Children accidently shoot someone every 36 hours

According to a study published earlier this week by Everytown For Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, 79 children have unintentionally shot someone with a handgun during the first four months of 2015. These shootings have resulted in 24 deaths and 56 injuries. If such first-quarter figures were calculated to cover an entire year, there would be an accidental shooting every 36 hours.

Children accidentally shoot someone every 36 hours new study finds - Living - HeraldTimesOnline

Your first mistake brain was citing Everytown....they have already been shown to use fake numbers.......that is bloombergs group...the hypocrite gun grabber......

Notice....17 or what point is a child actually a child...they are lying right there....and most deaths of children with guns are gang related.....

Accidental gun deaths of children...less than 100 a year......out of a country of over 320 million.....

So, at what age isn't an accidental shooting death a tragedy?

AT what age, does a parent not mourn the death of their child?

Your answer to everything is "gun grabber blah blah blah gun grabber blah blah blah". How many more kids die while you're busy lying about and hiding behind "gun grabbers blah blah blah"?

We need to ignore you nutters and let responsible gun owners lead the way.

Step up, grow a pair, take responsibility.
And again brain.....under 100 children are killed by accidental gun death.....where as car accidents are the leading cause of death among teens...........

And I point to this because the gun grabbers love pointing out the car vs. gun game......

Go stand near an interstate and notice all the traffic. Then go to a gun range and notice how many people go in and out of there. Yes cars are used dastically more than guns.

And if you have a gun in the home and a car in the garage, you are more likely to have the car kill you.....

If the gun kills someone the most likely person is the owner.

Wull, yabut, guns don't kill people.

So you are wanting to outlaw children then? That's a little drastic isn't it?
I would remind people to store guns where children can't get them. And if a child gets a gun the owner should be charged.
I'd rather people stored their children where they can't get at their firearms.

And that's a real problem - people who don't take the danger of guns seriously.

Too many people don't think its a problem until there's a dead kid. How many times have we read idiots here say they taught their kids to be safe with guns? We read the same thing from parents with dead kids. Hell, the grand father of one of the Columbine shooters said he would still have guns available to his other g-kids.

Or, how about the idiots who leave their guns in bathrooms or drop them in public places or let their babies dig them out of their purse ........................?

If adults want to shoot each other, I gotta say I can't work up much sympathy. Hunters with their Budweiser or the dummy who shoots himself while caressing cleaning his gun - that's another long list.

But, I've said it before and I'll say it again - we need to keep children safe. We need to value children as much as some say they value fetuses.

My guns are safe and my g-kids are safe. Why is that so damn hard for the nutters to accomplish?
And again brain.....under 100 children are killed by accidental gun death.....where as car accidents are the leading cause of death among teens...........

And I point to this because the gun grabbers love pointing out the car vs. gun game......

Go stand near an interstate and notice all the traffic. Then go to a gun range and notice how many people go in and out of there. Yes cars are used dastically more than guns.

And if you have a gun in the home and a car in the garage, you are more likely to have the car kill you.....

If the gun kills someone the most likely person is the owner.

And in black neighborhoods the rate is higher and on purpose.

So, uh, like Billc aka 2ndamendment jerk saying that dead kids don't matter after a certain age, you're saying Black kids don't matter.

Gee, what a shocker.


Gawd, when did this board become the hiding place for kkk-lite slime?

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And in black neighborhoods the rate is higher and on purpose.

So, uh, like Billc aka 2ndamendment jerk saying that dead kids don't care after a certain age, you're saying Black kids don't matter.

Gee, what a shocker.


Gawd, when did this board become the hiding place for kkk-lite slime?

Speak for yourself, bigot. You can't even rebut. Just more left wing gutter trollshit.
And again brain.....under 100 children are killed by accidental gun death.....where as car accidents are the leading cause of death among teens...........

And I point to this because the gun grabbers love pointing out the car vs. gun game......

Go stand near an interstate and notice all the traffic. Then go to a gun range and notice how many people go in and out of there. Yes cars are used dastically more than guns.

And if you have a gun in the home and a car in the garage, you are more likely to have the car kill you.....

If the gun kills someone the most likely person is the owner.

10153708_995525010475064_535323282925204361_n_zps7ee299c2.jpg which anti gun nut job group fudged these numbers.....
And again brain.....under 100 children are killed by accidental gun death.....where as car accidents are the leading cause of death among teens...........

And I point to this because the gun grabbers love pointing out the car vs. gun game......

Go stand near an interstate and notice all the traffic. Then go to a gun range and notice how many people go in and out of there. Yes cars are used dastically more than guns.

And if you have a gun in the home and a car in the garage, you are more likely to have the car kill you.....

If the gun kills someone the most likely person is the owner.


Yeah....I knew they were faking the anti gun crap statistics.....

Why the Gun Violence Archive Is Flawed From the Start - The Truth About Guns

The issue is that they are depending on media reports and police blotters for their information. While that might seem reasonable to the lay person, the fact of the matter is that the disparity in the reporting of defensive gun uses versus murders and shootings is so great as to make any analysis based on that data impossible. The old admonition “if it bleeds it leads” is as true as it’s ever been, so virtually every shooting and gun-related death gets reported on the news and is reported to the police. But defensive gun uses? Frequently nothing happened. It’s doubtful that there would even be a police report about many of the incidents, let alone a mention in the news.

Let’s take that a step further. What percentage of defensive gun uses even get reported to the police? Every single person I know who has had a DGU hasn’t reported it — they simply walked away and got on with their lives, thankful for the iron on their side. The problem with the GVA’s assumption is that they believe every single DGU will be reported, and the fact of the matter is that they won’t be.

Even if the DGU is reported to the police, included in the police blotter, and then picked up by this site, there’s one more hurdle to it being accepted. “Each incident is verified by both initial researchers and secondary validation processes” they claim, meaning that only events which meet their specific definition of a defensive gun use are included in the count. What are those definitions? They don’t say, besides a vague statement:
So you are wanting to outlaw children then? That's a little drastic isn't it?
I would remind people to store guns where children can't get them. And if a child gets a gun the owner should be charged.
I'd rather people stored their children where they can't get at their firearms.

And that's a real problem - people who don't take the danger of guns seriously.

Too many people don't think its a problem until there's a dead kid. How many times have we read idiots here say they taught their kids to be safe with guns? We read the same thing from parents with dead kids. Hell, the grand father of one of the Columbine shooters said he would still have guns available to his other g-kids.

Or, how about the idiots who leave their guns in bathrooms or drop them in public places or let their babies dig them out of their purse ........................?

If adults want to shoot each other, I gotta say I can't work up much sympathy. Hunters with their Budweiser or the dummy who shoots himself while caressing cleaning his gun - that's another long list.

But, I've said it before and I'll say it again - we need to keep children safe. We need to value children as much as some say they value fetuses.

My guns are safe and my g-kids are safe. Why is that so damn hard for the nutters to accomplish?

Or, how about the idiots who leave their guns in bathrooms

You mean like the D.C. Police congressional protective detail members........
According to a study published earlier this week by Everytown For Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, 79 children have unintentionally shot someone with a handgun during the first four months of 2015. These shootings have resulted in 24 deaths and 56 injuries. If such first-quarter figures were calculated to cover an entire year, there would be an accidental shooting every 36 hours.

Children accidentally shoot someone every 36 hours new study finds - Living - HeraldTimesOnline
So what?
You don't hate guns enough. :nono:

Also, one person chokes to death on a ballpoint pen every 88 hours. You don't hate pens enough. Hate them more too. :nono:
I have guns.....and swords...and just purchases a bow.....:D
According to a study published earlier this week by Everytown For Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, 79 children have unintentionally shot someone with a handgun during the first four months of 2015. These shootings have resulted in 24 deaths and 56 injuries. If such first-quarter figures were calculated to cover an entire year, there would be an accidental shooting every 36 hours.

Children accidentally shoot someone every 36 hours new study finds - Living - HeraldTimesOnline

Your first mistake brain was citing Everytown....they have already been shown to use fake numbers.......that is bloombergs group...the hypocrite gun grabber......

Notice....17 or what point is a child actually a child...they are lying right there....and most deaths of children with guns are gang related.....

Accidental gun deaths of children...less than 100 a year......out of a country of over 320 million.....

So, at what age isn't an accidental shooting death a tragedy?

AT what age, does a parent not mourn the death of their child?

Your answer to everything is "gun grabber blah blah blah gun grabber blah blah blah". How many more kids die while you're busy lying about and hiding behind "gun grabbers blah blah blah"?

We need to ignore you nutters and let responsible gun owners lead the way.

Step up, grow a pair, take responsibility.

See.....your education in the government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat party is showing....

No one ever said that the death of a child isn't a tragedy....we just say that with over 320 million people, and over 320 million guns in private hands children are accidentally killed at the rate of under 100 a year...each one tragic and horrible, but in no way a reason for your gun nuttery..........considering more kids die of accidental drowning each year, and poisoning........

and 2 million people each year, non military, non police use their guns to stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save nuts always forget the lives saved by guns....which far outweigh the lives accidentally taken, or the lives taken by inner city gangs......
And again brain.....under 100 children are killed by accidental gun death.....where as car accidents are the leading cause of death among teens...........

And I point to this because the gun grabbers love pointing out the car vs. gun game......

Go stand near an interstate and notice all the traffic. Then go to a gun range and notice how many people go in and out of there. Yes cars are used dastically more than guns.

And if you have a gun in the home and a car in the garage, you are more likely to have the car kill you.....

If the gun kills someone the most likely person is the owner.

And if a gun saves a life it is most likely the person is the owner.......
And again brain.....under 100 children are killed by accidental gun death.....where as car accidents are the leading cause of death among teens...........

And I point to this because the gun grabbers love pointing out the car vs. gun game......

Go stand near an interstate and notice all the traffic. Then go to a gun range and notice how many people go in and out of there. Yes cars are used dastically more than guns.

And if you have a gun in the home and a car in the garage, you are more likely to have the car kill you.....

If the gun kills someone the most likely person is the owner.

Wull, yabut, guns don't kill people.


And as I posted in a separate thread....a strange coincidence...people without guns are likely to get their eye sockets fractured, their ribs broken, their nose broken and bleeding on the brain when they are set upon by a gang of teenagers....and they don't have a gun to stop it....... a related story, progressives routinely murder millions of their unarmed citizens ever 36 hours
According to a study published earlier this week by Everytown For Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, 79 children have unintentionally shot someone with a handgun during the first four months of 2015. These shootings have resulted in 24 deaths and 56 injuries. If such first-quarter figures were calculated to cover an entire year, there would be an accidental shooting every 36 hours.

Children accidentally shoot someone every 36 hours new study finds - Living - HeraldTimesOnline

Your first mistake brain was citing Everytown....they have already been shown to use fake numbers.......that is bloombergs group...the hypocrite gun grabber......

Notice....17 or what point is a child actually a child...they are lying right there....and most deaths of children with guns are gang related.....

Accidental gun deaths of children...less than 100 a year......out of a country of over 320 million.....

So, at what age isn't an accidental shooting death a tragedy?

AT what age, does a parent not mourn the death of their child?

Your answer to everything is "gun grabber blah blah blah gun grabber blah blah blah". How many more kids die while you're busy lying about and hiding behind "gun grabbers blah blah blah"?

We need to ignore you nutters and let responsible gun owners lead the way.

Step up, grow a pair, take responsibility.

See.....your education in the government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat party is showing....

No one ever said that the death of a child isn't a tragedy....we just say that with over 320 million people, and over 320 million guns in private hands children are accidentally killed at the rate of under 100 a year...each one tragic and horrible, but in no way a reason for your gun nuttery..........considering more kids die of accidental drowning each year, and poisoning........

and 2 million people each year, non military, non police use their guns to stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save nuts always forget the lives saved by guns....which far outweigh the lives accidentally taken, or the lives taken by inner city gangs......

That 2 million number is pure fantasy and you know it.
And again brain.....under 100 children are killed by accidental gun death.....where as car accidents are the leading cause of death among teens...........

And I point to this because the gun grabbers love pointing out the car vs. gun game......

Go stand near an interstate and notice all the traffic. Then go to a gun range and notice how many people go in and out of there. Yes cars are used dastically more than guns.

And if you have a gun in the home and a car in the garage, you are more likely to have the car kill you.....

If the gun kills someone the most likely person is the owner.

And if a gun saves a life it is most likely the person is the owner.......

The person is far more likely to shoot themselves than be saved.
All I care about is that your local law enforcement (i.e., police, sheriff, state patrol) are all "reactionary forces," and being such, they only arrive to the scene "after" you are already the victim, even if a prompt call is made asking for help.
If it's a home invasion, you're going to be beaten and robbed, or beaten, robbed and killed. Following this, someone (i.e., a neighbor) calls law enforcement and reports hearing screams and/or gun shots. Many minutes later, the cavalry arrives to find either your beaten or beaten and dead bodies.
Your standing at an ATM and an individual produces a knife and says that he/she wil kill you if you don't take a large amount out of the ATM and give him your wallet. You give him/her the wallet and he/she kills you anyway.
You attempt to get into your car after shopping and are shoved into it by a male with a knife or other sharp implement. You have your baby in the back seat and you are worried for your child's safety, so you cooperate, are forced to drive to a remote location and are subsequently raped, beaten and murdered, along with your child.
While the list of crimes can go on and on, in each case, the police arrive "after" someone calls for them to investigate and they arrive to find your beaten or beaten and dead body.
Clearly the intent of the original post is that there should be no guns in the home with children, or no guns at all.
Even if all honest, law-abiding citizens gave up their guns, no criminal will do so and would like it if the law-abiding citizens complied with a law like that as that would reduce their risk when assaulting you, with their guns, which they wouldn't give up.
It's better to have a handgun hidden on your person (via a concealed handgun permit) to possibly change the outcome, rather than guarantee that you just become another dead statistic.
All I care about is that your local law enforcement (i.e., police, sheriff, state patrol) are all "reactionary forces," and being such, they only arrive to the scene "after" you are already the victim, even if a prompt call is made asking for help.
If it's a home invasion, you're going to be beaten and robbed, or beaten, robbed and killed. Following this, someone (i.e., a neighbor) calls law enforcement and reports hearing screams and/or gun shots. Many minutes later, the cavalry arrives to find either your beaten or beaten and dead bodies.
Your standing at an ATM and an individual produces a knife and says that he/she wil kill you if you don't take a large amount out of the ATM and give him your wallet. You give him/her the wallet and he/she kills you anyway.
You attempt to get into your car after shopping and are shoved into it by a male with a knife or other sharp implement. You have your baby in the back seat and you are worried for your child's safety, so you cooperate, are forced to drive to a remote location and are subsequently raped, beaten and murdered, along with your child.
While the list of crimes can go on and on, in each case, the police arrive "after" someone calls for them to investigate and they arrive to find your beaten or beaten and dead body.
Clearly the intent of the original post is that there should be no guns in the home with children, or no guns at all.
Even if all honest, law-abiding citizens gave up their guns, no criminal will do so and would like it if the law-abiding citizens complied with a law like that as that would reduce their risk when assaulting you, with their guns, which they wouldn't give up.
It's better to have a handgun hidden on your person (via a concealed handgun permit) to possibly change the outcome, rather than guarantee that you just become another dead statistic.

You are aware that crime has been coming down the last 30 years right? Dont be so paranoid. Lots of people who thought like you end up accidently shooting themselves dead like the bra holster woman. There is also a long list of dead armed defenders from shootouts. Meanwhile we have all these children dying because paranoid morons leave loaded guns around.

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