Children are being held in cages, like animals

Illegals are dangerous. What do you recommend?
Families should be kept together in detention and isolated from the general population. Taking young children away from their parents who have not been convicted of anything is usually considered inhumane treatment. This sounds like another Trump fuck up in which he's now trying to justify by blame democrats in congress. What a piece work this guy is.
um, it's been going on a lot longer than Trump has been President. If you arrest a burglar you put their kids into foster care or a relatives care you do not keep the kids with their criminal parent.
It's been going on since the George Bush administration but it's been aggravated by Trump's zero tolerance policy. The people that are really effected by this are just pawns in the political struggle between Trump and Democrats in Congress.

Trump is blaming the inhumane treatment of families on Democrats in Congress that won't give him what he wants. Democrats will be feeding the media with the horrors occurring in the detention camps. And you can bet there with certainly be some serious problems with immigration officers trying to take care of hundreds of kids separated from their parents.
Time for the Dems to put their money where their mouth is............

Demand more room at inn............Demand more courts..........Demand more Border Enforcement officers for the protection of the immigrants.........

Well.................get busy...........
This isn't a Dem problem. This is a U.S. takeover problem; geo political takeover of central and south america - Google Search And we've been doing it for decades.
To someone who blamed the kids for coming.

They are brought to the border area by an adult and sent across alone to get a compassionate hold until a "sponsor" can be found. The adult later sneaks across, meets up with the child, and disappears.
They are brought by traffickers.
And then they are turned over to federal traffickers.
Who place them in our schools..which they pay to take them.

It's trafficking.
Traffickers do not force them to come here. Survival does. And what happened that it made it so impossible to survive in these countries; geo political takeover of central and south america - Google Search We made it impossible.
Ortega and the Sandinistas with the help of Cuba and the Soviet Union.

No one forced them to go to the US (according to you, their nemesis), and no one forced them to become a bloodthirsty, slaughterous gang.
Illegals are dangerous. What do you recommend?
Families should be kept together in detention and isolated from the general population. Taking young children away from their parents who have not been convicted of anything is usually considered inhumane treatment. This sounds like another Trump fuck up in which he's now trying to justify by blame democrats in congress. What a piece work this guy is.
um, it's been going on a lot longer than Trump has been President. If you arrest a burglar you put their kids into foster care or a relatives care you do not keep the kids with their criminal parent.
It's been going on since the George Bush administration but it's been aggravated by Trump's zero tolerance policy. The people that are really effected by this are just pawns in the political struggle between Trump and Democrats in Congress.

Trump is blaming the inhumane treatment of families on Democrats in Congress that won't give him what he wants. Democrats will be feeding the media with the horrors occurring in the detention camps. And you can bet there with certainly be some serious problems with immigration officers trying to take care of hundreds of kids separated from their parents.
Time for the Dems to put their money where their mouth is............

Demand more room at inn............Demand more courts..........Demand more Border Enforcement officers for the protection of the immigrants.........

Well.................get busy...........
This isn't a Dem problem. This is a U.S. takeover problem; geo political takeover of central and south america - Google Search And we've been doing it for decades.
Trump has asked for money for many of the things I just stated...........including more manpower...............

Put up or shut up. The career politicians haven't done jack.............

And this entire thread is a fraud.
They had a very good economy with Chavez as a Socialist country, until we planted the bomb to impose sanctions on that economy, to give the false impression that it was Socialism that caused these woes. After Chavez died and the sanctions continued as a punishment for having a Socialist government, Socialism took the blame, not the unwarranted sanctions by us.

But ha, don't let the truth get in your way of telling a story of horrible economic hardship on Venezuela by using Socialism as the scapegoat for the punishment of sanctions we placed on that country. Don't pay attention to the sanctions. Just pay attention to the evil Socialism that served the people there well for many years under Chavez.

They had a very good economy with Chavez as a Socialist country

I heard a valid argument that Socialist countries fail because we, the US, make them fail by sanctioning them.

You think that's a valid argument? What could we do, in the US, to make the country with the largest oil reserves on the planet, fail to the point where they can't buy toilet paper and millions of them flee to Colombia?
Talk to Russia. They are desperate for sanctions to be lifted.

Remember, you can't eat oil.

Talk to Russia.

Russia has a failed economy because.....sanctions? LOL!

Remember, you can't eat oil.

You can buy a lot of food by selling oil.
Unless you're a socialist. They're too fucking stupid to manage those trades, eh comrade?
You can't drill for a half a trillion dollars worth of oil in the North Kara sea to buy food with, when you are relying on Exxon to get that oil out of the bottom of the ocean. Oh wait, Obama placed sanctions on that operation.

This was never about "stupidity", when Obama placed sanctions on Russia for invading Ukraine and meddling in our election. This has evolved into a politically corrupt business venture to benefit Russia, Trump, and his butt boys. This is why we have a Trump/Russia scandal. It's been about the money from the beginning.
To someone who blamed the kids for coming.

They are brought to the border area by an adult and sent across alone to get a compassionate hold until a "sponsor" can be found. The adult later sneaks across, meets up with the child, and disappears.
They are brought by traffickers.
And then they are turned over to federal traffickers.
Who place them in our schools..which they pay to take them.

It's trafficking.
Traffickers do not force them to come here. Survival does. And what happened that it made it so impossible to survive in these countries; geo political takeover of central and south america - Google Search We made it impossible.
Ortega and the Sandinistas with the help of Cuba and the Soviet Union.

No one forced them to go to the US (according to you, their nemesis), and no one forced them to become a bloodthirsty, slaughterous gang.
We forced them into slaughtering gangs. That is the whole point of this link. What do you think this entire link is saying? geo political takeover of central and south america - Google Search" Answer; it is saying that we, (the U.S.), for decades, took over these countries, their economies, their politics, their resources, and their jobs. That is why there are so many gangs, and it is why tens of thousands migrate here out of desperation away from the gangs.
Venezuela seizes 60 firms

Venezuela has seized the assets of 60 oil service companies, paving the way for their nationalisation under a new law passed last week. The facilities seized on Friday included gas injection facilities owned by the US energy group Williams Companies, which are considered crucial for boosting oil output from the fields that produce Venezuela's most valuable crude. Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela, also sent troops to Ciudad Ojeda, an oil town on the shores of Lake Maracaibo, to seize oilfield service facilities including shipyards and hundreds of boats.

"We have started to nationalise all these activities connected to oil exploitation. This is a revolutionary offensive," Mr Chavez said from a confiscated boat sailing across the lake, according to Reuters. The move signals the president's willingness to expand government control over the industry, which produces 93 per cent of Venezuela's state revenues, as a short-term solution to the country's money woes. The nationalisation law, passed on Thursday, allows Caracas to pay for seized assets with government bonds.

The national oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), hurt by falling crude prices, stopped paying contractors for their services late last year and has been trying to negotiate much lower rates for drilling and well services, with the aim of cutting costs by 40 per cent. At the end of last year, PDVSA owed US$13.9 billion (Dh48.07bn) to suppliers, most of which remains unpaid. A number of contractors have responded by idling their rigs.

They seized the oil rigs and equipment..............Weren't good at production............and oil production plunged............

They couldn't pay their bills............and didn't pay for the equipment stolen.............
Families should be kept together in detention and isolated from the general population. Taking young children away from their parents who have not been convicted of anything is usually considered inhumane treatment. This sounds like another Trump fuck up in which he's now trying to justify by blame democrats in congress. What a piece work this guy is.
um, it's been going on a lot longer than Trump has been President. If you arrest a burglar you put their kids into foster care or a relatives care you do not keep the kids with their criminal parent.
It's been going on since the George Bush administration but it's been aggravated by Trump's zero tolerance policy. The people that are really effected by this are just pawns in the political struggle between Trump and Democrats in Congress.

Trump is blaming the inhumane treatment of families on Democrats in Congress that won't give him what he wants. Democrats will be feeding the media with the horrors occurring in the detention camps. And you can bet there with certainly be some serious problems with immigration officers trying to take care of hundreds of kids separated from their parents.
Time for the Dems to put their money where their mouth is............

Demand more room at inn............Demand more courts..........Demand more Border Enforcement officers for the protection of the immigrants.........

Well.................get busy...........
This isn't a Dem problem. This is a U.S. takeover problem; geo political takeover of central and south america - Google Search And we've been doing it for decades.
Trump has asked for money for many of the things I just stated...........including more manpower...............

Put up or shut up. The career politicians haven't done jack.............

And this entire thread is a fraud.
And what does that have to do with our Imperialistic takeover of these countries? We go over there to "THEIR" countries, drop a big takeover turd onto them, so we can cowardly blame the refugees for coming here. How friggin sick is that?
Children are being held in cages, like animals
First glimpse of immigrant children at holding facility

What have we become?

I can't answer that question Jessica - We have gone from being a welcoming compassionate country to one run by vindictive animals.

Hey, why not just dump off all these kids at Gitmo? Looks pretty similar.


Barry was a real asshole to house these kids like that eh?
Venezuela seizes 60 firms

Venezuela has seized the assets of 60 oil service companies, paving the way for their nationalisation under a new law passed last week. The facilities seized on Friday included gas injection facilities owned by the US energy group Williams Companies, which are considered crucial for boosting oil output from the fields that produce Venezuela's most valuable crude. Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela, also sent troops to Ciudad Ojeda, an oil town on the shores of Lake Maracaibo, to seize oilfield service facilities including shipyards and hundreds of boats.

"We have started to nationalise all these activities connected to oil exploitation. This is a revolutionary offensive," Mr Chavez said from a confiscated boat sailing across the lake, according to Reuters. The move signals the president's willingness to expand government control over the industry, which produces 93 per cent of Venezuela's state revenues, as a short-term solution to the country's money woes. The nationalisation law, passed on Thursday, allows Caracas to pay for seized assets with government bonds.

The national oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), hurt by falling crude prices, stopped paying contractors for their services late last year and has been trying to negotiate much lower rates for drilling and well services, with the aim of cutting costs by 40 per cent. At the end of last year, PDVSA owed US$13.9 billion (Dh48.07bn) to suppliers, most of which remains unpaid. A number of contractors have responded by idling their rigs.

They seized the oil rigs and equipment..............Weren't good at production............and oil production plunged............

They couldn't pay their bills............and didn't pay for the equipment stolen.............

And the result is..
Ex-Venezuela Oil Boss: PDVSA Is Collapsing |
um, it's been going on a lot longer than Trump has been President. If you arrest a burglar you put their kids into foster care or a relatives care you do not keep the kids with their criminal parent.
It's been going on since the George Bush administration but it's been aggravated by Trump's zero tolerance policy. The people that are really effected by this are just pawns in the political struggle between Trump and Democrats in Congress.

Trump is blaming the inhumane treatment of families on Democrats in Congress that won't give him what he wants. Democrats will be feeding the media with the horrors occurring in the detention camps. And you can bet there with certainly be some serious problems with immigration officers trying to take care of hundreds of kids separated from their parents.
Time for the Dems to put their money where their mouth is............

Demand more room at inn............Demand more courts..........Demand more Border Enforcement officers for the protection of the immigrants.........

Well.................get busy...........
This isn't a Dem problem. This is a U.S. takeover problem; geo political takeover of central and south america - Google Search And we've been doing it for decades.
Trump has asked for money for many of the things I just stated...........including more manpower...............

Put up or shut up. The career politicians haven't done jack.............

And this entire thread is a fraud.
And what does that have to do with our Imperialistic takeover of these countries? We go over there to "THEIR" countries, drop a big takeover turd onto them, so we can cowardly blame the refugees for coming here. How friggin sick is that?
You try to blame everything on us...........Had they paid their bills to the companies their production wouldn't have fallen........Had they not sold gas to their citizens for 15 cents a gallon they could have increased revenues..........

In regards to the United States...........we are not the only country in the world who buys oil................We are a major buyer...........but they still could have sold it.

They chose their path.............they chose to seize foreign oil company equipment..........STEAL...........they went postal on social programs.......then printed money to the moon and destroyed their country.................

They did that..............we didn't.
To someone who blamed the kids for coming.

They are brought to the border area by an adult and sent across alone to get a compassionate hold until a "sponsor" can be found. The adult later sneaks across, meets up with the child, and disappears.
They are brought by traffickers.
And then they are turned over to federal traffickers.
Who place them in our schools..which they pay to take them.

It's trafficking.
Traffickers do not force them to come here. Survival does. And what happened that it made it so impossible to survive in these countries; geo political takeover of central and south america - Google Search We made it impossible.
Ortega and the Sandinistas with the help of Cuba and the Soviet Union.

No one forced them to go to the US (according to you, their nemesis), and no one forced them to become a bloodthirsty, slaughterous gang.
We forced them into slaughtering gangs. That is the whole point of this link. What do you think this entire link is saying? geo political takeover of central and south america - Google Search" Answer; it is saying that we, (the U.S.), for decades, took over these countries, their economies, their politics, their resources, and their jobs. That is why there are so many gangs, and it is why tens of thousands migrate here out of desperation away from the gangs.
MS13 formed in LA. They were originally Sandinistas who tried a communist takeover and got their butts kicked. So they fled to the US to avoid the local death squads who were hunting them down in their native countries.
Venezuela seizes 60 firms

Venezuela has seized the assets of 60 oil service companies, paving the way for their nationalisation under a new law passed last week. The facilities seized on Friday included gas injection facilities owned by the US energy group Williams Companies, which are considered crucial for boosting oil output from the fields that produce Venezuela's most valuable crude. Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela, also sent troops to Ciudad Ojeda, an oil town on the shores of Lake Maracaibo, to seize oilfield service facilities including shipyards and hundreds of boats.

"We have started to nationalise all these activities connected to oil exploitation. This is a revolutionary offensive," Mr Chavez said from a confiscated boat sailing across the lake, according to Reuters. The move signals the president's willingness to expand government control over the industry, which produces 93 per cent of Venezuela's state revenues, as a short-term solution to the country's money woes. The nationalisation law, passed on Thursday, allows Caracas to pay for seized assets with government bonds.

The national oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), hurt by falling crude prices, stopped paying contractors for their services late last year and has been trying to negotiate much lower rates for drilling and well services, with the aim of cutting costs by 40 per cent. At the end of last year, PDVSA owed US$13.9 billion (Dh48.07bn) to suppliers, most of which remains unpaid. A number of contractors have responded by idling their rigs.

They seized the oil rigs and equipment..............Weren't good at production............and oil production plunged............

They couldn't pay their bills............and didn't pay for the equipment stolen.............

And the result is..
Ex-Venezuela Oil Boss: PDVSA Is Collapsing |
They got rid of the experts on drilling and wonder why they fell flat on their asses....................Stole equipment without enough knowledge to maintain production...........They are idiots.
Venezuela seizes 60 firms

Venezuela has seized the assets of 60 oil service companies, paving the way for their nationalisation under a new law passed last week. The facilities seized on Friday included gas injection facilities owned by the US energy group Williams Companies, which are considered crucial for boosting oil output from the fields that produce Venezuela's most valuable crude. Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela, also sent troops to Ciudad Ojeda, an oil town on the shores of Lake Maracaibo, to seize oilfield service facilities including shipyards and hundreds of boats.

"We have started to nationalise all these activities connected to oil exploitation. This is a revolutionary offensive," Mr Chavez said from a confiscated boat sailing across the lake, according to Reuters. The move signals the president's willingness to expand government control over the industry, which produces 93 per cent of Venezuela's state revenues, as a short-term solution to the country's money woes. The nationalisation law, passed on Thursday, allows Caracas to pay for seized assets with government bonds.

The national oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), hurt by falling crude prices, stopped paying contractors for their services late last year and has been trying to negotiate much lower rates for drilling and well services, with the aim of cutting costs by 40 per cent. At the end of last year, PDVSA owed US$13.9 billion (Dh48.07bn) to suppliers, most of which remains unpaid. A number of contractors have responded by idling their rigs.

They seized the oil rigs and equipment..............Weren't good at production............and oil production plunged............

They couldn't pay their bills............and didn't pay for the equipment stolen.............

And the result is..
Ex-Venezuela Oil Boss: PDVSA Is Collapsing |
They got rid of the experts on drilling and wonder why they fell flat on their asses....................Stole equipment without enough knowledge to maintain production...........They are idiots.
OIL rich Venezuela...has a gas shortage. Lol

Ain't Socialism grand?
Venezuela seizes 60 firms

Venezuela has seized the assets of 60 oil service companies, paving the way for their nationalisation under a new law passed last week. The facilities seized on Friday included gas injection facilities owned by the US energy group Williams Companies, which are considered crucial for boosting oil output from the fields that produce Venezuela's most valuable crude. Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela, also sent troops to Ciudad Ojeda, an oil town on the shores of Lake Maracaibo, to seize oilfield service facilities including shipyards and hundreds of boats.

"We have started to nationalise all these activities connected to oil exploitation. This is a revolutionary offensive," Mr Chavez said from a confiscated boat sailing across the lake, according to Reuters. The move signals the president's willingness to expand government control over the industry, which produces 93 per cent of Venezuela's state revenues, as a short-term solution to the country's money woes. The nationalisation law, passed on Thursday, allows Caracas to pay for seized assets with government bonds.
That's right. Thank you! And where was that oil revenue going? Take a wild guess? Too the people, where it was supposed to be going. But no, the U.S. wasn't having that. If you do a little bit of tiny research, that money kept the economy for a long time in good shape, "FOR THE PEOPLE". Was Chavez eccentric? Yes! But he took care of the people, until we intervened, because we weren't going to have Chavez overseeing a Socialist country that benefited the people.

Now, who do we blame for Venezuela's woes? Chavez! And yes, that's right. For a problem we created with the implementation of sanctions, and are still doing it; Four Effects of the Blockade Against Venezuela Why? Because they don't have the government we like.

The national oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), hurt by falling crude prices, stopped paying contractors for their services late last year and has been trying to negotiate much lower rates for drilling and well services, with the aim of cutting costs by 40 per cent. At the end of last year, PDVSA owed US$13.9 billion (Dh48.07bn) to suppliers, most of which remains unpaid. A number of contractors have responded by idling their rigs.
And why did the prices fall? Take another wild guess? Sanctions crippled the country, because Venezuela didn't play ball like the Imperialist country instructed them to do. Their oil was worthless because we placed blockades on Venezuela; Four Effects of the Blockade Against Venezuela

They seized the oil rigs and equipment..............Weren't good at production............and oil production plunged............
Oil production plunged because of our blockade.

They couldn't pay their bills............and didn't pay for the equipment stolen.............
Yea, and they can thank the U.S. for paralyzing their operation, while the equipment freezes up for non use.

I mean seriously, where do we get off by telling every Central and South American country what to do?
Venezuela seizes 60 firms

Venezuela has seized the assets of 60 oil service companies, paving the way for their nationalisation under a new law passed last week. The facilities seized on Friday included gas injection facilities owned by the US energy group Williams Companies, which are considered crucial for boosting oil output from the fields that produce Venezuela's most valuable crude. Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela, also sent troops to Ciudad Ojeda, an oil town on the shores of Lake Maracaibo, to seize oilfield service facilities including shipyards and hundreds of boats.

"We have started to nationalise all these activities connected to oil exploitation. This is a revolutionary offensive," Mr Chavez said from a confiscated boat sailing across the lake, according to Reuters. The move signals the president's willingness to expand government control over the industry, which produces 93 per cent of Venezuela's state revenues, as a short-term solution to the country's money woes. The nationalisation law, passed on Thursday, allows Caracas to pay for seized assets with government bonds.
That's right. Thank you! And where was that oil revenue going? Take a wild guess? Too the people, where it was supposed to be going. But no, the U.S. wasn't having that. If you do a little bit of tiny research, that money kept the economy for a long time in good shape, "FOR THE PEOPLE". Was Chavez eccentric? Yes! But he took care of the people, until we intervened, because we weren't going to have Chavez overseeing a Socialist country that benefited the people.

Now, who do we blame for Venezuela's woes? Chavez! And yes, that's right. For a problem we created with the implementation of sanctions, and are still doing it; Four Effects of the Blockade Against Venezuela Why? Because they don't have the government we like.

The national oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), hurt by falling crude prices, stopped paying contractors for their services late last year and has been trying to negotiate much lower rates for drilling and well services, with the aim of cutting costs by 40 per cent. At the end of last year, PDVSA owed US$13.9 billion (Dh48.07bn) to suppliers, most of which remains unpaid. A number of contractors have responded by idling their rigs.
And why did the prices fall? Take another wild guess? Sanctions crippled the country, because Venezuela didn't play ball like the Imperialist country instructed them to do. Their oil was worthless because we placed blockades on Venezuela; Four Effects of the Blockade Against Venezuela

They seized the oil rigs and equipment..............Weren't good at production............and oil production plunged............
Oil production plunged because of our blockade.

They couldn't pay their bills............and didn't pay for the equipment stolen.............
Yea, and they can thank the U.S. for paralyzing their operation, while the equipment freezes up for none use.

I mean seriously, where do we get off by telling every Central and South American country what to do?

You're clueless
Venezuela seizes 60 firms

Venezuela has seized the assets of 60 oil service companies, paving the way for their nationalisation under a new law passed last week. The facilities seized on Friday included gas injection facilities owned by the US energy group Williams Companies, which are considered crucial for boosting oil output from the fields that produce Venezuela's most valuable crude. Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela, also sent troops to Ciudad Ojeda, an oil town on the shores of Lake Maracaibo, to seize oilfield service facilities including shipyards and hundreds of boats.

"We have started to nationalise all these activities connected to oil exploitation. This is a revolutionary offensive," Mr Chavez said from a confiscated boat sailing across the lake, according to Reuters. The move signals the president's willingness to expand government control over the industry, which produces 93 per cent of Venezuela's state revenues, as a short-term solution to the country's money woes. The nationalisation law, passed on Thursday, allows Caracas to pay for seized assets with government bonds.
That's right. Thank you! And where was that oil revenue going? Take a wild guess? Too the people, where it was supposed to be going. But no, the U.S. wasn't having that. If you do a little bit of tiny research, that money kept the economy for a long time in good shape, "FOR THE PEOPLE". Was Chavez eccentric? Yes! But he took care of the people, until we intervened, because we weren't going to have Chavez overseeing a Socialist country that benefited the people.

Now, who do we blame for Venezuela's woes? Chavez! And yes, that's right. For a problem we created with the implementation of sanctions, and are still doing it; Four Effects of the Blockade Against Venezuela Why? Because they don't have the government we like.

The national oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), hurt by falling crude prices, stopped paying contractors for their services late last year and has been trying to negotiate much lower rates for drilling and well services, with the aim of cutting costs by 40 per cent. At the end of last year, PDVSA owed US$13.9 billion (Dh48.07bn) to suppliers, most of which remains unpaid. A number of contractors have responded by idling their rigs.
And why did the prices fall? Take another wild guess? Sanctions crippled the country, because Venezuela didn't play ball like the Imperialist country instructed them to do. Their oil was worthless because we placed blockades on Venezuela; Four Effects of the Blockade Against Venezuela

They seized the oil rigs and equipment..............Weren't good at production............and oil production plunged............
Oil production plunged because of our blockade.

They couldn't pay their bills............and didn't pay for the equipment stolen.............
Yea, and they can thank the U.S. for paralyzing their operation, while the equipment freezes up for none use.

I mean seriously, where do we get off by telling every Central and South American country what to do?

You're clueless
And you have no counter arguments. That's a good thing. Thanks!

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