Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

This says it all, doncha think?

Supporting their failures? Well I guess; unlike Trump, I pay my taxes.

We pay our taxes ... It's a cost of living here.
Of course I can see where paying taxes is probably better than expecting you could do any better helping others.
Make it the government's responsibility ... That way you can pretend you are a good person with someone else's checkbook.

I can understand that though ... And don't really appreciate your false altruism.
Thank goodness I don't expect your taxes or your stupid government to do anything productive.
The best I can tell the money is wasted and the government really sucks ... Look at you complaining about it if you disagree.

Supporting their failures? Well I guess; unlike Trump, I pay my taxes.

We pay our taxes ... It's a cost of living here.
Of course I can see where paying taxes is probably better than expecting you could do any better helping others with the limited resources you must have.

I can understand that though ... And don't really appreciate your false altruism.
Thank goodness I don't expect your taxes or your stupid government to do anything productive.
The best I can tell the money is wasted and the government really sucks ... Look at you complaining about it if you disagree.


Not sure where that circular logic goes. Government fails from time to time. Sometimes its a bad policy; other times it’s bad actors. In this case, it’s both.
Not sure where that circular logic goes. Government fails from time to time. Sometimes its a bad policy; other times it’s bad actors. In this case, it’s both.

There's nothing circular about it ... You depend too much on the government to satisfy your desires and meet your concerns.
Therefore you are dependent on the nit-wits that get elected ... And the garbage they produce as policy or legislation.

You asked for it ... Take your lumps ... :thup:

This appears to be a bunch of Fake News once again. It’s a policy that has existed for decades and mindless emotive sorts along with the MSM have staged pictures and comments to make it look like Trump just started it and kids are being stored in animal cages
The facts are their food clothing and shelter is Far Better than where they came from
Libbies you really need to cut the crap-Russians-Stormy-Caged Kids; it’s an endless bunch of mind mush horseshit that I don’t even know why we are paying Any attention to
We never before separated families and put children cages until they were deported. YOU DON'T GET ALTERNATIVE FACTS

Yes we have. You don't get to change the facts.
We did not lock up children after separating them from familes. Stop lying.

You can read the evidence. Those photos you see of children behind bars or in kennel like cages are from the Obama era. The children under state authority/protection now are being very well cared for. Much better than we treat our own citizens in such circumstances.

I'll be happy to offer an apology, once you provide the evidence that the photos posted are from the Obama era. Are you also claiming the photos and sound of children cry for their "mommy" are from the Obama era, or as one said on Fox they are fake and scripted?
My effort to help others is to never vote for a Republican, and to continue the Trump Beat,, i.e., that he is an inept, incompetent, inexperienced bully who is unfit to be POTUS.

Sadly, I don't believe Pence would be much of an improvement, he's too self absorbed and his claim that he is a Christian, a Conservative and a Republican leave out a vast number of our citizens.

I can fully understand why your vote is about all you can offer.

I don't necessarily see were your desire to squabble over your opinion of President Trump's Christianity or conservatism has much to offer.
I am sure you could clear up how Failed Democrat Presidential Nominee Hilary Clinton is more of a Christian and conservative though.


Your last sentence is confusing. I doubt anyone will consider HRC a conservative. And her religion is not worn on her sleeve, as Pence does. And Frankly I don't watch the lips, I watch the feet, it's what HRC has done, which is a lot of good for a lot of people.

Tell us what Pence has done, besides pray for the kids who were already murdered.
Trump made this an issue when he changed US policy towards families that previously were just deported without any judicial proceeding. And it's not new. DHS proposed this when Kelly was secretary, but it got shot down. Now Stephen Miller and Ole Jeff Buearegard Sessions III dusted it off and gave it a go.

Right or wrong, it's Trump's "tar baby."
FALSE! Obama had kids locked up, and not in such pleasant conditions. This is more Trump's positive achievement than any thing else - an on a problem caused by Democrats.
Trump altered policy to avoid catch and release. In 2014 there was a "surge" in child immigration, and Obama did establish "family detention centers."
The rules are somewhat different when children are involved. Under the terms of a 1997 settlement in the case of Flores v. Meese, children who enter the country without their parents must be granted a “general policy favoring release” to the custody of relatives or a foster program. When there is cause to detain a child, he or she must be housed in the least restrictive environment possible, kept away from unrelated adults and provided access to medical care, exercise and adequate education. Whether these protections apply to children traveling with their parents has been a matter of dispute. The Flores settlement refers to “all minors who are detained” by the Immigration and Naturalization Service and its “agents, employees, contractors and/or successors in office.” When the I.N.S. dissolved into the Department of Homeland Security in 2003, its detention program shifted to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency. Federal judges have ruled that ICE is required to honor the Flores protections to all children in its custody.
The Shame of America’s Family Detention Camps
Three Year Anniversary of Family Detention Center Is Sad Reminder of America's Cruelest Immigration Policy Practice

he Dilley facility, on the other hand, costs American taxpayers an estimated $298 per bed per day, or approximately $261 million annually, with bed space for up to 2,400 mothers and their children.

The Shame of America’s Family Detention Camps
Three Year Anniversary of Family Detention Center Is Sad Reminder of America's Cruelest Immigration Policy Practice

he Dilley facility, on the other hand, costs American taxpayers an estimated $298 per bed per day, or approximately $261 million annually, with bed space for up to 2,400 mothers and their children.

Numerous attacks over the past several months on asylum seekers and the immigrant community at large suggests that the Trump administration is doubling down against immigrant families.

However, in reflecting on the Dilley family detention center’s three-year anniversary, we are reminded that the last two administrations’ approach to refugees and asylum-seeking families is inhumane and completely out of line with American values.

$298 a bed per day..........Only in America can we be this stupid. We could put the kids in a jam up hotel for that price.
No president as a policy has separated child from parents. You DO NOT GET ALTERNATIVE FACTS[/QUOTE]
Which facts are alternate.................I quoted sources amounts of the cost for one night........It's Ridiculous..........and it's Gov't Stupidity..............

They could have a penthouse suite for that kind of money.
It's funny that the Obama Administration started the policy of separating kids from parents in the illegal immigrant detention centers, and there was nary a murmur from the left about that. In fact the Democrats and their surrogate media have put up photos to illustrate the 'heartless' tactics of the Trump Administration who is simply following the existing law put into effect during the Obama Administration, and have been embarrassed when those photos turned out to be Obama era photos.

But now they are shamefully and hypocritically using that issue to a) accuse the President and b) hurt any Republicans running for election or re-election in November.

The Democrats refused to pass immigration reform when it first came up because they wanted the issue for the 2018 campaign. But they have an opportunity this week to again vote on legislation that would:

1. Fund the wall
2. Eliminate the lottery system
3. Eliminate chain migration
4. Provide for family detention centers where parents and kids can stay together while asylum requests are being investigated.
5. Make it more difficult to hire illegals with impunity.

So we'll see if they'll put their vote where their mouths are and actually fix the problem.
They should have learned from the 2016 election, that their version of immigration "reform" is not what the American people want. And now they are continuing to push their immigration-friendly agenda, which probably will help Trump once again, in 2020. More than anything else, you know what got Donald Trump elected. ? THIS did >>

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I don't know a soul who voted for President Trump based on his point of view on immigration. But I know a whole bunch of folks who want the border secured and illegal immigration stopped. President Trump was elected for a vision based on concepts and principles that libertarians (small "L") have been hungry for and haven't gotten for a very long time now. A willingness to get illegal immigration under control and secure our border was just one component of all that.
You sound like a conservative republican not a Libertarian.

Immigration | Libertarian Party

I am neither Republican or Libertarian (capital L). I am libertarian (small "L") or classical liberal aka modern American conservative to distinguish from the other groups. That means I want the government involved as little as possible in those things the states and the private sector can do more efficiently, effectively, and less intrusively. But immigration policy is not one the states and/or private sector can do efficiently, effectively, and/or less intrusively so long as there is a welfare state.

And I love this country, the flag that represents it along with all those who served, risked, bled, and died to defend it. And I believe a country that does not respect and defend its language, borders, and culture is not going to be as successful, free, prosperous, innovative, and benevolent as those that do.

To control and enforce who may be here legally is critical to that.
Stop calling yourself a Libertarian then, you are a conservative.
It really does appear that Democrats are using the separations of illegal alien parents (some are not parents) from illegal alien children, as a political tool. When have American children ever accompanied their parents/guardians into jails ? When Americans are sent to jail, they go alone, not with their kids. It's been this way for hundreds of years, but have we heard an outcry from Democrats over that ?

No. We have not. It is only now, with illegal aliens, that Democrats are suddenly upset about separation of parent and child. So what about all the American kids, whose parents got locked up ? What are they ? Chopped liver ? They don't count ?

Actually, to Democrats, no they don't count. And maybe "count" is just the right word, since VOTE counts are what this is all about. Democrats want illegal aliens in the US, as VOTES for THEM. American kids and their jailed parents, aren't seen that way.

Russian troll farmers are seeking to claim that what Trump is doing is a good thing. That Americans support what Trump is doing.

What Trump is doing is torturing and abusing the children of legal asylum seekers for political gain - as both a deterrent and a bargaining chip. And that’s the kindest spin we can put on it.

The scales have fallen away from the eyes of evangelicals and the Republican Party and they are truly seeing the monster they’ve elected for the first time.

You and the Russian trolls who responded to this thread are riding a losing horse on this one.

I thought I couldn't view Dragon with more contempt and derision than I already did, but when she became completely unhinged and threw in "Russian troll farmer" to every sentence she uttered, I was proven wrong.

Never let it be said that I cannot admit when I'm wrong; Dragon CAN, in fact, be even more of an utter joke.
Not sure where that circular logic goes. Government fails from time to time. Sometimes its a bad policy; other times it’s bad actors. In this case, it’s both.

There's nothing circular about it ... You depend too much on the government to satisfy your desires and meet your concerns.
Therefore you are dependent on the nit-wits that get elected ... And the garbage they produce as policy or legislation.

You asked for it ... Take your lumps ... :thup:

In the news today:

600 members of Jeff Sessions United Methodist Church just charged him with violating church rules - CNNPolitics

More than 600 members of the United Methodist Church have issued a formal complaint against Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a fellow church member, charging that his "zero tolerance" policy on immigration violates church rules and may constitute child abuse.

Officially, the complaint charges Sessions with violating the United Methodist Church's Book of Discipline, its code of laws and social principles. Such charges could lead to a church trial, though few expect that to happen to the attorney general, the country's top lawman.
Not now…we were. We’re showing the world that we’re nothing special.

That's obviously why they so desperately seek to come here ... :21:


People do what they have to when it comes to survival….
It’s mankind’s oldest story.

Our draconian measures are a black eye on this nation.

Only in the view of people whose opinions matter to no one whatsoever . . . like you.

OMG, Cornball doesn't approve! Whatever shall we do?!

People do what they have to when it comes to survival….
It’s mankind’s oldest story.

Our draconian measures are a black eye on this nation.

You can cry about it if it makes you feel better ... :dunno:

Let me know if you actually want to accomplish something.
It's possible I could at least point you in the right direction.

If your ideas are based on how much you can bitch and get someone else to do something worthwhile ...
You don't do anything to remove that blemish ... You still suck and just try to make it someone else's fault.



There is no trying to make it “someone” else’s fault; it is at the feet of Donald Trump…the pervert in the White House.

"I'm going to blame Trump no matter what! No amount of evidence will make me stop!"

Someone remember to pencil in five minutes somewhere for us all to not give a rat's ass, please.
There is no trying to make it “someone” else’s fault; it is at the feet of Donald Trump…the pervert in the White House.

If all you can do to make the world a better place is wait for someone (including President Trump) to make things better ...
Then you are blaming others for what you cannot accomplish ... :thup:
Immigration policy is dictated by the lawmakers. Right now the republicans control the lawmaking process and the head of the republicant party is the perverted Donald Trump. Sorry

Do I suspect you can go to the border and make a difference ... Well, do you speak Portuguese?

I suspect you expect more out of people than they are willing to contribute.
I suspect you are not willing to make the changes in your life that support actually accomplishing something worthwhile in the matter.
I suspect you would rather rely on politics and some stupid expectations of failing operations to satisfy your desired level of compassion.

The part you are missing (as usual) is some of us don't give a crap what you think about yourself.
If you go the extra mile ... Those who don't will have misconceptions about what you do ... But who gives a damn what they think?
The reward is in the people you actually help ... That is your mark on the world.

If you cannot accomplish anything outside of a voting booth and relying on government ... You are of no use to me.


Yeah, you’re contributing quite a bit commenting on a message board. Pot meet kettle.

Last I checked, we pay taxes for a government that is supposed to not embarrass us. Instead we have at least 3 different stories from the White House and it’s administration about what the policy is involving illegal aliens and what, 4,000 kids being held who pose no threat to the nation and committed no crimes.

"The Republicans are in the majority, so we HAVE to sit on our asses and screech uselessly! We can't POSSIBLY do our jobs and propose legislation and try to broker deals! We have WAY too much to do with blaming Trump!"

Last I checked, you didn't give a tinker's damn about whether or not Republicans were embarrassed by Obama's utter failure on illegal immigration, so I'm foxed as to why you think YOUR taxes should somehow entitle you to more consideration. You lost the election, Cornball (and don't think I'm not enjoying every second of your impotent rage about that). That means you pay taxes for the government THE WINNERS want to have.
This appears to be a bunch of Fake News once again. It’s a policy that has existed for decades and mindless emotive sorts along with the MSM have staged pictures and comments to make it look like Trump just started it and kids are being stored in animal cages
The facts are their food clothing and shelter is Far Better than where they came from
Libbies you really need to cut the crap-Russians-Stormy-Caged Kids; it’s an endless bunch of mind mush horseshit that I don’t even know why we are paying Any attention to
We never before separated families and put children cages until they were deported. YOU DON'T GET ALTERNATIVE FACTS

Before, we just turned criminals loose to invade our country. YOU DON'T GET ALTERNATIVE FACTS.
This appears to be a bunch of Fake News once again. It’s a policy that has existed for decades and mindless emotive sorts along with the MSM have staged pictures and comments to make it look like Trump just started it and kids are being stored in animal cages
The facts are their food clothing and shelter is Far Better than where they came from
Libbies you really need to cut the crap-Russians-Stormy-Caged Kids; it’s an endless bunch of mind mush horseshit that I don’t even know why we are paying Any attention to
We never before separated families and put children cages until they were deported. YOU DON'T GET ALTERNATIVE FACTS

Yes we have. You don't get to change the facts.
We did not lock up children after separating them from familes. Stop lying.

We don't lock them up NOW. The whole reason they're being separated from their parents is because they CAN'T be locked up, moron. Stop driveling.

that was 2015....back when we had some compassion and not 2018 with this chaotic, unprepared, unorganized and unthoughtful process...intended to harm the children....

And that was the point. Before this, someone applied for asylum, they were allowed into the country to await their hearing, usually staying with relatives or some other group. Trump decided to put them all in his cut-rate concentration camps, without the logistics to support them. Taking away the kids was just the extra bit of nastiness.
I would love to hear how people who are defending Trumps family separation policy - who probably consider themselves pro life and pro family would explain this:

'Pro-Life,' Pro-Family Groups Are MIA On Family Separations At The Border | HuffPost

“We refrain from public comment on immigration,” said the president of SBA List, whose mission is to “encircle the vulnerable ones who need us.”

Hippocrates and cowards all!

Hippocrates? We're all ancient Greek physicians?
And asylum seekers have to register at entrance points for court cases in front of judges, no Asylum seeker has been seperated, it's those who broke that rule and snuck in entered avoiding the process=illegal entrance. Furthermore people have abused that asylum loophole and you should be outraged by that abuse and the Dems who's laws opened up that loophole and who have been "obstructing" voting to change laws and fix the system.
Voting in unison for obstructive resistance does not help the country or the immigrants. Learn to place blame where it deserves to be not where propagandist narrative lead you to be played.
Bullshit. You got ICE agents closing the legal crossing points where you would ask for asylum, then saying you try to come in anywhere else and we will arrest you. It is a deliberate catch 22 policy which is just fucked. And the people that support this bullshit are inhuman pieces of shit that make up only 10% of the country. The people that support this policy have nothing to do with American values.
That's not a response, that's an ad hominem attempt to avoid your lie.
You proved what came out of your typing so well right? Sources, proof. Where is your subtance fake news propagandist? You just admited you lied by ommission.
You said they have to "register at entrance points" and I replied those entrance points were closed off by ICE, leaving these people fleeing the violence in their country no other choice. So how is that not a response when I specifically addressed your point? Furthermore, this has nothing to do with democrat laws. This is a Trump Administration policy. Period.

BTW, the fake news is saying these people are criminals.

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