Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

Obviously, we need to cut through the rhetorical bullshit one more time.

1) The rules about detaining children HAVE NOT changed. Trump IS NOT doing anything new in regards to detaining children. The government has been required to release children from detention within 20 days ever since the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals extended the Flores Consent Decree (aka the Flores Settlement) to include accompanied minors in 2016. What Trump has changed is how we deal with adults. Where Obama used the Flores Settlement and the accompanying Ninth Circuit ruling as an excuse to give adults a free pass if they could claim to be part of a family unit, Trump is insisting on treating those adults like the criminals they are.

2) Separation of children from adults happens only in three cases: if the adult is not the child's parent, if the adult is a threat to the child, or if the adult is put into criminal proceedings. In other words, the exact same circumstances under which a child would be taken from an adult even among our own citizenry.

3) When an illegal is prosecuted, he is taken into custody by the US Marshals. The US Marshals do not, EVER, take care of the children of people they take into custody, no matter who that person is or what they're being arrested for. Just as with anyone in this situation, the children are taken custody of by HHS, which cares for them in temporary shelters until they know whether the adult will be deported or will apply for asylum.

4) Assuming the illegal has not committed another crime, the criminal proceedings are short. Usually, the illegal pleads guilty, they are sentenced to time served, and they are returned to ICE. This typically happens in one day. At that point, the adult is reunited with the child, and the whole kit and kaboodle are deported back to where they came from. If the adult is truly concerned about being separated from the child, they can easily put an end to it.

5) The separation only becomes extended if the illegal immigrant himself chooses to make it so by applying for asylum. THAT procedure pretty much always takes longer than the government is allowed, by law, to hold the child. When that time limit is reached, the child is placed with a responsible party. Quite often, that is a relative or friend of the illegal immigrant, because illegal immigrants often have connections to people who are already in the country.

6) If the adult is held while their asylum claim is processed, it is likely to go through the system much more quickly, a couple of months as opposed to dragging on for years. If the adult is released into the population, he is highly unlikely to return for his court dates. We know this from experience.

7) There is no reason whatsoever for someone who is legitimately looking for asylum to cross the border illegally. They have only to approach a port of entry and state their desire for asylum. They are NOT arrested when they do this, and not separated from their children. The fact that border crossings dried up at the beginning of the Trump administration and only started again when rumors went around that the policy on the border had not changed indicates that the vast majority of these people are NOT refugees fleeing persecution, but simply prefer the economic benefits of being in the US.

8) In April, the New York Times reported:

Some migrants have admitted they brought their children not only to remove them from danger in such places as Central America and Africa, but because they believed it would cause the authorities to release them from custody sooner.

Others have admitted to posing falsely with children who are not their own, and Border Patrol officials say that such instances of fraud are increasing.

"It is common to have parents entrust their children to a smuggler as a favor or for profit.” -

But since our policies have favored family units over single adults, we have created an incentive to put children in peril. How can anyone who claims to care about the well-being of these children advocate policies which encourage their endangerment?

9) Congress has the power to change all of this by one simple vote. They can pass a law overruling the Flores Settlement; they can pass a law mandating family detention, and providing funding to make it possible. So why is it that the only bill that has been introduced in Congress to address this situation has come from the Republicans, who are being vilified, and the Democrats are too busy grandstanding for the media to propose anything at all?

You are the one who is using rhetorical bullshit.

This is a choice made by Trump and Sessions. That was made clear by Sessions. There is no doubt that this is happening and it has nothing to do with 1997.
The fact is that Trump can change it without any legislation.
Maybe you need to follow what Jesus said. You will be greeting the devil when you die.
Jesus was a compiled character created from historical failed revolter figures, mythological figures, and plagiarized Biblical figures. His image was created by Rome's propaganda and was used to demonize the Jewish elect in order to subvert their opponent to their tax and control. Jesus=fake news/propaganda-sound familiar?

When you die, you are going to be in for a rude awakening.
Simple.....all other administrations charged any one crossing the border illegally was charged with a "civil" crime....Adolph trump has decided to charge them all....including asylum seekers "criminally". This gives the Great Leader an excuse to separate the children from parents.....simply put....the Bastard has a hot place reserved for him in Hell....scum....
Yes, those other administrations (Bush, Clinton, Obama) were NEGLIGENT in their # 1 duty >> PROTECTING the American people. Like Trump,they should have been charging all violators of US Code 8 Section 1325 (Entering without inspection) with the CRIME that it is.

That makes Trump a HERO, not a villain. The villains are the past presidents who are guilty of dereliction of duty.

Trump is the EVIL villain here. The other administrations had something called a heart and I am glad they did not traumatize and terrorize children the way Trump and Sessions have. We should hold a Nuremburg style tribunal on Trump and Sessions.
Except the problem hasn't grown. The number of undocumented immigrants leveled off in 2009 and has remained flat ever since.


Not that really is ANY EXCUSE to put children in a concentration camp to deter their parents from trying to enter the country.
It grew under Clinton and Bush, and it sure didn't go away under Obama, with his Catch & Release policies. Maybe more of the newer arrivals decided to go the anchor baby welfare route, instead of swiping a job.

As for your SCAM talk about "a concentration camp", the kids have to go somewhere while their parent(s) are incarcerated. Where would you put them ? In jail with their parents, with criminals, fights, stabbings, etc ?

The places they're being housed, are top grade. They are in very, comfortable, air-conditioned facilities, in clean, nice bedrooms, with very clean, well-equipped kitchens, good food, computers, play soccer, attend classes, get counseling, medical/dental care. In short, they're treated 100 times better than AMERICAN kids of jailed parents, who also are separated from their parents, but don't get all these massive freebies.

See Post # 228.

With no parents. The fact is what they have committed is a misdemeanor. You want to compare violent crimes to this which is stupid and denotes your desperation.
A hard and fast rule to rip kids from their parents is just us being assholes for the sake of being assholes.'s just not nice. What is wrong with being nice?
Was it nice for Obama and the Democrats to create sanctuary cities to encourage these families to try coming here so they would have to go through this, and then refuse to deal with DACA after the president asked them to?

The Democrats did deal with DACA. It was Trump who backed out on it. The Democrats even agreed to give Trump money for the wall. Trump threw it all away.
Um, no, he lost by 3 million votes.. If you want to argue that Immigration was on the ballot in 2016, then the current policies LOST.

Previous presidents didn't separate parents from their children, or house thousands of people in concentration camps.
1. Um YEAH, he WON by 10 million AMERICAN votes. After we get rid of all the illegals, dumb vote counters won't be counting illegal alien votes anymore. Making America great again.

2. Every previous president from Washington to Trump separated jailed parents from their children. In everything from immigration to robbery, to burglary, to arson, to bad checks, etc. I don't recall seeing groups of kids sitting in jail cells with their parents, do you ? o_O

1. Clinton won by 3 million American votes. You people have not come close to proving 3 million votes were illegally cast.

2. Previous presidents did not separate children from their families you lying little weasel.
We never before separated families and put children cages until they were deported. YOU DON'T GET ALTERNATIVE FACTS

Yes we have. You don't get to change the facts.
We did not lock up children after separating them from familes. Stop lying.

You can read the evidence. Those photos you see of children behind bars or in kennel like cages are from the Obama era. The children under state authority/protection now are being very well cared for. Much better than we treat our own citizens in such circumstances.

I'll be happy to offer an apology, once you provide the evidence that the photos posted are from the Obama era. Are you also claiming the photos and sound of children cry for their "mommy" are from the Obama era, or as one said on Fox they are fake and scripted?

You mean those tapes news chanels are playing--they don't actually show the kids of course. That has scam wriitten all over it. And the photos of kids in cages they are using absolutely are of the Obama era.

They have a bill working in Congress right now though to provide the President more flexiility to handle the problem, a flexibility the current law doesn't provide. President Trump is right there working with them helping to get it through.

"Fake News"

See how easy it is to post what you really meant to say, another echo of the meme which has no basis in fact nor an substance.

BTW, Please post the number of the post where you offered proof that the photos in your post were taken during the Obama Administration.
no, they come from central America, one of the most crime ridden, and dangerous places in the world, as asylum seekers, which is legal.... they are deported afterwards, if the legal asylum process does not approve their refugee how it was done in Bush 2 and Obama, whether crossing over the bridge or walking under it, when turning themselves in.

This is no longer the case with Session's new, Zero Tolerance program.

Elections have consequences ... Trump supporters like Judge Napolitano,
Please do not mistake the idea that one person may or may not desire something makes a difference ... It doesn't.

If you think the Democrats are best served basing their campaign on supporting the rights of foreign nationals ...
Over the rule of law, protecting our sovereignty, and representing Americans in their districts ... I say go for it.

Vote your conscience ... Vote for the people you support ... Complain about the crap you don't like.
In the meantime ... I am not trying to fix the world ... I can do better than you and your government at making a positive impact on my community.


56% of Americans oppose Trump's policy. That includes Trump supporters like Judge Napolitano and Franklin Graham.
No president as a policy has separated child from parents. You DO NOT GET ALTERNATIVE FACTS
So American criminals (burglars, arsonists, car thieves, etc) were not separated from their kids ?

EARTH TO BENDOG: They are ALWAYS separated from their kids. No kids go to jail or prison with their parents (other than infants in the Dilley place) Never.

You are comparing misdemeanors to felonies. Dishonest as usual.
Maybe you need to follow what Jesus said. You will be greeting the devil when you die.
Jesus was a compiled character created from historical failed revolter figures, mythological figures, and plagiarized Biblical figures. His image was created by Rome's propaganda and was used to demonize the Jewish elect in order to subvert their opponent to their tax and control. Jesus=fake news/propaganda-sound familiar?

When you die, you are going to be in for a rude awakening.
*L* Maybe you should read my profile in the who's who in America before you talk about me.
It really does appear that Democrats are using the separations of illegal alien parents (some are not parents) from illegal alien children, as a political tool. When have American children ever accompanied their parents/guardians into jails ? When Americans are sent to jail, they go alone, not with their kids. It's been this way for hundreds of years, but have we heard an outcry from Democrats over that ?

No. We have not. It is only now, with illegal aliens, that Democrats are suddenly upset about separation of parent and child. So what about all the American kids, whose parents got locked up ? What are they ? Chopped liver ? They don't count ?

Actually, to Democrats, no they don't count. And maybe "count" is just the right word, since VOTE counts are what this is all about. Democrats want illegal aliens in the US, as VOTES for THEM. American kids and their jailed parents, aren't seen that way.

this is the issue...

The Media Are Lying About Trump Separating Illegal Immigrant Families. Here’s The Truth.

More specifically, it’s several lies.

1. Trump Created Separation Of Children From Illegal Immigrant Parents. This is plainly false. In 1997, the federal government made an agreement in a case called Flores not to keep unaccompanied illegal immigrant children in custody beyond twenty days. The settlement said nothing about accompanied illegal immigrant children – children who crossed the border with their parents. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals then ruled that accompanied children also could not be held in custody under the terms of the settlement. This meant that the government either had to release whole families, or that the government had to separate parents from children.

2. Immigrants Seeking Asylum Are Being Punished For Seeking Asylum. This is plainly untrue as well. Immigrants who come to points of entry to seek asylum aren’t actually illegally in the country – they’re not arrested. They’re processed through ICE, and their children stay with them.

If, however, illegal immigrants cross the border illegally, the Trump administration now treats them as criminals. If they choose deportation, they aren’t separated from their kids; if they choose to apply for asylum, they stay in the country longer than 20 days, and their kids have to be removed by operation of law.

The so-called conservative media is crooked as hell. I wouldn't believe them if they said the sun was going to come up. I suppose those children in the facilities are a figment of our imaginations.

The fact is that this has nothing to do with 1997. Sessions has made it very clear that this is a choice he has made. Trump can end it by ordering Sessions to end it. No legislation is needed.
aka................Catch and deal...........get used to crying because it isn't going to happen.

The law is being enforced.....and this political black mail will be rejected............Elections have lost.

It's simple............repeal the Flores law...........and no longer tie ICE's hands.............Same law under Obama and you guys weren't up in arms..........................Hypocrisy at it's finest......

Now back to the tear jerker comments from the left.


Since I didn't vote for Trump or Clinton, America lost when they both were nominated. The Flores law has nothing to do with it. Trump can do it himself. He doesn't need Congress.
A hard and fast rule to rip kids from their parents is just us being assholes for the sake of being assholes.'s just not nice. What is wrong with being nice?
Was it nice for Obama and the Democrats to create sanctuary cities to encourage these families to try coming here so they would have to go through this, and then refuse to deal with DACA after the president asked them to?

The Democrats did deal with DACA. It was Trump who backed out on it. The Democrats even agreed to give Trump money for the wall. Trump threw it all away.
The Democrats didn't deal with it. It was simply a executive order from it was a problem he caused.
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A hard and fast rule to rip kids from their parents is just us being assholes for the sake of being assholes.'s just not nice. What is wrong with being nice?
Was it nice for Obama and the Democrats to create sanctuary cities to encourage these families to try coming here so they would have to go through this, and then refuse to deal with DACA after the president asked them to?

The Democrats did deal with DACA. It was Trump who backed out on it. The Democrats even agreed to give Trump money for the wall. Trump threw it all away.
The Democrats didn't deal with it. It was simply a executive order from Obama.

The Democrats did attempt to deal with it in the Senate however Republicans filibustered it. The Democrats also offered a compromise earlier this year and Trump turned it down even though Democrats offered money for a wall.
A hard and fast rule to rip kids from their parents is just us being assholes for the sake of being assholes.'s just not nice. What is wrong with being nice?
Was it nice for Obama and the Democrats to create sanctuary cities to encourage these families to try coming here so they would have to go through this, and then refuse to deal with DACA after the president asked them to?

The Democrats did deal with DACA. It was Trump who backed out on it. The Democrats even agreed to give Trump money for the wall. Trump threw it all away.
The Democrats didn't deal with it. It was simply a executive order from Obama.

The Democrats did attempt to deal with it in the Senate however Republicans filibustered it. The Democrats also offered a compromise earlier this year and Trump turned it down even though Democrats offered money for a wall.
Democrats decided to give speeches and do crying photo-ops.
They did nothing else.
And asylum seekers have to register at entrance points for court cases in front of judges, no Asylum seeker has been seperated, it's those who broke that rule and snuck in entered avoiding the process=illegal entrance. Furthermore people have abused that asylum loophole and you should be outraged by that abuse and the Dems who's laws opened up that loophole and who have been "obstructing" voting to change laws and fix the system.
Voting in unison for obstructive resistance does not help the country or the immigrants. Learn to place blame where it deserves to be not where propagandist narrative lead you to be played.
Bullshit. You got ICE agents closing the legal crossing points where you would ask for asylum, then saying you try to come in anywhere else and we will arrest you. It is a deliberate catch 22 policy which is just fucked. And the people that support this bullshit are inhuman pieces of shit that make up only 10% of the country. The people that support this policy have nothing to do with American values.
That's not a response, that's an ad hominem attempt to avoid your lie.
You proved what came out of your typing so well right? Sources, proof. Where is your subtance fake news propagandist? You just admited you lied by ommission.
You said they have to "register at entrance points" and I replied those entrance points were closed off by ICE, leaving these people fleeing the violence in their country no other choice. So how is that not a response when I specifically addressed your point? Furthermore, this has nothing to do with democrat laws. This is a Trump Administration policy. Period.

BTW, the fake news is saying these people are criminals.
Just as I thought 0 sources or proof evidence.
ICE IS your excuse and you demonize them like your party demonizes Police, =your party is the party of lawlessness, lead by the lawless one which you guys admited when you listed all the crimes the Teflon couple avoided prosecution of.
We never before separated families and put children cages until they were deported. YOU DON'T GET ALTERNATIVE FACTS

Yes we have. You don't get to change the facts.
We did not lock up children after separating them from familes. Stop lying.

You can read the evidence. Those photos you see of children behind bars or in kennel like cages are from the Obama era. The children under state authority/protection now are being very well cared for. Much better than we treat our own citizens in such circumstances.

I'll be happy to offer an apology, once you provide the evidence that the photos posted are from the Obama era. Are you also claiming the photos and sound of children cry for their "mommy" are from the Obama era, or as one said on Fox they are fake and scripted?

You mean those tapes news chanels are playing--they don't actually show the kids of course. That has scam wriitten all over it. And the photos of kids in cages they are using absolutely are of the Obama era.

They have a bill working in Congress right now though to provide the President more flexiility to handle the problem, a flexibility the current law doesn't provide. President Trump is right there working with them helping to get it through.
You lie!!
It really does appear that Democrats are using the separations of illegal alien parents (some are not parents) from illegal alien children, as a political tool. When have American children ever accompanied their parents/guardians into jails ? When Americans are sent to jail, they go alone, not with their kids. It's been this way for hundreds of years, but have we heard an outcry from Democrats over that ?

No. We have not. It is only now, with illegal aliens, that Democrats are suddenly upset about separation of parent and child. So what about all the American kids, whose parents got locked up ? What are they ? Chopped liver ? They don't count ?

Actually, to Democrats, no they don't count. And maybe "count" is just the right word, since VOTE counts are what this is all about. Democrats want illegal aliens in the US, as VOTES for THEM. American kids and their jailed parents, aren't seen that way.

this is the issue...

The Media Are Lying About Trump Separating Illegal Immigrant Families. Here’s The Truth.

More specifically, it’s several lies.

1. Trump Created Separation Of Children From Illegal Immigrant Parents. This is plainly false. In 1997, the federal government made an agreement in a case called Flores not to keep unaccompanied illegal immigrant children in custody beyond twenty days. The settlement said nothing about accompanied illegal immigrant children – children who crossed the border with their parents. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals then ruled that accompanied children also could not be held in custody under the terms of the settlement. This meant that the government either had to release whole families, or that the government had to separate parents from children.

2. Immigrants Seeking Asylum Are Being Punished For Seeking Asylum. This is plainly untrue as well. Immigrants who come to points of entry to seek asylum aren’t actually illegally in the country – they’re not arrested. They’re processed through ICE, and their children stay with them.

If, however, illegal immigrants cross the border illegally, the Trump administration now treats them as criminals. If they choose deportation, they aren’t separated from their kids; if they choose to apply for asylum, they stay in the country longer than 20 days, and their kids have to be removed by operation of law.

The so-called conservative media is crooked as hell. I wouldn't believe them if they said the sun was going to come up. I suppose those children in the facilities are a figment of our imaginations.

The fact is that this has nothing to do with 1997. Sessions has made it very clear that this is a choice he has made. Trump can end it by ordering Sessions to end it. No legislation is needed.
aka................Catch and deal...........get used to crying because it isn't going to happen.

The law is being enforced.....and this political black mail will be rejected............Elections have lost.

It's simple............repeal the Flores law...........and no longer tie ICE's hands.............Same law under Obama and you guys weren't up in arms..........................Hypocrisy at it's finest......

Now back to the tear jerker comments from the left.


Since I didn't vote for Trump or Clinton, America lost when they both were nominated. The Flores law has nothing to do with it. Trump can do it himself. He doesn't need Congress.
And legislate by EO............BS.........the laws of immigration should be fixed by Congress and comprehensive immigration reform should be done by Congress. Put something on his desk to sign.

If they can't do their job hire someone else.
And asylum seekers have to register at entrance points for court cases in front of judges, no Asylum seeker has been seperated, it's those who broke that rule and snuck in entered avoiding the process=illegal entrance. Furthermore people have abused that asylum loophole and you should be outraged by that abuse and the Dems who's laws opened up that loophole and who have been "obstructing" voting to change laws and fix the system.
Voting in unison for obstructive resistance does not help the country or the immigrants. Learn to place blame where it deserves to be not where propagandist narrative lead you to be played.
Bullshit. You got ICE agents closing the legal crossing points where you would ask for asylum, then saying you try to come in anywhere else and we will arrest you. It is a deliberate catch 22 policy which is just fucked. And the people that support this bullshit are inhuman pieces of shit that make up only 10% of the country. The people that support this policy have nothing to do with American values.
That's not a response, that's an ad hominem attempt to avoid your lie.
You proved what came out of your typing so well right? Sources, proof. Where is your subtance fake news propagandist? You just admited you lied by ommission.
You said they have to "register at entrance points" and I replied those entrance points were closed off by ICE, leaving these people fleeing the violence in their country no other choice. So how is that not a response when I specifically addressed your point? Furthermore, this has nothing to do with democrat laws. This is a Trump Administration policy. Period.

BTW, the fake news is saying these people are criminals.
I doubt that otherwise you'd have sources to research context.
According to Dems drawn up laws they are criminals. IF someone steals your car are they a criminal? WHY is one broken law a criminal while another isn't, simply because you need to pander to their brethren or steal cheat their illegal votes? Gotcha!
56% of Americans oppose Trump's policy. That includes Trump supporters like Judge Napolitano and Franklin Graham.

Well Whoop De Doo ... I doubt I would care much if it were 100% ...:dunno:
Let me reemphasize this part ... "Vote your conscience ... Vote for the people you support ... Complain about the crap you don't like."


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