China and Russia are in Syria, and Germany is leaving NATO...IS THIS WORLD WAR 111 BEGINNING

Something tells me that "The Common Sense Show" isn't. Just a feeling. :cool-45:
we should all leave nato, it's a fucking useless group that only pulls us into wars of their choosing.
Russia and China are in Syria to fight American trained and funded ISIS forces.
No they aren't. The biggest threat to Assad forces are groups not affiliated with ISIS. The US is not training or helping ISIS. That is a lie. The US is busy killing ISIS leaders and containing ISIS forces. The US weakness is that they don't want to create tens of thousands of civilian collateral damage while destroying IS. IS forces hide among the civilian population. The only way Russia can attack them will be to inflict those huge civilian casualties.
We will not know the cost in Russian troops killed because Putin passed a bill a few weeks ago making it a serious crime to report on Russian casualty numbers. Even mothers and wives can be imprisoned for reporting the deaths of their sons and husbands.
Russia and China are in Syria to fight American trained and funded ISIS forces.
Cool... just wait until ISIS starts it's terrorist campaign of bombings and killings inside China and Russia. I hope they enjoy that.
China Joining Russia In Syria While Germany Prepares to Leave NATO In Advance of World War III - Dave Hodges - The Common Sense Show Store food and water people, make sure you have a supply of the antibiotic Cipro in case of biological attack.

The biggest threat to U.S. security comes from our own wingnuts who try to convince us that anything that happens anywhere in the world is a threat to our national security - especially any action taken by Russia,

The U.S. caused massive instability in the Middle East - now the Russians are cleaning up the mess that we created. Good for them - I wish them the best. If Russia succeeds it will, if anything, increase U.S. security.

NATO's expansion into eastern Europe is a farce - one that was forced on us by wingnuts. NATO as an organization only has meaning if the American and western European people are willing to risk nuclear war to defend NATO territory. Neither the American or the Western European people will support the defense of the Baltic states or Ukraine.

Meanwhile wingnuts are desperately trying to convince us that Russia is an aggressor state, when in fact Russia has done noting to threaten the Baltic states. NATO has pushed it's front line 1000 miles east from Western Germany to the Baltic states depriving Russia of any military buffer. NATO has backed the overthrow of the freely elected government of Ukraine by an armed mob of neo-Nazis that immediately started to persecute ethnic Russians in the Ukraine. Russia has only supplied Ukrainian separatists with enough weapons to force a stalemate, when it was well within Russia's capability to invade Ukraine.

It's clear that the wingnuts are trying to force a confrontation with Russia in everyway they possibly can. They are playing nuclear chicken with all of our lives.The rest of us need to stand up to them.
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There still is no evidence of China making an appearance in Syria other than some nonsense put out by a blogger and continuously reprinted by the usual rw hacks using a stock photo of the carrier Liaoning in the China Sea and the USS Vincennes being misidentified as a Chinese navel vessel.
russia and china re going to lock down ISIS.

someone has to
Even if that is true, Putin will leave arms to make Syria something short of a superpower.
So? Imagine a Iran/Syria superpower state in the ME! Ah man that would be BEAUTIFUL!
Allowing Islamic's to have power would be the equivalent of giving power to Satan and would be disastrous not beautiful. Unless you want a world war or Islamic Caliphate.
russia and china re going to lock down ISIS.

someone has to
Even if that is true, Putin will leave arms to make Syria something short of a superpower.
So? Imagine a Iran/Syria superpower state in the ME! Ah man that would be BEAUTIFUL!
Allowing Islamic's to have power would be the equivalent of giving power to Satan and would be disastrous not beautiful. Unless you want a world war or Islamic Caliphate. people crack me up. A unified Iran/Syria conglomerate would make sure the Israhell/USA empire couldn't just toss its weight around in the ME any longer :)
russia and china re going to lock down ISIS.

someone has to
Even if that is true, Putin will leave arms to make Syria something short of a superpower.
So? Imagine a Iran/Syria superpower state in the ME! Ah man that would be BEAUTIFUL!
Allowing Islamic's to have power would be the equivalent of giving power to Satan and would be disastrous not beautiful. Unless you want a world war or Islamic Caliphate.

Apparently, the most realistic way to prevent the formation of such a satanic state would be to support the Assad regime.
russia and china re going to lock down ISIS.

someone has to
Even if that is true, Putin will leave arms to make Syria something short of a superpower.
So? Imagine a Iran/Syria superpower state in the ME! Ah man that would be BEAUTIFUL!
Allowing Islamic's to have power would be the equivalent of giving power to Satan and would be disastrous not beautiful. Unless you want a world war or Islamic Caliphate.

Apparently, the most realistic way to prevent the formation of such a satanic state would be to support the Assad regime.
satanic state

Well so much for anything intelligent
Russia and China are in Syria to fight American trained and funded ISIS forces.
Cool... just wait until ISIS starts it's terrorist campaign of bombings and killings inside China and Russia. I hope they enjoy that.
Lot harder to do in china since they arent importing them by the boatland and I bet the Intel agencies wont wait for something to happen to show up and say Yeah we knew about him like ours does
russia and china re going to lock down ISIS.

someone has to
Even if that is true, Putin will leave arms to make Syria something short of a superpower.
So? Imagine a Iran/Syria superpower state in the ME! Ah man that would be BEAUTIFUL!
Allowing Islamic's to have power would be the equivalent of giving power to Satan and would be disastrous not beautiful. Unless you want a world war or Islamic Caliphate.
equivalent of giving power to Satan

Yes Satan :uhoh3::tinfoil::itsok::cuckoo:

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