Children Across The Country Being Hospitalized With Obama's 'open Border Flu'

Meanwhile, back in reality, there is no evidence that this virus came from immigrant children. What I find most hilarious is that California, a state with one of the highest proportions of immigrants (the highest I believe, actually) was not effected.
I'd suggest telling the shitbag countries the illegal kids are coming from to improve their healthcare with their money and thus eliminate sending us their sickly unwanted offspring.

Third world countries tell their people " if you have too many kids, dump them on the stupid gringos". We are the laughingstock of the world because of how we coddle illegal invaders.
Meanwhile, back in reality, there is no evidence that this virus came from immigrant children. What I find most hilarious is that California, a state with one of the highest proportions of immigrants (the highest I believe, actually) was not effected.

1. Where is your evidence CA was not affected?

2. The problem in this case is not illegals in general, but the illegal kids who have arrived in the last few months. Maybe none of them were sent to CA. Obama won't tell us where he dumped them.
Why did I have to pay to get your kids educated?

You didn't you liar. I used private schools. All decent parents use private schools or home-schooling. THINK

no they don't, many can't afford the costs...The cheapest we found was 140 bucks a month...

Poor people shouldn't have kids.
You're a fucking dick. Just saying.
FYI, just because someone can't afford a private school doesn't mean they're poor. Judgmental bastard.
So what? That doesn't mean anything. The immigrants have been disbursed throughout the country. It's highly unlikely that a uniform ratio of health issues were equally allocated to each area receiving immigrants.

Back to the real topic: the risk to our society of allowing infectious diseases into our country.

Even the NYT is sounding the Ebola alarm:

The second possibility is one that virologists are loath to discuss openly but are definitely considering in private: that an Ebola virus could mutate to become transmissible through the air. You can now get Ebola only through direct contact with bodily fluids. But viruses like Ebola are notoriously sloppy in replicating, meaning the virus entering one person may be genetically different from the virus entering the next. The current Ebola virus’s hyper-evolution is unprecedented; there has been more human-to-human transmission in the past four months than most likely occurred in the last 500 to 1,000 years. Each new infection represents trillions of throws of the genetic dice.

If certain mutations occurred, it would mean that just breathing would put one at risk of contracting Ebola. Infections could spread quickly to every part of the globe, as the H1N1 influenza virus did in 2009, after its birth in Mexico.

Why are public officials afraid to discuss this? They don’t want to be accused of screaming “Fire!” in a crowded theater — as I’m sure some will accuse me of doing. But the risk is real, and until we consider it, the world will not be prepared to do what is necessary to end the epidemic.

In 2012, a team of Canadian researchers proved that Ebola Zaire, the same virus that is causing the West Africa outbreak, could be transmitted by the respiratory route from pigs to monkeys, both of whose lungs are very similar to those of humans. Richard Preston’s 1994 best seller “The Hot Zone” chronicled a 1989 outbreak of a different strain, Ebola Reston virus, among monkeys at a quarantine station near Washington. The virus was transmitted through breathing, and the outbreak ended only when all the monkeys were euthanized. We must consider that such transmissions could happen between humans, if the virus mutates....
Meanwhile, back in reality, there is no evidence that this virus came from immigrant children. What I find most hilarious is that California, a state with one of the highest proportions of immigrants (the highest I believe, actually) was not effected.

1. Where is your evidence CA was not affected?

2. The problem in this case is not illegals in general, but the illegal kids who have arrived in the last few months. Maybe none of them were sent to CA. Obama won't tell us where he dumped them.
Shackled did not say CA wasn't effected. The poster just simply said there's no evidence to prove CA was effected.
I'd suggest improving health care for ALL, including "illegals," before blaming this on the two evils -- Obama and "illegals."

The best intentions in regards to healthcare always starts with your suggestion, "improving healthcare for all," yet always ends with worse healthcare for all!
I'd suggest improving health care for ALL, including "illegals," before blaming this on the two evils -- Obama and "illegals."

The best intentions in regards to healthcare always starts with your suggestion, "improving healthcare for all," yet always ends with worse healthcare for all!
That also depends on how you view things. Perception plays a role in a lot of things, but you do have a good point.
Meanwhile, back in reality, there is no evidence that this virus came from immigrant children. What I find most hilarious is that California, a state with one of the highest proportions of immigrants (the highest I believe, actually) was not effected.

1. Where is your evidence CA was not affected?
The article you posted in the OP, which I actually read. California is not part of the Midwest or the East Coast. Still not sure? Just visit the CDC website.

2. The problem in this case is not illegals in general, but the illegal kids who have arrived in the last few months. Maybe none of them were sent to CA. Obama won't tell us where he dumped them.
Actually the numbers are public. California took in more children than any other state.
Unaccompanied Children Released to Sponsors By State Office of Refugee Resettlement Administration for Children and Families

By the way, the burden of proof is on you to support your claim that this virus is a result of the immigrant children. Now tell me where the evidence is that this virus originated from the immigrant children. Oh, that's right. There isn't any.
MAYBE the American kids are weak with under developed immune systems . I've noticed that young parents are more apt to take kids to a doctor for antibiotics at any sign of a sniffle in the last 40 years or so . More apt than my parents or my generation as when I or my kids got sick the rule was to let us just get over the sickness on our own . JUST a thought !!
MAYBE the American kids are weak with under developed immune systems . I've noticed that young parents are more apt to take kids to a doctor for antibiotics at any sign of a sniffle in the last 40 years or so . More apt than my parents or my generation as when I or my kids got sick the rule was to let us just get over the sickness on our own . JUST a thought !!
I grew up camping, eating dirt, and being outside a lot. I rarely ever get sick. Just earlier this year, I had a cold for the first time in years.
Meanwhile, back in reality, there is no evidence that this virus came from immigrant children. What I find most hilarious is that California, a state with one of the highest proportions of immigrants (the highest I believe, actually) was not effected.

1. Where is your evidence CA was not affected?
The article you posted in the OP, which I actually read. California is not part of the Midwest or the East Coast. Still not sure? Just visit the CDC website.

2. The problem in this case is not illegals in general, but the illegal kids who have arrived in the last few months. Maybe none of them were sent to CA. Obama won't tell us where he dumped them.
Actually the numbers are public. California took in more children than any other state.
Unaccompanied Children Released to Sponsors By State Office of Refugee Resettlement Administration for Children and Families

By the way, the burden of proof is on you to support your claim that this virus is a result of the immigrant children. Now tell me where the evidence is that this virus originated from the immigrant children. Oh, that's right. There isn't any.

How many do you have living with you in your home?
Meanwhile, back in reality, there is no evidence that this virus came from immigrant children. What I find most hilarious is that California, a state with one of the highest proportions of immigrants (the highest I believe, actually) was not effected.

1. Where is your evidence CA was not affected?
The article you posted in the OP, which I actually read. California is not part of the Midwest or the East Coast. Still not sure? Just visit the CDC website.

2. The problem in this case is not illegals in general, but the illegal kids who have arrived in the last few months. Maybe none of them were sent to CA. Obama won't tell us where he dumped them.
Actually the numbers are public. California took in more children than any other state.
Unaccompanied Children Released to Sponsors By State Office of Refugee Resettlement Administration for Children and Families

By the way, the burden of proof is on you to support your claim that this virus is a result of the immigrant children. Now tell me where the evidence is that this virus originated from the immigrant children. Oh, that's right. There isn't any.

How many do you have living with you in your home?
What color shoes do you have? That question is just as relevant to this topic as yours.

Back on topic, it is clear that this virus has nothing to do with the immigrant children, for the reasons I listed that not a single person can refute.
Meanwhile, back in reality, there is no evidence that this virus came from immigrant children. What I find most hilarious is that California, a state with one of the highest proportions of immigrants (the highest I believe, actually) was not effected.

1. Where is your evidence CA was not affected?
The article you posted in the OP, which I actually read. California is not part of the Midwest or the East Coast. Still not sure? Just visit the CDC website.

2. The problem in this case is not illegals in general, but the illegal kids who have arrived in the last few months. Maybe none of them were sent to CA. Obama won't tell us where he dumped them.
Actually the numbers are public. California took in more children than any other state.
Unaccompanied Children Released to Sponsors By State Office of Refugee Resettlement Administration for Children and Families

By the way, the burden of proof is on you to support your claim that this virus is a result of the immigrant children. Now tell me where the evidence is that this virus originated from the immigrant children. Oh, that's right. There isn't any.

How many do you have living with you in your home?
What color shoes do you have? That question is just as relevant to this topic as yours.

Back on topic, it is clear that this virus has nothing to do with the immigrant children, for the reasons I listed that not a single person can refute.

It's a totally on point question. You want to put people at risk of infection by importing diseases people into their communities. Unless you are housing such people, then you are a hypocrite for thinking others should be exposed to them.
By the way, the burden of proof is on you to support your claim that this virus is a result of the immigrant children. Now tell me where the evidence is that this virus originated from the immigrant children. Oh, that's right. There isn't any.

Nobody said the virus for sure came from the illegal kids. Just that it's a strong possibility and why take the chance.? They're illegal invaders and shouldn't be here anyway. THINK
Meanwhile, back in reality, there is no evidence that this virus came from immigrant children. What I find most hilarious is that California, a state with one of the highest proportions of immigrants (the highest I believe, actually) was not effected.

1. Where is your evidence CA was not affected?
The article you posted in the OP, which I actually read. California is not part of the Midwest or the East Coast. Still not sure? Just visit the CDC website.

2. The problem in this case is not illegals in general, but the illegal kids who have arrived in the last few months. Maybe none of them were sent to CA. Obama won't tell us where he dumped them.
Actually the numbers are public. California took in more children than any other state.
Unaccompanied Children Released to Sponsors By State Office of Refugee Resettlement Administration for Children and Families

By the way, the burden of proof is on you to support your claim that this virus is a result of the immigrant children. Now tell me where the evidence is that this virus originated from the immigrant children. Oh, that's right. There isn't any.

How many do you have living with you in your home?
What color shoes do you have? That question is just as relevant to this topic as yours.

Back on topic, it is clear that this virus has nothing to do with the immigrant children, for the reasons I listed that not a single person can refute.

It's a totally on point question. You want to put people at risk of infection by importing diseases people into their communities. Unless you are housing such people, then you are a hypocrite for thinking others should be exposed to them.
How about this: how clean are you? Do you wash your hands after using the restroom every time?
I think getting the flu is based more on hygiene and living conditions than anything else.
1. Where is your evidence CA was not affected?
The article you posted in the OP, which I actually read. California is not part of the Midwest or the East Coast. Still not sure? Just visit the CDC website.

2. The problem in this case is not illegals in general, but the illegal kids who have arrived in the last few months. Maybe none of them were sent to CA. Obama won't tell us where he dumped them.
Actually the numbers are public. California took in more children than any other state.
Unaccompanied Children Released to Sponsors By State Office of Refugee Resettlement Administration for Children and Families

By the way, the burden of proof is on you to support your claim that this virus is a result of the immigrant children. Now tell me where the evidence is that this virus originated from the immigrant children. Oh, that's right. There isn't any.

How many do you have living with you in your home?
What color shoes do you have? That question is just as relevant to this topic as yours.

Back on topic, it is clear that this virus has nothing to do with the immigrant children, for the reasons I listed that not a single person can refute.

It's a totally on point question. You want to put people at risk of infection by importing diseases people into their communities. Unless you are housing such people, then you are a hypocrite for thinking others should be exposed to them.
How about this: how clean are you? Do you wash your hands after using the restroom every time?
I think getting the flu is based more on hygiene and living conditions than anything else.

My personal hygiene is impeccable, and I got my flu shot over the weekend.

But I am not the one advocating for Open Borders and importation of infectious diseases into the U.S.
I don't know about this particular disease but Tuberculosis is / was up in some big gateway cities due to immigrants , think they were illegal . So , Tuberculosis is just an example of infected immigrants bringing disease to the USA .

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