Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

It really does appear that Democrats are using the separations of illegal alien parents (some are not parents) from illegal alien children, as a political tool. When have American children ever accompanied their parents/guardians into jails ? When Americans are sent to jail, they go alone, not with their kids. It's been this way for hundreds of years, but have we heard an outcry from Democrats over that ?

No. We have not. It is only now, with illegal aliens, that Democrats are suddenly upset about separation of parent and child. So what about all the American kids, whose parents got locked up ? What are they ? Chopped liver ? They don't count ?

Actually, to Democrats, no they don't count. And maybe "count" is just the right word, since VOTE counts are what this is all about. Democrats want illegal aliens in the US, as VOTES for THEM. American kids and their jailed parents, aren't seen that way.
“The week was totally defined by the botched handling of the separation of families at the border -- a crisis that the Trump administration created.”

Even Trump has given up pushing the ridiculous lie that Democrats were somehow ‘responsible.’
If it's child abuse, tell Bill Clinton, and the 1997 US Congress. They set it up.

And how OH GOSH!, > how dreadful it must be for parents 250 miles away, who paid child traffickers thousands of $$$ to take their kids to the US border, to be separated from the kids. Imagine the trauma.

Clinton didn't throw kids in cages, and neither did Obama.
Trump is throwing kids in cages and separating them from their parents.

You guys own this...
Here is the real scam:

This Alternative To Detaining Immigrant Families Works. Trump Just Won't Use It. | HuffPost

The way the Trump administration talks about it, you’d think there are only two ways to respond to families crossing into the U.S. illegally: either separate kids from their parents while the adults are tried as criminals or put entire families into indefinite detention.

But there’s an alternative approach that’s cheaper, more humane and incredibly effective. The Trump administration just doesn’t want to use it.
If it's child abuse, tell Bill Clinton, and the 1997 US Congress. They set it up.

And how OH GOSH!, > how dreadful it must be for parents 250 miles away, who paid child traffickers thousands of $$$ to take their kids to the US border, to be separated from the kids. Imagine the trauma.

Clinton didn't throw kids in cages, and neither did Obama.
Trump is throwing kids in cages and separating them from their parents.

You guys own this...

Sure, that must be why you don't show the pictures from 2014....dumbass.
And we sure can't give the Clintons another pass.
Bill Clinton and Janet Reno Separated Families
The Dystopian Horror Of Housing Children In An Old Walmart | HuffPost

Then the news broke last week that migrant children from Central America are being housed in an old Walmart in Brownsville, Texas, it was just the latest indication that the U.S. is fast turning into some kind of dystopian hellscape.

Walmart has long been a symbol of some of the most dehumanizing and ruthless inclinations of American capitalism. The multibillion-dollar retailer relies on a low-wage workforce to peddle cheap goods to many people who are just getting by. Walmart’s recently made an effort to both improve conditions for employees and support manufacturing in the U.S. But over its history, the company has helped hollow out main streets across the country, driving domestic manufacturers out of business, outsourcing more work to overseas suppliers and fueling the kind of globalization that Trump supporters purport to detest.
Detainees Face Challenges Despite Judge's Ruling

On August 21, U.S. District Judge Dolly Gee gave the Obama administration until late October to release women and children still being held in detention centers in Dilley and Karnes City, Texas. Attorneys said about 2,000 women and children are being held in those centers and a smaller facility in Pennsylvania.

That order came after Gee ruled in July that the immigrants were being held in “deplorable” conditions and their prolonged detention violated the provisions of a 1997 decision called the Flores v. Meese agreement. Gee’s final order said the detainees should be released unless they are a danger to themselves or the public, or are a flight risk.

Beginning in the summer of 2014, in response to a “surge” of Central Americans arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border, ICE adopted a blanket policy to detain all female-headed families, including children, in secure,3 unlicensed facilities for the duration of the proceedings that determine whether they are entitled to remain in the United States. (Mot. to Enforce at 2; see Ps’ First Set, Exh. 9 (“U.S. Immigrations & Customs Enforcement, News Release, November 18, 2014”); Ps’ First Set, Exh. 10 (Declaration of Bridget Cambria (“Cambria Decl.”)) ¶¶ 3-5 (“Since June, ICE has begun detaining all Central American families without the possibility of release on bond, recognizance, supervision or parole if it believes that those families arrived in the United States as part of the ‘surge’ of unauthorized entrants—mostly children—that purportedly began in the summer of 2014.”).)

CONCLUSION Based on the foregoing, the Court finds that Defendants are in breach of the Agreement and GRANTS Plaintiffs’ motion to enforce the Agreement. Defendants’ motion to amend the Agreement is DENIED. Defendants are hereby ordered to show cause why the following remedies should not be implemented within 90 days. 1. As required by Paragraph 18 of the Agreement, Defendants, upon taking an accompanied class member into custody, shall make and record prompt and continuous efforts toward family reunification and the release of the minor pursuant to Paragraph 14 of the Agreement. 2. Unless otherwise required by the Agreement, Defendants shall comply with Paragraph 14A of the Agreement by releasing class members without unnecessary delay in first order of preference to a parent, including a parent who either was apprehended with a class member or presented herself or himself with a class member. Class members not released pursuant to Paragraph 14 of the Agreement will be processed in accordance with the Agreement, including, as applicable, Paragraphs 6, 9, 21, 22, and 23. 3. Accompanied class members shall not be detained by Defendants in unlicensed or secure facilities that do not meet the requirements of Paragraph 6 of the Settlement, or in appropriate cases, as set forth in the Agreement, in facilities that do not meet the requirements of Paragraphs 12A, 21, and 23. Defendants shall not selectively apply the “influx” provision of Paragraph 12C of the Agreement to house class members apprehended with a parent in facilities that do not comply with the Agreement.
It's completely racist. Its couched in racism and you're just some dumbass racist prick goosestepping for Trump.
Don't give me this shit about it not being racist. Fuck you! You're a racist asshole.
Do you support Affirmative Action ?
I do and I'll tell you why.
My friend and I just applied for a job at the same place. He is white and I am not. I have to take a drug test (probable cause in thus state). He does not. Based on the way I look, they suspect I use drugs and based on the way he looks, he does not.

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Time Magazine nailed it.View attachment 200260
What they "nailed", was a display of how effective they are at producing DECEITFUL PROPAGANDA. Just more of the overall SCAM.
It's a magazine cover, not a news story.

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Ok, then it's a DECEITFUL PROPAGANDA magazine.
So don't subscribe.

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Gee...please don't tell me you're one of those intelligent liberals.
Spin Cycle: Right-Wing Media Defend The Chilling Way ICE Treats Immigrant Children | Right Wing Watch

Right-wing media are working overtime this week to defend the Trump administration’s policy of having U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers separate children from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border and house those children in caged enclosures.

Over the course of the last week, numerous reports were published detailing the separation of children attempting to enter the country with their parents and the life-altering trauma those children, some just toddlers, endure while their parents are processed in separate facilities. As a result, Democrats have been demanding resignations and calling on the Trump administration to change the policy, which has prompted right-wing activists to swing into action in defense of the policy.

Laura Ingraham said that people expressing concern and outrage over children being detained in cages was “hilarious.” Ann Coulter went the Infowars route, choosing to cite a nonexistent New Yorker article to allege that the children speaking to media about the way ICE has treated their families were “child actors.” Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh said, “This children and families being separated at the border? It is an entirely manufactured crisis. It’s entirely manufactured … It’s all about people attempting to invade our country, not emigrate here.” Similarly, Infowars called the mistreatment of migrant children “a giant hoax.”

Conservative pundit and Daily Wire founder Ben Shapiro wrote that “Trump isn’t forcing children away from parents,” but is merely “enforcing the law on the books.” He continued, “Pretending that this is Japanese internment (as Laura Bush suggested) or the Holocaust (as General Michael Hayden suggested) is ridiculous.”
Dave Daubenmire Melts Down Over Criticism Of Trump’s Family Separation Policy | Right Wing Watch
Anti-choice/anti-LGBTQ Religious Right activist Dave Daubenmire had a bit of a meltdown on his “Pass The Salt Live” webcast this morning over criticism that the Trump administration’s policy of separating children from their parents who attempt to cross the southern border illegally is unchristian.

Daubenmire fumed that liberals, who he insists are not Christians, are misusing the Bible to paint conservative Christians as heartless and uncaring for supporting the family separation policy. The Bible’s commands to care for the poor are directed at individuals, not the government, he said, which means that there is nothing unbiblical about separating children from their parents.

“If you really want to help the people on the border, go get them and bring them into your house,” Daubenmire bellowed. “But don’t make me do it! That’s between me and the Lord … I’m sure as H-E-L-L not going to make sure that the government takes care of them. I thought there was a separation between the church and the state? I thought morality was personal? Yet the government is telling the church how the church should behave!”
Time Magazine nailed it.View attachment 200260
What they "nailed", was a display of how effective they are at producing DECEITFUL PROPAGANDA. Just more of the overall SCAM.
It's a magazine cover, not a news story.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

Ok, then it's a DECEITFUL PROPAGANDA magazine.
So don't subscribe.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

Gee...please don't tell me you're one of those intelligent liberals.

I'm not a Liberal at all.

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MSNBC's Chris Hayes shuts down manic shouting Republican insisting the US has 'open borders'

A Republican went down in flames when asked to defend Donald Trump’s immigration policies to MSNBC’s Chris Hayes on Friday night.

Rep. Robert Pittenger of North Carolina just lost a primary to a pastor who also supports Trump.

Pittenger remained unwavering in his repetition of Trump’s lines, even as Hayes busted him again and again.

Pittenger repeatedly claimed that the United States has “open borders.”
Sure, that must be why you don't show the pictures from 2014....dumbass.
And we sure can't give the Clintons another pass.
Bill Clinton and Janet Reno Separated Families

Wow, if you are using the attempted kidnapping of Elian Gonzalez (He rightfully belonged with his father, his closest living relative) and the mass suicide of the Davidian nuts as your best examples, you are sad.

Again- you guys own this. Enjoy it. I certainly am.

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