Chilling Headlines

Jones still has his website, and he's not being muzzled.

However....................Facebook and YouTube are private companies, and if there is content that they disagree with, they are free to kick them off of their site. And, there is no requirement for them to carry him for free on their platform.

Now, if he had a contract and was paying them to carry his stuff, I might feel different.
You’re missing the point, the hypocrisy of the left is on full display here. They cannot tolerate anybody that disagrees with them...
They are all cowardly motherfuckers
Its more pro good taste than anti free speech.

Hence; as far as I know, all of the above can still say whatever they want whenever they want…companies are not obliged to broadcast their filth.
Seig Heil!
democrats uber alles!
Its always the loser in any debate that pulls the anti free speech at least we can take solace in the fact that the fascists are losing the debate....
Only people that are at the end of their rope resort to violence and silencing....
Thank God we'll still be able to examine the next terrorists or school shooters social media.
Its always the loser in any debate that pulls the anti free speech at least we can take solace in the fact that the fascists are losing the debate....
Only people that are at the end of their rope resort to violence and silencing....
Thank God we'll still be able to examine the next terrorists or school shooters social media.
Its more pro good taste than anti free speech.

Hence; as far as I know, all of the above can still say whatever they want whenever they want…companies are not obliged to broadcast their filth.
Seig Heil!
democrats uber alles!

Yet, the Nazis would shut-down, or at least regulate Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, and other "Silencers of Right-Wing speech"

Republicans don't believe that, they believe Youtube, Facebook, Instagram etc. deserve tax cuts, and looser regulations.

Just kind of proves Republicans get it all wrong.
Jones still has his website, and he's not being muzzled.

However....................Facebook and YouTube are private companies, and if there is content that they disagree with, they are free to kick them off of their site. And, there is no requirement for them to carry him for free on their platform.

Now, if he had a contract and was paying them to carry his stuff, I might feel different.
Facebookburning has gone full Fascist
Its always the loser in any debate that pulls the anti free speech at least we can take solace in the fact that the fascists are losing the debate....
Only people that are at the end of their rope resort to violence and silencing....
Thank God we'll still be able to examine the next terrorists or school shooters social media.
Really quite simple ...illustrates policy is not for the public's benefit ....otherwise the thousands of terrorist pages would be closed...
Its more pro good taste than anti free speech.

Hence; as far as I know, all of the above can still say whatever they want whenever they want…companies are not obliged to broadcast their filth.
Seig Heil!
democrats uber alles!

Yet, the Nazis would shut-down, or at least regulate Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, and other "Silencers of Right-Wing speech"

Republicans don't believe that, they believe Youtube, Facebook, Instagram etc. deserve tax cuts, and looser regulations.

Just kind of proves Republicans get it all wrong.

All wrong how? I love that our liberals can come on to usmb and start goose-stepping; it exposes them for the Nazis we always knew they were.
That’s not the point, the hypocrisy of progressives is so evident...
They can’t tolerate anybody that disagrees with them

I hate and can't tolerate CNN. I have no trouble with the treatment they receive from Trump and this administration. Have you posted against that? If not aren't you being hypocritical?

Now as I see this Alex Jones situation, I'd relate it to somebody wanting to stick a campaign sign in my front yard. Surely I'm going to ask questions and discriminate against those candidates or issues that I don't agree with.

Where I see the left being assholes is when they resort to violence or block public access to events which don't align with their agenda.
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The left is determined to nullify the constitutional rights of oll Americans opposed to their agenda.

The "left," whoever that might be, is doing nothing to "nullify" the rights of any Americans. They aren't even in power at the moment. These idiots have the right to speak on any forum that will have them without the government interfering, but the private sector has no obligation to give them a platform. Free-speech rights have to do only with government action.
Are You fucking stupid in the head?
That’s all progressives do is try to silence people they disagree with like the fucking cowards they are.

You are so ignorant. Why do you think that these private forums have an obligation to provide a forum for any asshole who wants to spew hate all over the place? Better that you ask why these assholes are doing it in the first place. They make me wonder just what sort of upbringing they had that they cannot even behave well in public. Weren't they ever taught anything?
Once again, it is NOT a first amendment issue, what it is, is giant corporations colluding to silence conservatives. There will be consequences.
America has no Right-Wing party, you both are Left-Wing Liberals
Your problem is you're stuck in European thinking.

Americans don't classify right and left the way Euro Progressives do

The classical definition is from France, and the classical definition is still used in Europe. (Overall)

The confusion seems to come from Americans (Particularly ethnic British Republicans) being painfully dumb, and ignorant.

Like Reagan the ethnic British Liberal, calling Communists as Liberalism.

That's hilarious, why are Brits so much more stupid than the rest of Whites from my experiences?
That’s not the point, the hypocrisy of progressives is so evident...
They can’t tolerate anybody that disagrees with them

I hate and can't tolerate CNN. I have no trouble with the treatment they receive from Trump and this administration. Have you posted against that? If not aren't you being hypocritical?

Now as I see this Alex Jones situation, I'd relate it to somebody wanting to stick a campaign sign in my front yard. Surely I'm going to ask questions and discriminate against those candidates or issues that I don't agree with.

Where I see the left being assholes is when they resort to violence or block public access to events which don't align with their agenda.

And occasionally get mowed down by a car....
Its more pro good taste than anti free speech.

Hence; as far as I know, all of the above can still say whatever they want whenever they want…companies are not obliged to broadcast their filth.
Seig Heil!
democrats uber alles!

Yet, the Nazis would shut-down, or at least regulate Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, and other "Silencers of Right-Wing speech"

Republicans don't believe that, they believe Youtube, Facebook, Instagram etc. deserve tax cuts, and looser regulations.

Just kind of proves Republicans get it all wrong.

All wrong how? I love that our liberals can come on to usmb and start goose-stepping; it exposes them for the Nazis we always knew they were.

You attack Nazis, Fascists etc.

But, they have real solutions to Capitalism, unlike bumbling, fumbling Republican yokels.

Fascists would regulate, or even shut down Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, Hollywood, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS etc. for being "Liberal promoters"

Republicans would give tax cuts, and loosen regulations to Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, Hollywood, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS etc. for being "Job producers"

Fascists would regulate the businesses which would hire Illegal Immigrants, and outsource jobs overseas. as "Anti-Nation values"

Republicans would give tax cuts to businesses which would hire illegal immigrants, and outsource jobs overseas as "Capitalist values"
Its more pro good taste than anti free speech.

Hence; as far as I know, all of the above can still say whatever they want whenever they want…companies are not obliged to broadcast their filth.
The left USED to always say, if you don't like it CHANGE THE CHANNEL
Useful hyperbole....LOL

Now you just can't tolerate opposing views

You must not have met the Democratic is nothing but opposing viewpoints.
You are so ignorant. Why do you think that these private forums have an obligation to provide a forum for any asshole who wants to spew hate all over the place?
You seem to think that only the left can define "hate."

Have you LOOKED at the threads you unhinged kooks post day after day after day?

They are a PUBLIC FORUM created for the free exchange of ideas. They are a monopoly and they have become, in effect, the town square. THEY, much more than one bakery among THOUSANDS, have an OBLIGATION to provide a platform for competing ideas.

I expect things to change in the his regard after Trump picks ONE to replace a leftist kook on the SC.
You are so ignorant. Why do you think that these private forums have an obligation to provide a forum for any asshole who wants to spew hate all over the place?
You seem to think that only the left can define "hate."

Have you LOOKED at the threads you unhinged kooks post day after day after day?

They are a PUBLIC FORUM created for the free exchange of ideas. They are a monopoly and they have become, in effect, the town square. THEY, much more than one bakery among THOUSANDS, have an OBLIGATION to provide a platform for competing ideas.

I expect things to change in the his regard after Trump picks ONE to replace a leftist kook on the SC.

Most of the threads on USMB are posted by right-wing nuts. There is no "monopoly" here. If you have a problem, you must take it up with the administrators. I must reiterate that no private entity has an obligation to provide a forum.

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