Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

You have no excuse for using the ridiculous term "concentation camps" The videos and photos of the very nice HHS/ORR facilities the kids are going to, have been public (and in this thread) for 10 days already.

I'm sure that if Dr. Goebbels released a film of Dachau, he could have made it look benign.

SO here's an idea. Bring the media in to tour these facilities. Let them talk to the people locked up there.
Yeah go look since you all bombed on your latest frame up job... LOL

Um, no, guy. This whole thing has been Trump's Katrina... he can only dig himself in deeper.

Either he lets these folks go, in which case he upsets the inbred rednecks who voted for him, or he keeps treating them badly, in which case the stories keep coming out.

It cost $800 a day to keep one of these detainees locked up... They could put them in a Trump Hotel for less.
Put'em in a Trump hotel... ROTFLMBO....

Tell you what, you go ahead and clean out the spare room in that double wide you live in, and go first. We will check back with you in a year in order to see how that's going for you. Oh, and they don't get no government assistance in order that you can beg a book of food stamps from them, so you got to handle it by yourself or tell them to make the trip back home. And keep your mind off of my money, because you ain't getting that either.
You have no excuse for using the ridiculous term "concentation camps" The videos and photos of the very nice HHS/ORR facilities the kids are going to, have been public (and in this thread) for 10 days already.

I'm sure that if Dr. Goebbels released a film of Dachau, he could have made it look benign.

SO here's an idea. Bring the media in to tour these facilities. Let them talk to the people locked up there.
Where you been ?? They've been doing that every day duh. It ain't been looking good for your scam to paint the nation as these evil people in hopes that the Demon-crats get the votes.
You have no excuse for using the ridiculous term "concentation camps" The videos and photos of the very nice HHS/ORR facilities the kids are going to, have been public (and in this thread) for 10 days already.

I'm sure that if Dr. Goebbels released a film of Dachau, he could have made it look benign.

SO here's an idea. Bring the media in to tour these facilities. Let them talk to the people locked up there.

Doesn't it give you any pause for thought that the Democrats again and again and AGAIN show photos of the ports of entry--the same ones used by all previous administrations--and are NOT showing you any photos of where the people are being held until their amnesty petitions can be processed?

Do you have a single photo or resource or evidence of ANY kind to show us that these so-called 'concentration camps' exist? Those who have been there who aren't Trump haters have shown us lots and lots of photos of what they have seen and they all are comparable to that video.

What kind of morality condones bearing false witness just because you hate somebody?
Put'em in a Trump hotel... ROTFLMBO....

Tell you what, you go ahead and clean out the spare room in that double wide you live in, and go first. We will check back with you in a year in order to see how that's going for you. Oh, and they don't get no government assistance in order that you can beg a book of food stamps from them, so you got to handle it by yourself or tell them to make the trip back home. And keep your mind off of my money, because you ain't getting that either.

Cleetus, I own two homes and probably make more money than you do.

But the undocumented population is more than willing to work for what they have, that's the thing.

In fact, they work harder than the dumb, inbred white trash that makes up the right wing today.
Doesn't it give you any pause for thought that the Democrats again and again and AGAIN show photos of the ports of entry--the same ones used by all previous administrations--and are NOT showing you any photos of where the people are being held until their amnesty petitions can be processed?

Do you have a single photo or resource or evidence of ANY kind to show us that these so-called 'concentration camps' exist? Those who have been there who aren't Trump haters have shown us lots and lots of photos of what they have seen and they all are comparable to that video.

What kind of morality condones bearing false witness just because you hate somebody?

1) Kindly go fuck yourself.

2) Since the Trumpenfuhrer won't let the press visit these concentration camps, it's kind of hard to get photos...


Put'em in a Trump hotel... ROTFLMBO....

Tell you what, you go ahead and clean out the spare room in that double wide you live in, and go first. We will check back with you in a year in order to see how that's going for you. Oh, and they don't get no government assistance in order that you can beg a book of food stamps from them, so you got to handle it by yourself or tell them to make the trip back home. And keep your mind off of my money, because you ain't getting that either.

Cleetus, I own two homes and probably make more money than you do.

But the undocumented population is more than willing to work for what they have, that's the thing.

In fact, they work harder than the dumb, inbred white trash that makes up the right wing today.

Good for you, so how many undocumented people do you have living in those homes?
Put'em in a Trump hotel... ROTFLMBO....

Tell you what, you go ahead and clean out the spare room in that double wide you live in, and go first. We will check back with you in a year in order to see how that's going for you. Oh, and they don't get no government assistance in order that you can beg a book of food stamps from them, so you got to handle it by yourself or tell them to make the trip back home. And keep your mind off of my money, because you ain't getting that either.

Cleetus, I own two homes and probably make more money than you do.

But the undocumented population is more than willing to work for what they have, that's the thing.

In fact, they work harder than the dumb, inbred white trash that makes up the right wing today.

It's a truth universally acknowledged that posters on anonymous message boards who feel the need to brag about their wealth, income and possessions in order to insult other people are generally losers overcompensating for their short-comings.
Good for you, so how many undocumented people do you have living in those homes?

Well, none since I'm living in one of them and the other one is so remote that no one really lives up there.

I used to rent to Mexicans when I owned rental property in Cicero. Nice people, paid their rent on time (mostly), looked after the property for me.

It's a truth universally acknowledged that posters on anonymous message boards who feel the need to brag about their wealth, income and possessions in order to insult other people are generally losers overcompensating for their short-comings.

I can prove everything I claim here, thanks.
Good for you, so how many undocumented people do you have living in those homes?

Well, none since I'm living in one of them and the other one is so remote that no one really lives up there.

I used to rent to Mexicans when I owned rental property in Cicero. Nice people, paid their rent on time (mostly), looked after the property for me.

It's a truth universally acknowledged that posters on anonymous message boards who feel the need to brag about their wealth, income and possessions in order to insult other people are generally losers overcompensating for their short-comings.

I can prove everything I claim here, thanks.

Only losers feel they have to "prove" their income etc. to anonymous people on obscure message boards at the bottom of the interwebs.

Just sayin'.
Good for you, so how many undocumented people do you have living in those homes?

Well, none since I'm living in one of them and the other one is so remote that no one really lives up there.

I used to rent to Mexicans when I owned rental property in Cicero. Nice people, paid their rent on time (mostly), looked after the property for me.

It's a truth universally acknowledged that posters on anonymous message boards who feel the need to brag about their wealth, income and possessions in order to insult other people are generally losers overcompensating for their short-comings.

I can prove everything I claim here, thanks.

What? Does your living in one mean you don't have any extra rooms? And I'm sure those that don't have a home would enjoy living in a remote home.
Put'em in a Trump hotel... ROTFLMBO....

Tell you what, you go ahead and clean out the spare room in that double wide you live in, and go first. We will check back with you in a year in order to see how that's going for you. Oh, and they don't get no government assistance in order that you can beg a book of food stamps from them, so you got to handle it by yourself or tell them to make the trip back home. And keep your mind off of my money, because you ain't getting that either.

Cleetus, I own two homes and probably make more money than you do.

But the undocumented population is more than willing to work for what they have, that's the thing.

In fact, they work harder than the dumb, inbred white trash that makes up the right wing today.
Wonder who you beat the money out of to be successful ?? The mindset you have can't be condoned in normal everyday society, so it makes one wonder how someone like you actually made it ? Hmmmm.
Cleetus, I own two homes and probably make more money than you do.

But the undocumented population is more than willing to work for what they have, that's the thing.

In fact, they work harder than the dumb, inbred white trash that makes up the right wing today.
It's not a question of what illegal aliens are willing to do. We don't need them, we don't want them, they are harm to our country, they are enemy invaders, and they must be stopped at the border, and turned back, no arrest, no judge, no trial, just immediate deportation.

Their countrymen will get the word, and they'll all stop coming.
Wonder who you beat the money out of to be successful ?? The mindset you have can't be condoned in normal everyday society, so it makes one wonder how someone like you actually made it ? Hmmmm.

Actually, i got there by working 80 hours a week at two jobs, reducing my debt. One of those houses I inherited from my parents.

Those are PROCESSING CENTERS, you idiot.

Oh, that makes it okay to rip children from their parents and throw them into cages. "No, no, little Jose, this is a processing center."

"I want my Mama!!!!!"

It's not a question of what illegal aliens are willing to do. We don't need them, we don't want them, they are harm to our country, they are enemy invaders, and they must be stopped at the border, and turned back, no arrest, no judge, no trial, just immediate deportation.

Going to do a thought experiment.

Why not crucify them along the Southern Border as a warning to others?

I'm sure i am going to be totally depressed by Protectionists hateful response to this.
Cleetus, I own two homes and probably make more money than you do.

But the undocumented population is more than willing to work for what they have, that's the thing.

In fact, they work harder than the dumb, inbred white trash that makes up the right wing today.
It's not a question of what illegal aliens are willing to do. We don't need them, we don't want them, they are harm to our country, they are enemy invaders, and they must be stopped at the border, and turned back, no arrest, no judge, no trial, just immediate deportation.

Their countrymen will get the word, and they'll all stop coming.
If he owns two homes, I wonder if he has some of these refugees staying in one of those homes ???? Bet he's all talk but no action.
Wonder who you beat the money out of to be successful ?? The mindset you have can't be condoned in normal everyday society, so it makes one wonder how someone like you actually made it ? Hmmmm.

Actually, i got there by working 80 hours a week at two jobs, reducing my debt. One of those houses I inherited from my parents.

Those are PROCESSING CENTERS, you idiot.

Oh, that makes it okay to rip children from their parents and throw them into cages. "No, no, little Jose, this is a processing center."

"I want my Mama!!!!!"

It's not a question of what illegal aliens are willing to do. We don't need them, we don't want them, they are harm to our country, they are enemy invaders, and they must be stopped at the border, and turned back, no arrest, no judge, no trial, just immediate deportation.

Going to do a thought experiment.

Why not crucify them along the Southern Border as a warning to others?

I'm sure i am going to be totally depressed by Protectionists hateful response to this.
Crucify them ?? Your thoughts being revealed, and you need confirmation ??
If he owns two homes, I wonder if he has some of these refugees staying in one of those homes ???? Bet he's all talk but no action.

I used to rent to Hispanics for years... In fact, the only time I had a problem owning a rental property was when I rented to a White Trash Couple with a big old Confederate Flag. They got my property cited a couple of times for all the trash they left in the yard before pulling a midnight move.

But to the point, these people are perfectly willing to work for their rent.

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