Children are being held in cages, like animals

Venezuela seizes 60 firms

Venezuela has seized the assets of 60 oil service companies, paving the way for their nationalisation under a new law passed last week. The facilities seized on Friday included gas injection facilities owned by the US energy group Williams Companies, which are considered crucial for boosting oil output from the fields that produce Venezuela's most valuable crude. Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela, also sent troops to Ciudad Ojeda, an oil town on the shores of Lake Maracaibo, to seize oilfield service facilities including shipyards and hundreds of boats.

"We have started to nationalise all these activities connected to oil exploitation. This is a revolutionary offensive," Mr Chavez said from a confiscated boat sailing across the lake, according to Reuters. The move signals the president's willingness to expand government control over the industry, which produces 93 per cent of Venezuela's state revenues, as a short-term solution to the country's money woes. The nationalisation law, passed on Thursday, allows Caracas to pay for seized assets with government bonds.
That's right. Thank you! And where was that oil revenue going? Take a wild guess? Too the people, where it was supposed to be going. But no, the U.S. wasn't having that. If you do a little bit of tiny research, that money kept the economy for a long time in good shape, "FOR THE PEOPLE". Was Chavez eccentric? Yes! But he took care of the people, until we intervened, because we weren't going to have Chavez overseeing a Socialist country that benefited the people.

Now, who do we blame for Venezuela's woes? Chavez! And yes, that's right. For a problem we created with the implementation of sanctions, and are still doing it; Four Effects of the Blockade Against Venezuela Why? Because they don't have the government we like.

The national oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), hurt by falling crude prices, stopped paying contractors for their services late last year and has been trying to negotiate much lower rates for drilling and well services, with the aim of cutting costs by 40 per cent. At the end of last year, PDVSA owed US$13.9 billion (Dh48.07bn) to suppliers, most of which remains unpaid. A number of contractors have responded by idling their rigs.
And why did the prices fall? Take another wild guess? Sanctions crippled the country, because Venezuela didn't play ball like the Imperialist country instructed them to do. Their oil was worthless because we placed blockades on Venezuela; Four Effects of the Blockade Against Venezuela

They seized the oil rigs and equipment..............Weren't good at production............and oil production plunged............
Oil production plunged because of our blockade.

They couldn't pay their bills............and didn't pay for the equipment stolen.............
Yea, and they can thank the U.S. for paralyzing their operation, while the equipment freezes up for none use.

I mean seriously, where do we get off by telling every Central and South American country what to do?

You're clueless
And you have no counter arguments. That's a good thing. Thanks!

I deal in energy everyday in the markets. You're fucking clueless
Children are being held in cages, like animals
First glimpse of immigrant children at holding facility

What have we become?

Yet, trekking them across miles of rough country that’s some of the harshest on our blue marble, subjecting them to rape and murder is in your mind responsible parenting? Those kids are as safe in those cages getting the medical and nutritional care that their parents withheld from them by endangering the kids lives bringing them here in the first place. What have we become? Humanitarians.
Venezuela seizes 60 firms

Venezuela has seized the assets of 60 oil service companies, paving the way for their nationalisation under a new law passed last week. The facilities seized on Friday included gas injection facilities owned by the US energy group Williams Companies, which are considered crucial for boosting oil output from the fields that produce Venezuela's most valuable crude. Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela, also sent troops to Ciudad Ojeda, an oil town on the shores of Lake Maracaibo, to seize oilfield service facilities including shipyards and hundreds of boats.

"We have started to nationalise all these activities connected to oil exploitation. This is a revolutionary offensive," Mr Chavez said from a confiscated boat sailing across the lake, according to Reuters. The move signals the president's willingness to expand government control over the industry, which produces 93 per cent of Venezuela's state revenues, as a short-term solution to the country's money woes. The nationalisation law, passed on Thursday, allows Caracas to pay for seized assets with government bonds.
That's right. Thank you! And where was that oil revenue going? Take a wild guess? Too the people, where it was supposed to be going. But no, the U.S. wasn't having that. If you do a little bit of tiny research, that money kept the economy for a long time in good shape, "FOR THE PEOPLE". Was Chavez eccentric? Yes! But he took care of the people, until we intervened, because we weren't going to have Chavez overseeing a Socialist country that benefited the people.

Now, who do we blame for Venezuela's woes? Chavez! And yes, that's right. For a problem we created with the implementation of sanctions, and are still doing it; Four Effects of the Blockade Against Venezuela Why? Because they don't have the government we like.

The national oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), hurt by falling crude prices, stopped paying contractors for their services late last year and has been trying to negotiate much lower rates for drilling and well services, with the aim of cutting costs by 40 per cent. At the end of last year, PDVSA owed US$13.9 billion (Dh48.07bn) to suppliers, most of which remains unpaid. A number of contractors have responded by idling their rigs.
And why did the prices fall? Take another wild guess? Sanctions crippled the country, because Venezuela didn't play ball like the Imperialist country instructed them to do. Their oil was worthless because we placed blockades on Venezuela; Four Effects of the Blockade Against Venezuela

They seized the oil rigs and equipment..............Weren't good at production............and oil production plunged............
Oil production plunged because of our blockade.

They couldn't pay their bills............and didn't pay for the equipment stolen.............
Yea, and they can thank the U.S. for paralyzing their operation, while the equipment freezes up for none use.

I mean seriously, where do we get off by telling every Central and South American country what to do?

You're clueless
And you have no counter arguments. That's a good thing. Thanks!

I deal in energy everyday in the markets. You're fucking clueless
Do you deal in blockades and sanctions too?
Children are being held in cages, like animals
First glimpse of immigrant children at holding facility

What have we become?

I love seeing liberals make fools of themselves.

Are we having fun or what?
I am . As long as the Trump Sheep keep saying and debating nothing, it's all good.
Where is the op?

I just clicked on her name. It says she was viewing this thread 3 minutes ago. So why hasn't she posted?
Venezuela seizes 60 firms

Venezuela has seized the assets of 60 oil service companies, paving the way for their nationalisation under a new law passed last week. The facilities seized on Friday included gas injection facilities owned by the US energy group Williams Companies, which are considered crucial for boosting oil output from the fields that produce Venezuela's most valuable crude. Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela, also sent troops to Ciudad Ojeda, an oil town on the shores of Lake Maracaibo, to seize oilfield service facilities including shipyards and hundreds of boats.

"We have started to nationalise all these activities connected to oil exploitation. This is a revolutionary offensive," Mr Chavez said from a confiscated boat sailing across the lake, according to Reuters. The move signals the president's willingness to expand government control over the industry, which produces 93 per cent of Venezuela's state revenues, as a short-term solution to the country's money woes. The nationalisation law, passed on Thursday, allows Caracas to pay for seized assets with government bonds.
That's right. Thank you! And where was that oil revenue going? Take a wild guess? Too the people, where it was supposed to be going. But no, the U.S. wasn't having that. If you do a little bit of tiny research, that money kept the economy for a long time in good shape, "FOR THE PEOPLE". Was Chavez eccentric? Yes! But he took care of the people, until we intervened, because we weren't going to have Chavez overseeing a Socialist country that benefited the people.

Now, who do we blame for Venezuela's woes? Chavez! And yes, that's right. For a problem we created with the implementation of sanctions, and are still doing it; Four Effects of the Blockade Against Venezuela Why? Because they don't have the government we like.

The national oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), hurt by falling crude prices, stopped paying contractors for their services late last year and has been trying to negotiate much lower rates for drilling and well services, with the aim of cutting costs by 40 per cent. At the end of last year, PDVSA owed US$13.9 billion (Dh48.07bn) to suppliers, most of which remains unpaid. A number of contractors have responded by idling their rigs.
And why did the prices fall? Take another wild guess? Sanctions crippled the country, because Venezuela didn't play ball like the Imperialist country instructed them to do. Their oil was worthless because we placed blockades on Venezuela; Four Effects of the Blockade Against Venezuela

They seized the oil rigs and equipment..............Weren't good at production............and oil production plunged............
Oil production plunged because of our blockade.

They couldn't pay their bills............and didn't pay for the equipment stolen.............
Yea, and they can thank the U.S. for paralyzing their operation, while the equipment freezes up for non use.

I mean seriously, where do we get off by telling every Central and South American country what to do?

For the people..............Yeah that logic really worked out...............Almost giving away the gas........and all the other Free Stuff without the ability to pay the bills..............and by doing so losing massive oil revenues they needed to stay afloat and buy critical supplies like FOOD.............That's why they couldn't pay the oil companies and then their answer.........STEAL THE wasn't theirs...............They bit the hands that were making them money and now their production has taken a nose dive...................

No oil company is gonna go down their and get it going again with their history of stealing the equipment and not paying the bills........They have screwed themselves...........

Now the articles I'm reading say about 80% of the country wants a new leader..........but he owns the place now and refuses to leave and has the military..........That pure socialism turned into a Dictatorship............So it's almost to a point to a civil war to take him out...........And that is very possible when the population is starving..................

If he cared about his people..........he would step down..........have another the media back up.............offer to give back the stolen equipment and then get international support...........That will mean ending all the government freebies to get the loans.........and getting oil drilling professionals back into the country........and looking at the agro business to get food in the stores........and then exporting to get jobs going again.............

They are screwed right now............and the international community .......not just us aren't gonna bail them out with that man in power.

So ..............we are very possibly looking at a Civil War there now.
Venezuela seizes 60 firms

Venezuela has seized the assets of 60 oil service companies, paving the way for their nationalisation under a new law passed last week. The facilities seized on Friday included gas injection facilities owned by the US energy group Williams Companies, which are considered crucial for boosting oil output from the fields that produce Venezuela's most valuable crude. Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela, also sent troops to Ciudad Ojeda, an oil town on the shores of Lake Maracaibo, to seize oilfield service facilities including shipyards and hundreds of boats.

"We have started to nationalise all these activities connected to oil exploitation. This is a revolutionary offensive," Mr Chavez said from a confiscated boat sailing across the lake, according to Reuters. The move signals the president's willingness to expand government control over the industry, which produces 93 per cent of Venezuela's state revenues, as a short-term solution to the country's money woes. The nationalisation law, passed on Thursday, allows Caracas to pay for seized assets with government bonds.
That's right. Thank you! And where was that oil revenue going? Take a wild guess? Too the people, where it was supposed to be going. But no, the U.S. wasn't having that. If you do a little bit of tiny research, that money kept the economy for a long time in good shape, "FOR THE PEOPLE". Was Chavez eccentric? Yes! But he took care of the people, until we intervened, because we weren't going to have Chavez overseeing a Socialist country that benefited the people.

Now, who do we blame for Venezuela's woes? Chavez! And yes, that's right. For a problem we created with the implementation of sanctions, and are still doing it; Four Effects of the Blockade Against Venezuela Why? Because they don't have the government we like.

The national oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), hurt by falling crude prices, stopped paying contractors for their services late last year and has been trying to negotiate much lower rates for drilling and well services, with the aim of cutting costs by 40 per cent. At the end of last year, PDVSA owed US$13.9 billion (Dh48.07bn) to suppliers, most of which remains unpaid. A number of contractors have responded by idling their rigs.
And why did the prices fall? Take another wild guess? Sanctions crippled the country, because Venezuela didn't play ball like the Imperialist country instructed them to do. Their oil was worthless because we placed blockades on Venezuela; Four Effects of the Blockade Against Venezuela

They seized the oil rigs and equipment..............Weren't good at production............and oil production plunged............
Oil production plunged because of our blockade.

They couldn't pay their bills............and didn't pay for the equipment stolen.............
Yea, and they can thank the U.S. for paralyzing their operation, while the equipment freezes up for none use.

I mean seriously, where do we get off by telling every Central and South American country what to do?

You're clueless
And you have no counter arguments. That's a good thing. Thanks!

I deal in energy everyday in the markets. You're fucking clueless
Do you deal in blockades and sanctions too?

No I deal in cause and effect. Management capabilities, supply and demand, analyze companies and determine worth and potential profit/loss. Equipment, labor issues, production capability, cash holdings, liabilities, debt, etc, etc.

Venezuela's oil industry is in shambles for one reason....govermnent

You're fucking clueless
Children are being held in cages, like animals
First glimpse of immigrant children at holding facility

What have we become?

I love seeing liberals make fools of themselves.

Are we having fun or what?
I am . As long as the Trump Sheep keep saying and debating nothing, it's all good.
Where is the op?

I just clicked on her name. It says she was viewing this thread 3 minutes ago. So why hasn't she posted?
Who cares? She accomplished the mission. She pointed out what has really been going on since Reagan signed the Immigration reform ACT back in 1986. These folks have been in detention the whole time. The problem with this Act from the beginning was, it was used to create a smokescreen for the real problem that never got discussed; geo political takeover of central and south america - Google Search It created a piss bucket that Reagan created,as a result of the geo political takeover, and all presidents since Reagan have been drinking out of the same bucket.
Venezuela just had a rigged election. It’s one step closer to becoming a failed state.

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has presided over one of the most disastrous economic collapses in Latin America in recent memory. And due to a largely rigged election, he just got reelected in a landslide victory.

Despite a dysfunctional economy, widespread food and medicine shortages, and skyrocketing inflation on track to hit 13,000 percent this year, Maduro managed to secure close to 68 percent of the vote on Sunday.

He did it in part by banning two of the most popular opposition leaders, Leopoldo Lopez and Henrique Capriles, from running in the election — and by sort of implying that any Venezuelans who didn’t vote for him might lose their government food subsidies.

“Everyone who has this card must vote,” Maduro said at campaign rallies, referring to the IDs Venezuelans use to receive their subsidies. “I give and you give.”

Venezuelans were told to show those IDs at polling stations run by Maduro’s party, according to the New York Times. That’s a big deal because a majority of Venezuelans rely on government subsidies to buy basic groceries. Without those subsidies, many would go hungry.

A deeply fractured opposition also contributed to Maduro’s big win. Opposition parties were split between those who wanted to boycott what they saw as an illegitimate election and those who thought it was worth trying to rally behind a plausible challenger to Maduro at the polls.

Another Dictator is born from the ashes of Socialism.......
That's right. Thank you! And where was that oil revenue going? Take a wild guess? Too the people, where it was supposed to be going. But no, the U.S. wasn't having that. If you do a little bit of tiny research, that money kept the economy for a long time in good shape, "FOR THE PEOPLE". Was Chavez eccentric? Yes! But he took care of the people, until we intervened, because we weren't going to have Chavez overseeing a Socialist country that benefited the people.

Now, who do we blame for Venezuela's woes? Chavez! And yes, that's right. For a problem we created with the implementation of sanctions, and are still doing it; Four Effects of the Blockade Against Venezuela Why? Because they don't have the government we like.

And why did the prices fall? Take another wild guess? Sanctions crippled the country, because Venezuela didn't play ball like the Imperialist country instructed them to do. Their oil was worthless because we placed blockades on Venezuela; Four Effects of the Blockade Against Venezuela

Oil production plunged because of our blockade.

Yea, and they can thank the U.S. for paralyzing their operation, while the equipment freezes up for none use.

I mean seriously, where do we get off by telling every Central and South American country what to do?

You're clueless
And you have no counter arguments. That's a good thing. Thanks!

I deal in energy everyday in the markets. You're fucking clueless
Do you deal in blockades and sanctions too?

No I deal in cause and effect. Management capabilities, supply and demand, analyze companies and determine worth and potential profit/loss. Equipment, labor issues, production capability, cash holdings, liabilities, debt, etc, etc.

Venezuela's oil industry is in shambles for one reason....govermnent

You're fucking clueless
In other words, you are clueless as to the geo political shakeup that occurred as a result of our direct actions against Venezuela through blockades and sanctions, while your particular field of expertise, concerning this argument, is worth teats on a bo hog. Thanks! You are dismissed. We'll call you when we need you.
You're clueless
And you have no counter arguments. That's a good thing. Thanks!

I deal in energy everyday in the markets. You're fucking clueless
Do you deal in blockades and sanctions too?

No I deal in cause and effect. Management capabilities, supply and demand, analyze companies and determine worth and potential profit/loss. Equipment, labor issues, production capability, cash holdings, liabilities, debt, etc, etc.

Venezuela's oil industry is in shambles for one reason....govermnent

You're fucking clueless
In other words, you are clueless as to the geo political shakeup that occurred as a result of our direct actions against Venezuela through blockades and sanctions, while your particular field of expertise, concerning this argument, is worth teats on a bo hog. Thanks! You are dismissed. We'll call you when we need you.

Dude save your geo politics BS it doesn't apply to Venezuela. Venzuela is in deep shit for one reason....FAILED SOCIALISM. Nothing more nothing less.

Now stfu nobody is buying what you're selling
Venezuela just had a rigged election. It’s one step closer to becoming a failed state.

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has presided over one of the most disastrous economic collapses in Latin America in recent memory. And due to a largely rigged election, he just got reelected in a landslide victory.

Despite a dysfunctional economy, widespread food and medicine shortages, and skyrocketing inflation on track to hit 13,000 percent this year, Maduro managed to secure close to 68 percent of the vote on Sunday.

He did it in part by banning two of the most popular opposition leaders, Leopoldo Lopez and Henrique Capriles, from running in the election — and by sort of implying that any Venezuelans who didn’t vote for him might lose their government food subsidies.

“Everyone who has this card must vote,” Maduro said at campaign rallies, referring to the IDs Venezuelans use to receive their subsidies. “I give and you give.”

Venezuelans were told to show those IDs at polling stations run by Maduro’s party, according to the New York Times. That’s a big deal because a majority of Venezuelans rely on government subsidies to buy basic groceries. Without those subsidies, many would go hungry.

A deeply fractured opposition also contributed to Maduro’s big win. Opposition parties were split between those who wanted to boycott what they saw as an illegitimate election and those who thought it was worth trying to rally behind a plausible challenger to Maduro at the polls.

Another Dictator is born from the ashes of Socialism.......
Duh!!!!!!!!!! What do you expect? Are you folks this damn clueless? We sanction and blockade a country for years, take away their livelihood because we didn't like their Socialist government, Chavez dies, and their's a rigged election. Well cut off my legs and call me shorty.

Tell me, what does the U.S. charge as a commission to ruin a country like this on purpose?
And you have no counter arguments. That's a good thing. Thanks!

I deal in energy everyday in the markets. You're fucking clueless
Do you deal in blockades and sanctions too?

No I deal in cause and effect. Management capabilities, supply and demand, analyze companies and determine worth and potential profit/loss. Equipment, labor issues, production capability, cash holdings, liabilities, debt, etc, etc.

Venezuela's oil industry is in shambles for one reason....govermnent

You're fucking clueless
In other words, you are clueless as to the geo political shakeup that occurred as a result of our direct actions against Venezuela through blockades and sanctions, while your particular field of expertise, concerning this argument, is worth teats on a bo hog. Thanks! You are dismissed. We'll call you when we need you.

Dude save your geo politics BS it doesn't apply to Venezuela. Venzuela is in deep shit for one reason....FAILED SOCIALISM. Nothing more nothing less.

Now stfu nobody is buying what you're selling
It's not that they aren't buying it, lol. They can't debate it. Nor can you. If there was a debate to be had, you and others would have been on top of it like a buzzard to a gut pile.

This was their conditions under Obama...Not Trump........Suddenly you care OP>
To which, Obama went to Congress and asked for $4 billion to build more detention centers and hire more immigration judges and border patrol after some 52,000 kids crossed the border and pushed immigration beyond its limits.
I deal in energy everyday in the markets. You're fucking clueless
Do you deal in blockades and sanctions too?

No I deal in cause and effect. Management capabilities, supply and demand, analyze companies and determine worth and potential profit/loss. Equipment, labor issues, production capability, cash holdings, liabilities, debt, etc, etc.

Venezuela's oil industry is in shambles for one reason....govermnent

You're fucking clueless
In other words, you are clueless as to the geo political shakeup that occurred as a result of our direct actions against Venezuela through blockades and sanctions, while your particular field of expertise, concerning this argument, is worth teats on a bo hog. Thanks! You are dismissed. We'll call you when we need you.

Dude save your geo politics BS it doesn't apply to Venezuela. Venzuela is in deep shit for one reason....FAILED SOCIALISM. Nothing more nothing less.

Now stfu nobody is buying what you're selling
It's not that they aren't buying it, lol. They can't debate it. Nor can you. If there was a debate to be had, you and others would have been on top of it like a buzzard to a gut pile.
An honest debate would start off with "Look what Obama did to these children."
Venezuela seizes 60 firms

Venezuela has seized the assets of 60 oil service companies, paving the way for their nationalisation under a new law passed last week. The facilities seized on Friday included gas injection facilities owned by the US energy group Williams Companies, which are considered crucial for boosting oil output from the fields that produce Venezuela's most valuable crude. Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela, also sent troops to Ciudad Ojeda, an oil town on the shores of Lake Maracaibo, to seize oilfield service facilities including shipyards and hundreds of boats.

"We have started to nationalise all these activities connected to oil exploitation. This is a revolutionary offensive," Mr Chavez said from a confiscated boat sailing across the lake, according to Reuters. The move signals the president's willingness to expand government control over the industry, which produces 93 per cent of Venezuela's state revenues, as a short-term solution to the country's money woes. The nationalisation law, passed on Thursday, allows Caracas to pay for seized assets with government bonds.
That's right. Thank you! And where was that oil revenue going? Take a wild guess? Too the people, where it was supposed to be going. But no, the U.S. wasn't having that. If you do a little bit of tiny research, that money kept the economy for a long time in good shape, "FOR THE PEOPLE". Was Chavez eccentric? Yes! But he took care of the people, until we intervened, because we weren't going to have Chavez overseeing a Socialist country that benefited the people.

Now, who do we blame for Venezuela's woes? Chavez! And yes, that's right. For a problem we created with the implementation of sanctions, and are still doing it; Four Effects of the Blockade Against Venezuela Why? Because they don't have the government we like.

The national oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), hurt by falling crude prices, stopped paying contractors for their services late last year and has been trying to negotiate much lower rates for drilling and well services, with the aim of cutting costs by 40 per cent. At the end of last year, PDVSA owed US$13.9 billion (Dh48.07bn) to suppliers, most of which remains unpaid. A number of contractors have responded by idling their rigs.
And why did the prices fall? Take another wild guess? Sanctions crippled the country, because Venezuela didn't play ball like the Imperialist country instructed them to do. Their oil was worthless because we placed blockades on Venezuela; Four Effects of the Blockade Against Venezuela

They seized the oil rigs and equipment..............Weren't good at production............and oil production plunged............
Oil production plunged because of our blockade.

They couldn't pay their bills............and didn't pay for the equipment stolen.............
Yea, and they can thank the U.S. for paralyzing their operation, while the equipment freezes up for non use.

I mean seriously, where do we get off by telling every Central and South American country what to do?

Are you crazy?

Blockade? There is no blockade of Venezuela. They have no money, and we don't trade stuff to them, because they are broke. Why should I send products to Venezuela, when they haven't paid for anything I've already sent?

And oil product has not dropped because of a blockade. That's not even logical. If I have an oil well in my backyard (which one of my relatives does).... If China or anyone, was to "blockade the US" on anything.... how would that stop that oil well from pumping out oil?

You are starting to sound like a crazy person. Explain what you mean by that. How does a blockade even stop an oil well from producing oil?

And how is it, your lack of money, mean you are being blockaded?

If I who up at a Lexus dealership, when I have zero cash (which I don't have any money right now at all)..... and they refuse to give me a car when I'm broke.... that means Lexus is 'blockading me'? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??!
You're clueless
And you have no counter arguments. That's a good thing. Thanks!

I deal in energy everyday in the markets. You're fucking clueless
Do you deal in blockades and sanctions too?

No I deal in cause and effect. Management capabilities, supply and demand, analyze companies and determine worth and potential profit/loss. Equipment, labor issues, production capability, cash holdings, liabilities, debt, etc, etc.

Venezuela's oil industry is in shambles for one reason....govermnent

You're fucking clueless
In other words, you are clueless as to the geo political shakeup that occurred as a result of our direct actions against Venezuela through blockades and sanctions, while your particular field of expertise, concerning this argument, is worth teats on a bo hog. Thanks! You are dismissed. We'll call you when we need you.

No, you are just flat out ignorant, and wrong. The government is broke, and we don't give stuff to people who refuse to (or can't) pay for it. That is not a blockade. That's you being a blockhead.

By the way, oil production was falling during the decade leading up to them running out of cash. So how do you explain the dropping production during all the years when they could import whatever they wanted?

No, you are just a mindless idiot right now. You need to go learn something that isn't propaganda by the morons of your government.

Even if everything you said was true, Venezuela should be more than able to produce energy from their own sources, for their own citizens, without trading with the US at all.

The fact is, the Venezuelan economic system has wrecked the whole country. Venezuela used to be an exporter of food across latin America... now they are starving. Why would we blockade someone who is producing so much food, they can feed themselves and their neighbors? And how did that end up where now they are starving?

Your stupidity doesn't explain that. You need to grow up and look at the facts, instead of your propaganda and lies.
To someone who blamed the kids for coming.

They are brought to the border area by an adult and sent across alone to get a compassionate hold until a "sponsor" can be found. The adult later sneaks across, meets up with the child, and disappears.
Yea, so how come 1500 of them are missing, and their parents don't know where they are?

It really missing they as this article brings out, unreported. But don’t let the real story get in the way of your spin.

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