Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

The fact is, you aren't doing those jobs, are you? No, you aren't. In fact, I'm starting to wonder if you have a job at all, given how much time you spend posting here.

I've never done coal mining, and I've never done firefighting, but I sure did serve in the US Army and the Army National Guard, and have honorable discharges from both. But as usual, you divert the subject by switching the discussion to me, so as to DODGE issue being discussed. In this case however, you fail because I can talk about myself AND the issue simultaneously.

No, I don't have job. I'm 72 years old and retired, but >>> When I was in the service, I (and hundreds of other AMERICANS) did the hardest work there is in America. I was a combat construction specialist in the Army Corps of Engineers. For 5 years, I worked on building military bridges like the M4T6 pontoon bridge. No cranes. The big, heavy steel beams have handles on them. A truck dumps them off on the road, and we just lugged them down bumpy, weedy ground to the bridge site, where we then put the "balks" in place on top of the big, rubber pontoons (which we also had to carry, which are also heavy).

We did this from sunrise to sunset, rain or shine. As they say, >> "It doesn't rain in the Army, it rains ON the Army."
Sometimes we were required to be tactical". That means, instead of just wearing army fatigues, we wore a pack, full pistol belt with canteen, etc, steel pot (heavy)helmet, and a 9 lb.rifle slinged across your torso.​

One thing I noticed. There were no illegal aliens there. They were out picking fruit somewhere. Boy, how we envied them. Any one of us would have traded places in a heartbeat.




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Thought you liberallies were against profiling people ?? More hypocrisy ??

Undoubtedly you aren't white by the way you talk about the white skin color, so do you have some biased interest or stake in the game ?? Why use a person's skin color at all in these conversations ??
Liberals can't resist using the race card, in the blind mindset that it paralyzes whomever they are debating. Of course it does no such thing, but that doesn't bother liberals one bit. They just move ahead according to their programming like the robots that they are, and let's also not forget >>

1. You show an amazing amount of ignorance, not just of politics, but also of what goes on here in USMB. You talk like I only just mentioned my Hispanic ancestry just now for the first time.

Don't care. Nothing you say is believable other than your hate.

I mentioned the $1000 only to show that the so-called "poor", so-called "refugees" are not all "poor" at all, nor are they all refugees. In fact I would guess only a minority of them are actually poor, and an even lower % are refugees with any validity to an asylum claim (as I proved in earlier posts - don't BS that you don't know that)

A lot of people give up their life savings to pay that $1000 to get their families into this country. the reality is, the average household income in Mexico is $843 a month. In El Salvador, it's $361 a month.

Would you mind if I came over to your house and took away your TV set, DVD player, computer(s), cell phone, wall decorations ? (since you have no objection to one arty taking from another) I'm free on the weekend.

I'm sure that's how you get a lot of stuff, but that's not the point here.

If you come to my business, and work your ass off compared to the lazy White Trash methhead, I really, really don't care that you are sending that money home to Mama. Actually, if anything, it speaks to your character.

Company I worked for used to use "Day Laborers" (i.e. guys the manager used to know were illegals) to do the scrub work in the warehouse. Then a bigger company bought them out an insisted that everyone had to have their "papers",and the only thing they could get is white trash methheads that never lasted more than a week. They'd get their paychecks, get high and forget to show up. SO it was a big scramble every monday to get a new set of methheads when the last group failed to show up.

Coal may be in decline but 50,000 AMERICANS (not illegal aliens) still work as coal miners, and however they mine coal, is beside my point. It is still tough, dirty, and extremely DANGEROUS. Mine disasters have still occurred in recent years in the US

Completely irrelevant. Coal miners are unionized and they get good pay. $60,000 a year, in fact. The reason why the number of coal miners is declining is not just because coal usage is in decline, but because they've been replaced by automation.


But you can't tell Cleetus White Trash that he needs to go to school and get the skills that will let him get the jobs of the future. So nope, you get your Fuhrer telling him that those mean old illegals are stealing his job.

5. "Taxpayer subsidized" ? What the hell are you babbling about now ? What's this ?More of your standard BS talk. I'm not talking about anything taxpayer subsidized,

The pictures you showed below included soldiers and fire fighters.

Who are paid by - THE GOVERNMENT!!!
You see, the funny thing is, if you don't have 1000 to fall back on and aren't working a job you aren't terrified that an undocumented worker is going to take from you, you aren't middle class, you are confused poor. And voting against your own economic interests.
Pretty amazing to see a supposedly intelligent human being refer to voting for Trump as >> "voting against your own economic interests" LOL

Am I really seeing you call allowing millions of illegal aliens to swipe 8 million jobs away from you, as voting FOR your own economic interests ?

Am I really seeing you call unemployment reduced to 3.8% as voting AGAINST your own economic interests ?

Am I really seeing you call the fixing of a sinking GDP growth (2.8-1.2), with 3.2%, as voting AGAINST your own economic interests ?


Trump Economy Sets More Records: 1st Quarter Profits, Earnings Reach All-Time Highs - Largest Monthly Surplus in History - Far Left Media Silent

What A Booming Economy Means For The Midterms

Trump economy's sustained growth pace unlike anything seen in 13 years
Not at all, I don't see myself as better than the trailer trash because we have the same skin color.

I see myself as better because I am better educated, have a better work ethic and never give up....

The White Trailer Trash had all the advantages that this society gives White People, and they STILL managed to fuck it up! Seriously, how do you do that?
You are MISeducated, making those with less education than you, actually MORE knowledgable and smart about what's going on. I've see it from all sides, including as a university economics teacher.

How do you do it ? By being discriminated against in racist Affirmative Action programs (that you racistly support), that's how (seriously). But we wouldn't expect a MISeducated liberal to know that (who thinks he's educated and knowledgable)
1. You show an amazing amount of ignorance, not just of politics, but also of what goes on here in USMB. You talk like I only just mentioned my Hispanic ancestry just now for the first time.

Don't care. Nothing you say is believable other than your hate.

I mentioned the $1000 only to show that the so-called "poor", so-called "refugees" are not all "poor" at all, nor are they all refugees. In fact I would guess only a minority of them are actually poor, and an even lower % are refugees with any validity to an asylum claim (as I proved in earlier posts - don't BS that you don't know that)

A lot of people give up their life savings to pay that $1000 to get their families into this country. the reality is, the average household income in Mexico is $843 a month. In El Salvador, it's $361 a month.

Would you mind if I came over to your house and took away your TV set, DVD player, computer(s), cell phone, wall decorations ? (since you have no objection to one arty taking from another) I'm free on the weekend.

I'm sure that's how you get a lot of stuff, but that's not the point here.

If you come to my business, and work your ass off compared to the lazy White Trash methhead, I really, really don't care that you are sending that money home to Mama. Actually, if anything, it speaks to your character.

Company I worked for used to use "Day Laborers" (i.e. guys the manager used to know were illegals) to do the scrub work in the warehouse. Then a bigger company bought them out an insisted that everyone had to have their "papers",and the only thing they could get is white trash methheads that never lasted more than a week. They'd get their paychecks, get high and forget to show up. SO it was a big scramble every monday to get a new set of methheads when the last group failed to show up.

Coal may be in decline but 50,000 AMERICANS (not illegal aliens) still work as coal miners, and however they mine coal, is beside my point. It is still tough, dirty, and extremely DANGEROUS. Mine disasters have still occurred in recent years in the US

Completely irrelevant. Coal miners are unionized and they get good pay. $60,000 a year, in fact. The reason why the number of coal miners is declining is not just because coal usage is in decline, but because they've been replaced by automation.

View attachment 201581

But you can't tell Cleetus White Trash that he needs to go to school and get the skills that will let him get the jobs of the future. So nope, you get your Fuhrer telling him that those mean old illegals are stealing his job.

5. "Taxpayer subsidized" ? What the hell are you babbling about now ? What's this ?More of your standard BS talk. I'm not talking about anything taxpayer subsidized,

The pictures you showed below included soldiers and fire fighters.

Who are paid by - THE GOVERNMENT!!!
1. You're insane, as is typical of all liberals. I have no "hate" other than what should be hated (racist AA, Mexican et al imperialism, Islam, needless abortion

A lot of people give up their life savings to pay that $1000 to get their families into this country. the reality is, the average household income in Mexico is $843 a month. In El Salvador, it's $361 a month.
El Salvador and Mexico is not where the current so-called "refugees are coming from to a significant degree. If you view the chart I posted it shows the main countries now are Guatemala and Honduras.



And the monthly incomes you state are awfully low for people to have thousands of $$ to throw around. One person was said to have paid traffickers $6,000.
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The less material liberals have to complain about the more fabrication and hatred. They're unable to cope with Trump's success because it devalues their feelings and opinions. Hence Trump and anyone who supports him is a NAZI.
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The less material liberals have to complain about the more fabrication and hatred. They're unable to cope with Trump's success because it devalues their feelings and opinions. Hence Trump and anyone who supports him is a NAZI.
How ironic for liberals to call conservatives "NAZIs", :rolleyes: when fascism is a system symptomatic of big, strong central government, gun-grabbing, and tightly regulating the activities of the people. That is the definition, but doesn't it sound like they were talking about the DEMOCRATS ? They sure could have been.
I'm sure that's how you get a lot of stuff, but that's not the point here.

If you come to my business, and work your ass off compared to the lazy White Trash methhead, I really, really don't care that you are sending that money home to Mama. Actually, if anything, it speaks to your character.

Company I worked for used to use "Day Laborers" (i.e. guys the manager used to know were illegals) to do the scrub work in the warehouse. Then a bigger company bought them out an insisted that everyone had to have their "papers",and the only thing they could get is white trash methheads that never lasted more than a week. They'd get their paychecks, get high and forget to show up. SO it was a big scramble every monday to get a new set of methheads when the last group failed to show up.
1. What you're "sure" of is that you've lost your marbles. And of course you "don't care" where workers send their money, because your liberal masters have got you trained to turn blind eyes to imperialism plundering the US for Trillions$$ over time, and all the important things that money could have gone to, if it stayed in the US.

Just another example of the treason of the internationalist left, that regards other countries equally to the USA.

2. Your "company" could have gotten plenty of white, black, Asian, Hispanic et al Americans to do whatever needed to be done, just as I got plenty of them when I owned my own business, and was very successful with it (all American employees).

The drivel you write, would be an insult to all of us here at USMB, if it wasn't such a laughingstock, that only a blithering idiot would take seriously.
Completely irrelevant. Coal miners are unionized and they get good pay. $60,000 a year, in fact. The reason why the number of coal miners is declining is not just because coal usage is in decline, but because they've been replaced by automation.

View attachment 201581

But you can't tell Cleetus White Trash that he needs to go to school and get the skills that will let him get the jobs of the future. So nope, you get your Fuhrer telling him that those mean old illegals are stealing his job.

"Completely irrelevant" is what YOUR post is, to what I was saying about Americans being willing to do (and doing) the toughest, dirtiest, and most dangerous jobs, that make fruit picking and most other jobs illegals do, look like a picnic.

What coal miners get paid doesn't have a damn thing to do with MY point, as you already know, Mr DODGE/DEFLECT.

And the Fuhrers are in your Democrat Party, as noted in Post # 1250. :biggrin:
The pictures you showed below included soldiers and fire fighters.

Who are paid by - THE GOVERNMENT!!!

That's nice. But the discussion was about who's doing the dirtiest, toughest, most dangerous jobs, not who's paying them. Again, you show up here with a clown act.

Hey Joe, where you going with that Mexican flag in your hand ?

Will the faux outrage crowd ever talk about AMERICAN kids being separated from jailed parents ?
(for their whole lives)
Pretty amazing to see a supposedly intelligent human being refer to voting for Trump as >> "voting against your own economic interests" LOL

Am I really seeing you call allowing millions of illegal aliens to swipe 8 million jobs away from you, as voting FOR your own economic interests ?

First, I'm not interested in any of those 8 million lettuce picking and dishwashing jobs and neither are you.

Second, if you think voting for rich people's interests when you can't even put $1000 bucks in the bank, you are deluded.

Am I really seeing you call unemployment reduced to 3.8% as voting AGAINST your own economic interests ?

Except Trump had nothing to do with that, and you'll be singing a different tune when it starts going up again.

I'm busy now. I'll answer this pile of racist, laughable fallacies later.

Please don't, you'll just look stupid.

And the monthly incomes you state are awfully low for people to have thousands of $$ to throw around. One person was said to have paid traffickers $6,000.

Was it just for him or his whole family? doesn't matter... point is, these people are willing to give up all they have to get here and do menial jobs.
2. Your "company" could have gotten plenty of white, black, Asian, Hispanic et al Americans to do whatever needed to be done, just as I got plenty of them when I owned my own business, and was very successful with it (all American employees).

Guy, you claim you don't have 1000 bucks in the bank and now you are claiming to be a business owner. Really, dude?

Point was, for what they were paying, which was about minimum wage, white people didn't want to do that job unless their substance abuse issues eliminated them from any other kind of work.

That's nice. But the discussion was about who's doing the dirtiest, toughest, most dangerous jobs, not who's paying them. Again, you show up here with a clown act.

Point is, no one is going to pay that kind of money to wash dishes or pick lettuce, dummy. The only reason why those dangerous jobs pay well is because people fought very hard to get good pay for them.
1. What you're "sure" of is that you've lost your marbles. And of course you "don't care" where workers send their money, because your liberal masters have got you trained to turn blind eyes to imperialism plundering the US for Trillions$$ over time, and all the important things that money could have gone to, if it stayed in the US.

Meh, we piss away a lot of money on frivolous stuff.

Plundering is the rich buying our government to screw working people, not poor Paco sending a pittance home to his mama.
Meh, we piss away a lot of money on frivolous stuff.

Plundering is the rich buying our government to screw working people, not poor Paco sending a pittance home to his mama.
Its just the opposite. And the rich you mention are Wall St globalist Democrats, who contributed heavily ( "buying our government") to Hillary's campaign. :biggrin:

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