Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

Yeah go look since you all bombed on your latest frame up job... LOL

Um, no, guy. This whole thing has been Trump's Katrina... he can only dig himself in deeper.

Either he lets these folks go, in which case he upsets the inbred rednecks who voted for him, or he keeps treating them badly, in which case the stories keep coming out.

It cost $800 a day to keep one of these detainees locked up... They could put them in a Trump Hotel for less.
]I do and I'll tell you why.
My friend and I just applied for a job at the same place. He is white and I am not. I have to take a drug test (probable cause in thus state). He does not. Based on the way I look, they suspect I use drugs and based on the way he looks, he does not.
I don't care what you think your justification is, if you support racial discrimination of any kind, including Affirmation Action, you're a racist. And I don't see how AA solves the drug test problem.
This is the Democrats' big mid-term elections fake news push, and it isn't gaining any of their candidates anything; none of their candidates have any real record of 'Helping The Children'. They will immediately drop 'The Children' thing when the polls start showing that, spend some more on meth and porn, rest up, and move on to the next Big Lie.
Pittenger remained unwavering in his repetition of Trump’s lines, even as Hayes busted him again and again.

Pittenger repeatedly claimed that the United States has “open borders.”
It does, but Trump and his people are steadily working to close them once again. Operation Wetback II in progress. We'll not only stop the ones trying to get in now, we'll get rid of all the ones already here.
Wow, if you are using the attempted kidnapping of Elian Gonzalez (He rightfully belonged with his father, his closest living relative) and the mass suicide of the Davidian nuts as your best examples, you are sad.

Again- you guys own this. Enjoy it. I certainly am.
Try as you might, you can't make a case for Trump owning this. It is owned by Clinton (the 1997 law), and Obama (Catch & Release). These 2 derelicts gave us what we have today, dumped it all on Trump, and so far he's been doing an admirable job of trying to clean it up. You're welcome.
Um, so what?

So let's look into the background of all 12,000 minors that Trump is keeping in his Kiddie Concentration Camp and see if they all have excuses.
Better yet let's just stop all these invaders at the border, turn them around and send them on their way. In some countries, they'd be shot.
Um, no, guy. This whole thing has been Trump's Katrina... he can only dig himself in deeper.

Either he lets these folks go, in which case he upsets the inbred rednecks who voted for him, or he keeps treating them badly, in which case the stories keep coming out.

It cost $800 a day to keep one of these detainees locked up... They could put them in a Trump Hotel for less.
And the $800/day figure comes from where ? (if anywhere)
Um, so what?

So let's look into the background of all 12,000 minors that Trump is keeping in his Kiddie Concentration Camp and see if they all have excuses.
Better yet let's just stop all these invaders at the border, turn them around and send them on their way. In some countries, they'd be shot.
You're a terrible person!
What they "nailed", was a display of how effective they are at producing DECEITFUL PROPAGANDA. Just more of the overall SCAM.
It's a magazine cover, not a news story.

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Ok, then it's a DECEITFUL PROPAGANDA magazine.
So don't subscribe.

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Gee...please don't tell me you're one of those intelligent liberals.

I'm not a Liberal at all.

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OK, you just post like one then.
Sure, that must be why you don't show the pictures from 2014....dumbass.
And we sure can't give the Clintons another pass.
Bill Clinton and Janet Reno Separated Families

Wow, if you are using the attempted kidnapping of Elian Gonzalez (He rightfully belonged with his father, his closest living relative) and the mass suicide of the Davidian nuts as your best examples, you are sad.

Again- you guys own this. Enjoy it. I certainly am.

You do realize his mother died while getting her son out Cuba....dumbass.
Try as you might, you can't make a case for Trump owning this. It is owned by Clinton (the 1997 law), and Obama (Catch & Release). These 2 derelicts gave us what we have today, dumped it all on Trump, and so far he's been doing an admirable job of trying to clean it up. You're welcome.

Putting Children in Concentration Camps is admirable?

What bizarro world do you come from?
It's a magazine cover, not a news story.

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Ok, then it's a DECEITFUL PROPAGANDA magazine.
So don't subscribe.

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Gee...please don't tell me you're one of those intelligent liberals.

I'm not a Liberal at all.

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OK, you just post like one then.
Liberals post like me. [emoji6]

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Democrats have toured some of the HHS facilities where illegal aliens' kids are living, and given them high ratings. So now their big whine is > "When are they going to be reunited with their parents ?"

I wouldn't expect anyone on the left to say (or even think about ) this, but every time these whiners crab about reuniting the migrant kids with their parents, conservatives should be asking, how come Democrats aren't showing concern and talking about AMERICAN kids who are separted from their jailed American parents ? No concern about THEM, Democrats ?
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Putting Children in Concentration Camps is admirable?

What bizarro world do you come from?
You have no excuse for using the ridiculous term "concentation camps" The videos and photos of the very nice HHS/ORR facilities the kids are going to, have been public (and in this thread) for 10 days already.

You're just LYING to push your screwball agenda + you're giving me another opportunity to once again, show those nice facilities >>>

And I KNOW what "bizarre world" YOU come from >> CNN, PBS, MSNBC, NYT, WP, etc. who rant about some reported bad conditions, and (as usual) OMIT the 90% of good conditions in the facilities (even Democrats Sen, Bill Nelson and Rep Debbie Wasserman-Schultz admitted they were very good at Homestead, FL facility they visited yesterday.)

This is a main reason why liberals are so F'd up in their thinking They get brainwashed by liberal OMISSION media, and are clueless about the stuff they have withheld from them. Then they come in here and go What ?.......What ?.......What ?

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