Children accidently shoot someone every 36 hours


You guys have been going at it for 120 posts now, and neither of you has budged an inch.

I think it's safe to say that you're not going to agree on the significance of the NCVS and the studies on DGU. What makes the situation absurd is that (as far as I can tell) you're both pro-greater-gun-safety and anti-stricter-gun-control. You don't actually have any policy disagreements.

One of you is going to have to be the first to say "agree to disagree" and then just walk away from the keyboard.

Have a milkshake. Fly a kite. Play with your kids. Make love to your wife.

Agree to disagree.

My not so humble $0.02. ;)

Yes our disagreements are less that one might think. But I do think we should have magazine capacity limits, background checks on all sales, and gun registration. He disagrees. Most of our disagreements are with the facts. I am interested in the facts and he will run with any pro gun argument he has ever heard. Some are true and others are wildly crazy like the idea there are 2 million defenses each year. He believes there are more crimes defended than committed. There are only 230 criminals shot and killed in defense each year making the 2 million claim more ridiculous. So when he makes a ridiculous claim I correct him. :)
I hate to break it to you, but I'm 99.9% certain that anyone reading this isn't going to change their minds on the subject, and you gentlemen will be correcting each other until hell freezes over.

Let's also note that magazine capacity limits, background checks, and gun registration realistically have nothing to do with the number of accidental shootings per year or with the number of self-defense uses per year, hence it would be wise to spend your time debating events (e.g. mass shootings) where these measures would conceivably have some impact.

Anyway, if you're finding this whole debate as fun as a barrel of monkeys, don't let me stop you. If you're not having fun, I'm suggesting that the wiser man is the first one to say "readers can consult the thread and draw their own conclusions; thank you for the debate; das ve danya".

Well I'm not debating any of those things at the moment. Just giving you an idea of our differences. The number of defenses really have nothing to do with the number of accidents either. Things tend to get off track. One would think everyone would want to lower the number of accidents, especially with children. But the rabid pro gunners take great offense at just bringing up a problem.

No brain, we don't...we have always said..teach gun safety in anti gunners reject that....then you accuse us of not wanting to protect in all fair consideration...fuck you......tired of your accusations......with all due respect....

I'm still waiting on a link to just what is in this NRA safety in schools.

You guys have been going at it for 120 posts now, and neither of you has budged an inch.

I think it's safe to say that you're not going to agree on the significance of the NCVS and the studies on DGU. What makes the situation absurd is that (as far as I can tell) you're both pro-greater-gun-safety and anti-stricter-gun-control. You don't actually have any policy disagreements.

One of you is going to have to be the first to say "agree to disagree" and then just walk away from the keyboard.

Have a milkshake. Fly a kite. Play with your kids. Make love to your wife.

Agree to disagree.

My not so humble $0.02. ;)

Actually, brain is a gun grabber...he hides it...but he doesn't support gun can tell in what he posts and how he posts it......

Yes the 10 guns I have make me quite the gun grabber. You are just so rabidly right wing and pro gun you don't care about the facts. You are even blind to the obviously false.

You guys have been going at it for 120 posts now, and neither of you has budged an inch.

I think it's safe to say that you're not going to agree on the significance of the NCVS and the studies on DGU. What makes the situation absurd is that (as far as I can tell) you're both pro-greater-gun-safety and anti-stricter-gun-control. You don't actually have any policy disagreements.

One of you is going to have to be the first to say "agree to disagree" and then just walk away from the keyboard.

Have a milkshake. Fly a kite. Play with your kids. Make love to your wife.

Agree to disagree.

My not so humble $0.02. ;)

Actually, brain is a gun grabber...he hides it...but he doesn't support gun can tell in what he posts and how he posts it......

Yes the 10 guns I have make me quite the gun grabber. You are just so rabidly right wing and pro gun you don't care about the facts. You are even blind to the obviously false.

Gun grabbers want the guns for themselves...they are constantly being caught using guns for their own protection, or having heavily armed security for their protection......that you have guns makes you a creep....since you don't want others to have them.....

You guys have been going at it for 120 posts now, and neither of you has budged an inch.

I think it's safe to say that you're not going to agree on the significance of the NCVS and the studies on DGU. What makes the situation absurd is that (as far as I can tell) you're both pro-greater-gun-safety and anti-stricter-gun-control. You don't actually have any policy disagreements.

One of you is going to have to be the first to say "agree to disagree" and then just walk away from the keyboard.

Have a milkshake. Fly a kite. Play with your kids. Make love to your wife.

Agree to disagree.

My not so humble $0.02. ;)

Actually, brain is a gun grabber...he hides it...but he doesn't support gun can tell in what he posts and how he posts it......

Yes the 10 guns I have make me quite the gun grabber. You are just so rabidly right wing and pro gun you don't care about the facts. You are even blind to the obviously false.

Gun grabbers want the guns for themselves...they are constantly being caught using guns for their own protection, or having heavily armed security for their protection......that you have guns makes you a creep....since you don't want others to have them.....

Sure post where I have ever suggested banning guns. Dare you.

You guys have been going at it for 120 posts now, and neither of you has budged an inch.

I think it's safe to say that you're not going to agree on the significance of the NCVS and the studies on DGU. What makes the situation absurd is that (as far as I can tell) you're both pro-greater-gun-safety and anti-stricter-gun-control. You don't actually have any policy disagreements.

One of you is going to have to be the first to say "agree to disagree" and then just walk away from the keyboard.

Have a milkshake. Fly a kite. Play with your kids. Make love to your wife.

Agree to disagree.

My not so humble $0.02. ;)

Actually, brain is a gun grabber...he hides it...but he doesn't support gun can tell in what he posts and how he posts it......

Yes the 10 guns I have make me quite the gun grabber. You are just so rabidly right wing and pro gun you don't care about the facts. You are even blind to the obviously false.

Gun grabbers want the guns for themselves...they are constantly being caught using guns for their own protection, or having heavily armed security for their protection......that you have guns makes you a creep....since you don't want others to have them.....

Sure post where I have ever suggested banning guns. Dare you.

Brain....your posts say it are like our own asshole dick durbin here in Illinois....always sounds reasonable in public...but is the biggest leftist you have ever seen......

You parade dead children out and claim all you want is gun safety......the emphasis always on the dangers of guns even though time and again people show that guns are the least dangerous thing for children, far behind cars, pools, poisons and any other number of risky items in their lives...but always the guns for you........
And here we have the point I am trying to make......

Bearing ArmsUnderstanding The Why Behind The Creation Of The Gun Violence Myth - Bearing Arms

Indeed, the mainstream media in major cities and their equally compromised allies in the field of public health and the like-minded politicians they have rallied around continue to push the abject fiction of “gun violence,” as if the argument has any logical merit whatsoever.

The very concept of “object violence” is, of course, absurd on its face.

When someone is intentionally run over with a car, we do not attack the automobile industry for the vehicle’s misuse, nor do we attempt to then constrict the ability of other drivers to buy and drive that model of car.

When someone is intentionally beaten with a bat, we do not call out the manufacturer of that bat, nor the larger baseball industry, and insist that they are culpable for the misuse of that product.

Do we really need to go down a list of further examples? I don’t see that we do. I think you understand the idiocy of their argument against reason.

These totalitarian control freaks—which is what they are, if we may be honest—are attempting to turn a criminal violence issue into an object violence issue.

They seek to blame objects used by more than 100 million Americans for sport, sustenance, and personal protection billions of times each year (based on ammunition consumption) because if they successfully press their argument, they can twist the actions of the criminal few to disarm the law-abiding masses.

You guys have been going at it for 120 posts now, and neither of you has budged an inch.

I think it's safe to say that you're not going to agree on the significance of the NCVS and the studies on DGU. What makes the situation absurd is that (as far as I can tell) you're both pro-greater-gun-safety and anti-stricter-gun-control. You don't actually have any policy disagreements.

One of you is going to have to be the first to say "agree to disagree" and then just walk away from the keyboard.

Have a milkshake. Fly a kite. Play with your kids. Make love to your wife.

Agree to disagree.

My not so humble $0.02. ;)

Actually, brain is a gun grabber...he hides it...but he doesn't support gun can tell in what he posts and how he posts it......

Yes the 10 guns I have make me quite the gun grabber. You are just so rabidly right wing and pro gun you don't care about the facts. You are even blind to the obviously false.

Gun grabbers want the guns for themselves...they are constantly being caught using guns for their own protection, or having heavily armed security for their protection......that you have guns makes you a creep....since you don't want others to have them.....

Sure post where I have ever suggested banning guns. Dare you.

Brain....your posts say it are like our own asshole dick durbin here in Illinois....always sounds reasonable in public...but is the biggest leftist you have ever seen......

You parade dead children out and claim all you want is gun safety......the emphasis always on the dangers of guns even though time and again people show that guns are the least dangerous thing for children, far behind cars, pools, poisons and any other number of risky items in their lives...but always the guns for you........

Waiting for you to post where I have ever suggested banning guns.
Actually, brain is a gun grabber...he hides it...but he doesn't support gun can tell in what he posts and how he posts it......

Yes the 10 guns I have make me quite the gun grabber. You are just so rabidly right wing and pro gun you don't care about the facts. You are even blind to the obviously false.

Gun grabbers want the guns for themselves...they are constantly being caught using guns for their own protection, or having heavily armed security for their protection......that you have guns makes you a creep....since you don't want others to have them.....

Sure post where I have ever suggested banning guns. Dare you.

Brain....your posts say it are like our own asshole dick durbin here in Illinois....always sounds reasonable in public...but is the biggest leftist you have ever seen......

You parade dead children out and claim all you want is gun safety......the emphasis always on the dangers of guns even though time and again people show that guns are the least dangerous thing for children, far behind cars, pools, poisons and any other number of risky items in their lives...but always the guns for you........

Waiting for you to post where I have ever suggested banning guns. simply drag out dead kids and blame guns.......message received gun grabber....
Yes the 10 guns I have make me quite the gun grabber. You are just so rabidly right wing and pro gun you don't care about the facts. You are even blind to the obviously false.

Gun grabbers want the guns for themselves...they are constantly being caught using guns for their own protection, or having heavily armed security for their protection......that you have guns makes you a creep....since you don't want others to have them.....

Sure post where I have ever suggested banning guns. Dare you.

Brain....your posts say it are like our own asshole dick durbin here in Illinois....always sounds reasonable in public...but is the biggest leftist you have ever seen......

You parade dead children out and claim all you want is gun safety......the emphasis always on the dangers of guns even though time and again people show that guns are the least dangerous thing for children, far behind cars, pools, poisons and any other number of risky items in their lives...but always the guns for you........

Waiting for you to post where I have ever suggested banning guns. simply drag out dead kids and blame guns.......message received gun grabber....

You hide everything under the rug and want to pretend it doesn't exist. Guns are more important to you than lives. Quite sad.
Do they even teach radical lefties how to do research and/or how to understand statistics? According to the CDC which keeps statistics relating to gun deaths there simply are no statistics regarding children pulling the trigger in accidental shootings. About 530 accidental shootings occurred in 2011 and that number doesn't even correspond to the claim that persons are shot by accident "every 36 hours".

They have been tracking them. I have posted several accounts. They do happen all the time.
Who? What has been "tracking them"? "Several (unvarified) accounts don't justify the claim.
Do they even teach radical lefties how to do research and/or how to understand statistics? According to the CDC which keeps statistics relating to gun deaths there simply are no statistics regarding children pulling the trigger in accidental shootings. About 530 accidental shootings occurred in 2011 and that number doesn't even correspond to the claim that persons are shot by accident "every 36 hours".

They have been tracking them. I have posted several accounts. They do happen all the time.
Who? What has been "tracking them"? "Several (unvarified) accounts don't justify the claim.

Everytown who did the study obviously. Go to google news and search accidental shooting. You find ones with children shooting people are quite plentiful. Typically a new one every day. The 36 hours shouldn't be doubted.
Do they even teach radical lefties how to do research and/or how to understand statistics? According to the CDC which keeps statistics relating to gun deaths there simply are no statistics regarding children pulling the trigger in accidental shootings. About 530 accidental shootings occurred in 2011 and that number doesn't even correspond to the claim that persons are shot by accident "every 36 hours".

They have been tracking them. I have posted several accounts. They do happen all the time.
Who? What has been "tracking them"? "Several (unvarified) accounts don't justify the claim.

In 2013 there were only 505 accidental gun deaths......with more Americans carrying guns for protection, accidental gun deaths are going down, not up.......
Do they even teach radical lefties how to do research and/or how to understand statistics? According to the CDC which keeps statistics relating to gun deaths there simply are no statistics regarding children pulling the trigger in accidental shootings. About 530 accidental shootings occurred in 2011 and that number doesn't even correspond to the claim that persons are shot by accident "every 36 hours".

They have been tracking them. I have posted several accounts. They do happen all the time.
Who? What has been "tracking them"? "Several (unvarified) accounts don't justify the claim.

Everytown who did the study obviously. Go to google news and search accidental shooting. You find ones with children shooting people are quite plentiful. Typically a new one every day. The 36 hours shouldn't be doubted.

Everytown has lied about it's numbers too many times to be trusted......
Do they even teach radical lefties how to do research and/or how to understand statistics? According to the CDC which keeps statistics relating to gun deaths there simply are no statistics regarding children pulling the trigger in accidental shootings. About 530 accidental shootings occurred in 2011 and that number doesn't even correspond to the claim that persons are shot by accident "every 36 hours".

They have been tracking them. I have posted several accounts. They do happen all the time.
Who? What has been "tracking them"? "Several (unvarified) accounts don't justify the claim.

In 2013 there were only 505 accidental gun deaths......with more Americans carrying guns for protection, accidental gun deaths are going down, not up.......

That is correct. And shouldn't we all want that to continue? Trying to get more people to store guns properly should be a goal we all want.
Do they even teach radical lefties how to do research and/or how to understand statistics? According to the CDC which keeps statistics relating to gun deaths there simply are no statistics regarding children pulling the trigger in accidental shootings. About 530 accidental shootings occurred in 2011 and that number doesn't even correspond to the claim that persons are shot by accident "every 36 hours".

They have been tracking them. I have posted several accounts. They do happen all the time.
Who? What has been "tracking them"? "Several (unvarified) accounts don't justify the claim.

Everytown who did the study obviously. Go to google news and search accidental shooting. You find ones with children shooting people are quite plentiful. Typically a new one every day. The 36 hours shouldn't be doubted.

Everytown has lied about it's numbers too many times to be trusted......

Then why can I post a new one just about every day?

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