s three-year anniversary, we are reminded that the last two administrations’ approach to refugees and asylum-seeking families is inhumane and completely out of line with American values.

$298 a bed per day..........Only in America can we be this stupid. We could put the kids in a jam up hotel for that price.[/QUOTE]
No president as a policy has separated child from parents. You DO NOT GET ALTERNATIVE FACTS
no, they come from central America, one of the most crime ridden, and dangerous places in the world, as asylum seekers, which is legal.... they are deported afterwards, if the legal asylum process does not approve their refugee how it was done in Bush 2 and Obama, whether crossing over the bridge or walking under it, when turning themselves in.

This is no longer the case with Session's new, Zero Tolerance program.

Elections have consequences ... :thup:
Please do not mistake the idea that one person may or may not desire something makes a difference ... It doesn't.

If you think the Democrats are best served basing their campaign on supporting the rights of foreign nationals ...
Over the rule of law, protecting our sovereignty, and representing Americans in their districts ... I say go for it.

Vote your conscience ... Vote for the people you support ... Complain about the crap you don't like.
In the meantime ... I am not trying to fix the world ... I can do better than you and your government at making a positive impact on my community.

That's how your ancestors got here, wasn't it?

Oh, but they were white.
No, my paternal grandparents came from British Honduras (now called Belize) They were Hispanic. My mother came here from Denmark (white).
No president as a policy has separated child from parents. You DO NOT GET ALTERNATIVE FACTS
So American criminals (burglars, arsonists, car thieves, etc) were not separated from their kids ?

EARTH TO BENDOG: They are ALWAYS separated from their kids. No kids go to jail or prison with their parents (other than infants in the Dilley place) Never.
the administration short handed the border crossings, purposely, so once they get to the gate, it is taking about 9 days of waiting there, outside, with their babies and children, in 100 degree heat.... instead of going through the gate at border in less than an hour,

so to get their kids out of the heat, they are forced to make a crossing right outside of the border gate and turning themselves in to border patrol, waiting under shaded trees.
Is this something you came up with in a dream ? Where did you get this from ? (if anywhere)
the zero tolerance program of arresting everyone and charging them, was not staffed to achieve the task, and not thought out, or INTENTIONALLY not staffed with the judges and prosecutors and other people at the border to make the new zero tolerance program work efficiently or expeditiously....
Upon WHAT do you base these comments ? How do you "know" this ?
No president as a policy has separated child from parents. You DO NOT GET ALTERNATIVE FACTS
So American criminals (burglars, arsonists, car thieves, etc) were not separated from their kids ?

EARTH TO BENDOG: They are ALWAYS separated from their kids. No kids go to jail or prison with their parents (other than infants in the Dilley place) Never.
No we have NOT separated children from parents as a matter of deterrent policy. This is a new policy based on ending catch and release
- you fucking LIAR
A Bush-era Inspector General report from DHS found that family separations happened when a parent is criminally charged or if family shelters and facilities lacked space. And according to the Bipartisan Policy Center, in response to Congressional pressure over the separations, the Department opened a family detention center in Texas to expand its capacity only to face more backlash due to the fact that the facility was a former medium-security prison.

The Obama Administration dealt with a major surge in migrants and primarily detained families together in administrative facilities or released them, according to the Migration Policy Institute. It also faced fierce backlash over its family detention policy, including from Congressional Democrats and advocates who criticized officials who said detentions could serve as a deterrent, and faced a number of legal challenges over it.

Here Are the Facts About President Trump's Family Separation Policy
Top House Democrat Demonstrates How Intentionally False / PATHETIC Democrats Truly Are:

'He was not elected to commit child abuse'
-- Nancy Pelosi

Pelosi is right, though. The President was not elected to commit child abuse', which he is not doing...unless Pelosi is admitting that the on-going policy SHE, HER FELLOW DEMOCRATS, and OBAMA instituted in 2014/2015 constitutes 'child abuse.

'He Was Not Elected to Commit Child Abuse': NY Dem, Pelosi Blast Trump for Migrant Family Separations

You have to respect POSes like Pelosi, though. They never let the truth get in their way of spreading lies and propaganda.

No president as a policy has separated child from parents. You DO NOT GET ALTERNATIVE FACTS
So American criminals (burglars, arsonists, car thieves, etc) were not separated from their kids ?

EARTH TO BENDOG: They are ALWAYS separated from their kids. No kids go to jail or prison with their parents (other than infants in the Dilley place) Never.
No we have NOT separated children from parents as a matter of deterrent policy. This is a new policy based on ending catch and release
- you fucking LIAR
A Bush-era Inspector General report from DHS found that family separations happened when a parent is criminally charged or if family shelters and facilities lacked space. And according to the Bipartisan Policy Center, in response to Congressional pressure over the separations, the Department opened a family detention center in Texas to expand its capacity only to face more backlash due to the fact that the facility was a former medium-security prison.

The Obama Administration dealt with a major surge in migrants and primarily detained families together in administrative facilities or released them, according to the Migration Policy Institute. It also faced fierce backlash over its family detention policy, including from Congressional Democrats and advocates who criticized officials who said detentions could serve as a deterrent, and faced a number of legal challenges over it.

Here Are the Facts About President Trump's Family Separation Policy

Katie Pavlich - Are Illegal Immigrants Being Dumped in Arizona as Payback?
Oklahama Gov: Obama Dumped 1,200 Illegal Alien ‘Children’ on Us –...
Outrage in Arizona: US dumps hundreds of illegal migrant kids in AZ warehouses
Ok, enough of the continuous liberal bullshit and lies....


A Federal Judged ruled Obama violated a 20-year old policy that set a high standard for detained immigrant children!

"It's been over a year since the administration started detaining hundreds of families crossing into Texas from Central America. And that year has been marked by failure after failure.

The original plan was to hear families' asylum cases quickly, and deport them as soon as possible; that failed once some detainees were able to meet with lawyers and get their asylum claims upheld. Then the plan was to detain families for the months it took to resolve their cases. That plan fell through earlier this year, after a court ruling, and then a new administration policy, accepted that mothers and children who'd passed their initial interviews didn't need to be kept behind bars.

Now the administration's family detention experiment is at risk of being outlawed entirely. Over the weekend, a federal judge ruled that the family detention system violates a 20-year-old policy that sets high standards for detained immigrant children..."

Obama's Policy Violated the Government's Own Rules

"There are strict legal standards for when and how the government could legally keep children in immigration detention. Those were set in 1996, when the government settled a lawsuit filed by advocacy groups, an event known the Flores settlement. Under the terms of the Flores settlement, the government has to hold children in the least restrictive conditions possible. That generally means "unsecured" facilities (in other words, places that run more like shelters than prisons) that are licensed for taking care of children.

Immigrant rights advocates invoked the Flores settlement to challenge the current detentions. The government argued that key parts of Flores didn't apply because the children were being detained with their parents. But on Friday, after months of negotiation, federal Judge Dolly Gee sided with the advocates. She ruled that the government (Obama and his administration) was holding children in secured, prison-like, unlicensed facilities, and that violated the 1996 agreement.

Gee's ruling was harsh. She called it "astonishing" and "shocking" that 20 years after the Flores agreement, the government (Barry's and his administration) still hadn't figured out how to meet its own standards for humane treatment of children."

Detaining immigrant families is cruel and inhumane. So why is Obama still doing it?

...and while Barry was doing all of this, from the Left / snowflakes...

"It would take Donald Trump basically the same amount of effort to end the heinous family separation policy as it did to pardon Joe Arpaio." - Supercilious John McCain
no, they come from central America, one of the most crime ridden, and dangerous places in the world, as asylum seekers, which is legal.... they are deported afterwards, if the legal asylum process does not approve their refugee how it was done in Bush 2 and Obama, whether crossing over the bridge or walking under it, when turning themselves in.

This is no longer the case with Session's new, Zero Tolerance program.

Elections have consequences ... :thup:
Please do not mistake the idea that one person may or may not desire something makes a difference ... It doesn't.

If you think the Democrats are best served basing their campaign on supporting the rights of foreign nationals ...
Over the rule of law, protecting our sovereignty, and representing Americans in their districts ... I say go for it.

Vote your conscience ... Vote for the people you support ... Complain about the crap you don't like.
In the meantime ... I am not trying to fix the world ... I can do better than you and your government at making a positive impact on my community.

Elections have con-sequences....indeed. Just look at the 1933 German election.
This is why you are losing Jewish voters, the sick twisted notion of comparing the 2 is revealing a pattern of pathelogical lying and insensitive pandering by the left.
IF you compare feeding, health screening, education, motivation workshops, & up to 20 days processing of kids 90% who are unacommpanied (thus many saved from human trafficking) with that of Nazis who starved, gased, tortured, took teeth and hair, experimented on, stole health, stole sanity, and kept people without release,

Yawn, guy, get a clue, will you?

Hillary got 71% of the Jewish vote in 2016.. Obama got 69% of the Jewish vote.

Decent Jewish people are as horrified by what is going on on the Southern Border as anyone else is, as they should be.
Your reply had NOTHING TO DO WITH MY POST nor did it excuse your behavior nor was it an apology or Teshuva. YOU proved my point, your pandering is giving more respect to MS-13 then
you do to Jews you claim support your leanings.
No president as a policy has separated child from parents. You DO NOT GET ALTERNATIVE FACTS
So American criminals (burglars, arsonists, car thieves, etc) were not separated from their kids ?

EARTH TO BENDOG: They are ALWAYS separated from their kids. No kids go to jail or prison with their parents (other than infants in the Dilley place) Never.
No we have NOT separated children from parents as a matter of deterrent policy. This is a new policy based on ending catch and release
- you fucking LIAR
A Bush-era Inspector General report from DHS found that family separations happened when a parent is criminally charged or if family shelters and facilities lacked space. And according to the Bipartisan Policy Center, in response to Congressional pressure over the separations, the Department opened a family detention center in Texas to expand its capacity only to face more backlash due to the fact that the facility was a former medium-security prison.

The Obama Administration dealt with a major surge in migrants and primarily detained families together in administrative facilities or released them, according to the Migration Policy Institute. It also faced fierce backlash over its family detention policy, including from Congressional Democrats and advocates who criticized officials who said detentions could serve as a deterrent, and faced a number of legal challenges over it.

Here Are the Facts About President Trump's Family Separation Policy

Katie Pavlich - Are Illegal Immigrants Being Dumped in Arizona as Payback?
Oklahama Gov: Obama Dumped 1,200 Illegal Alien ‘Children’ on Us –...
Outrage in Arizona: US dumps hundreds of illegal migrant kids in AZ warehouses
You know the trumpanzees are flailing when they keep bringing up former President Obama.
No president as a policy has separated child from parents. You DO NOT GET ALTERNATIVE FACTS
So American criminals (burglars, arsonists, car thieves, etc) were not separated from their kids ?

EARTH TO BENDOG: They are ALWAYS separated from their kids. No kids go to jail or prison with their parents (other than infants in the Dilley place) Never.
No we have NOT separated children from parents as a matter of deterrent policy. This is a new policy based on ending catch and release
- you fucking LIAR
A Bush-era Inspector General report from DHS found that family separations happened when a parent is criminally charged or if family shelters and facilities lacked space. And according to the Bipartisan Policy Center, in response to Congressional pressure over the separations, the Department opened a family detention center in Texas to expand its capacity only to face more backlash due to the fact that the facility was a former medium-security prison.

The Obama Administration dealt with a major surge in migrants and primarily detained families together in administrative facilities or released them, according to the Migration Policy Institute. It also faced fierce backlash over its family detention policy, including from Congressional Democrats and advocates who criticized officials who said detentions could serve as a deterrent, and faced a number of legal challenges over it.

Here Are the Facts About President Trump's Family Separation Policy

Katie Pavlich - Are Illegal Immigrants Being Dumped in Arizona as Payback?
Oklahama Gov: Obama Dumped 1,200 Illegal Alien ‘Children’ on Us –...
Outrage in Arizona: US dumps hundreds of illegal migrant kids in AZ warehouses
You know the trumpanzees are flailing when they keep bringing up former President Obama.

Yup, that's it...dumbass.
But when an American citizen in this country goes to jail or prison, his/her children already have an established life in this country. A place to stay or maybe relatives take them in. The children of most of the illegals, not so much. How would a parent even know if immigration didn't separate the children from each other if there were more than one. Inhumane treatment I say, considering that it's not a violent offense to try to sneak into our country.
Lots of American kids have no place to go when a single parent is jailed. Yu show a typical lack of concern for American kids, while being all upset about illegals.

Lots of crimes pertain to things that are not violence. That doesn't make them OK.

Requesting asylum isn't breaking any law.
Depends how you request it
Go to a US consulate i you home country, OK.
Show up at an entry point, OK.
Sneak across the border, illegal
Dea, with it it's the parents putting their chi.dren at risk.

Not how it works. They have to be here before they are allowed to apply. Of course, the armed guards at the points of entry aren't letting them do that.
Border guards accused of illegally turning away foreigners seeking asylum
A new report by the group Human Rights First says its researchers have gathered additional information showing how immigration authorities at various ports of entry along the border have continued to block foreign asylum seekers from the United States and turning them back to Mexico.
Seeking asylum is not a crime, asshole.
And asylum seekers have to register at entrance points for court cases in front of judges, no Asylum seeker has been seperated, it's those who broke that rule and snuck in entered avoiding the process=illegal entrance. Furthermore people have abused that asylum loophole and you should be outraged by that abuse and the Dems who's laws opened up that loophole and who have been "obstructing" voting to change laws and fix the system.
Voting in unison for obstructive resistance does not help the country or the immigrants. Learn to place blame where it deserves to be not where propagandist narrative lead you to be played.
the administration short handed the border crossings, purposely, so once they get to the gate, it is taking about 9 days of waiting there, outside, with their babies and children, in 100 degree heat.... instead of going through the gate at border in less than an hour,

so to get their kids out of the heat, they are forced to make a crossing right outside of the border gate and turning themselves in to border patrol, waiting under shaded trees.

President Trump and his followers are possessed by Evil.....your souls and sense of what is right and what is wrong, are rotting.... and you and your evil, have destroyed our once great country. And you all claim to be the religious ones??? hahahahaha! You are the GOATS in the Sheep and the Goats parable....and Christ has a special place in Hell for you.... Christ said so, right to your face in this scripture, the Sheep and the Goats....... but instead you are following Trump, in to the proverbial lake of fire, is apparently, what's going to happen.....

wake up minions, if you believe in God and prophesy, your fake god/antichrist, does NOT win in the end.
What, they can't mail in their visa, citizenship request or request asylum applications like they do illegal voting?
It really does appear that Democrats are using the separations of illegal alien parents (some are not parents) from illegal alien children, as a political tool. When have American children ever accompanied their parents/guardians into jails ? When Americans are sent to jail, they go alone, not with their kids. It's been this way for hundreds of years, but have we heard an outcry from Democrats over that ?

No. We have not. It is only now, with illegal aliens, that Democrats are suddenly upset about separation of parent and child. So what about all the American kids, whose parents got locked up ? What are they ? Chopped liver ? They don't count ?

Actually, to Democrats, no they don't count. And maybe "count" is just the right word, since VOTE counts are what this is all about. Democrats want illegal aliens in the US, as VOTES for THEM. American kids and their jailed parents, aren't seen that way.

Russian troll farmers are seeking to claim that what Trump is doing is a good thing. That Americans support what Trump is doing.

What Trump is doing is torturing and abusing the children of legal asylum seekers for political gain - as both a deterrent and a bargaining chip. And that’s the kindest spin we can put on it.

The scales have fallen away from the eyes of evangelicals and the Republican Party and they are truly seeing the monster they’ve elected for the first time.

You and the Russian trolls who responded to this thread are riding a losing horse on this one.

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