Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

There is no trying to make it “someone” else’s fault; it is at the feet of Donald Trump…the pervert in the White House.

If all you can do to make the world a better place is wait for someone (including President Trump) to make things better ...
Then you are blaming others for what you cannot accomplish ... :thup:

Do I suspect you can go to the border and make a difference ... Well, do you speak Portuguese?

I suspect you expect more out of people than they are willing to contribute.
I suspect you are not willing to make the changes in your life that support actually accomplishing something worthwhile in the matter.
I suspect you would rather rely on politics and some stupid expectations of failing operations to satisfy your desired level of compassion.

The part you are missing (as usual) is some of us don't give a crap what you think about yourself.
If you go the extra mile ... Those who don't will have misconceptions about what you do ... But who gives a damn what they think?
The reward is in the people you actually help ... That is your mark on the world.


My effort to help others is to never vote for a Republican, and to continue the Trump Beat,, i.e., that he is an inept, incompetent, inexperienced bully who is unfit to be POTUS.

Sadly, I don't believe Pence would be much of an improvement, he's too self absorbed and his claim that he is a Christian, a Conservative and a Republican leave out a vast number of our citizens.

A great internet warrior, a legend in his own mind. All hat and no cattle son. You're one of those "Do as I say not as I do Progressives'.
A hard and fast rule to rip kids from their parents is just us being assholes for the sake of being assholes.'s just not nice. What is wrong with being nice?

It really does appear that Democrats are using the separations of illegal alien parents (some are not parents) from illegal alien children, as a political tool. When have American children ever accompanied their parents/guardians into jails ? When Americans are sent to jail, they go alone, not with their kids. It's been this way for hundreds of years, but have we heard an outcry from Democrats over that ?

No. We have not. It is only now, with illegal aliens, that Democrats are suddenly upset about separation of parent and child. So what about all the American kids, whose parents got locked up ? What are they ? Chopped liver ? They don't count ?

Actually, to Democrats, no they don't count. And maybe "count" is just the right word, since VOTE counts are what this is all about. Democrats want illegal aliens in the US, as VOTES for THEM. American kids and their jailed parents, aren't seen that way.

Once again a post echoing the talking points of a BIG LIE. There is no evidence that human trafficking of thousands of children is what is going on at our border. It deflects from the real problem of poverty, gangs and drugs and an administration whose approach to everything is to put more poor and people of color in jail, and ignore the real criminals who profit from their exploitation.

There is not doubt that the situation at our border is a crisis, but if we had an Executive Administration, or a Congress, which was competent and trusted, we could be using diplomats and not cops to establish order out of chaos, with an equal effort on the part of the Mexican Government and ours.

Sadly that is not in the picture with Trump&Co. in power, and the swamp creatures he has appointed, and confirmed by McConnell and his coterie.

Well sure, just like the Magic Negro did.

IDIOT-GRAM, Racist variety.

Nope, valid point of fact. Sorry son.

Nope, spot on comment, and I'm not sorry child, I meant what I posted directed at your comment: "Well sure, just like the Magic Negro did".

You're an asshole, and I don't care what color asshole you are.
Best article I've seen yet on the illegal alien kids' facilities. The ones Dem scammers call "concentration camps" and "cages". Way to go Breitbart.

Nothing like a video tour of the actual facility, and seeing the kids getting medical care, having good food, playing soccer, and attending school classes. Tour was given to journalists
PHOTOS: Inside Shelter for Illegal Alien Children Separated from Parents | Breitbart





I had been operating on a misconception or two under I heard the Director of Homeland Security's excellent presentation yesterday. And the fact is we aren't separating families who come into the country legally, i.e. properly applying for amnesty in order to get admitted.

The point she made is that kids are not separated from their families who enter the country LEGALLY seeking amnesty, meaning that they go to the port of entry and properly apply for amnesty and it is determined the children are in no danger. And they must be families and not somebody who just snagged or is trafficking kids to appear as a family and those are happening in unacceptable numbers. Those entering ILLEGALLY are being prosecuted as the law demands. And the law demands that minor children cannot be incarcerated with the adults.

The children in custody of the U.S. government are being housed, clothed, fed, given medical attention and are in far better circumstances than are the poor minor children who are citizens of this country, are in far better circumstances than the homeless in this country, than thousands of our veterans. The childen are not being mistreated in any way. Many of them were simply snagged and not related to the illegals at all. Some were stuffed into car trunks or otherwise were brought against THEIR will by the coyotes who then provide them to some illegal to pretend they are families when they demand amnesty.

And the Obama administration and the Bush 43 administration are not blameless on that score in any way and have little leg to stand on when it comes to criticizing President Trump. Mostly they are saying its only so bad under Trump because it is racially motivated which is a total crock.

On MSNBC this past week:

. . .At 5:52 p.m. Eastern, during the show's "The Lid" segment, former George W. Bush administration official Alfonso Aguilar complained about the "selective outrage" of critics going after President Trump when "there were some policies during the Obama administration that were pretty awful that separated families."

After host Chuck Todd jumped in to recall that "Obama was getting protests from immigration advocates" at his 2012 campaign events, Alcindor acknowledged and seemed to rationalize the double standard of hitting Trump as she recalled:
But the thing is that the -- the thing that is different about President Trump is that he built a campaign attacking immigrants, making them -- it was a campaign that was founded -- in some ways, people think -- in a racist way, and then you add to that the fact that it's zero policy. this is not some families -- it's all families. I'm not saying that Obama was better -- I'm just saying, as a reporter, that this is an administration that has changed a policy and made it worse.​
. . .​
There is no trying to make it “someone” else’s fault; it is at the feet of Donald Trump…the pervert in the White House.

If all you can do to make the world a better place is wait for someone (including President Trump) to make things better ...
Then you are blaming others for what you cannot accomplish ... :thup:
Immigration policy is dictated by the lawmakers. Right now the republicans control the lawmaking process and the head of the republicant party is the perverted Donald Trump. Sorry

Do I suspect you can go to the border and make a difference ... Well, do you speak Portuguese?

I suspect you expect more out of people than they are willing to contribute.
I suspect you are not willing to make the changes in your life that support actually accomplishing something worthwhile in the matter.
I suspect you would rather rely on politics and some stupid expectations of failing operations to satisfy your desired level of compassion.

The part you are missing (as usual) is some of us don't give a crap what you think about yourself.
If you go the extra mile ... Those who don't will have misconceptions about what you do ... But who gives a damn what they think?
The reward is in the people you actually help ... That is your mark on the world.

If you cannot accomplish anything outside of a voting booth and relying on government ... You are of no use to me.


Yeah, you’re contributing quite a bit commenting on a message board. Pot meet kettle.

Last I checked, we pay taxes for a government that is supposed to not embarrass us. Instead we have at least 3 different stories from the White House and it’s administration about what the policy is involving illegal aliens and what, 4,000 kids being held who pose no threat to the nation and committed no crimes.
This appears to be a bunch of Fake News once again. It’s a policy that has existed for decades and mindless emotive sorts along with the MSM have staged pictures and comments to make it look like Trump just started it and kids are being stored in animal cages
The facts are their food clothing and shelter is Far Better than where they came from
Libbies you really need to cut the crap-Russians-Stormy-Caged Kids; it’s an endless bunch of mind mush horseshit that I don’t even know why we are paying Any attention to
Last edited:
But when an American citizen in this country goes to jail or prison, his/her children already have an established life in this country. A place to stay or maybe relatives take them in. The children of most of the illegals, not so much. How would a parent even know if immigration didn't separate the children from each other if there were more than one. Inhumane treatment I say, considering that it's not a violent offense to try to sneak into our country.
Lots of American kids have no place to go when a single parent is jailed. Yu show a typical lack of concern for American kids, while being all upset about illegals.

Lots of crimes pertain to things that are not violence. That doesn't make them OK.

Requesting asylum isn't breaking any law.
Depends how you request it
Go to a US consulate i you home country, OK.
Show up at an entry point, OK.
Sneak across the border, illegal
Dea, with it it's the parents putting their chi.dren at risk.

Not how it works. They have to be here before they are allowed to apply. Of course, the armed guards at the points of entry aren't letting them do that.
Border guards accused of illegally turning away foreigners seeking asylum
A new report by the group Human Rights First says its researchers have gathered additional information showing how immigration authorities at various ports of entry along the border have continued to block foreign asylum seekers from the United States and turning them back to Mexico.
Oh, you are so wrong, that is exactly how it works. Except for Cubans
You apply for asylum before you attempt To enter OR you show up at a designated border crossing. You do not cross illegally and the ask to asylum unless you are Cuban.
Best article I've seen yet on the illegal alien kids' facilities. The ones Dem scammers call "concentration camps" and "cages". Way to go Breitbart.

Nothing like a video tour of the actual facility, and seeing the kids getting medical care, having good food, playing soccer, and attending school classes. Tour was given to journalists
PHOTOS: Inside Shelter for Illegal Alien Children Separated from Parents | Breitbart





I had been operating on a misconception or two under I heard the Director of Homeland Security's excellent presentation yesterday. And the fact is we aren't separating families who come into the country legally, i.e. properly applying for amnesty in order to get admitted.

The point she made is that kids are not separated from their families who enter the country LEGALLY seeking amnesty, meaning that they go to the port of entry and properly apply for amnesty and it is determined the children are in no danger. And they must be families and not somebody who just snagged or is trafficking kids to appear as a family and those are happening in unacceptable numbers. Those entering ILLEGALLY are being prosecuted as the law demands. And the law demands that minor children cannot be incarcerated with the adults.

The children in custody of the U.S. government are being housed, clothed, fed, given medical attention and are in far better circumstances than are the poor minor children who are citizens of this country, are in far better circumstances than the homeless in this country, than thousands of our veterans. The childen are not being mistreated in any way. Many of them were simply snagged and not related to the illegals at all. Some were stuffed into car trunks or otherwise were brought against THEIR will by the coyotes who then provide them to some illegal to pretend they are families when they demand amnesty.

And the Obama administration and the Bush 43 administration are not blameless on that score in any way and have little leg to stand on when it comes to criticizing President Trump. Mostly they are saying its only so bad under Trump because it is racially motivated which is a total crock.

On MSNBC this past week:

. . .At 5:52 p.m. Eastern, during the show's "The Lid" segment, former George W. Bush administration official Alfonso Aguilar complained about the "selective outrage" of critics going after President Trump when "there were some policies during the Obama administration that were pretty awful that separated families."

After host Chuck Todd jumped in to recall that "Obama was getting protests from immigration advocates" at his 2012 campaign events, Alcindor acknowledged and seemed to rationalize the double standard of hitting Trump as she recalled:
But the thing is that the -- the thing that is different about President Trump is that he built a campaign attacking immigrants, making them -- it was a campaign that was founded -- in some ways, people think -- in a racist way, and then you add to that the fact that it's zero policy. this is not some families -- it's all families. I'm not saying that Obama was better -- I'm just saying, as a reporter, that this is an administration that has changed a policy and made it worse.​
. . .​

Funny, my takeaway from Kristjen Nielsen's press conference was two-fold: 1) The End Justifies the Means, and 2) And, She contradicted Sessions' reason for why these means were employed.

The photos above were taken by agents of the Federal Government, the press was not allowed to bring cameras into the detention facility.
This appears to be a bunch of Fake News once again. It’s a policy that has existed for decades and mindless emotive sorts along with the MSM have staged pictures and comments to make it look like Trump just started it and kids are being stored in animal cages
The facts are their food clothing and shelter is Far Better than where they came from
Libbies you really need to cut the crap-Russians-Stormy-Caged Kids; it’s an endless bunch of mind mush horseshit that I don’t even know why we are paying Any attention to
We never before separated families and put children cages until they were deported. YOU DON'T GET ALTERNATIVE FACTS
This appears to be a bunch of Fake News once again. It’s a policy that has existed for decades and mindless emotive sorts along with the MSM have staged pictures and comments to make it look like Trump just started it and kids are being stored in animal cages
The facts are their food clothing and shelter is Far Better than where they came from
Libbies you really need to cut the crap-Russians-Stormy-Caged Kids; it’s an endless bunch of mind mush horseshit that I don’t even know why we are paying Any attention to
We never before separated families and put children cages until they were deported. YOU DON'T GET ALTERNATIVE FACTS

Yes we have. You don't get to change the facts.
This appears to be a bunch of Fake News once again. It’s a policy that has existed for decades and mindless emotive sorts along with the MSM have staged pictures and comments to make it look like Trump just started it and kids are being stored in animal cages
The facts are their food clothing and shelter is Far Better than where they came from
Libbies you really need to cut the crap-Russians-Stormy-Caged Kids; it’s an endless bunch of mind mush horseshit that I don’t even know why we are paying Any attention to
We never before separated families and put children cages until they were deported. YOU DON'T GET ALTERNATIVE FACTS

Yes we have. You don't get to change the facts.
We did not lock up children after separating them from familes. Stop lying.
Thank God for the rich white people who are providing jobs - right. Who do you work for - the government?

I wish.

I actually work for myself, but that's neither here nor there.

My point is, if you didn't have rich white people inviting undocumented workers up here to do work that Americans won't do for that pay scale, they wouldn't be here, and you know it.

So the US is going to be a receptacle for every person with every concoction of a sob story, from every corner of the earth, right ?

That's how your ancestors got here, wasn't it?

Oh, but they were white.
Joe doesn't like borders. Joe likes cesspools filled with third world sewage.

Didn’t know he liked Mississippi.
That's intelligent.
The problem with this thread is the intent by some to make the crisis on our Southern Border no different than the acts of Obama and as far back as FDR.

It matters not what we've done in the past, what matters is what we are doing today. And what we are doing today is evil, and will impact the health and well being of those small children "ripped" from the arms of their mothers for a lifetime.

Something FDR and Obama never did, and never would have done. Some decisions in retrospect, and based on the mores of the time, did not create the firestorm we see today. a firestorm man made by the Trump Administration and the hate and fear of his rhetoric.

Trump and Sessions are evil, and I don't use that word as hyperbole or as a pejorative.
Thank God for the rich white people who are providing jobs - right. Who do you work for - the government?

I wish.

I actually work for myself, but that's neither here nor there.

My point is, if you didn't have rich white people inviting undocumented workers up here to do work that Americans won't do for that pay scale, they wouldn't be here, and you know it.

So the US is going to be a receptacle for every person with every concoction of a sob story, from every corner of the earth, right ?

That's how your ancestors got here, wasn't it?

Oh, but they were white.
Joe doesn't like borders. Joe likes cesspools filled with third world sewage.

Didn’t know he liked Mississippi.
That's intelligent.

No..I meant Texas
This appears to be a bunch of Fake News once again. It’s a policy that has existed for decades and mindless emotive sorts along with the MSM have staged pictures and comments to make it look like Trump just started it and kids are being stored in animal cages
The facts are their food clothing and shelter is Far Better than where they came from
Libbies you really need to cut the crap-Russians-Stormy-Caged Kids; it’s an endless bunch of mind mush horseshit that I don’t even know why we are paying Any attention to
We never before separated families and put children cages until they were deported. YOU DON'T GET ALTERNATIVE FACTS
Been doing it for decades gibberish spewer
This appears to be a bunch of Fake News once again. It’s a policy that has existed for decades and mindless emotive sorts along with the MSM have staged pictures and comments to make it look like Trump just started it and kids are being stored in animal cages
The facts are their food clothing and shelter is Far Better than where they came from
Libbies you really need to cut the crap-Russians-Stormy-Caged Kids; it’s an endless bunch of mind mush horseshit that I don’t even know why we are paying Any attention to
We never before separated families and put children cages until they were deported. YOU DON'T GET ALTERNATIVE FACTS

Yes we have. You don't get to change the facts.
We did not lock up children after separating them from familes. Stop lying.

You can read the evidence. Those photos you see of children behind bars or in kennel like cages are from the Obama era. The children under state authority/protection now are being very well cared for. Much better than we treat our own citizens in such circumstances.
My effort to help others is to never vote for a Republican, and to continue the Trump Beat,, i.e., that he is an inept, incompetent, inexperienced bully who is unfit to be POTUS.

Sadly, I don't believe Pence would be much of an improvement, he's too self absorbed and his claim that he is a Christian, a Conservative and a Republican leave out a vast number of our citizens.

I can fully understand why your vote is about all you can offer.

I don't necessarily see were your desire to squabble over your opinion of President Trump's Christianity or conservatism has much to offer.
I am sure you could clear up how Failed Democrat Presidential Nominee Hilary Clinton is more of a Christian and conservative though.

Yeah, you’re contributing quite a bit commenting on a message board. Pot meet kettle.

Last I checked, we pay taxes for a government that is supposed to not embarrass us. Instead we have at least 3 different stories from the White House and it’s administration about what the policy is involving illegal aliens and what, 4,000 kids being held who pose no threat to the nation and committed no crimes.

What I do here on a message board is nothing I would consider to be helping the needy.
Of course it is of no surprise if you think your bitching here somehow amounts to something worthwhile.

Are you embarrassed by your government ... If so, why do you keep supporting their failures?

The children haven't been charged with any crimes.
They are being detained because they were in the company of adults who obviously were not interested in ensuring a more responsible method of entry.

Immigration policy is dictated by the lawmakers. Right now the republicans control the lawmaking process and the head of the republicant party is the perverted Donald Trump. Sorry.

Please tell me you are going to hold your breath until he sees things your way ... :thup:

Yeah, you’re contributing quite a bit commenting on a message board. Pot meet kettle.

Last I checked, we pay taxes for a government that is supposed to not embarrass us. Instead we have at least 3 different stories from the White House and it’s administration about what the policy is involving illegal aliens and what, 4,000 kids being held who pose no threat to the nation and committed no crimes.

What I do here on a message board is nothing I would consider to be helping the needy.
Of course it is of no surprise if you think your bitching here somehow amounts to something worthwhile.

Are you embarrassed by your government ... If so, why do you keep supporting their failures?

The children haven't been charged with any crimes.
They are being detained because they were in the company of adults who obviously were not interested in ensuring a more responsible method of entry.


Supporting their failures? Well I guess; unlike Trump, I pay my taxes.
Immigration policy is dictated by the lawmakers. Right now the republicans control the lawmaking process and the head of the republicant party is the perverted Donald Trump. Sorry.

Please tell me you are going to hold your breath until he sees things your way ... :thup:


don’t be stupid…I know it’s a change for you.

No, I will work to change the administration and less the damage it’s doing to my country.

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