Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

The next big thing once all this family uniting is over with, will be to take on the countries who are sending all these people here. (Mexico, China, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras) This could get really down and dirty, before it's all over.
We will never know unless members of Congress are able to make unannounced inspections. There is nothing wrong with that and if they have nothing to hide then they will allow it.
There already HAVE BEEN inspections. First Lady Melania did one in McAllen, TX. Florida Senator Bill Nelson is doing another one today, in Homestead, FL. Your attempts to downgrade the shelter facilities are over.
It really does appear that Democrats are using the separations of illegal alien parents (some are not parents) from illegal alien children, as a political tool. When have American children ever accompanied their parents/guardians into jails ? When Americans are sent to jail, they go alone, not with their kids. It's been this way for hundreds of years, but have we heard an outcry from Democrats over that ?

No. We have not. It is only now, with illegal aliens, that Democrats are suddenly upset about separation of parent and child. So what about all the American kids, whose parents got locked up ? What are they ? Chopped liver ? They don't count ?

Actually, to Democrats, no they don't count. And maybe "count" is just the right word, since VOTE counts are what this is all about. Democrats want illegal aliens in the US, as VOTES for THEM. American kids and their jailed parents, aren't seen that way.


You pathetic Trumpbot. You are comparing apples and oranges.

The people who are caught crossing the border illegally have not been convicted of anything yet. Those serving time in U.S. jails have.

An illegal immigrant is not convicted and thrown in jail the minute they are caught...DUH. They are DETAINED...not imprisoned.

There can be a VERY lengthy process that can take place before you are actually convicted. And even then, you may not be jailed - but deported.

What Happens When an Undocumented Immigrant Is Caught

Try using more of your brain before you make a statement and you will not come across as so monumentally ignorant/stupid/racist/xenophobic.

Don't bother replying - I shant read it. I try not to waste my time on ignorant trolls like you whose opinions I have near zero respect for..
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You are a lying weasel of a Trump supporter. Trump and his supporters tell so many lies, they lose track of them.
You can't think of a single one. I challenged Trump haters to produce just one lie Trump ever told. They couldn't do it.

All they do is pop in a link to a list of things that turn out to be just THEIR goofball interpretations, none of which hold water.
You stupid, moron Trumpbot.

You are comparing apples and oranges.

The people who are caught crossing the border illegally have not been convicted of anything yet. Those serving time in U.S. jails have.

An illegal immigrant is not convicted and thrown in jail the minute they are caught...DUH.

There can be a VERY lengthy process that can take place before you are actually convicted. And even then, you may not be jailed - but deported.

What Happens When an Undocumented Immigrant Is Caught

Once again, the undocumented immigrants initially DETAINED at the border have NOT been convicted of a crime yet.

Try using more of your brain before you make a statement and you will not come across as so monumentally ignorant/stupid/racist/xenophobic.
Those serving time in US jails HAVE NOT BEEN CONVICTED YET EITHER, you ass clown. They sit there awaiting a trial date, and are separated from their kids the whole time. In some cases, arrested parents are in County jails awaiting trial literally for years. Your large bold print only amplifies what an idiot you are.

PS - race card dies out in 1994 with the OJ Simpson trial. :rolleyes:
You are a partisan liar. You know nothing about telling the truth. Trump was right. If he shot someone just for the hell of it, you would be defending him. Is Franklin Graham a partisan liar as well. He calls it disgusting.
What he is calling "disgusting" is the whole, cockamamie fiasco > created by Democrats, to stack voting ballot boxes with illegal alien Democrat votes, and maintain it all by birthright citizenship, amnesty votes, and sanctuary cities.

And then the disgusting attempts by Democrats to pin all of their misdeeds here on President Trump, who is doing nothing but trying to clean up THEIR mess.

I agree with Graham. That's just the right word for it all - DISGUSTING.
When are you planning to do it? Sessions announced this as a policy.
I never heard him call it that, and even if he would have, it could just be a misuse of the word. Enforcing the law isn't a policy. It is understood and expected.

Here are actual quotes from AG Jeff Sessions regarding zero tolerance. Never once, in any of these did he use the word "policy" (which seems to be an invention of the MEDIA.

1. "To those who wish to challenge the Trump Administration's commitment to public safety, national security, and the rule of law, I warn you: illegally entering this country will not be rewarded, but will instead be met with the full prosecutorial powers of the Department of Justice,"

2. "Those seeking to further an illegal goal constantly alter their tactics to take advantage of weak points. That means we must effectively respond with smart changes also,"

3. ""We do not want adults to bring children into this country unlawfully, placing them at risk. This country is dedicated to caring for those children."

4. "“The situation at our Southwest Border is unacceptable. Congress has failed to pass effective legislation that serves the national interest—that closes dangerous loopholes and fully funds a wall along our southern border. As a result, a crisis has erupted at our Southwest Border that necessitates an escalated effort to prosecute those who choose to illegally cross our border,”

And DHS Sect. Kirstjen Nielsen said >> "Illegal actions have and must have consequences, no more free passes, no more get out of jail free cards. In communities every day, if you commit a crime police will take you to jail regardless of whether you have a family. We do not have the luxury of pretending that all individuals coming to this country as a family unit are in fact a family."

I see only one person referring to this as a policy >> YOU.

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In other news, all these relatives in Latin America the media's 'color commentators' are running around digging up and interviewing are almost all morbidly obese and well dressed, and have access to excellent dental care. They're better off than American kids, so quit trying to make them out to be 'desperate poor refugees'; they all have thousands of dollars to pay criminals to guide them here.
Good point. These terribly "poor" people have a lot more money that I do.
There were never 2000 or more kids taken from their parents in a couple of weeks during Obama's administration. Why are you trying to defend Trump? He said taking those kids was heartless too.
You make a lot of statements without a shred of link evidence to back them up. I wonder why I read your posts at all. Heartless or whatever you might call it, Trump has been obeying the law. Something the lawless Obama didn't do.
Honduran father reveals daughter was never separated from her mother | Daily Mail Online

EXCLUSIVE: 'They're together and safe: Father of Honduran two-year-old who became the face of family separation crisis reveals daughter was never separated from her mother, but the image of her in tears at U.S. border control ‘broke his heart’
  • Denis Javier Varela Hernandez spoke out about the status of his wife Sandra, 32, and daughter, Yanela, 2
  • Yanela became the face of the immigration crisis after a Getty photographer snapped a photo of her in tears
  • Speaking to Hernandez said he has still not been in direct contact with his wife Sandra because he does not have a way of communicating
  • He says all he can do now is wait, and says he is happy that 'they are safer now than when they were making that journey to the border
  • Sandra was part of a group that were caught by Border Patrol agents after making their way across the Rio Grande river on a raft
  • She set out on her journey from Puerto Cortes, Honduras to the U.S. at 6am on June 3 and allegedly paid $6,000 for a coyote
  • Hernandez said he did not support his wife's decision to make the journey with their young daughter in her arms and never got to properly say goodbye


Hernandez said that Yanela (center in her mother's arms) is the youngest of four children and she was the only one that traveled with her mother, a decision that surprised him

She left the other 3 Children..........
That $6,000 could have been spent in a lot of better ways. And these people are obviously NOT POOR.
It's completely racist. Its couched in racism and you're just some dumbass racist prick goosestepping for Trump.
Don't give me this shit about it not being racist. Fuck you! You're a racist asshole.
Do you support Affirmative Action ?
Boy oh boy, you must really think our border control is really really dumb and incapable of discerning a thug gang member from a mom with her own children....

They are trained to identify the difference, you know... :rolleyes:
That makes no sense at all. Has noting to do with what you quoted.
I'm not defending anyone. I'm annoyed at the selective outrage and fake tears over this issue. Nobody said anything when "kids were being put in cages" during Obama's term and now all of a sudden it's all anyone can talk about.
Plus, they act like the cages are something unusual. ALL criminals are in cages like this when the go through initial processing.

These Democrat scammers and the media try to present this as if the these processing centers are where he kids will be indefinitely. They're probably there for one day at the most, many for just a few hours, and then go to decent, comfortable shelter facilities PROVIDED BY THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION >

aw , the kids will be fed , will be kept nice and warm clean and healthy . They will get snacks and pizza , will have clean beds , new clothes , new sneakers . They will watch tv , play video games . It'll be just like summer . fall , winter and spring Camp all in one Camp Bulldog !!

Somehow I don't think being ripped from their parents is going to be a fun experience for them...

Inside The 'Tender Age' Shelters For Babies and Toddlers Separated from Their Parents at the US-Mexico Border

Colleen Kraft, MD, president of the American Academy of Pediatrics, tells PEOPLE that this kind of forced separation constitutes nothing less than “child abuse.”

She recently visited one of these “tender age” shelters near the Texas-Mexico border and run by Southwest Key Programs in conjunction with the U.S. Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement.
Somehow I don't think being ripped from their parents is going to be a fun experience for them...

Inside The 'Tender Age' Shelters For Babies and Toddlers Separated from Their Parents at the US-Mexico Border

Colleen Kraft, MD, president of the American Academy of Pediatrics, tells PEOPLE that this kind of forced separation constitutes nothing less than “child abuse.”

She recently visited one of these “tender age” shelters near the Texas-Mexico border and run by Southwest Key Programs in conjunction with the U.S. Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement.
If it's child abuse, tell Bill Clinton, and the 1997 US Congress. They set it up.

And how OH GOSH!, > how dreadful it must be for parents 250 miles away, who paid child traffickers thousands of $$$ to take their kids to the US border, to be separated from the kids. Imagine the trauma. :rolleyes:

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