Children in poverty

Funny, you just reminded me of something I'd forgotten completely: How hard it is to pay attention in class when your stomach is making more noise than the teacher is.
As someone who grew up in poverty, I suggest people replace their occasional emotional reactions with a cold hard FEARLESS look at the actual causes of poverty.

I grew up poor. We had 6 kids in a 2 bedroom house. No hot water and a toilet that did not flush. I never once growing up think of us as poor. We had a roof over our head. Food in our belly and two parents that loved us. When you compared to what we had and the kids in Africa we had it good. We in America is all about entitlements . What we can get for free . I believe if you work hard you will get what you need and more.
The key phrase in your post is "two loving parents". Nearly 50% of the children living in poverty are in single parent homes. Their chance of dropping out of school is 150% greater than a child living in a two parent home. They are less likely to growup healthy and far more likely to be convinced of a crime.

If we want a better America, we going have to figure how to improve parenting. That is the key to our future.
The cost of the school free and reduced lunch and breakfast program for the nation is 9.8 billion dollars a year which is a bargain considering the results. We spend about 7 billion a month in Afghanistan, and IMHO accomplish a lot less. None the less, there are many from right would like to see the program abolished.

a bargain? and you forget to add the 4.5 billion over 4 years from michelle obamas prgm.

if this is a 'bargain' why are the indicators going in the opposite direction? I have posted it before, are you aware of the child hood obesity rate 40 years ago, and now? after the 9.8 billion a year which of course has been ratcheted up as those the number has creeped higher every year?

is your feeling really that since we spend money on iraq and afghan we should just throw away any benchmarks for effective spending and an effective prgm.?:eusa_eh:
I know little of Michelle Obama's childhood obesity program and I'm not that interested. However, I am interest in seeing that kids are adequately fed before attending class. From first hand experience, I can tell you hungry kids don't learn and create class disturbances. It's a waste of money trying to educate them. We spend from about $50 to $100 a day to educate a child. Spending a little over $2 a day to provide a meal to a low income kid is a bargain. We don't need free lunch programs but we need free lunches for kids that can't afford it, otherwise we just as well shut down schools in impoverished areas because the kids aren't going to learn a damn thing.

I agree 100%, HOWEVER, the whole notion of public education, is an antiquated , over managed system used as a pawn between the parties has had its day.

I see this as just part and parcel of the whole issue- this is not about the kids to coin the phrase I heard in waiting for superman, its about the adults and their 'territory' which introduces a sclerosis that puts an issue like this in lala land.

I have no issue feeding kids in school per se', I do have a problem with the management of a system where in we spend 10 billion a year as obesity rates, as this prgm. has gained funding and proliferated, rose from 7% to over 30%. I didn't tie to the 2 together, further as the breakfast lunch and now in some districts dinner prgms expand, this relieves those parents of even more responsibility its been my experience than when you remove responsibility for some, you get less of it.

these prgms go on auto pilot and they then suffer mission creep and here we are.
In today's economy, "working hard" is no longer enough. As seen in the video, "working hard" is frequently no longer an option.

Working hard is still working hard...women and children used to work hard in sweatshops for next to nothing. Stop pretending it's worse than it used to be.

It's not, it's much, much better. But people like you just want a completely free ride. You don't want to work at all..and you probably don't.
a bargain? and you forget to add the 4.5 billion over 4 years from michelle obamas prgm.

if this is a 'bargain' why are the indicators going in the opposite direction? I have posted it before, are you aware of the child hood obesity rate 40 years ago, and now? after the 9.8 billion a year which of course has been ratcheted up as those the number has creeped higher every year?

is your feeling really that since we spend money on iraq and afghan we should just throw away any benchmarks for effective spending and an effective prgm.?:eusa_eh:
I know little of Michelle Obama's childhood obesity program and I'm not that interested. However, I am interest in seeing that kids are adequately fed before attending class. From first hand experience, I can tell you hungry kids don't learn and create class disturbances. It's a waste of money trying to educate them. We spend from about $50 to $100 a day to educate a child. Spending a little over $2 a day to provide a meal to a low income kid is a bargain. We don't need free lunch programs but we need free lunches for kids that can't afford it, otherwise we just as well shut down schools in impoverished areas because the kids aren't going to learn a damn thing.

I agree 100%, HOWEVER, the whole notion of public education, is an antiquated , over managed system used as a pawn between the parties has had its day.

I see this as just part and parcel of the whole issue- this is not about the kids to coin the phrase I heard in waiting for superman, its about the adults and their 'territory' which introduces a sclerosis that puts an issue like this in lala land.

I have no issue feeding kids in school per se', I do have a problem with the management of a system where in we spend 10 billion a year as obesity rates, as this prgm. has gained funding and proliferated, rose from 7% to over 30%. I didn't tie to the 2 together, further as the breakfast lunch and now in some districts dinner prgms expand, this relieves those parents of even more responsibility its been my experience than when you remove responsibility for some, you get less of it.

these prgms go on auto pilot and they then suffer mission creep and here we are.
I hate to admit my age but I was in elementary school when the first free lunch program was introduced. It was both good and bad. Prior to the program, the poor kids who didn't have lunch money or a lunch just didn't eat. They could get a free lunch by telling cafeteria workers they didn't have any money. Damn few kids would do this and expose themselves to the ridicule from other kids. Most of these kids just skip school if they didn't have lunch money. No one really cared because they were considered the bad kids that were going drop out of school.

Then free lunches came along. Everybody got a free lunch and a lot of food was wasted. Then they started charging ten or fifteen cents for each lunch and that helped. Much later they started means testing where kids were classified by parent income as free, reduced or pay. Then we got back into kids being ridiculed because they were too poor to pay for their lunch. Then they set up an account for each kid. The parent deposited money into the account. Poorer kids were free or reduced. Poor kids didn't have to admit they didn't have any money. That was good. I would hate to see us go back to totally free lunches or a system where everyone had to pay or not eat.
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My Grandpa taught me how to hunt & gather as a child. I never went hungry. Pest control companies are as busy as ever. The cities are full of squirrels, rabbits, raccoons, opossums, dogs, cats, ground hogs, rats, birds, foxes, ducks, geese, snakes, etc. It is easy to set up snares & spears. There is dumpster diving, bartering & begging.

Kids today lack motivation. I would never go hungry or thirsty for long.

We have 47.2 million people on food-stamps, so how is anyone going hungry.
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As someone who grew up in poverty, I suggest people replace their occasional emotional reactions with a cold hard FEARLESS look at the actual causes of poverty.

I grew up poor. We had 6 kids in a 2 bedroom house. No hot water and a toilet that did not flush. I never once growing up think of us as poor. We had a roof over our head. Food in our belly and two parents that loved us. When you compared to what we had and the kids in Africa we had it good. We in America is all about entitlements . What we can get for free . I believe if you work hard you will get what you need and more.
The key phrase in your post is "two loving parents". Nearly 50% of the children living in poverty are in single parent homes. Their chance of dropping out of school is 150% greater than a child living in a two parent home. They are less likely to growup healthy and far more likely to be convinced of a crime.

If we want a better America, we going have to figure how to improve parenting. That is the key to our future.

It would probably help if our welfare system didn't make it economically advantageous for a woman to raise children in a home without her kid's father.
I grew up poor. We had 6 kids in a 2 bedroom house. No hot water and a toilet that did not flush. I never once growing up think of us as poor. We had a roof over our head. Food in our belly and two parents that loved us. When you compared to what we had and the kids in Africa we had it good. We in America is all about entitlements . What we can get for free . I believe if you work hard you will get what you need and more.
The key phrase in your post is "two loving parents". Nearly 50% of the children living in poverty are in single parent homes. Their chance of dropping out of school is 150% greater than a child living in a two parent home. They are less likely to growup healthy and far more likely to be convinced of a crime.

If we want a better America, we going have to figure how to improve parenting. That is the key to our future.

It would probably help if our welfare system didn't make it economically advantageous for a woman to raise children in a home without her kid's father.

There's nothing "noble" about a woman raising 5 kids, from 5 different fathers, where the fathers don't contribute, or the mother has no idea who the fathers even are......And it's the sense of entitlement that liberals have bred that cause these women to be so damn irresponsible in their lives.....It's like, "oh well fuck it. If I get pregnant, so what?.......the government will foot the bill, so, stick that MOFO up in me and fuck me till the cows come home.....I ain't worried about it!"
The key phrase in your post is "two loving parents". Nearly 50% of the children living in poverty are in single parent homes. Their chance of dropping out of school is 150% greater than a child living in a two parent home. They are less likely to growup healthy and far more likely to be convinced of a crime.

If we want a better America, we going have to figure how to improve parenting. That is the key to our future.

It would probably help if our welfare system didn't make it economically advantageous for a woman to raise children in a home without her kid's father.

There's nothing "noble" about a woman raising 5 kids, from 5 different fathers, where the fathers don't contribute, or the mother has no idea who the fathers even are......And it's the sense of entitlement that liberals have bred that cause these women to be so damn irresponsible in their lives.....It's like, "oh well fuck it. If I get pregnant, so what?.......the government will foot the bill, so, stick that MOFO up in me and fuck me till the cows come home.....I ain't worried about it!"

If you talk to these type of people you learn they consider the mothers as "Baby Mommas" They are not wives, fiancés or girlfriends. As long as it appears the father is unknown or absent these women cash in on the children from many government programs. The father remains anonymous to get out of paying child support.
It would probably help if our welfare system didn't make it economically advantageous for a woman to raise children in a home without her kid's father.

There's nothing "noble" about a woman raising 5 kids, from 5 different fathers, where the fathers don't contribute, or the mother has no idea who the fathers even are......And it's the sense of entitlement that liberals have bred that cause these women to be so damn irresponsible in their lives.....It's like, "oh well fuck it. If I get pregnant, so what?.......the government will foot the bill, so, stick that MOFO up in me and fuck me till the cows come home.....I ain't worried about it!"

If you talk to these type of people you learn they consider the mothers as "Baby Mommas" They are not wives, fiancés or girlfriends. As long as it appears the father is unknown or absent these women cash in on the children from many government programs. The father remains anonymous to get out of paying child support.
No doubt about it!
How can anyone see this and not worry about what things are coming down to in America today.

Hunger & Poverty In America - YouTube

a. Forty-three percent of all poor households actually own their own homes. The average home owned by persons classified as poor by the Census Bureau is a three-bedroom house with one-and-a-half baths, a garage, and a porch or patio.

b. Eighty percent of poor households have air conditioning. By contrast, in 1970, only 36 percent of the entire U.S. population enjoyed air conditioning.

c. Only 6 percent of poor households are overcrowded. More than two-thirds have more than two rooms per person.

d. The average poor American has more living space than the average individual living in Paris, London, Vienna, Athens, and other cities throughout Europe. (These comparisons are to the average citizens in foreign countries, not to those classified as poor.)

e. Nearly three-quarters of poor households own a car; 31 percent own two or more cars.

f. Ninety-seven percent of poor households have a color television; over half own two or more color televisions.

g. Seventy-eight percent have a VCR or DVD player; 62 percent have cable or satellite TV reception.

h. Eighty-nine percent own microwave ovens, more than half have a stereo, and more than a third have an automatic dishwasher.

i. As a group, America's poor are far from being chronically undernourished. The average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and, in most cases, is well above recommended norms. Poor children actually consume more meat than do higher-income children and have average protein intakes 100 percent above recommended levels. Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.How Poor Are America's Poor? Examining the "Plague" of Poverty in America

I used to be surprised at how gullible folks like you were...then I saw that Barack Obama had been elected.

You can go into the alley behind my house and pick up a TV or a computer and they work. You can't eat TVs and computers. Dumb ass. Oh fuck, and you use Heritage Foundation as a "source"? Jesus Christ. What is wrong with you people?
Real Christians recognize and try to help reduce poverty in America.

False Christians just ignore it and/or make sick jokes about it while trying to rationalize why it exists.
Or from living in areas without access to nutritious food.

Or where parents don't give a shit what their kids eat...
If the parents can only access oreos and mountain dew rather than fresh vegetables and fruits.

Ever hear of a food desert? Neighborhoods where there are no grocery stores, only corner bodegas?

Well, I when to the website that locates food deserts. You are right, they exist. I will say however, that they are mostly bogus. I have lived in three different states in my life. 12 different towns and 6 different Counties.

I pulled them all up. 2 of the EXACT locations where I had lived in the past 3 years were on there as 40% or more of the population has limited to no access to grocery. This is flat out a lie. Or simply made by lazy people. They don't have enough money to get to wal mart? but they can go down to the local gas station and get a MTN dew and some diabetes and all is good. This thing lied. I lived in these places and know from experience. maybe 10 miles. MAYBE. Hell, my grandfather lived about 9 miles out. you know what he had? I lived with him and i helped with it- a garden- so i CREATED my own food. right there on the back porch. poor as can be. the Sharp family consisted of: me, my brother, my father, my grandpa, grandma and a three bedroom 1 and 1/2 bath house. Now, I have married and moved to the wealthiest county in TN. (not that i am wealthy- it is where my wife's job has taken us) My rent is 1k/month + utilities. I am two years from graduating college. I worked for $10 mowing grass and things were tough. 1k/month is the cheapest rent around here. (actually $979)

I go to wal mart and get great value generic everything. I studied in the grass industry, thats right, grass- saved up 5k and started my own lawn care company which i run part time while also going to school. I also prepare a nutritious meal for my wife (Id love her to cook now and then - but frankly i am the better cook) I feel like my life is going pretty well. Now that my business has done well we are doing great. I worked very hard. i lived like no one else so that i can live like no one else. i'm 20 years old.

you can look up my zip code if you want more information on where I live for reference/


Brentwood, TN.

Moral of the story: work hard. Do something for yourself- then you will appreciate what it means to have something. to work for something. I ate nothing but rice and beans and drank water so that i could save up money to invest in something (my business) I know that i can now afford a coffee from Starbucks once a month. or a dinner at wherever. and you know what? its a choice that i made after paying my bills- to spend MY money that i sweat for all day on. and I'm proud to say I can enjoy it more because of that. Im proud to say i know how to budget. I'm proud to say I am not on welfare. Im proud to say that my dad now works in Bham Alabama and makes a great living. and that my brother does too. why are my brother and i such poster children? .....probably because my dad would whooop our butts if we didnt behave. but thats a topic for another time.

message for the bums out there not making it happen: GET A GRIP YOU FREAKING LOSERS!

this is the real bringing you the pansophical voice of sanity, this is the Sharp culture!

Sorry if this was either difficult to read or has spelling issues. I typed this on my phone as my jack russel chewed up my laptop charger. LOL :evil::evil::evil:
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Real Christians recognize and try to help reduce poverty in America.

False Christians just ignore it and/or make sick jokes about it while trying to rationalize why it exists.

Christian's and conservatives give more to charity then atheists and liberals
. The so called war on poverty has done nothing to reduce poverty- and indeed it can be argued has actually created a generational poverty via welfare programs.

What Christ said about the poor- do you understand what point he was making?

6Now when Jesus was in Bethany, at the home of Simon the leper, 7a woman came to Him with an alabaster vial of very costly perfume, and she poured it on His head as He reclined at the table. 8But the disciples were indignant when they saw this, and said, “Why this waste? 9“For this perfume might have been sold for a high price and the money given to the poor.” 10But Jesus, aware of this, said to them, “Why do you bother the woman? For she has done a good deed to Me. 11“For you always have the poor with you; but you do not always have Me. 12“For when she poured this perfume on My body, she did it to prepare Me for burial. 13“Truly I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be spoken of in memory of her.”
I grew up poor. We had 6 kids in a 2 bedroom house. No hot water and a toilet that did not flush. I never once growing up think of us as poor. We had a roof over our head. Food in our belly and two parents that loved us. When you compared to what we had and the kids in Africa we had it good. We in America is all about entitlements . What we can get for free . I believe if you work hard you will get what you need and more.
The key phrase in your post is "two loving parents". Nearly 50% of the children living in poverty are in single parent homes. Their chance of dropping out of school is 150% greater than a child living in a two parent home. They are less likely to growup healthy and far more likely to be convinced of a crime.

If we want a better America, we going have to figure how to improve parenting. That is the key to our future.

It would probably help if our welfare system didn't make it economically advantageous for a woman to raise children in a home without her kid's father.
And how do we do that?
It would probably help if our welfare system didn't make it economically advantageous for a woman to raise children in a home without her kid's father.

There's nothing "noble" about a woman raising 5 kids, from 5 different fathers, where the fathers don't contribute, or the mother has no idea who the fathers even are......And it's the sense of entitlement that liberals have bred that cause these women to be so damn irresponsible in their lives.....It's like, "oh well fuck it. If I get pregnant, so what?.......the government will foot the bill, so, stick that MOFO up in me and fuck me till the cows come home.....I ain't worried about it!"

If you talk to these type of people you learn they consider the mothers as "Baby Mommas" They are not wives, fiancés or girlfriends. As long as it appears the father is unknown or absent these women cash in on the children from many government programs. The father remains anonymous to get out of paying child support.
And one of the main reasons the state can't collect child support is there is little or no incentive for the mother to help. The child support just lowers the amount of the welfare payments or goes to the state. In some states the mother can keep $50 of what's collected.

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