Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

You are the liar.

'Trump tweeted, "Democrats are nowhere to be found on DACA."

This fact-check isn't about assigning blame to a political party for the lack of a DACA deal. In reality, both political parties likely bear some responsibility.

But Trump underplays and ignores the efforts of Democrats to reach a solution to help Dreamers, including meetings with Trump, bipartisan proposals, and a stated willingness to discuss border wall funding.

We rate Trump’s claim False.'

Trump claims Democrats absent from DACA negotiations

The Democrats didtalk compromise even on the wall but Trump turned it down.
Trump offered a compromise, even giving amnesty to the DACAs. Democrats turned it down. DACA kids should remember that.
Without their parents. They have been separated from their parents by Trump. They are being held hostage for political gain. That is what terrorists do. If things are so great then why are Congress people and Senators being kept from seeing them.
The same as ALL kids of jailed parents are separated, and have been for decades. You think American kids of murderers, burglars, embezzlers, etc, aren't separated from their parents ? This is standard procedure for EVERYBODY. What would YOU do ? Put them in adult prisons with fights, stabbings, sex abuse, ?

Congress and Senators are NOT being kept from seeing the good facilities. You just saw a video of it, didn't you ? What isn't being seen, is these nice facilities on mainstream liberal media. Instead, they are showing the rough processing centers, and scamming that these are the living facilities.
So the reports of Obama enforcing the border by deporting way more illegals than Trump, and enforcing policy is all lies ??
Of course those are lies. Obama deported almost NOBODY. His game was to bring migrants IN (to vote for Democrats), not kick them out. His Catch & Release "system" set everyone free to just melt back into the US population - but he counted every summons he issued, as a "deportation" Yeah right!

Whoever falls for that ploy, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn waiting for them. :rolleyes:
So then anyone can walk into your house and claim asylum from their spouse or any claimed victimization and it's not a crime/criminal?
Do you not know the difference between private and public property? You probably think someone showing up at your front door with a black eye, is only claiming victimization?

Or are they required to ring your door bell and ask permission to enter first?
They are required to ring my door bell and ask permission to enter first.

Just as I thought, you are a lawless one until that law is broken upon you then suddenly you cry the loudest about abiding laws.
There is no law that requires you to take the children of people showing up at your door.

You are just timing this spin to smokescreen the DOJ report. Everything is planed and tactical and concern is guided by puppet strings through exaggerated narratives. =pathetic politics.
Spin what? Trump policy of separating children from their families? Locking them up in internment camps? I suppose if they started throwing the babies into ovens, you'd blame it on the lack of beer for Russians at the World Cup?
But when an American citizen in this country goes to jail or prison, his/her children already have an established life in this country. A place to stay or maybe relatives take them in. The children of most of the illegals, not so much. How would a parent even know if immigration didn't separate the children from each other if there were more than one. Inhumane treatment I say, considering that it's not a violent offense to try to sneak into our country.
Lots of American kids have no place to go when a single parent is jailed. Yu show a typical lack of concern for American kids, while being all upset about illegals.

Lots of crimes pertain to things that are not violence. That doesn't make them OK.

Requesting asylum isn't breaking any law.
Depends how you request it
Go to a US consulate i you home country, OK.
Show up at an entry point, OK.
Sneak across the border, illegal
Dea, with it it's the parents putting their chi.dren at risk.

Not how it works. They have to be here before they are allowed to apply. Of course, the armed guards at the points of entry aren't letting them do that.
Border guards accused of illegally turning away foreigners seeking asylum
A new report by the group Human Rights First says its researchers have gathered additional information showing how immigration authorities at various ports of entry along the border have continued to block foreign asylum seekers from the United States and turning them back to Mexico.
Just keep repeating your lies, someday you may e en believe them yourself
I'm just curious... Do you think there should be any immigration laws at all, or do you think we should have completely open borders and let everyone come in?
We should have completely open borders. I do not fear people making minimum wage. They pay taxes and contribute to local economies. I'm not going to fault someone who is seeking a better life for themselves.

Also, do you think it's unfair to the people who sometimes wait for years to get in, doing things the right way (legally) by rewarding those who have no regard for our laws?
I disagree with your premise these people have "no regard for our laws", but yes, it is unfair.

And lastly, how do you feel about all the other countries in the world (pretty much all of them) who have much stricter immigration laws than us? Are they wrong?

Not being sarcastic, I sincerely want to hear answers to these questions. I asked another Dem the other day, but he didn't answer.
I'm not a Dem.
aka................Catch and deal...........get used to crying because it isn't going to happen.

The law is being enforced.....and this political black mail will be rejected............Elections have lost.

Okay, so you've now made American an international pariah with the image of children in cages being what we are about... and you want to do a victory lap?

This is something we are going to be apologizing for generations from now. Just ask the Germans.
Was it nice for Obama and the Democrats to create sanctuary cities to encourage these families to try coming here so they would have to go through this, and then refuse to deal with DACA after the president asked them to?

The Democrats did deal with DACA. It was Trump who backed out on it. The Democrats even agreed to give Trump money for the wall. Trump threw it all away.
The Democrats didn't deal with it. It was simply a executive order from Obama.

The Democrats did attempt to deal with it in the Senate however Republicans filibustered it. The Democrats also offered a compromise earlier this year and Trump turned it down even though Democrats offered money for a wall.
Democrats decided to give speeches and do crying photo-ops.
They did nothing else.

You are the liar.

'Trump tweeted, "Democrats are nowhere to be found on DACA."

This fact-check isn't about assigning blame to a political party for the lack of a DACA deal. In reality, both political parties likely bear some responsibility.

But Trump underplays and ignores the efforts of Democrats to reach a solution to help Dreamers, including meetings with Trump, bipartisan proposals, and a stated willingness to discuss border wall funding.

We rate Trump’s claim False.'

Trump claims Democrats absent from DACA negotiations

The Democrats didtalk compromise even on the wall but Trump turned it down.


No fuck you. You don't separate kids from their parents you raving asshole.
So if a guy is a single parent widower (no other relatives), and he robs a convenience store, shoots the clerk, get arrested, and put in a mean-ass prison, you don't separate the kids from him ?

You put them in that mean-ass prison (fights, sex abuse, stabbings, drugs, etc) with him ? If not, you're separating them, right ? WHAT DO YOU DO ?

What I have been reading most of these people are migrant workers who have been crossing the border for over a 100 years to help American farmers bring in their harvest. They always bring their children with them. When the work is done they go back home. And this is what former first lady Laura Bush aspired too.
Laura Bush blasts Trump migrant policy as 'cruel' and 'immoral'


They didn't rob a bank, they didn't murder or rape anyone, they didn't shoot a clerk. They are of no threat to you or anyone else.

US farmers need their help.
Reading hasn't killed anyone yet you might want to start here.
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
Trump-supporting farmers are worried that new immigration policies would be a disaster
Dairy Farmers Fear Loss Of Labor Under Trump Immigration Actions
The shortage of farm workers and your grocery bill

Over the last 8 years Republicans couldn't even come up with a fucking temporary work visa for farm workers.

Now thanks to Jeff Jessions zero tolerance policy they are here to work, are getting arrested, their kids are being ripped out of their arms, so fucking lying Jeff Sessions can prosecute them.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.
Horse Hockey. Utter Lie. Dept. Of labor has a guest worker program for agro workers.
Flumes Law repealed .

Facilities to keep families together.

Has Congress forgotten how to pass a law???

This is the proper way to fix shit under the Constitution
Flumes Law repealed .

Facilities to keep families together.

Has Congress forgotten how to pass a law???

This is the proper way to fix shit under the Constitution

Um, no, the proper way to fix this problem is to do what we were doing before, try these things in civil court and release these people on their own recognizance until their hearing comes up. If they don't show up for their hearings, THEN you deport them.

Trump is the one who decided to lock these people up, and then separate families, which isn't called for in the law.
It really does appear that Democrats are using the separations of illegal alien parents (some are not parents) from illegal alien children, as a political tool. When have American children ever accompanied their parents/guardians into jails ? When Americans are sent to jail, they go alone, not with their kids. It's been this way for hundreds of years, but have we heard an outcry from Democrats over that ?

No. We have not. It is only now, with illegal aliens, that Democrats are suddenly upset about separation of parent and child. So what about all the American kids, whose parents got locked up ? What are they ? Chopped liver ? They don't count ?

Actually, to Democrats, no they don't count. And maybe "count" is just the right word, since VOTE counts are what this is all about. Democrats want illegal aliens in the US, as VOTES for THEM. American kids and their jailed parents, aren't seen that way.

It is a scam, but one the republicans want and need. The GOP has been bigger proponents of amnesty then the DNC. So get ready, Trump is going to do “one last” amnesty.
Flumes Law repealed .

Facilities to keep families together.

Has Congress forgotten how to pass a law???

This is the proper way to fix shit under the Constitution

Um, no, the proper way to fix this problem is to do what we were doing before, try these things in civil court and release these people on their own recognizance until their hearing comes up. If they don't show up for their hearings, THEN you deport them.

Trump is the one who decided to lock these people up, and then separate families, which isn't called for in the law.

Lie. Bet you won’t prove that. Maybe in the Mormon rape camp you grew up in that’s the case, but in the real world kids don’t get to go to jail with mommy and daddy. Why lie?
No, it is FALSE. See Post # 643.
People seeking asylum are not criminals, you inhuman piece of shit.

They are when they break the laws of the US on unlawful entry you dumbass.

Using our generous laws of asylum to circumvent our immigration laws is despicable and illegal you stupid Moon Bat.

We have enough of Mexico and the other Central America countries exporting their poverty to the US. Thank god Trump is putting an end to it.

Shame on you filthy ass Liberals for supporting all these assholes flooding into this country just to shore up the voting rolls of the despicable failing Democrat Party and their agenda to make America a socialist shithole.

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