Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

Yet another example of "personal responsibility" republicans blaming others for their own mess. Republican "values" are all lies.
People do what they have to when it comes to survival….
It’s mankind’s oldest story.

Our draconian measures are a black eye on this nation.

You can cry about it if it makes you feel better ... :dunno:

Let me know if you actually want to accomplish something.
It's possible I could at least point you in the right direction.

If your ideas are based on how much you can bitch and get someone else to do something worthwhile ...
You don't do anything to remove that blemish ... You still suck and just try to make it someone else's fault.



There is no trying to make it “someone” else’s fault; it is at the feet of Donald Trump…the pervert in the White House.

"I'm going to blame Trump no matter what! No amount of evidence will make me stop!"

Someone remember to pencil in five minutes somewhere for us all to not give a rat's ass, please.
Evidence? Evidence of what ? What fucking evidence is there that this is not entirely T-Rumps doing?
This appears to be a bunch of Fake News once again. It’s a policy that has existed for decades and mindless emotive sorts along with the MSM have staged pictures and comments to make it look like Trump just started it and kids are being stored in animal cages
The facts are their food clothing and shelter is Far Better than where they came from
Libbies you really need to cut the crap-Russians-Stormy-Caged Kids; it’s an endless bunch of mind mush horseshit that I don’t even know why we are paying Any attention to
We never before separated families and put children cages until they were deported. YOU DON'T GET ALTERNATIVE FACTS

Yes we have. You don't get to change the facts.
We did not lock up children after separating them from familes. Stop lying.

You can read the evidence. Those photos you see of children behind bars or in kennel like cages are from the Obama era. The children under state authority/protection now are being very well cared for. Much better than we treat our own citizens in such circumstances.

I'll be happy to offer an apology, once you provide the evidence that the photos posted are from the Obama era. Are you also claiming the photos and sound of children cry for their "mommy" are from the Obama era, or as one said on Fox they are fake and scripted?

You mean those tapes news chanels are playing--they don't actually show the kids of course. That has scam wriitten all over it. And the photos of kids in cages they are using absolutely are of the Obama era.

They have a bill working in Congress right now though to provide the President more flexiility to handle the problem, a flexibility the current law doesn't provide. President Trump is right there working with them helping to get it through.
We never before separated families and put children cages until they were deported. YOU DON'T GET ALTERNATIVE FACTS

Yes we have. You don't get to change the facts.
We did not lock up children after separating them from familes. Stop lying.

You can read the evidence. Those photos you see of children behind bars or in kennel like cages are from the Obama era. The children under state authority/protection now are being very well cared for. Much better than we treat our own citizens in such circumstances.

I'll be happy to offer an apology, once you provide the evidence that the photos posted are from the Obama era. Are you also claiming the photos and sound of children cry for their "mommy" are from the Obama era, or as one said on Fox they are fake and scripted?

You mean those tapes news chanels are playing--they don't actually show the kids of course. That has scam wriitten all over it. And the photos of kids in cages they are using absolutely are of the Obama era.

They have a bill working in Congress right now though to provide the President more flexiility to handle the problem, a flexibility the current law doesn't provide. President Trump is right there working with them helping to get it through.

You lie!

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It really does appear that Democrats are using the separations of illegal alien parents (some are not parents) from illegal alien children, as a political tool. When have American children ever accompanied their parents/guardians into jails ? When Americans are sent to jail, they go alone, not with their kids. It's been this way for hundreds of years, but have we heard an outcry from Democrats over that ?

No. We have not. It is only now, with illegal aliens, that Democrats are suddenly upset about separation of parent and child. So what about all the American kids, whose parents got locked up ? What are they ? Chopped liver ? They don't count ?

Actually, to Democrats, no they don't count. And maybe "count" is just the right word, since VOTE counts are what this is all about. Democrats want illegal aliens in the US, as VOTES for THEM. American kids and their jailed parents, aren't seen that way.
He did not liar. Donald try telling the truth for a change.
It’s been the same way for a long time, whether it was Clinton, Bush or Obama they all did it.
Your outrage is disingenuous

They did not and you are the one being disingenuous.
^^^an example of the uninformed ignorance that ALSO VOTES

The Trump supporter is the epitome of a uninformed voter. voted for people because they offered "HOPE" and then "CHANGE"...Trump supporters voted for Donald Trump based on what he promised to do with the economy, with immigration and with foreign affairs. Not vague promises like Barry and Hillary but actual promises that he's living up to one by one despite feverish opposition from the left and the Main Stream Media! So who's REALLY the uninformed voter here, BB?

You are the uninformed voter. Many of the things he said are never going to happen. For example, coal is not coming back. It is dying because of natural gas and that is not going away. Remember Carrier. Most pf those jobs are gone permanently.
It’s been the same way for a long time, whether it was Clinton, Bush or Obama they all did it.
Your outrage is disingenuous

They did not and you are the one being disingenuous.
^^^an example of the uninformed ignorance that ALSO VOTES

The Trump supporter is the epitome of a uninformed voter. voted for people because they offered "HOPE" and then "CHANGE"...Trump supporters voted for Donald Trump based on what he promised to do with the economy, with immigration and with foreign affairs. Not vague promises like Barry and Hillary but actual promises that he's living up to one by one despite feverish opposition from the left and the Main Stream Media! So who's REALLY the uninformed voter here, BB?

You are the uninformed voter. Many of the things he said are never going to happen. For example, coal is not coming back. It is dying because of natural gas and that is not going away. Remember Carrier. Most pf those jobs are gone permanently.
Obama was/is a shit stain...
It really does appear that Democrats are using the separations of illegal alien parents (some are not parents) from illegal alien children, as a political tool. When have American children ever accompanied their parents/guardians into jails ? When Americans are sent to jail, they go alone, not with their kids. It's been this way for hundreds of years, but have we heard an outcry from Democrats over that ?

No. We have not. It is only now, with illegal aliens, that Democrats are suddenly upset about separation of parent and child. So what about all the American kids, whose parents got locked up ? What are they ? Chopped liver ? They don't count ?

Actually, to Democrats, no they don't count. And maybe "count" is just the right word, since VOTE counts are what this is all about. Democrats want illegal aliens in the US, as VOTES for THEM. American kids and their jailed parents, aren't seen that way.

this is the issue...

The Media Are Lying About Trump Separating Illegal Immigrant Families. Here’s The Truth.

More specifically, it’s several lies.

1. Trump Created Separation Of Children From Illegal Immigrant Parents. This is plainly false. In 1997, the federal government made an agreement in a case called Flores not to keep unaccompanied illegal immigrant children in custody beyond twenty days. The settlement said nothing about accompanied illegal immigrant children – children who crossed the border with their parents. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals then ruled that accompanied children also could not be held in custody under the terms of the settlement. This meant that the government either had to release whole families, or that the government had to separate parents from children.

2. Immigrants Seeking Asylum Are Being Punished For Seeking Asylum. This is plainly untrue as well. Immigrants who come to points of entry to seek asylum aren’t actually illegally in the country – they’re not arrested. They’re processed through ICE, and their children stay with them.

If, however, illegal immigrants cross the border illegally, the Trump administration now treats them as criminals. If they choose deportation, they aren’t separated from their kids; if they choose to apply for asylum, they stay in the country longer than 20 days, and their kids have to be removed by operation of law.

The so-called conservative media is crooked as hell. I wouldn't believe them if they said the sun was going to come up. I suppose those children in the facilities are a figment of our imaginations.

The fact is that this has nothing to do with 1997. Sessions has made it very clear that this is a choice he has made. Trump can end it by ordering Sessions to end it. No legislation is needed.
They did not and you are the one being disingenuous.
^^^an example of the uninformed ignorance that ALSO VOTES

The Trump supporter is the epitome of a uninformed voter. voted for people because they offered "HOPE" and then "CHANGE"...Trump supporters voted for Donald Trump based on what he promised to do with the economy, with immigration and with foreign affairs. Not vague promises like Barry and Hillary but actual promises that he's living up to one by one despite feverish opposition from the left and the Main Stream Media! So who's REALLY the uninformed voter here, BB?

You are the uninformed voter. Many of the things he said are never going to happen. For example, coal is not coming back. It is dying because of natural gas and that is not going away. Remember Carrier. Most pf those jobs are gone permanently.
Obama was/is a shit stain...

We are going to have to fumigate the WH when Trump leaves.
It really does appear that Democrats are using the separations of illegal alien parents (some are not parents) from illegal alien children, as a political tool. When have American children ever accompanied their parents/guardians into jails ? When Americans are sent to jail, they go alone, not with their kids. It's been this way for hundreds of years, but have we heard an outcry from Democrats over that ?

No. We have not. It is only now, with illegal aliens, that Democrats are suddenly upset about separation of parent and child. So what about all the American kids, whose parents got locked up ? What are they ? Chopped liver ? They don't count ?

Actually, to Democrats, no they don't count. And maybe "count" is just the right word, since VOTE counts are what this is all about. Democrats want illegal aliens in the US, as VOTES for THEM. American kids and their jailed parents, aren't seen that way.

this is the issue...

The Media Are Lying About Trump Separating Illegal Immigrant Families. Here’s The Truth.

More specifically, it’s several lies.

1. Trump Created Separation Of Children From Illegal Immigrant Parents. This is plainly false. In 1997, the federal government made an agreement in a case called Flores not to keep unaccompanied illegal immigrant children in custody beyond twenty days. The settlement said nothing about accompanied illegal immigrant children – children who crossed the border with their parents. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals then ruled that accompanied children also could not be held in custody under the terms of the settlement. This meant that the government either had to release whole families, or that the government had to separate parents from children.

2. Immigrants Seeking Asylum Are Being Punished For Seeking Asylum. This is plainly untrue as well. Immigrants who come to points of entry to seek asylum aren’t actually illegally in the country – they’re not arrested. They’re processed through ICE, and their children stay with them.

If, however, illegal immigrants cross the border illegally, the Trump administration now treats them as criminals. If they choose deportation, they aren’t separated from their kids; if they choose to apply for asylum, they stay in the country longer than 20 days, and their kids have to be removed by operation of law.

The so-called conservative media is crooked as hell. I wouldn't believe them if they said the sun was going to come up. I suppose those children in the facilities are a figment of our imaginations.

The fact is that this has nothing to do with 1997. Sessions has made it very clear that this is a choice he has made. Trump can end it by ordering Sessions to end it. No legislation is needed.
aka................Catch and deal...........get used to crying because it isn't going to happen.

The law is being enforced.....and this political black mail will be rejected............Elections have lost.

It's simple............repeal the Flores law...........and no longer tie ICE's hands.............Same law under Obama and you guys weren't up in arms..........................Hypocrisy at it's finest......

Now back to the tear jerker comments from the left.

Your right... when those commie bitches like Laura Bush says this is a terrible thing, we should all just ignore it because Trump is Jesus.. or something.
All the Bushes should STFU when it comes to immigration. George W's immigration policies were horrible, and those lenient policies of his (and Obama's) are one of the causes of the troubles we face today. Bush, Clinton, and Obama allowed this problem to grow, and now Trump has to deal with the mess they brought about.

Be quiet Laura. The Bushes are part of the problem, not the solution. They are the last ones who should be talking about immigration.

Be quiet racist. No one wants to hear racists complaining. Laura Bush is a class act and you are trash.
I'm going to stop you before I even read the rest of this shit.

Obama did NOT separate children from their families, and he did not concentrate thousands of people in camps.

He did deport a record number of people, something you guys deny that he did until Trump's inhumanity started to be realized.
FALSE, FALSE, and FALSE. Obama separated adults and kids in all law enforcement. Immigration, and many other crimes. So did Bush, Clinton, Reagan, carter, Nixon, Eisenhower, FDR, Wilson, Lincoln, Polk, Jackson, Jefferson, Adams, and Washington.

No govt official has ever allowed kids of jailed parents to go to jail with them. All this mouthing off against Trump is just SCAM talk propaganda.

Also, 5/6 of migrants are not parents of the kids they're bringing. These are traffickers, and keeping them together with the kids they bring with them, is facilitating child trafficking. Looks like a lot of the loudmouths protesting and mouthing off, aren't too aware of what they're talking about.

Lastly, Obama deported almost NOBODY. His Catch & Release policy allowed illegals to go free, and just re-enter the American landscape, but he counted all the meaningless summonses he issued to them as a deportation. In short, a JOKE.

Amid Mounting Criticism, Administration Digs In Over Migrant Separation Policy

No you are the scam artist here. bush, Clinton, Reagan, and Carter did not separate families.

You are nothing but lying Trump trash. There is no child trafficking. It is all a lie to protect Trump.

Take your lying Trump trash ass and quit lying.
The kids are being terrorized. Being separated from their parents is something neither Bush or Obama did. Liars like you are the same type of people who brought Hitler to power. You think putting children in a tent city in Texas is humane. You are a sick individual. You really think that you can replace a parent.
FALSE! Illegal alien kids were not only separated from their parents, during the Obama years, but they were put (In violation of Flores vs Reno - 1997) into harsh living conditions. Trump, on the other hand, has been complying with the 1997 law, and has the kids in facilities that lots of kids wouldn't mind going into (quite nice), as shown in Post # 231. :biggrin:

"Terrorized" -
now there's a SCAM word if there ever was one. :rolleyes: :puhleeze:

FALSE! They were not separated during the Obama years. The fact is that the Obama Administration was clearly taken aback by unaccompanied minors and it took time for them to sort it out. Trump and Sessions are the ones responsible for separating children from their parents. They have made a conscious decision to do so and it has nothing to do with the 1997 law. Laura Bush has called it out as has Melania. Franklin Graham has called it disgusting as has Anthony Scaramucci who has remained a Trump supporter despite being fired by the guy. Jim Lankford from Oklahoma and William Hurd from Texas are calling on Trump to reverse the decision.

What do you call a child who is screaming for their mother. You are the who is using
SCAM words :asshole:
Clearly taken aback? Moron. They had months of warnings. Obama failed again.

As usual you have no clue what you are talking about Trump trash.
The kids are being terrorized. Being separated from their parents is something neither Bush or Obama did. Liars like you are the same type of people who brought Hitler to power. You think putting children in a tent city in Texas is humane. You are a sick individual. You really think that you can replace a parent.
FALSE! Illegal alien kids were not only separated from their parents, during the Obama years, but they were put (In violation of Flores vs Reno - 1997) into harsh living conditions. Trump, on the other hand, has been complying with the 1997 law, and has the kids in facilities that lots of kids wouldn't mind going into (quite nice), as shown in Post # 231. :biggrin:

"Terrorized" -
now there's a SCAM word if there ever was one. :rolleyes: :puhleeze:

FALSE! They were not separated during the Obama years. The fact is that the Obama Administration was clearly taken aback by unaccompanied minors and it took time for them to sort it out. Trump and Sessions are the ones responsible for separating children from their parents. They have made a conscious decision to do so and it has nothing to do with the 1997 law. Laura Bush has called it out as has Melania. Franklin Graham has called it disgusting as has Anthony Scaramucci who has remained a Trump supporter despite being fired by the guy. Jim Lankford from Oklahoma and William Hurd from Texas are calling on Trump to reverse the decision.

What do you call a child who is screaming for their mother. You are the who is using
SCAM words :asshole:

Yup, sure....
obama dumped illegals - Bing video

THe question is children.
The kids are being terrorized. Being separated from their parents is something neither Bush or Obama did. Liars like you are the same type of people who brought Hitler to power. You think putting children in a tent city in Texas is humane. You are a sick individual. You really think that you can replace a parent.
FALSE! Illegal alien kids were not only separated from their parents, during the Obama years, but they were put (In violation of Flores vs Reno - 1997) into harsh living conditions. Trump, on the other hand, has been complying with the 1997 law, and has the kids in facilities that lots of kids wouldn't mind going into (quite nice), as shown in Post # 231. :biggrin:

"Terrorized" -
now there's a SCAM word if there ever was one. :rolleyes: :puhleeze:

FALSE! They were not separated during the Obama years. The fact is that the Obama Administration was clearly taken aback by unaccompanied minors and it took time for them to sort it out. Trump and Sessions are the ones responsible for separating children from their parents. They have made a conscious decision to do so and it has nothing to do with the 1997 law. Laura Bush has called it out as has Melania. Franklin Graham has called it disgusting as has Anthony Scaramucci who has remained a Trump supporter despite being fired by the guy. Jim Lankford from Oklahoma and William Hurd from Texas are calling on Trump to reverse the decision.

What do you call a child who is screaming for their mother. You are the who is using
SCAM words :asshole:

Yup, sure....
obama dumped illegals - Bing video

THe question is children.

I agree, and if you were paying attention, it was bus loads of kids.

Damnation...................Obama was a NAZI TOO............look at him separating the children.............Obama is a child dare he separate the children........................He's Hitler in the making............

Did you know this Nazi put children in cages.............

The nerve of Obama to do this..........................


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