Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

Obama did not separate children from their parents no matter how hard you try. It is Sessions' stated policy not Obama's.
Obama separated them. Mike Gallagher yesterday went to a facility in south Teas and talked to a nun who runs it. We heard her speak on Gallagher's talk radio show, She talked about the many migrant kids she housed there in 2014.

Sessions did not have a "policy". Simply enforcing law isn't a policy. You lie.
You are the ones doing it. People have a right to come here and ask for asylum. It was Trump and Sessions who separated children from their families. You are the one pretending.
Separating is a result of the law - one signed by Bill Clinton. Now you try to pin it on Trump. You're despicable.
It is a policy that was stated by Sessions himself. The courts have said the President has discretion in prioritizing deportations. Trump should be condemned for acting like the two bit dictatorial thug he is. No wonder he loves Putin.
So then let the president prioritize deportations - kick the invaders out and send them back, the minute they arrive. The will have spent weeks trying to get here, and enduring hardship the whole time, only to be flown back to the country in 2 hours.

Which just goes to prove that you can't even DEFINE "fact", let alone recognize one if it crawled up your pants leg and bit you on the left ass cheek.

As far as I'm concerned, a WalMart is the perfect place to house these people. You leftists hate WalMart because you spit on regular Americans and their concerns, and you fight for unhindered illegal immigration because you spit on regular Americans and their concerns.

It's perfect symmetry.
I shop in Walmart all the time. It's OK (other than a few dumb clerks and bad shopping carts)
It is not black and white. A President has broad discretion in prioritizing deportations. This is all Trump's doing. Americans standing up and saying no other than corrupt Republicans forced Trump to back down.
I wouldn't call advocating immediate deportation, no judges, no trials >> "backing down. In fact, this is the toughest Trump has gotten yet.
All Trump has to do is call Sessions and tell him to stop it. Congress does not have to pass a law. Sessions stated the POLICY.
Not a policy...and we're beyond that discussion now. Kids wont be separated. They'll be deported immediately, with their parents, or whoever they're with.
Voters !!!! That's what it's all about isn't it ?? Yes it is.
But trashbags like busybee won't admit that. Instead, they pretend all this faux outrage over migrant kids, while saying nothing abut AMERICAN kids undergoing the same trauma. The American kids don't represent VOTES.
Voters !!!! That's what it's all about isn't it ?? Yes it is.
But trashbags like busybee won't admit that. Instead, they pretend all this faux outrage over migrant kids, while saying nothing abut AMERICAN kids undergoing the same trauma. The American kids don't represent VOTES.
And again, you’re wrong.

It’s settled, accepted, and beyond dispute that the policy to separate children from their families is solely Trump’s disaster, he alone is responsible.

The separation of children from their families is a real and legitimate issue – in no way a Democratic ‘scam,’ to maintain otherwise is in fact a lie.
And again, you’re wrong.

It’s settled, accepted, and beyond dispute that the policy to separate children from their families is solely Trump’s disaster, he alone is responsible.

The separation of children from their families is a real and legitimate issue – in no way a Democratic ‘scam,’ to maintain otherwise is in fact a lie.
YOU are the one lying, like EVERY word you just posted right here. Your scamming is over now though. Invaders will be immediately deported, no courts, no judges, and then invaders will stop coming here.

All illegals here will be deported. No more fake votes for Democrats. Democratic Party is finished.
Trump started this so it is his job to do so.
Parent/child separations have been going on in the US since George Washington. Are you going to cry over he AMERICAN kids ? What about THEIR separations ?
They don't represent VOTES, huh ?
There is a difference between ms13, child traffickers, drug smugglers, illegal Mexicans crossing, and Asylum seeking refugees from Central America...

what part of this, do you not understand?
You mean enforcing the law? Yeah, he did (and good for him), and yeah, he can (but he'd better not).

YOU should be ashamed of yourself for demanding that the President ignore the law, just as much as Chuck the Schmuck should be ashamed of himself for refusing to do his job.

The President has discretion in prioritizing deportations. The Supreme Court has already decided this. If Obama did not want to deport children who were brought here by their parents then he had the authority to do so. You are the one who should be ashamed of the lies you have told in defense of Trump. This is another lie. There is no law forcing Trump to do anything. He is playing to the racist right in this country.
20 day holding period is a LAW.............backed by the courts and so ordered by the courts............

The Congress could fix this simply..............IT IS THEIR JOB TO DO SO............This is not ever supposed to be the responsibility of the POTUS........It has been challenged and lost in the courts.

All Trump has to do is call Sessions and tell him to stop it. Congress does not have to pass a law. Sessions stated the POLICY.
The LAW needs changing.............they could do it in a matter of days. They don't because they want the CHAOS.........You want Obama Catch and Release again.............and that's all there is to it...........

It is Congresses job to fix this law. Not that hard to do.

Trump started this so it is his job to do so.
Laws are required to be passed in Congress. They used to have a children's video called I'm just a bill. I suggest you watch it.
Not one parent should be deported without the children they came here with, PERIOD.

Taking months and even possibly years to find their child and get them returned, is simply wrong and harmful to the children.

this should not ever be tolerated by any country... let alone by the USA.
And there it is folks... Joe's reasoning for fighting is all due to his money interest in the situation. To hell with the country, just make sure those rent subsidies poor in for these people who are working for pennies on the dollar while Joe gets rich and the American tax payer gets ripped.

Um, actually, those HIspanics were born here... and they worked very hard. One of them was in the National Guard. And yes, they were pretty good tenants. (Not that I would ever own rental property again.)

No where I'm really making money from immigrants is writing resumes and CV's for them.

As for the stalking crack, I'll let this one go. Next one gets reported. And you must apologize.

Okay, I'm terribly sorry that you are such a sad, hateful person that you need to hate on people who have less than you do.

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