Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

Oh, that makes it okay to rip children from their parents and throw them into cages. "No, no, little Jose, this is a processing center."

"I want my Mama!!!!!"
Tell Bill Clinton. His law, on his watch (1997).

Going to do a thought experiment. Why not crucify them along the Southern Border as a warning to others? I'm sure i am going to be totally depressed by Protectionists hateful response to this.
Nah. Trump's prescription is good enough. Stop them at the border. laugh at their phony claims of "refugee" status. Pile them into a few C-130s, and have lots of cameras there when they arrive back.


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Tell Bill Clinton. His law, on his watch (1997).

Clinton didn't throw kids into cages, and he was in charge when this was actual a problem, where you had a million people crossing the border every year.

Nah. Trump's prescription is good enough. Stop them at the border. laugh at their phony claims of "refugee" status. Pile them into a few C-130s, and have lots of cameras there when they arrive back.

Well, not as hateful as I thought, but still a lot of hate.

Did a Mexican steal your girlfriend? (Or the girl you were stalking, which is pretty much the same for you, right?)
Clinton didn't throw kids into cages, and he was in charge when this was actual a problem, where you had a million people crossing the border every year.
Well, not as hateful as I thought, but still a lot of hate.

Did a Mexican steal your girlfriend? (Or the girl you were stalking, which is pretty much the same for you, right?)
Clinton, like Obama and Bush, were lawless Mexico ass-kissers, who allowed illegal aliens to invade the US. They're the reason there's so many of them here today. It was a problem for the American PEOPLE. Not a problem for those American PRESIDENTS.

There IS INDEED a lot of hate. hate for other countries engaging in imperialism against the US, stealing our jobs, and using them to pillage our economy via remittances$$, and if you had an ounce of decency, you'd hate it too.

As for the stalking crack, I'll let this one go. Next one gets reported. And you must apologize.
Wonder who you beat the money out of to be successful ?? The mindset you have can't be condoned in normal everyday society, so it makes one wonder how someone like you actually made it ? Hmmmm.
Smuggling illegal aliens ? Possible.
It really does appear that Democrats are using the separations of illegal alien parents (some are not parents) from illegal alien children, as a political tool. When have American children ever accompanied their parents/guardians into jails ? When Americans are sent to jail, they go alone, not with their kids. It's been this way for hundreds of years, but have we heard an outcry from Democrats over that ?

No. We have not. It is only now, with illegal aliens, that Democrats are suddenly upset about separation of parent and child. So what about all the American kids, whose parents got locked up ? What are they ? Chopped liver ? They don't count ?

Actually, to Democrats, no they don't count. And maybe "count" is just the right word, since VOTE counts are what this is all about. Democrats want illegal aliens in the US, as VOTES for THEM. American kids and their jailed parents, aren't seen that way.


You pathetic Trumpbot. You are comparing apples and oranges.

The people who are caught crossing the border illegally have not been convicted of anything yet. Those serving time in U.S. jails have.

An illegal immigrant is not convicted and thrown in jail the minute they are caught...DUH. They are DETAINED...not imprisoned.

There can be a VERY lengthy process that can take place before you are actually convicted. And even then, you may not be jailed - but deported.

What Happens When an Undocumented Immigrant Is Caught

Try using more of your brain before you make a statement and you will not come across as so monumentally ignorant/stupid/racist/xenophobic.

Don't bother replying - I shant read it. I try not to waste my time on ignorant trolls like you whose opinions I have near zero respect for..

You pathetic leftbot. You're STILL confusing apples and oranges.

People in US PRISONS have been convicted. Those in jail pending trial have not. But their children aren't jailed with them, are they?

"They are DETAINED, not imprisoned." Who said "imprisoned", other than you in your desperate attempt to pretend that something outrageous and unprecedented is happening? What do you think "detained" means, shitforbrains? It means "jailed pending trial", same as anyone else who is arrested. And like anyone else who is arrested, they go to jail WITHOUT THEIR CHILDREN.

"Don't bother replying, I shan't read it" = "I know I'm full of shit!"
The Dystopian Horror Of Housing Children In An Old Walmart | HuffPost

Then the news broke last week that migrant children from Central America are being housed in an old Walmart in Brownsville, Texas, it was just the latest indication that the U.S. is fast turning into some kind of dystopian hellscape.

Walmart has long been a symbol of some of the most dehumanizing and ruthless inclinations of American capitalism. The multibillion-dollar retailer relies on a low-wage workforce to peddle cheap goods to many people who are just getting by. Walmart’s recently made an effort to both improve conditions for employees and support manufacturing in the U.S. But over its history, the company has helped hollow out main streets across the country, driving domestic manufacturers out of business, outsourcing more work to overseas suppliers and fueling the kind of globalization that Trump supporters purport to detest.

The dystopian horror of reading Hufflepuff Post as though it was real news.

You must enjoy being laughed at and spit on.
The Dystopian Horror Of Housing Children In An Old Walmart | HuffPost

Then the news broke last week that migrant children from Central America are being housed in an old Walmart in Brownsville, Texas, it was just the latest indication that the U.S. is fast turning into some kind of dystopian hellscape.

Walmart has long been a symbol of some of the most dehumanizing and ruthless inclinations of American capitalism. The multibillion-dollar retailer relies on a low-wage workforce to peddle cheap goods to many people who are just getting by. Walmart’s recently made an effort to both improve conditions for employees and support manufacturing in the U.S. But over its history, the company has helped hollow out main streets across the country, driving domestic manufacturers out of business, outsourcing more work to overseas suppliers and fueling the kind of globalization that Trump supporters purport to detest.

The dystopian horror of reading Hufflepuff Post as though it was real news.

You must enjoy being laughed at and spit on.

It does not get much stupider than this. You cant just decry any reporting that you don't like as fake news. That is call magical thinking that only small children and the insane engage in

New York Times, Huffington Post and Politico Win Pulitzers
You pathetic leftbot. You're STILL confusing apples and oranges.

People in US PRISONS have been convicted. Those in jail pending trial have not. But their children aren't jailed with them, are they?

"They are DETAINED, not imprisoned." Who said "imprisoned", other than you in your desperate attempt to pretend that something outrageous and unprecedented is happening? What do you think "detained" means, shitforbrains? It means "jailed pending trial", same as anyone else who is arrested. And like anyone else who is arrested, they go to jail WITHOUT THEIR CHILDREN.

"Don't bother replying, I shan't read it" = "I know I'm full of shit!"
No sympathy for the AMERICAN kids separated from THEIR parents. Not a whisper.
If he owns two homes, I wonder if he has some of these refugees staying in one of those homes ???? Bet he's all talk but no action.

I used to rent to Hispanics for years... In fact, the only time I had a problem owning a rental property was when I rented to a White Trash Couple with a big old Confederate Flag. They got my property cited a couple of times for all the trash they left in the yard before pulling a midnight move.

But to the point, these people are perfectly willing to work for their rent.
And there it is folks... Joe's reasoning for fighting is all due to his money interest in the situation. To hell with the country, just make sure those rent subsidies poor in for these people who are working for pennies on the dollar while Joe gets rich and the American tax payer gets ripped.
If he owns two homes, I wonder if he has some of these refugees staying in one of those homes ???? Bet he's all talk but no action.

I used to rent to Hispanics for years... In fact, the only time I had a problem owning a rental property was when I rented to a White Trash Couple with a big old Confederate Flag. They got my property cited a couple of times for all the trash they left in the yard before pulling a midnight move.

But to the point, these people are perfectly willing to work for their rent.
And there it is folks... Joe's reasoning for fighting is all due to his money interest in the situation. To hell with the country, just make sure those rent subsidies poor in for these people who are working for pennies on the dollar while Joe gets rich and the American tax payer gets ripped.
I iggied that idiot a long time ago.........He's not worth the bandwidth.
The Dystopian Horror Of Housing Children In An Old Walmart | HuffPost

Then the news broke last week that migrant children from Central America are being housed in an old Walmart in Brownsville, Texas, it was just the latest indication that the U.S. is fast turning into some kind of dystopian hellscape.

Walmart has long been a symbol of some of the most dehumanizing and ruthless inclinations of American capitalism. The multibillion-dollar retailer relies on a low-wage workforce to peddle cheap goods to many people who are just getting by. Walmart’s recently made an effort to both improve conditions for employees and support manufacturing in the U.S. But over its history, the company has helped hollow out main streets across the country, driving domestic manufacturers out of business, outsourcing more work to overseas suppliers and fueling the kind of globalization that Trump supporters purport to detest.

The dystopian horror of reading Hufflepuff Post as though it was real news.

You must enjoy being laughed at and spit on.

It does not get much stupider than this. You cant just decry any reporting that you don't like as fake news. That is call magical thinking that only small children and the insane engage in

New York Times, Huffington Post and Politico Win Pulitzers

I'm not "decrying any reporting I don't like". I'm specifically saying that Huff-and-Puff is an opinion rag, masquerading as journalism. And while I realize that celebrity is everything to you, and all status and respectability is conveyed in your eyes by how many famous people agree, it doesn't actually mean a damned thing to me. I'm capable of actually thinking for myself. You should try it sometime.

Meanwhile, let's use the example of your very own quote from this "prize-winning reporting", aka melodramatic propaganda:

"Walmart has long been a symbol of some of the most dehumanizing and ruthless inclinations of American capitalism."

Yeah, 'nuff said. Piss off.
The Dystopian Horror Of Housing Children In An Old Walmart | HuffPost

Then the news broke last week that migrant children from Central America are being housed in an old Walmart in Brownsville, Texas, it was just the latest indication that the U.S. is fast turning into some kind of dystopian hellscape.

Walmart has long been a symbol of some of the most dehumanizing and ruthless inclinations of American capitalism. The multibillion-dollar retailer relies on a low-wage workforce to peddle cheap goods to many people who are just getting by. Walmart’s recently made an effort to both improve conditions for employees and support manufacturing in the U.S. But over its history, the company has helped hollow out main streets across the country, driving domestic manufacturers out of business, outsourcing more work to overseas suppliers and fueling the kind of globalization that Trump supporters purport to detest.

The dystopian horror of reading Hufflepuff Post as though it was real news.

You must enjoy being laughed at and spit on.

It does not get much stupider than this. You cant just decry any reporting that you don't like as fake news. That is call magical thinking that only small children and the insane engage in

New York Times, Huffington Post and Politico Win Pulitzers

I'm not "decrying any reporting I don't like". I'm specifically saying that Huff-and-Puff is an opinion rag, masquerading as journalism. And while I realize that celebrity is everything to you, and all status and respectability is conveyed in your eyes by how many famous people agree, it doesn't actually mean a damned thing to me. I'm capable of actually thinking for myself. You should try it sometime.

Meanwhile, let's use the example of your very own quote from this "prize-winning reporting", aka melodramatic propaganda:

"Walmart has long been a symbol of some of the most dehumanizing and ruthless inclinations of American capitalism."

Yeah, 'nuff said. Piss off.
The facility has's's not a tent......and it's temporary...........

People are unhinged these days...........America wants the flood to end...........and everyone will know it's a flood soon........the tent cities are now stacking up.............
The Dystopian Horror Of Housing Children In An Old Walmart | HuffPost

Then the news broke last week that migrant children from Central America are being housed in an old Walmart in Brownsville, Texas, it was just the latest indication that the U.S. is fast turning into some kind of dystopian hellscape.

Walmart has long been a symbol of some of the most dehumanizing and ruthless inclinations of American capitalism. The multibillion-dollar retailer relies on a low-wage workforce to peddle cheap goods to many people who are just getting by. Walmart’s recently made an effort to both improve conditions for employees and support manufacturing in the U.S. But over its history, the company has helped hollow out main streets across the country, driving domestic manufacturers out of business, outsourcing more work to overseas suppliers and fueling the kind of globalization that Trump supporters purport to detest.

The dystopian horror of reading Hufflepuff Post as though it was real news.

You must enjoy being laughed at and spit on.

It does not get much stupider than this. You cant just decry any reporting that you don't like as fake news. That is call magical thinking that only small children and the insane engage in

New York Times, Huffington Post and Politico Win Pulitzers

I'm not "decrying any reporting I don't like". I'm specifically saying that Huff-and-Puff is an opinion rag, masquerading as journalism. And while I realize that celebrity is everything to you, and all status and respectability is conveyed in your eyes by how many famous people agree, it doesn't actually mean a damned thing to me. I'm capable of actually thinking for myself. You should try it sometime.

Meanwhile, let's use the example of your very own quote from this "prize-winning reporting", aka melodramatic propaganda:

"Walmart has long been a symbol of some of the most dehumanizing and ruthless inclinations of American capitalism."

Yeah, 'nuff said. Piss off.

"Walmart has long been a symbol of some of the most dehumanizing and ruthless inclinations of American capitalism." is a statement of fact as is the FACT that they are housing children in a Walmart . Get over yourself.
The Dystopian Horror Of Housing Children In An Old Walmart | HuffPost

Then the news broke last week that migrant children from Central America are being housed in an old Walmart in Brownsville, Texas, it was just the latest indication that the U.S. is fast turning into some kind of dystopian hellscape.

Walmart has long been a symbol of some of the most dehumanizing and ruthless inclinations of American capitalism. The multibillion-dollar retailer relies on a low-wage workforce to peddle cheap goods to many people who are just getting by. Walmart’s recently made an effort to both improve conditions for employees and support manufacturing in the U.S. But over its history, the company has helped hollow out main streets across the country, driving domestic manufacturers out of business, outsourcing more work to overseas suppliers and fueling the kind of globalization that Trump supporters purport to detest.

The dystopian horror of reading Hufflepuff Post as though it was real news.

You must enjoy being laughed at and spit on.

It does not get much stupider than this. You cant just decry any reporting that you don't like as fake news. That is call magical thinking that only small children and the insane engage in

New York Times, Huffington Post and Politico Win Pulitzers

I'm not "decrying any reporting I don't like". I'm specifically saying that Huff-and-Puff is an opinion rag, masquerading as journalism. And while I realize that celebrity is everything to you, and all status and respectability is conveyed in your eyes by how many famous people agree, it doesn't actually mean a damned thing to me. I'm capable of actually thinking for myself. You should try it sometime.

Meanwhile, let's use the example of your very own quote from this "prize-winning reporting", aka melodramatic propaganda:

"Walmart has long been a symbol of some of the most dehumanizing and ruthless inclinations of American capitalism."

Yeah, 'nuff said. Piss off.
The facility has's's not a tent......and it's temporary...........

People are unhinged these days...........America wants the flood to end...........and everyone will know it's a flood soon........the tent cities are now stacking up.............
These are young children wrenched away from their parents for Christ sake! Do you have any fucking idea of the trauma that causes?? Apparently not. Or, you just don't give a fuck !

The dystopian horror of reading Hufflepuff Post as though it was real news.

You must enjoy being laughed at and spit on.

It does not get much stupider than this. You cant just decry any reporting that you don't like as fake news. That is call magical thinking that only small children and the insane engage in

New York Times, Huffington Post and Politico Win Pulitzers

I'm not "decrying any reporting I don't like". I'm specifically saying that Huff-and-Puff is an opinion rag, masquerading as journalism. And while I realize that celebrity is everything to you, and all status and respectability is conveyed in your eyes by how many famous people agree, it doesn't actually mean a damned thing to me. I'm capable of actually thinking for myself. You should try it sometime.

Meanwhile, let's use the example of your very own quote from this "prize-winning reporting", aka melodramatic propaganda:

"Walmart has long been a symbol of some of the most dehumanizing and ruthless inclinations of American capitalism."

Yeah, 'nuff said. Piss off.
The facility has's's not a tent......and it's temporary...........

People are unhinged these days...........America wants the flood to end...........and everyone will know it's a flood soon........the tent cities are now stacking up.............
These are young children wrenched away from their parents for Christ sake! Do you have any fucking idea of the trauma that causes?? Apparently not. Or, you just don't give a fuck !
For decades the career politicians have been ignoring the problem............For decades the people have asked them for comprehensive reform.........nothing ........NADA...........They have done the same thing..............on lesser scales..........Under Obama unaccompanied children flooded this country because of his policy......Under Obama children were separated from their families..............

ICE requested more courts............Trump has asked the same............Both have asked for more facilities.....more agents............Yet the wonderful Congress has refused.................or killed bills to fix it in the Senate..............

Trump has asked Congress to do it's job.............They say it's complicated..............How is it complicated to change the Flores problem of 20 days and pass a law to not separate unless they are criminals is it.................

That's not a hard law to get passed quickly..............They don't do it because they DON'T WANT TO DO IT...........They WANT CHAOS............They are the problem...........Not me.............The LAW IS THE PROBLEM.............

Trump is not an Emperor..............and has no authority to bypass Congress on the 20 day is up to Congress to end that problem........and fund more family centers..................They shout and scream real good...........But they suck at their job on purpose..........

Tell them to get off their asses and fix those 2 could be signed within a couple of days and end the whole dang thing. But they will NOT DO IT.

Don't pawn this crap off on me for them not doing their jobs.
Now these same hacks bitch and Maxine Waters...........inciting violence..............then dare to say they have God on their side.........yeah right...

WELCOME TO CALIFORNIA............they have a lot of room to say a dang thing.

Trump's political tool of separating children from parents to discourage illegal immigration has broken into pieces.

He revoked his promise of separating them.
Trump's political tool of separating children from parents to discourage illegal immigration has broken into pieces.

He revoked his promise of separating them.
The 20 day rule separates them...............Flores............which the dang Congress refuses to fix.

How hard is it for them to draft a quick law to be signed to end the 20 day problem..........Are they STUPID........IDIOTS.........Have they forgotten how to pass a LAW.....................are do they want the Chaos to continue.............

I'd say they want CHAOS..............Put it on his desk.......he'll sign it.
This whole kids in cages, kids being tortured on direct orders from Trump... BS is wearing mighty thin. The truth is that this is a false flag concoction, by and large. The Vast majority of these kids kiss and hug their parents farewell far, far away from the border back in their villages and cities. It must not fit the "NARRATIVE" so of course most don't have any clue...

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This whole kids in cages, kids being tortured on direct orders from Trump... BS is wearing mighty thin. The truth is that this is a false flag concoction, by and large. The Vast majority of these kids kiss and hug their parents farewell far, far away from the border back in their villages and cities. It must not fit the "NARRATIVE" so of course most don't have any clue...

Stop reporting the truth...............They even get more unhinged...........LOL

If that is possible.

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