Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

And there it is folks... Joe's reasoning for fighting is all due to his money interest in the situation. To hell with the country, just make sure those rent subsidies poor in for these people who are working for pennies on the dollar while Joe gets rich and the American tax payer gets ripped.

Um, actually, those HIspanics were born here... and they worked very hard. One of them was in the National Guard. And yes, they were pretty good tenants. (Not that I would ever own rental property again.)

No where I'm really making money from immigrants is writing resumes and CV's for them.

As for the stalking crack, I'll let this one go. Next one gets reported. And you must apologize.

Okay, I'm terribly sorry that you are such a sad, hateful person that you need to hate on people who have less than you do.
They DON'T have less than I do. They have MUCH MORE. They are each paying child trafficers (coyotes) thousands of $$$. I don't have even ONE thousand in the bank right now.

As for hate, I do hate imperialism against the USA, which is what is happening ($138 Billion/year remittances$$$$), $28 Billion/yr to Mexico alone. Lots of these countries regard the money they extract out of the US economy as their # 1 source of income. Vicente Fox said it himself. Question is why don't YOU hate this international burglary being perpetrated upon us ?

Vicente Fox Says Remittances Largest Source Of Revenue Since 2003, Gloats At Getting Illegals And Matricula Consular Into US : Diggers Realm
Not one parent should be deported without the children they came here with, PERIOD.

Taking months and even possibly years to find their child and get them returned, is simply wrong and harmful to the children.

this should not ever be tolerated by any country... let alone by the USA.
So this is your idea of posting in USMB. To post about things that haven't happened (ex. "years to find their child and get them returned"), and probably will not.
There is a difference between ms13, child traffickers, drug smugglers, illegal Mexicans crossing, and Asylum seeking refugees from Central America...

what part of this, do you not understand?
Who are you talkin to, and what makes you think they don't "understand" all this ?
We must FIGHT every day to restore America to that Shining City on the Hill. Not this place that puts babies in jail, after kidnapping them from their parents. VOTE. It’s our only hope to stop the mad man in the Whitehouse and his disgusting cabinet from absolutely, irrevocably destroying this great country.
They DON'T have less than I do. They have MUCH MORE. They are each paying child trafficers (coyotes) thousands of $$$. I don't have even ONE thousand in the bank right now.

That sounds like a pretty sad commentary on you, bud. But how are they responsible for your poor life choices again?

As for hate, I do hate imperialism against the USA, which is what is happening ($138 Billion/year remittances$$$$), $28 Billion/yr to Mexico alone.

First, that's one tenth of one percent of a 20 Trillion dollar economy. Secondly, Americans benefited from the value of that labor. American Corporations make a lot more than that working and selling overseas, and we don't see that money.

Vicente Fox said it himself. Question is why don't YOU hate this international burglary being perpetrated upon us ?

because it's not that big of a deal.
Trump says that Secretary Nielsen has done a "Tremendous" job at the border.

Mr President, children getting separated from their parents is not tremendous.
That sounds like a pretty sad commentary on you, bud. But how are they responsible for your poor life choices again?
First, that's one tenth of one percent of a 20 Trillion dollar economy. Secondly, Americans benefited from the value of that labor. American Corporations make a lot more than that working and selling overseas, and we don't see that money.
because it's not that big of a deal.
1. Who said anything about them being responsible for my poor life choices ? Answer: YOU did, in your typical, silly, deflection style.

2. What % he remittances$$ are they are plenty of money sales$ lost to American businesses. If you were losing thousands of dollars of sales, you wouldn't be so nonchalant. Furthermore, just the $28 Billion that Mexico is stealing from us, is enough to hire one Million armed guards at schools all over the country. That would be about 10 armed guards ($28K/yr each) for every school. Wanna go tell the parents of Newtown and Parkland slain kids that it's > "one tenth of one percent of a 20 Trillion dollar economy"

3. Illegal, traitor employers (who should be in jail) "benefited from the value of that labor" Americans (8 million) lost jobs from that labor, and many more lost other things as n-noted in number 2 of this post.

4. "American Corporations make a lot more than that working and selling overseas" is just a deflection, which doesn't change the fact that the US is still being robbed of $138 Billion.year (21st century imperialism)

5. It is a HUGE deal, which is the imperialist invasion and robbery of our country, which 400,000 US military members died in World War II to prevent. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Trump says that Secretary Nielsen has done a "Tremendous" job at the border.

Mr President, children getting separated from their parents is not tremendous.
Nielsen is correct, and she didn't say the child separtions were tremendous, those were YOUR faux outrage words.
1. Who said anything about them being responsible for my poor life choices ? Answer: YOU did, in your typical, silly, deflection style.

Because you are a white trash loser who blames other people for his problems.

If you're a loser, it's on you.

2. What % he remittances$$ are they are plenty of money sales$ lost to American businesses. If you were losing thousands of dollars of sales, you wouldn't be so nonchalant.

Except I'm not losing those sales... Most of the money that circulates I'll never see... including a lot of the money I used to produce so some One Percenter could enjoy his investment. The pittance Paco sends home to mama isn't a big deal.

3. Illegal, traitor employers (who should be in jail) "benefited from the value of that labor" Americans (8 million) lost jobs from that labor, and many more lost other things as n-noted in number 2 of this post.

Bullshit. even losers like you don't want those jobs.
We must FIGHT every day to restore America to that Shining City on the Hill. Not this place that puts babies in jail, after kidnapping them from their parents. VOTE. It’s our only hope to stop the mad man in the Whitehouse and his disgusting cabinet from absolutely, irrevocably destroying this great country.
Liberalism is a mental disorder. Millions of people trying to storm their way into the country, we are being protected from that by Trump, and you call him a mad man. YOU are the mad man.
Because you are a white trash loser who blames other people for his problems.

If you're a loser, it's on you.

Except I'm not losing those sales... Most of the money that circulates I'll never see... including a lot of the money I used to produce so some One Percenter could enjoy his investment. The pittance Paco sends home to mama isn't a big deal.

Bullshit. even losers like you don't want those jobs.
1. "White trash loser" is not only a forum violation, abusive remark, it is a (reported) racist one as well. And you don't know after all this time that I happen to be Hispanic ? Maybe this is a little too early in the morning for you. Brain cells haven't woke up yet.

2. And I don't blame the "refugee", imposter, gate-crasher invaders for MY problems. That is just your deceitful BS talking as usual, trying (and failing) to redefine the situation, that you now see as not beneficial to your warped leftism.

3. Doesn't matter if YOU are losing the sales or not. Millions of US businesses ARE - that's what matters. The remittances are a HUGE deal. Very, very HUGE.

4. The "bullshit" is all yours. "Those jobs" are MANY different kinds of jobs (truck driving, manufacturing, landscaping, sales, and many managerial jobs) You wanna debate me on the laughable "jobs Americans won't do" idea ? Go ahead. I've already schooled you on that. :biggrin:
1. "White trash loser" is not only a forum violation, abusive remark, it is a (reported) racist one as well. And you don't know after all this time that I happen to be Hispanic ? Maybe this is a little too early in the morning for you. Brain cells haven't woke up yet.

Sure you are... I'm amazed how many white trash losers try to pass themselves off as Hispanic when advocating violence against Hispanics.

Didn't you also claim to be Native AMerican in another post? Oh, never mind, I'm not going back to look for it.

2. And I don't blame the "refugee", imposter, gate-crasher invaders for MY problems. That is just your deceitful BS talking as usual, trying (and failing) to redefine the situation, that you now see as not beneficial to your warped leftism.

Sure you do. In an earlier post you whined you don't have even $1000 in savings... and then whined that hard working immigrants were sending money home to their families... you know, money they worked for.

3. Doesn't matter if YOU are losing the sales or not. Millions of US businesses ARE - that's what matters. The remittances are a HUGE deal. Very, very HUGE.

Last time I checked, there was no obligation for people to spend their money they worked very hard to earn to any given business.

4. The "bullshit" is all yours. "Those jobs" are MANY different kinds of jobs (truck driving, manufacturing, landscaping, sales, and many managerial jobs) You wanna debate me on the laughable "jobs Americans won't do" idea ? Go ahead. I've already schooled you on that.

No, you didn't. You just listed some very good paying jobs that are tax payer subsidized...

The fact is, you aren't doing those jobs, are you? No, you aren't. In fact, I'm starting to wonder if you have a job at all, given how much time you spend posting here.
1. "White trash loser" is not only a forum violation, abusive remark, it is a (reported) racist one as well. And you don't know after all this time that I happen to be Hispanic ? Maybe this is a little too early in the morning for you. Brain cells haven't woke up yet.

Sure you are... I'm amazed how many white trash losers try to pass themselves off as Hispanic when advocating violence against Hispanics.

Didn't you also claim to be Native AMerican in another post? Oh, never mind, I'm not going back to look for it.

2. And I don't blame the "refugee", imposter, gate-crasher invaders for MY problems. That is just your deceitful BS talking as usual, trying (and failing) to redefine the situation, that you now see as not beneficial to your warped leftism.

Sure you do. In an earlier post you whined you don't have even $1000 in savings... and then whined that hard working immigrants were sending money home to their families... you know, money they worked for.

3. Doesn't matter if YOU are losing the sales or not. Millions of US businesses ARE - that's what matters. The remittances are a HUGE deal. Very, very HUGE.

Last time I checked, there was no obligation for people to spend their money they worked very hard to earn to any given business.

4. The "bullshit" is all yours. "Those jobs" are MANY different kinds of jobs (truck driving, manufacturing, landscaping, sales, and many managerial jobs) You wanna debate me on the laughable "jobs Americans won't do" idea ? Go ahead. I've already schooled you on that.

No, you didn't. You just listed some very good paying jobs that are tax payer subsidized...

The fact is, you aren't doing those jobs, are you? No, you aren't. In fact, I'm starting to wonder if you have a job at all, given how much time you spend posting here.
Thought you liberallies were against profiling people ?? More hypocrisy ??

Undoubtedly you aren't white by the way you talk about the white skin color, so do you have some biased interest or stake in the game ?? Why use a person's skin color at all in these conversations ??
Thought you liberallies were against profiling people ?? More hypocrisy ??

Undoubtedly you aren't white by the way you talk about the white skin color, so do you have some biased interest or stake in the game ?? Why use a person's skin color at all in these conversations ??

Oh, I'm about as pasty-white as you get. The thing is, I don't confuse the interest of the Guys in the Executive Suite for my own just because we share the same levels of melanin.

You see, the funny thing is, if you don't have 1000 to fall back on and aren't working a job you aren't terrified that an undocumented worker is going to take from you, you aren't middle class, you are confused poor. And voting against your own economic interests.
Thought you liberallies were against profiling people ?? More hypocrisy ??

Undoubtedly you aren't white by the way you talk about the white skin color, so do you have some biased interest or stake in the game ?? Why use a person's skin color at all in these conversations ??

Oh, I'm about as pasty-white as you get. The thing is, I don't confuse the interest of the Guys in the Executive Suite for my own just because we share the same levels of melanin.

You see, the funny thing is, if you don't have 1000 to fall back on and aren't working a job you aren't terrified that an undocumented worker is going to take from you, you aren't middle class, you are confused poor. And voting against your own economic interests.
Anyone using disrespectful comments against a person's skin color, and they are the same skin color, then they/you need to have your head examined big time.. lol

I can see you now in the back row of a Louis Farrakhan rally "yelling" YEAH, YEAH everytime he makes a racist comment.. Now that is a special kind of stupid... LOL.

Reminds me of that stupid white lady posing as a black lady, and was found in charge of a NAACP chapter... ROTFLMBO.
Anyone using disrespectful comments against a person's skin color, and they are the same skin color, then they/you need to have your head examined big time.. lol

Not at all, I don't see myself as better than the trailer trash because we have the same skin color.

I see myself as better because I am better educated, have a better work ethic and never give up....

The White Trailer Trash had all the advantages that this society gives White People, and they STILL managed to fuck it up! Seriously, how do you do that?
Anyone using disrespectful comments against a person's skin color, and they are the same skin color, then they/you need to have your head examined big time.. lol

Not at all, I don't see myself as better than the trailer trash because we have the same skin color.

I see myself as better because I am better educated, have a better work ethic and never give up....

The White Trailer Trash had all the advantages that this society gives White People, and they STILL managed to fuck it up! Seriously, how do you do that?
There you go with the WHITE word again.. lol

You don't get it yet do you ?? LOL

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