Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

All Trump has to do is call Sessions and tell him to cut it out. He does not need a EO or legislation from Congress.

True, Trump could have called Sessions, he could even have done an EO, but as Schumer well knows either of those wouldn't have fixed squat. It would just kick the can down the road.

Trump started it and can end it anytime he wants.

You mean enforcing the law? Yeah, he did (and good for him), and yeah, he can (but he'd better not).

YOU should be ashamed of yourself for demanding that the President ignore the law, just as much as Chuck the Schmuck should be ashamed of himself for refusing to do his job.

The President has discretion in prioritizing deportations. The Supreme Court has already decided this. If Obama did not want to deport children who were brought here by their parents then he had the authority to do so. You are the one who should be ashamed of the lies you have told in defense of Trump. This is another lie. There is no law forcing Trump to do anything. He is playing to the racist right in this country.
20 day holding period is a LAW.............backed by the courts and so ordered by the courts............

The Congress could fix this simply..............IT IS THEIR JOB TO DO SO............This is not ever supposed to be the responsibility of the POTUS........It has been challenged and lost in the courts.

All Trump has to do is call Sessions and tell him to stop it. Congress does not have to pass a law. Sessions stated the POLICY.
Most of us have stories of the "horrors" of children being separated from their parent(s). I had to call the police and child services after seeing a 2 year old toddler wandering away from her mothers "care" out into a busy street. And then the authorities showed up, and her remaining 3 kids were also put into protective care. The "trauma" of being separated from irresponsible parents, VS being put into the hands of caring responsible caretakers, that is a different take on this.
Bottom line... Black and white... no ambiguity whatsoever... ubiquitous / common knowledge... If you and your kids enter the US illegally you will be arrested and as your kids will be held in a separate facility as they are not allowed in incarceration with adults. Best to go to one of the 48 ports of entry and plead for asylum.

I can be as emotionally driven as the next.. recalling this or that tear jerker. Just like with gun legislation sad stories of loss can not drive the argument.

NO patience for posts like the one I'm responding to... Don't want the situation with separation... yell at the F'n parents that send their kids off with raping smugglers on their lonesome with the day after pill... Or cross with them.. destined for arrest and separation.

It is not black and white. A President has broad discretion in prioritizing deportations. This is all Trump's doing. Americans standing up and saying no other than corrupt Republicans forced Trump to back down.
Well I was talking about the laws on the books not some utopian whimsy... At a certain point we diminish ourselves as a Nation to where we can't extend help all over the Globe... A 'bleeding heart' is commendable and laudable as long as it is not dictating the course of a nation, logic, reason, or the rule of law. Spent much time thinking about 'precedent'... O yes, that's right these people committed a crime in coming here and you want to do what in reaffirming their criminality...

lol, I'm really not a heartless bitch... I have had many illegals as acquaintances over the years... US policy is a whole other thing!
True, Trump could have called Sessions, he could even have done an EO, but as Schumer well knows either of those wouldn't have fixed squat. It would just kick the can down the road.

Trump started it and can end it anytime he wants.

You mean enforcing the law? Yeah, he did (and good for him), and yeah, he can (but he'd better not).

YOU should be ashamed of yourself for demanding that the President ignore the law, just as much as Chuck the Schmuck should be ashamed of himself for refusing to do his job.

The President has discretion in prioritizing deportations. The Supreme Court has already decided this. If Obama did not want to deport children who were brought here by their parents then he had the authority to do so. You are the one who should be ashamed of the lies you have told in defense of Trump. This is another lie. There is no law forcing Trump to do anything. He is playing to the racist right in this country.
20 day holding period is a LAW.............backed by the courts and so ordered by the courts............

The Congress could fix this simply..............IT IS THEIR JOB TO DO SO............This is not ever supposed to be the responsibility of the POTUS........It has been challenged and lost in the courts.

All Trump has to do is call Sessions and tell him to stop it. Congress does not have to pass a law. Sessions stated the POLICY.
The LAW needs changing.............they could do it in a matter of days. They don't because they want the CHAOS.........You want Obama Catch and Release again.............and that's all there is to it...........

It is Congresses job to fix this law. Not that hard to do.
So now enforcing the laws designed to PROTECT Americans is cruelty, huh? How about the many more AMERICANS being separated ? Not cruelty over there ?

The SCAM is coming out in the wash. Now that Trump is doing EO to keep families together, Democrats are movingte goalposts (As they always intended to do). We're seeing the plan, bright and clear now. Here's Sen. marco Rubio's take on it >>

Marco Rubio

The ink isn’t even dry on the new executive order ending separation policy & some Democrats already arguing that keeping families together isn’t enough. Now they want them & their parents released after unlawful entry knowing full well that high % will never appear for hearing
4:06 PM - Jun 20, 2018 17.8K

A few others weighed in too. >>

Monica Crowley

Because for them, it's never been about "the children." It's always been about open borders.

Tammy Bruce

And that has been the point-- force Trump to continue Catch & Release.

The Bushes have NOTHING to say. They perpetrated horrible immigration policies on the American people for 8 years. They're lucky to not all be arrested for treason.

What will Democrats conjure up next ? Pheeeew! Whatever it is, it will probably be something they can use their well-honed fake outrage skills with. :rolleyes:

The Bushes have a lot to say. She is a class act and you are a trash act. you should be arrested for treason.

And again, I just heard, "She agrees with me, so that makes her correct."

Hey, if you want to orgasm over being "validated" by someone famous agreeing with you, knock yourself out. Myself, I'll stick to reality and facts agreeing with me, and continue to not give a rat's ass about name-dropper politics.

Americans trust her more than they do Trump. Franklin Graham also agrees with Laura Bush.

Only if one defines "Americans" as "doofuses who need someone famous to tell them what to think".

Laura Bush is apparently a nice lady. She was a good First Lady. She is noticeably not an expert, or even experienced, in the areas of immigration, law, or governance. I care no more about what she has to say than I do about any garden-variety gland-thinker.

And as near as I can tell, Franklin Graham's big area of expertise is in having a famous father. I don't know that I would necessarily stipulate his expertise in theology, let alone politics and law, because I don't even know the guy.

If your big "victory" move is to trot out a line of celebrities and famous people and say, "HE says this, and SHE says that, and look at all these other people and how famous they are" in the hopes that I'll desperately want to associate myself with them or feel some sort of peer pressure, I'd advise you to give up now.

The facts are the facts; reality is reality. There is no amount of "But it makes me feez BAAAAAADDDD!" that is going to change that, and I'm utterly indifferent to hysterical emotion. (Particularly when I think it's ginned-up fakery on your part, anyway.)

The fact is that these people have more credibility than Trump among ordinary voters. Voters are overwhelmingly closer to Laura Bush and Franklin Graham on this issue. That is why Trump was forced to retreat.

We know you are a indifferent animal. You are the only fake one around here. You are a fake human being.
Voters !!!! That's what it's all about isn't it ?? Yes it is.
We will never know unless members of Congress are able to make unannounced inspections. There is nothing wrong with that and if they have nothing to hide then they will allow it.
There already HAVE BEEN inspections. First Lady Melania did one in McAllen, TX. Florida Senator Bill Nelson is doing another one today, in Homestead, FL. Your attempts to downgrade the shelter facilities are over.

They will not be until they can inspect the facilities unannounced and on the same day.
You are bad. Kidnapping children is evil. Terrorism is evil.
If you think it's evil then stop doing it. You immigration supporters are the ones to blame for all this mess. You encourage these people to come here, and when they get here, you pretend Trump and his people re to blame.

You are the ones doing it. People have a right to come here and ask for asylum. It was Trump and Sessions who separated children from their families. You are the one pretending.
Looking and looking and looking for a way to get Trump, and this is yet just another weak attempt that will fail again. When will you all realize that Trump is here to stay ??
Somehow I don't think being ripped from their parents is going to be a fun experience for them...

Inside The 'Tender Age' Shelters For Babies and Toddlers Separated from Their Parents at the US-Mexico Border

Colleen Kraft, MD, president of the American Academy of Pediatrics, tells PEOPLE that this kind of forced separation constitutes nothing less than “child abuse.”

She recently visited one of these “tender age” shelters near the Texas-Mexico border and run by Southwest Key Programs in conjunction with the U.S. Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement.
If it's child abuse, tell Bill Clinton, and the 1997 US Congress. They set it up.

And how OH GOSH!, > how dreadful it must be for parents 250 miles away, who paid child traffickers thousands of $$$ to take their kids to the US border, to be separated from the kids. Imagine the trauma. :rolleyes:

They set nothing up liar. Trump did it all by himself.
The Bushes have a lot to say. She is a class act and you are a trash act. you should be arrested for treason.

And again, I just heard, "She agrees with me, so that makes her correct."

Hey, if you want to orgasm over being "validated" by someone famous agreeing with you, knock yourself out. Myself, I'll stick to reality and facts agreeing with me, and continue to not give a rat's ass about name-dropper politics.

Americans trust her more than they do Trump. Franklin Graham also agrees with Laura Bush.

Only if one defines "Americans" as "doofuses who need someone famous to tell them what to think".

Laura Bush is apparently a nice lady. She was a good First Lady. She is noticeably not an expert, or even experienced, in the areas of immigration, law, or governance. I care no more about what she has to say than I do about any garden-variety gland-thinker.

And as near as I can tell, Franklin Graham's big area of expertise is in having a famous father. I don't know that I would necessarily stipulate his expertise in theology, let alone politics and law, because I don't even know the guy.

If your big "victory" move is to trot out a line of celebrities and famous people and say, "HE says this, and SHE says that, and look at all these other people and how famous they are" in the hopes that I'll desperately want to associate myself with them or feel some sort of peer pressure, I'd advise you to give up now.

The facts are the facts; reality is reality. There is no amount of "But it makes me feez BAAAAAADDDD!" that is going to change that, and I'm utterly indifferent to hysterical emotion. (Particularly when I think it's ginned-up fakery on your part, anyway.)

The fact is that these people have more credibility than Trump among ordinary voters. Voters are overwhelmingly closer to Laura Bush and Franklin Graham on this issue. That is why Trump was forced to retreat.

We know you are a indifferent animal. You are the only fake one around here. You are a fake human being.
Voters !!!! That's what it's all about isn't it ?? Yes it is.

Voters will make the decision when they vote this November. That is why Republicans are telling Trump to stop it.
Many of us think Mexicans that drag their kids into this are abusive and neglectful, like someone that leaves a toddler in a car on a hot summers's day. Perhaps it's a good thing they have their kids taken away from them if they are this (whatever it is they are), reckless, negligent or careless. Perhaps their kids are better off in child protective services? Wow. This whole tragic comedy was avoidable. Nobody is above the laws, not even Mexicans with big brown eyed kiddos. Yepp, even THEM.
Trump started it and can end it anytime he wants.

You mean enforcing the law? Yeah, he did (and good for him), and yeah, he can (but he'd better not).

YOU should be ashamed of yourself for demanding that the President ignore the law, just as much as Chuck the Schmuck should be ashamed of himself for refusing to do his job.

The President has discretion in prioritizing deportations. The Supreme Court has already decided this. If Obama did not want to deport children who were brought here by their parents then he had the authority to do so. You are the one who should be ashamed of the lies you have told in defense of Trump. This is another lie. There is no law forcing Trump to do anything. He is playing to the racist right in this country.
20 day holding period is a LAW.............backed by the courts and so ordered by the courts............

The Congress could fix this simply..............IT IS THEIR JOB TO DO SO............This is not ever supposed to be the responsibility of the POTUS........It has been challenged and lost in the courts.

All Trump has to do is call Sessions and tell him to stop it. Congress does not have to pass a law. Sessions stated the POLICY.
The LAW needs changing.............they could do it in a matter of days. They don't because they want the CHAOS.........You want Obama Catch and Release again.............and that's all there is to it...........

It is Congresses job to fix this law. Not that hard to do.

Trump started this so it is his job to do so.
And again, I just heard, "She agrees with me, so that makes her correct."

Hey, if you want to orgasm over being "validated" by someone famous agreeing with you, knock yourself out. Myself, I'll stick to reality and facts agreeing with me, and continue to not give a rat's ass about name-dropper politics.

Americans trust her more than they do Trump. Franklin Graham also agrees with Laura Bush.

Only if one defines "Americans" as "doofuses who need someone famous to tell them what to think".

Laura Bush is apparently a nice lady. She was a good First Lady. She is noticeably not an expert, or even experienced, in the areas of immigration, law, or governance. I care no more about what she has to say than I do about any garden-variety gland-thinker.

And as near as I can tell, Franklin Graham's big area of expertise is in having a famous father. I don't know that I would necessarily stipulate his expertise in theology, let alone politics and law, because I don't even know the guy.

If your big "victory" move is to trot out a line of celebrities and famous people and say, "HE says this, and SHE says that, and look at all these other people and how famous they are" in the hopes that I'll desperately want to associate myself with them or feel some sort of peer pressure, I'd advise you to give up now.

The facts are the facts; reality is reality. There is no amount of "But it makes me feez BAAAAAADDDD!" that is going to change that, and I'm utterly indifferent to hysterical emotion. (Particularly when I think it's ginned-up fakery on your part, anyway.)

The fact is that these people have more credibility than Trump among ordinary voters. Voters are overwhelmingly closer to Laura Bush and Franklin Graham on this issue. That is why Trump was forced to retreat.

We know you are a indifferent animal. You are the only fake one around here. You are a fake human being.
Voters !!!! That's what it's all about isn't it ?? Yes it is.

Voters will make the decision when they vote this November. That is why Republicans are telling Trump to stop it.
True, Trump could have called Sessions, he could even have done an EO, but as Schumer well knows either of those wouldn't have fixed squat. It would just kick the can down the road.

Trump started it and can end it anytime he wants.

Not exactly the brightest in the bunch, are you? ...Dumbass
Those photos of immigrant children “caged” by the US? They’re from 2014

Why Obama Failed at Immigration Reform and Duped Us All

Court blocks Obama administration from detaining asylum-seekers

Obama did not separate children from their parents no matter how hard you try. It is Sessions' stated policy not Obama's.
U are so inept or willfully delusional... use your 'google box' and determine for yourself in 30 sec. flat MORON ... enough is enough already

I already have determined it did not happen. You are a delusional Trump supporter. Enough is enough with you sick people who should be locked in a rubber room somewhere where you people won't hurt anyone. MORON.

You have determined it did not happen....whoop-te-fricken-do. Must have made that determination because you're a dumbass.
Obama separated families at the border, too
Obama did the same and more but MSM was not out to wreck him and libs felt that since he did it then it was just and good
These are young children wrenched away from their parents for Christ sake! Do you have any fucking idea of the trauma that causes?? Apparently not. Or, you just don't give a fuck !
Does any of this vigorous outrage extend to American kids separated from THEIR parents, from ordinary crimes ? Many for years and years.
Trump's political tool of separating children from parents to discourage illegal immigration has broken into pieces.

He revoked his promise of separating them.
It wasn't HIS anything,, and now that he advocates stopping illegals at the border and deporting them immediately there wont be any more separations of migrants.

But AMERICAN kids still ARE being separated from THEIR parents. So after the migrants separation is over, will you then be crabbing about these kids, and THESE separations ? You will, right ?
.. yell at the F'n parents that send their kids off with raping smugglers on their lonesome with the day after pill... Or cross with them.. destined for arrest and separation.
Those parents need to get their heads examined.

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