Chilling Headlines

Should Twitter be able to get rid of twitter bots?
Should Facebook be able to get rid of accounts that have no human presence?

Should rhinos get mad at the tick birds that hitch rides on their backs in Africa? When you're ready to return to the ACTUAL topic here (suppression of free speech in real people), let us know...

I was wondering if you called those things free speech too. When you’re ready to stop dodging let us know
I don't care if Alex Jones claims the moon is made of Swiss Cheese. He should have a right to express it.
Its more pro good taste than anti free speech.

Hence; as far as I know, all of the above can still say whatever they want whenever they want…companies are not obliged to broadcast their filth.

Yes.... the soviets said the exact same thing.... you can say anything you want to whoever you want in your isolated, 5 X 5 cell in Siberian Gulag... you have all the free speech you want.
Its more pro good taste than anti free speech.

Hence; as far as I know, all of the above can still say whatever they want whenever they want…companies are not obliged to broadcast their filth.
The left USED to always say, if you don't like it CHANGE THE CHANNEL

Now you just can't tolerate opposing views

No... that is what they said when they were trying to take control.... if you don't like what they were saying, you should change the channel......until we are in charge...once we are in charge you better not change our channel and if you say anything we don't like, you won't like what happens.....
What's most noticable here is BOT ONE on the left is the least bit concerned. In fact they ALL support this.

That may all change once Ginsburg or another kook leftist is replaced. Then, maybe, they'll understand the importance of the First Amendment.
I don't care if Alex Jones claims the moon is made of Swiss Cheese. He should have a right to express it.
And he does

Exactly. He's still got his website, and he's still spewing bullshit. If you absolutely need to listen to him, here's a link to his site that is still running strong.............

Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

No. He hasn't been silenced, nor has his free speech been taken away.

And, because Facebook is a private company, they have the right to decide who they will and won't allow on their platform. The only thing that has really changed is that Jones no longer has Facebook and YouTube carrying his content for free.

Besides...........I don't really think that many of you know what is actually written in the 1st. Here..............let me help you out..................

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

CONGRESS, not Facebook, YouTube or any other private entity is specifically mentioned in the 1st. Just the Congress, which means that the government can't tell you what you can and can't say. But, if a private company disagrees with you and decides not to carry your content, that is the private business making decisions based on how they want to be represented.

Facebook and YouTube banning Jones and refusing to carry his content, ISN'T an attack on free speech. The only way you would be able to say that Jones' 1st Amendment rights were being taken away is if Congress passed a law on what he could and couldn't say.

C'mon people...................try to get this crap right.
And, because Facebook is a private company, they have the right to decide who they will and won't allow on their platform.
And because Eastwood Terrace Apartments is a privately owned company, they have the right to decide who will and won't be able to live there.

And because McDonalds is a privately owned company, they have the right to decide who will and won't be able to purchase their fast food.

And because Bob's Bake Shop is a privately owned company, they have the right to decide who will and won't be able to purchase their donuts.

And because Fred's Auto Repair Shop is a privately owned company, they have the right to decide who will and won't be able to get their car repaired there.
But wait, there's more!


His website is up.

/fail thread
Besides...........I don't really think that many of you know what is actually written in the 1st. Here..............let me help you out..................

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

CONGRESS, not Facebook, YouTube or any other private entity is specifically mentioned in the 1st. Just the Congress
Pretty much everybody but you sees the hypocrisy in your little lecture.
Yes.... the soviets said the exact same thing.... you can say anything you want to whoever you want in your isolated, 5 X 5 cell in Siberian Gulag... you have all the free speech you want.
USMB's version of the Gulag is to shift speech they don't like into cobwebbed subforums. Done it to me quite a few times. Even when fitting the title & content into that dungeon was like trying to pound a square peg into a round hole. Just anything to keep it from views.
The classical definition is from France, and the classical definition is still used in Europe. (Overall)

The confusion seems to come from Americans (Particularly ethnic British Republicans) being painfully dumb, and ignorant.

Like Reagan the ethnic British Liberal, calling Communists as Liberalism.

That's hilarious, why are Brits so much more stupid than the rest of Whites from my experiences?

Damn dude, you doing meth up in NY, or what? Wtf?! You used to be ok.
USMB's version of the Gulag is to shift speech they don't like into cobwebbed subforums. Done it to me quite a few times. Even when fitting the title & content into that dungeon was like trying to pound a square peg into a round hole. Just anything to keep it from views.

Did you ever consider that maybe it was just poop?
the right is good with muting the media as long as they perceive it to be a left wing media....they only support the 1st adm when it comes to bigoted hate speech.....

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