Childish pranks you've done.


Gold Member
May 3, 2017
Northern WI.

My favorite was calling a Catholic church and asking them what time the 8:00 mass was. I'd always get a rise out of the secretary.
One winter when I was a kid, I would urinate out my bedroom window every day. A giant yellow coated icicle formed over time and was hanging at least six feet off the side of the window. My mom saw it and told my dad one night after he got home after hanging out with his buddies after work. I wasn't home at the time because my parents made me help some old lady with her cans. Whenever my dad didn't know who did it, he would take the belt to all 6 boys. That way, he was guaranteed to get the one that did it. Then, he would make all 6 boys go outside alone and do work like splitting firewood, shoveling snow, or whatever. That way, if the other 5 knew who it was, they would also make sure he got more of what he had coming to him. By the time I got home, he was passed out and sleeping it off and my brothers were all crying, arguing, and fighting about who did it. No one knew it was me and it was simply 6 of us arguing and beating on each other. I always thought that was hilarious.
When I was a kid, my friends and I ordered pizza for neighbors a couple of times, without their knowledge...

We would also call drug stores to ask if they had Prince Albert, in a can. If they said, "Yes" we'd tell them to let him out because he was suffocating...

We were about eight years old, so this seemed pretty funny at the time.
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-I once tied my stepfathers boot laces together while he was sleeping on the couch after work. Then I threw a firecracker in the room...he got up to run..somewhere...didn't make it far...that didn't go over well.
-I would put cereal box cardboard in his lunch sandwiches too.
-I filled his boots up with oatmeal once...he didn't say anything...which for a prankster is the worst. Then I cam home from school and everyone of my shirts was tie dyed. I was about 11....every shirt was tie entire school year of tie dyed shirts. I remember one teacher started calling me Jerry Garcia. My stepdad thought that was pretty funny "Truckin...".
This one time, I made the Soviets think I was on the verge of a great breakthrough in a highly advanced, space-based anti-missile system (I called it "Star Wars"). Anyway, they believed it and bankrupted their entire economy trying to bolster their conventional military enough to compensate for their perceived disadvantage. Their entire corrupt system eventually imploded as a result.

Ah, good times.
Not children when this happened but still childish, perhaps.

While walking home after a night of drinking with two buddies, we passed my best friend’s apartment and his motorcycle was parked outside. It was about 2:30 am. We picked up the cycle and carried it a half-block, then hid it behind my best friend’s grandmother’s home.

Everyone forgot about this by the next day. But it took two weeks before my friend discovered the motorcycle he thought had been stolen.

Sounds dumb in the re-telling, but it seemed pretty funny when we were doing it.
Not children when this happened but still childish, perhaps.While walking home after a night of drinking with two buddies, we passed my best friend’s apartment and his motorcycle was parked outside. It was about 2:30 am. We picked up the cycle and carried it a half-block, then hid it behind my best friend’s grandmother’s home.Everyone forgot about this by the next day. But it took two weeks before my friend discovered the motorcycle he thought had been stolen. Sounds dumb in the re-telling, but it seemed pretty funny when we were doing it.
In high school, I got my hands on some red railroad flairs. I ended up having someone throw a lit one, into my neighbors back yard. It landed safely in the grass, away from anything. Anyways, this crotchety old fella calmly came out and tried to extinguish it with his garden hose. for a few minutes. The flair wouldn't go out. So he lifted it up, put it on the sidewalk and started to blast the lit end with water. It went out for a second then the flair relighted itself. He kept that up for the next 10 minutes or so until it burnt itself out.

If anyone knows about this but "railroad flairs" (or that's what I was told) are damn near impervious to water.
Childish pranks you've done

I was a child when I did them. That was over 40 years ago. I don't remember too many of them, but there were plenty...there're a lot of nights and weekends in a school year at all-boys boarding school, and there's no shortage of opportunity. Here're what I recall as being the common ones:
  • Salt in toothbrush
  • Snipe hunt
  • Mentholatum in undergarments or tootbrush
  • Water-filled plastic bag taped above a door -- took some skill to tape the thing so it'd fall loose as the person walked under them rather than right as the door opened.
  • Glue on tent zippers (scouts)
  • Snake or other critter (sometimes live, sometimes not) in the bed or dorm or cabin room -- This is the theme I used (ants and sugar) as my retributional prank
  • Salt pretty much anywhere it doesn't belong -- beds, shampoo, toothpaste (sugar worked too)
  • Holes poked into sole of loafers
  • Snipped threads of seat of pants or gym shorts (idea is to create a "wardrobe malfunction" in public)
  • Cut buttons off of shirts
  • Pour cold water on someone while they're showering
  • Petroleum jelly on toilet seat
  • Cornstarch "goo" under a desk top
  • Opposing dorm doors tied together
  • Turd in the pool -- this was the one that you didn't want to get caught having done
A lot of that stuff was group activity more so than unilateral. And yes, everyone got pranked. Getting pranked wasn't a problem, but getting pranked and not "returning the favor" would make one a regular target.

Maybe I'll remember some more later. If not, ask again when I'm in my 90s and I can't remember what I someone just said to me, but everything about my younger days will be as clear in my mind as if they'd happened just yesterday. LOL
When my ex-partner was in the bathroom (at the time he was my partner) I got on his computer and IM'd his GF as him. Told her to come over that night. Needless to say I ended up getting him in trouble when she came to his house unexpectedly. I almost ruined the relationship.
When I was a teenager: my parents' upstairs bathroom window directly overlooks the neighbor's deck about 30 feet away. One day I noticed they were having a huge family get-together dinner on the deck, there were old ladies and small children there (people who look like they'd be easily shocked). So I opened the bathroom window and stood with my back facing the window - so it looked like I was talking to someone in the room with me. Then I screamed at the top of my lungs, "GOD DAMN IT, DON'T YOU EVER FUCK YOUR SISTER WITHOUT A RUBBER AGAIN!!!!" I looked over my shoulder and the neighbors were all staring at my house with an expression which can only be described as "slapped."
At 15 I had a good friend that lived across the street. We had gone to this guy's house that lived a few doors down from one of our friends from school who knew this guy well. He was about 30 and just the coolest dude we thought. He had beautiful women at his house all the time, had the look of Matthew McConaughey, had cool motorcycles and cars and was like the coolest older person in the neighborhood.

I bought this small tin of cigarette sticks, these tiny white sticks about 1/4 of an inch long that your jam into the end of a cigarette and when lit they explode. So the three of us are sitting in a circle facing each other on the floor with our legs crossed in this dudes living room as he talked about one of these damn foxes he had over a number of times, and he was smoking. We wait until he gets up to use the bathroom and left the pack of cigs there, and I put 4-5 of these exploding sticks in the end of a cigarette and had it sticking out of the pack so it would be the next one chosen. He comes out and my bud and I are just biting a hole in our lip to keep from laughing, which he noticed, so we said it was some dumb thing at school. He sits down again crossed legged and picks up the pack of cigarettes, picks the spiked one, and lights it. It was like a damn M80 went off and this dude jumped backwards 3 feet. The two of us were laughing for 5 minutes, good lord the look on his face.
I was about fifteen years old. There was a park a couple of blocks from our home, and across from the park there were some housing projects. Each unit had a small, low, slab of cement for a 'porch' right in front of its front door.

Four or five of us, all teens, were walking toward home one night, at about eleven p.m. when we spotted a VW Beetle across the street from one of those apartments. We picked the Beetle up, carried it over, and set it down over one of the slab 'porches' blocking the front door so the residents would not be able to open it in the morning.

Yes, we were easily amused...
I was about fifteen years old. There was a park a couple of blocks from our home, and across from the park there were some housing projects. Each unit had a small, low, slab of cement for a 'porch' right in front of its front door.

Four or five of us, all teens, were walking toward home one night, at about eleven p.m. when we spotted a VW Beetle across the street from one of those apartments. We picked the Beetle up, carried it over, and set it down over one of the slab 'porches' blocking the front door so the residents would not be able to open it in the morning.

Yes, we were easily amused...

Sounds a lot like what we did with cars. There was a main drag in town where all the teens went on Friday and Saturday night looking for action. Much like in American Graffiti but this was in the 70s. There would be 7 or 8 of us standing on the side of the road talking to cars full of girls as they stopped for the traffic which was backed up a half mile. Every now and then we'd pick up a car full of chicks and turn it 90-180 degrees so it was facing the wrong way.
I was about fifteen years old. There was a park a couple of blocks from our home, and across from the park there were some housing projects. Each unit had a small, low, slab of cement for a 'porch' right in front of its front door.

Four or five of us, all teens, were walking toward home one night, at about eleven p.m. when we spotted a VW Beetle across the street from one of those apartments. We picked the Beetle up, carried it over, and set it down over one of the slab 'porches' blocking the front door so the residents would not be able to open it in the morning.

Yes, we were easily amused...
Oh oh.

Do we know each other. lol.
Many grocery stores had a bunch of coin operated machines in the lobby when I was a kid.

For a dime you could get a superball. If you glued a dime in the mechanism you could empty the machines of superballs.

If you threw a bag full superballs into the hallways of an elementary school it created total fucking chaos.

Us sixth graders were evil.

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