Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

These people are migrant workers coming into this country to help American farmers bring in their harvests. Jobs that Americans won't do. A little migrant education would help you grow the other half of your brain.
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
Trump-supporting farmers are worried that new immigration policies would be a disaster
Dairy farmers worry about immigration rhetoric - CNNPolitics

But Americans WILL do ANY job, as long as they are PAID in full. No one should be expected to put in half their hours without pay. But that is what underpaying does. As long as the farmers pay a decent wage, with decent benefits, they'll have no trouble getting Americans to do ANY job for them. If they can't afford to pay that decent wage, then they can't afford to be in business, period.

AMERICANS are doing the toughest, dirtiest, and most dangerous jobs in America, not foreigners.
Republican policy that is hated by almost everyone else besides the hyper authoritarian base? Scam blamed on someone else, the non personal responsibility republican way. ;)
I doubt that otherwise you'd have sources to research context.
According to Dems drawn up laws they are criminals. IF someone steals your car are they a criminal? WHY is one broken law a criminal while another isn't, simply because you need to pander to their brethren or steal cheat their illegal votes? Gotcha!
People seeking asylum are not criminals. People coming to our borders are not criminals. This whole immigration thing is just a made up, bullshit issue created by republicans. No different than the bullshit voter fraud rant. No different than their other lies like Hussein had WMD's, Muslims are terrorists, this is a Christian nation...

...they're all bullshit lies. There is no immigration problem.

I'm just curious... Do you think there should be any immigration laws at all, or do you think we should have completely open borders and let everyone come in?

Also, do you think it's unfair to the people who sometimes wait for years to get in, doing things the right way (legally) by rewarding those who have no regard for our laws?

And lastly, how do you feel about all the other countries in the world (pretty much all of them) who have much stricter immigration laws than us? Are they wrong?

Not being sarcastic, I sincerely want to hear answers to these questions. I asked another Dem the other day, but he didn't answer.
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The so-called conservative media is crooked as hell. I wouldn't believe them if they said the sun was going to come up. I suppose those children in the facilities are a figment of our imaginations.
Nope, those children in these nice, clean, well-equipped facilities are not a figment of our imaginations. Those happy kids playing soccer, attending classes, getting medical/dental care, eating nutritious, well-balanced meals are not a figment of our imaginations.

HERE THEY ARE in one of Trump's very decent care facilities for the migrant kids (as in dozens of other facilities just like this one) >>>


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The fact is that this has nothing to do with 1997. Sessions has made it very clear that this is a choice he has made. Trump can end it by ordering Sessions to end it. No legislation is needed.

Well, of course it has to do with the 1997 law, but even if there were no law, would you put children in adult prisons where fights, stabbings, drugs, sex abuse, etc all go on ? That's crazy, and that's why there IS a 1997 law.

Simple fact is you CAN'T incarcerate children along with their parents. That's what causes the separation, not any "policy" as Democrat scammers are trying to peddle. As for the crying kids, they calm down a lot, when they get into the nice air-conditioned, TV, computers, video games, good food centers they go to, shortly after the processing centers that Democrats try to have us think are where the kids are staying all the time.

And if Trump ended the separations, where would the kids go then ? I'm open to listen to SUGGESTIONS.
A hard and fast rule to rip kids from their parents is just us being assholes for the sake of being assholes.'s just not nice. What is wrong with being nice?
Was it nice for Obama and the Democrats to create sanctuary cities to encourage these families to try coming here so they would have to go through this, and then refuse to deal with DACA after the president asked them to?

The Democrats did deal with DACA. It was Trump who backed out on it. The Democrats even agreed to give Trump money for the wall. Trump threw it all away.
The Democrats didn't deal with it. It was simply a executive order from Obama.

The Democrats did attempt to deal with it in the Senate however Republicans filibustered it. The Democrats also offered a compromise earlier this year and Trump turned it down even though Democrats offered money for a wall.
Democrats decided to give speeches and do crying photo-ops.
They did nothing else.

You are the liar.

'Trump tweeted, "Democrats are nowhere to be found on DACA."

This fact-check isn't about assigning blame to a political party for the lack of a DACA deal. In reality, both political parties likely bear some responsibility.

But Trump underplays and ignores the efforts of Democrats to reach a solution to help Dreamers, including meetings with Trump, bipartisan proposals, and a stated willingness to discuss border wall funding.

We rate Trump’s claim False.'

Trump claims Democrats absent from DACA negotiations

The Democrats didtalk compromise even on the wall but Trump turned it down.
The so-called conservative media is crooked as hell. I wouldn't believe them if they said the sun was going to come up. I suppose those children in the facilities are a figment of our imaginations.
Nope, those children in these nice, clean, well-equipped facilities are not a figment of our imaginations. Those happy kids playing soccer, attending classes, getting medical/dental care, eating nutritious, well-balanced meals are not a figment of our imaginations.

HERE THEY ARE in one of Trump's very decent care facilities for the migrant kids (as in dozens of other facilities just like this one) >>>


Without their parents. They have been separated from their parents by Trump. They are being held hostage for political gain. That is what terrorists do. If things are so great then why are Congress people and Senators being kept from seeing them.

No fuck you. You don't separate kids from their parents you raving asshole.
So if a guy is a single parent widower (no other relatives), and he robs a convenience store, shoots the clerk, get arrested, and put in a mean-ass prison, you don't separate the kids from him ?

You put them in that mean-ass prison (fights, sex abuse, stabbings, drugs, etc) with him ? If not, you're separating them, right ? WHAT DO YOU DO ?

What I have been reading most of these people are migrant workers who have been crossing the border for over a 100 years to help American farmers bring in their harvest. They always bring their children with them. When the work is done they go back home. And this is what former first lady Laura Bush aspired too.
Laura Bush blasts Trump migrant policy as 'cruel' and 'immoral'


They didn't rob a bank, they didn't murder or rape anyone, they didn't shoot a clerk. They are of no threat to you or anyone else.

US farmers need their help.
Reading hasn't killed anyone yet you might want to start here.
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
Trump-supporting farmers are worried that new immigration policies would be a disaster
Dairy Farmers Fear Loss Of Labor Under Trump Immigration Actions
The shortage of farm workers and your grocery bill

Over the last 8 years Republicans couldn't even come up with a fucking temporary work visa for farm workers.

Now thanks to Jeff Jessions zero tolerance policy they are here to work, are getting arrested, their kids are being ripped out of their arms, so fucking lying Jeff Sessions can prosecute them.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.

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The fact is that this has nothing to do with 1997. Sessions has made it very clear that this is a choice he has made. Trump can end it by ordering Sessions to end it. No legislation is needed.

Well, of course it has to do with the 1997 law, but even if there were no law, would you put children in adult prisons where fights, stabbings, drugs, sex abuse, etc all go on ? That's crazy, and that's why there IS a 1997 law.

Simple fact is you CAN'T incarcerate children along with their parents. That's what causes the separation, not any "policy" as Democrat scammers are trying to peddle. As for the crying kids, they calm down a lot, when they get into the nice air-conditioned, TV, computers, video games, good food centers they go to, shortly after the processing centers that Democrats try to have us think are where the kids are staying all the time.

And if Trump ended the separations, where would the kids go then ? I'm open to listen to SUGGESTIONS.

It has nothing to do with the 1997 rule. That is smokescreen cooked up by Nazis and racists like you. If Trump wanted to, he could end it today. The family should be kept in a family friendly facility together. They start crying when they ask about their parents. Children are being kept in tent cities in near 100 degree Texas heat. There is no air conditioning in a tent.
They did not and you are the one being disingenuous.
^^^an example of the uninformed ignorance that ALSO VOTES

The Trump supporter is the epitome of a uninformed voter. voted for people because they offered "HOPE" and then "CHANGE"...Trump supporters voted for Donald Trump based on what he promised to do with the economy, with immigration and with foreign affairs. Not vague promises like Barry and Hillary but actual promises that he's living up to one by one despite feverish opposition from the left and the Main Stream Media! So who's REALLY the uninformed voter here, BB?

You are the uninformed voter. Many of the things he said are never going to happen. For example, coal is not coming back. It is dying because of natural gas and that is not going away. Remember Carrier. Most pf those jobs are gone permanently.

You seem to think that coal is obsolete, BB and I'm not quite sure what you base that on! The US was the second largest producer of coal in 2015 and only fell to third in 2016 because three of the largest coal companies in the US had filed bankruptcy. They're all back now and operating and much of that is due to Donald Trump's attitude towards Big Coal. The low price of natural gas did in fact depress the demand for coal but the price of natural gas is now creeping up again and coal mining is increasing.

I'd like to point out that manufacturing jobs in US are seeing gains unlike what we've had in a LONG LONG time...something that Obama and you progressives said was never going to happen...something else that is due to Trump's policies.

The move is towards clean energy. That will not change. The fact is that coal is obsolete in the US. If it weren't Trump would not be considering forcing electricity producers to buy and pay a exorbitant price for coal.

I am not a progressive. However jobs started coming back to the US when Obama was President. Neither Obama or Trump are responsible for this. There are certain advantages to being in the US that no politician can screw up.
Just as I thought 0 sources or proof evidence.
ICE IS your excuse and you demonize them like your party demonizes Police, =your party is the party of lawlessness, lead by the lawless one which you guys admited when you listed all the crimes the Teflon couple avoided prosecution of.
I'm not a democrat, asshole. And I provided as much proof as you did.

They have to find a way to smear people. You are not allowed to disagree with Trump or be true to your principles. That is why I neither voted for Trump or Clinton.
These people are migrant workers coming into this country to help American farmers bring in their harvests. Jobs that Americans won't do. A little migrant education would help you grow the other half of your brain.
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
Trump-supporting farmers are worried that new immigration policies would be a disaster
Dairy farmers worry about immigration rhetoric - CNNPolitics

But Americans WILL do ANY job, as long as they are PAID in full. No one should be expected to put in half their hours without pay. But that is what underpaying does. As long as the farmers pay a decent wage, with decent benefits, they'll have no trouble getting Americans to do ANY job for them. If they can't afford to pay that decent wage, then they can't afford to be in business, period.

AMERICANS are doing the toughest, dirtiest, and most dangerous jobs in America, not foreigners.

Americans are not going to be picking strawberries in blistering heat. I don't care how much you pay them.
These people are migrant workers coming into this country to help American farmers bring in their harvests. Jobs that Americans won't do. A little migrant education would help you grow the other half of your brain.
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
Trump-supporting farmers are worried that new immigration policies would be a disaster
Dairy farmers worry about immigration rhetoric - CNNPolitics

But Americans WILL do ANY job, as long as they are PAID in full. No one should be expected to put in half their hours without pay. But that is what underpaying does. As long as the farmers pay a decent wage, with decent benefits, they'll have no trouble getting Americans to do ANY job for them. If they can't afford to pay that decent wage, then they can't afford to be in business, period.

AMERICANS are doing the toughest, dirtiest, and most dangerous jobs in America, not foreigners.

You dumbass, go back to post # 628 and read the links I just gave you.


In fact all of you half brained Trump tards scroll back to post # 628 and read those links.

You dumbass, go back to post # 628 and read the links I just gave you.

In fact all of you half brained Trump tards scroll back to post # 628 and read those links.
Fool. I've refuted those dopey, liberal links 1000 times. In fact I refuted them in the post I just posted, which you just quoted. I don't have to read anything, You're the one who needs to read.

Go back and read MY post.........and this time, a bit SLOWER.
Have the reality adverse republicans pulled out the "deep state" excuse yet? Oops that is what this thread basically is, republicans blaming others when what they do isn't popular.
Americans are not going to be picking strawberries in blistering heat. I don't care how much you pay them.
Dum dum. Americans work in far worse conditions, doing much tougher, dirtier, and more dangerous work than picking fruit, no matter what the weather.
Let's see the illegals match up to what THESE AMERICAN GUYS do, day in and day out >>


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