China Doubles Down On COVID Origins Conspiracy As Delta Wave Worsens


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

China Doubles Down On COVID Origins Conspiracy As Delta Wave Worsens​

6 Aug 2021
As Beijing struggles to suppress Chinaā€™s most broad-based COVID outbreak since the original wave that swept the globe in late 2019-early 2020, the CCPā€™s ministry of propaganda is ramping up efforts to spread a conspiracy theory blaming COVID on the US military, CNNreports.
As we have previously reported, the conspiracy theory alleges that the virus originated at a military lab at Fort Detrick in Maryland. While that might seem outlandish to most Americans, plenty of Chinese citizens are taking the reports at face value. In fact, the reports have elicited enough of an impassioned response from Chinese citizens that half a million of them signed a letter to the WHO demanding an investigation into Fort Detrick.
During a news conference, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian called for WHO to investigate both the Fort Detrick lab and a laboratory at the University of North Carolina led by US coronavirus expert Ralph Baric.
Spotting the tactics at play here isnā€™t difficult. Beijing is trying to turn the push for another probe into the virusā€™s potential origins inside the Wuhan Institute of Virology on its head, creating an inverted counter-narrative that accuses the aggressive Trump Administration of trying to tarnish Chinaā€™s global reputation via biological skullduggery.
And as with any effective conspiracy theory, it also contains a kernel of truth. Sen. Rand Paul has drawn attention to the NIHā€™s involvement in financing ā€˜gain of functionā€™ research at the WIV.
Meanwhile, Chinese health authorities reported a growing number of new cases on Friday. Officials counted 124 confirmed new coronavirus cases for Aug. 5, the highest daily count in the current outbreak, fueled by a spike in locally transmitted infections. Authorities have imposed travel restrictions, imposed mandatory testing for millions, and even locked down some residential compounds. Beijing, meanwhile, continues to blame the latest delta-driven outbreak on foreigners, claiming it originated with the crew of a flight into Nanjing from Russia. New cases have repeatedly been blamed on travelers or foreigners, even as China maintains tight restrictions on foreigners entering the country.

China cannot escape responsibility for the manipulation, creation and release of the SARs Covid-19virus. But the former the Obama administration cannot escape responsibility either.
Hereā€™s why....
Dr. Fauci et al were involvement in "Gain Of Function" research, which was eventually banned in the US. But He STILL wanted to continue the research. Therefore, he funded the continuation of the research in Wuhan with a grant given via the Peter Daszak and the Ecohealth Alliance.
Indeed, the virus DID escape the Wuhan Laboratory escape in China, but the origin of the lab modified virus and the 3.7 million dollar FUNDING for the continuation of the research came from the US Government.
The governments of the worldā€™s two superpowers unleashed this plague on us.
This is supported by the dates including a US patent application in 2015 for a ā€œvaccineā€ to combat a Novel Covid virus. The patent was rejected on the grounds that the mRNA ā€œvaccineā€ did not meet the criteria or definition of the word vaccine.
So the whole issue and the virus has been known in the US going back to 2009 when the gain of function experiments started.
The CCP through it's incompetence or planning allowed it to escape and be spread around the world, meanwhile multinational corporations made a killing as their smaller competition was forced to close.
Too many corporations and people benefited from this either intentionally or by taking advantage of the situation.

China Doubles Down On COVID Origins Conspiracy As Delta Wave Worsens​

6 Aug 2021
As Beijing struggles to suppress Chinaā€™s most broad-based COVID outbreak since the original wave that swept the globe in late 2019-early 2020, the CCPā€™s ministry of propaganda is ramping up efforts to spread a conspiracy theory blaming COVID on the US military, CNNreports.
As we have previously reported, the conspiracy theory alleges that the virus originated at a military lab at Fort Detrick in Maryland. While that might seem outlandish to most Americans, plenty of Chinese citizens are taking the reports at face value. In fact, the reports have elicited enough of an impassioned response from Chinese citizens that half a million of them signed a letter to the WHO demanding an investigation into Fort Detrick.
During a news conference, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian called for WHO to investigate both the Fort Detrick lab and a laboratory at the University of North Carolina led by US coronavirus expert Ralph Baric.
Spotting the tactics at play here isnā€™t difficult. Beijing is trying to turn the push for another probe into the virusā€™s potential origins inside the Wuhan Institute of Virology on its head, creating an inverted counter-narrative that accuses the aggressive Trump Administration of trying to tarnish Chinaā€™s global reputation via biological skullduggery.
And as with any effective conspiracy theory, it also contains a kernel of truth. Sen. Rand Paul has drawn attention to the NIHā€™s involvement in financing ā€˜gain of functionā€™ research at the WIV.
Meanwhile, Chinese health authorities reported a growing number of new cases on Friday. Officials counted 124 confirmed new coronavirus cases for Aug. 5, the highest daily count in the current outbreak, fueled by a spike in locally transmitted infections. Authorities have imposed travel restrictions, imposed mandatory testing for millions, and even locked down some residential compounds. Beijing, meanwhile, continues to blame the latest delta-driven outbreak on foreigners, claiming it originated with the crew of a flight into Nanjing from Russia. New cases have repeatedly been blamed on travelers or foreigners, even as China maintains tight restrictions on foreigners entering the country.

China cannot escape responsibility for the manipulation, creation and release of the SARs Covid-19virus. But the former the Obama administration cannot escape responsibility either.
Hereā€™s why....
Dr. Fauci et al were involvement in "Gain Of Function" research, which was eventually banned in the US. But He STILL wanted to continue the research. Therefore, he funded the continuation of the research in Wuhan with a grant given via the Peter Daszak and the Ecohealth Alliance.
Indeed, the virus DID escape the Wuhan Laboratory escape in China, but the origin of the lab modified virus and the 3.7 million dollar FUNDING for the continuation of the research came from the US Government.
The governments of the worldā€™s two superpowers unleashed this plague on us.
This is supported by the dates including a US patent application in 2015 for a ā€œvaccineā€ to combat a Novel Covid virus. The patent was rejected on the grounds that the mRNA ā€œvaccineā€ did not meet the criteria or definition of the word vaccine.
So the whole issue and the virus has been known in the US going back to 2009 when the gain of function experiments started.
The CCP through it's incompetence or planning allowed it to escape and be spread around the world, meanwhile multinational corporations made a killing as their smaller competition was forced to close.
Too many corporations and people benefited from this either intentionally or by taking advantage of the situation.

And the thing is, it'll work.

Because people accept what they're told. They don't have critical thinking skills, they just accept. Or if they don't they can't say anything anyway.

The Olympics is on, and the nationalism was ramped up. Quite funny that they attack Reuters for posting an unflattering photo of a weightlifter (as if there are flattering pictures of weightlifters) then interviews their own shot putter and asked her when she'd become more womanly so she'd be able to get married. No one was outraged at the latter, because it was from CCTV.
China intentionally spread the virus all around the world. China is a rogue nation and any country or corporation that defends them are just as guilty.

No, it didn't. You'd have to be ridiculous to think it did.

People who will just make something up because it fits so nicely with their bullshit narrative.
China intentionally spread the virus all around the world. China is a rogue nation and any country or corporation that defends them are just as guilty.
In New York and Connecticut, Rabbis were the vectors that started the so-called Fauci Flu epidemic. :dunno:
In New York and Connecticut, Rabbis were the vectors that started the so-called Fauci Flu epidemic. :dunno:
The political preferences of Jews doesn't make much sense. They seem to prefer the party that hates them. Then again, maybe there are just a small number of crooked Jews making policy for everyone, much like the US government.

China Doubles Down On COVID Origins Conspiracy As Delta Wave Worsens​

6 Aug 2021
As Beijing struggles to suppress Chinaā€™s most broad-based COVID outbreak since the original wave that swept the globe in late 2019-early 2020, the CCPā€™s ministry of propaganda is ramping up efforts to spread a conspiracy theory blaming COVID on the US military, CNNreports.
As we have previously reported, the conspiracy theory alleges that the virus originated at a military lab at Fort Detrick in Maryland. While that might seem outlandish to most Americans, plenty of Chinese citizens are taking the reports at face value. In fact, the reports have elicited enough of an impassioned response from Chinese citizens that half a million of them signed a letter to the WHO demanding an investigation into Fort Detrick.
During a news conference, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian called for WHO to investigate both the Fort Detrick lab and a laboratory at the University of North Carolina led by US coronavirus expert Ralph Baric.
Spotting the tactics at play here isnā€™t difficult. Beijing is trying to turn the push for another probe into the virusā€™s potential origins inside the Wuhan Institute of Virology on its head, creating an inverted counter-narrative that accuses the aggressive Trump Administration of trying to tarnish Chinaā€™s global reputation via biological skullduggery.
And as with any effective conspiracy theory, it also contains a kernel of truth. Sen. Rand Paul has drawn attention to the NIHā€™s involvement in financing ā€˜gain of functionā€™ research at the WIV.
Meanwhile, Chinese health authorities reported a growing number of new cases on Friday. Officials counted 124 confirmed new coronavirus cases for Aug. 5, the highest daily count in the current outbreak, fueled by a spike in locally transmitted infections. Authorities have imposed travel restrictions, imposed mandatory testing for millions, and even locked down some residential compounds. Beijing, meanwhile, continues to blame the latest delta-driven outbreak on foreigners, claiming it originated with the crew of a flight into Nanjing from Russia. New cases have repeatedly been blamed on travelers or foreigners, even as China maintains tight restrictions on foreigners entering the country.

China cannot escape responsibility for the manipulation, creation and release of the SARs Covid-19virus. But the former the Obama administration cannot escape responsibility either.
Hereā€™s why....
Dr. Fauci et al were involvement in "Gain Of Function" research, which was eventually banned in the US. But He STILL wanted to continue the research. Therefore, he funded the continuation of the research in Wuhan with a grant given via the Peter Daszak and the Ecohealth Alliance.
Indeed, the virus DID escape the Wuhan Laboratory escape in China, but the origin of the lab modified virus and the 3.7 million dollar FUNDING for the continuation of the research came from the US Government.
The governments of the worldā€™s two superpowers unleashed this plague on us.
This is supported by the dates including a US patent application in 2015 for a ā€œvaccineā€ to combat a Novel Covid virus. The patent was rejected on the grounds that the mRNA ā€œvaccineā€ did not meet the criteria or definition of the word vaccine.
So the whole issue and the virus has been known in the US going back to 2009 when the gain of function experiments started.
The CCP through it's incompetence or planning allowed it to escape and be spread around the world, meanwhile multinational corporations made a killing as their smaller competition was forced to close.
Too many corporations and people benefited from this either intentionally or by taking advantage of the situation.
How do you know it's conspiracy?
No, it didn't. You'd have to be ridiculous to think it did.

People who will just make something up because it fits so nicely with their bullshit narrative.
Xi locked down all internal travel from Wuhan, while continuing to allow international flights out of the city....This is established fact.

That is, at the very least, gross borderline criminal negligence.....But this is the PLA and CCP we're talking about here....Little doubt at all that they did that on purpose.

U.S. virus research laboratories have become functioning subsidiaries of Chinaā€™s biowarfare program.

Chinaā€™s massive biowarfare program operates at three levels.
There is a core secret military level composed of military research centers and hospitals.
The second level includes all universities and ā€œcivilianā€ research centers, like the Wuhan Institute of Virology, because in China there is no difference between military and civilian research.
The fusion of civilian and military research was mandated by the Chinese Communist Partyā€™s (CCP) Thirteenth Five Year Plan in 2016.
That second level allows the core secret military level to access knowledge and skills from the third level of Chinaā€™s biowarfare program, international universities and research centers, particularly those in the U.S.
The organization of Chinaā€™s flavivirus biowarfare program illustrates the fusion of military and civilian research and its links to U.S. personnel and resources as shown in the following images.
Level 1 ā€“ Core, secret military bioweapons program.
Level 2 ā€“ Chinese universities and civilian research centers.
Level 3 ā€“ CCP and PLA scientists in the U.S. conducting ongoing research with colleagues in the Peopleā€™s Republic of China.

During the Obama and now under the Bai Dung administrations the U.S. government funneled $129 million and the Pentagon funneled $29 million to Daszak EcoHealth Alliance group that funded coronavirus research in Wuhan. The U.S. is run by criminals. Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Communists helped create the Covid situation to promote cheating the 2020 election by mail, to get themselves in the position to further their Green and Climate change aspirations, push poison that has been marketed as vaccine down the throats of the peasants, in a word - to prime America for the 'Great Reset'.
There is no doubt in the minds of many Americans that the Bai Dung Crime Family is clearly complicit in criminal activities. Our fearless Dr. Fauci falls into both categories.
On 20 Jan 2021, it was Hua Chunying who first accused Ft. Detrick, though Detrick has already studied venom of the Chinese krait, Bungarus, and chloroquineā€™s effect on that venom in 1980.

Hua Chunying ā€Chinaā€™s Giftā€
So the military now in Australian streets is not monkeying around.

1.) Fau Chiā€™s opposite number at Wuhan, Zheng-li Shi, studied WSSV in crayfish 2006.

2.) The 2016 WSSV outbreak, a highly lethal shrimp virus, jumped into wild prawns and small crabs south of Brisbane, Australia, Logan River region.

3.) Seafood Market SARS-CoV-2 ā€œPatient Zeroā€ was a shrimp seller.
29 Mar 2020 ā€œPatient Zeroā€

China Doubles Down On COVID Origins Conspiracy As Delta Wave Worsens​

6 Aug 2021
As Beijing struggles to suppress Chinaā€™s most broad-based COVID outbreak since the original wave that swept the globe in late 2019-early 2020, the CCPā€™s ministry of propaganda is ramping up efforts to spread a conspiracy theory blaming COVID on the US military, CNNreports.
As we have previously reported, the conspiracy theory alleges that the virus originated at a military lab at Fort Detrick in Maryland. While that might seem outlandish to most Americans, plenty of Chinese citizens are taking the reports at face value. In fact, the reports have elicited enough of an impassioned response from Chinese citizens that half a million of them signed a letter to the WHO demanding an investigation into Fort Detrick.
During a news conference, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian called for WHO to investigate both the Fort Detrick lab and a laboratory at the University of North Carolina led by US coronavirus expert Ralph Baric.
Spotting the tactics at play here isnā€™t difficult. Beijing is trying to turn the push for another probe into the virusā€™s potential origins inside the Wuhan Institute of Virology on its head, creating an inverted counter-narrative that accuses the aggressive Trump Administration of trying to tarnish Chinaā€™s global reputation via biological skullduggery.
And as with any effective conspiracy theory, it also contains a kernel of truth. Sen. Rand Paul has drawn attention to the NIHā€™s involvement in financing ā€˜gain of functionā€™ research at the WIV.
Meanwhile, Chinese health authorities reported a growing number of new cases on Friday. Officials counted 124 confirmed new coronavirus cases for Aug. 5, the highest daily count in the current outbreak, fueled by a spike in locally transmitted infections. Authorities have imposed travel restrictions, imposed mandatory testing for millions, and even locked down some residential compounds. Beijing, meanwhile, continues to blame the latest delta-driven outbreak on foreigners, claiming it originated with the crew of a flight into Nanjing from Russia. New cases have repeatedly been blamed on travelers or foreigners, even as China maintains tight restrictions on foreigners entering the country.

China cannot escape responsibility for the manipulation, creation and release of the SARs Covid-19virus. But the former the Obama administration cannot escape responsibility either.
Hereā€™s why....
Dr. Fauci et al were involvement in "Gain Of Function" research, which was eventually banned in the US. But He STILL wanted to continue the research. Therefore, he funded the continuation of the research in Wuhan with a grant given via the Peter Daszak and the Ecohealth Alliance.
Indeed, the virus DID escape the Wuhan Laboratory escape in China, but the origin of the lab modified virus and the 3.7 million dollar FUNDING for the continuation of the research came from the US Government.
The governments of the worldā€™s two superpowers unleashed this plague on us.
This is supported by the dates including a US patent application in 2015 for a ā€œvaccineā€ to combat a Novel Covid virus. The patent was rejected on the grounds that the mRNA ā€œvaccineā€ did not meet the criteria or definition of the word vaccine.
So the whole issue and the virus has been known in the US going back to 2009 when the gain of function experiments started.
The CCP through it's incompetence or planning allowed it to escape and be spread around the world, meanwhile multinational corporations made a killing as their smaller competition was forced to close.
Too many corporations and people benefited from this either intentionally or by taking advantage of the situation.
Hmmmm, I hope we didn't screw up by outsourcing virus studies that might have included "gain of function" out into the world. Please don't let that be the case America.

I hope China is just deflecting or lying about it, but it appears that this Fauci is being accused here of funding (through the NIH), this lab in China, and now here we are wondering what the heck is going on anymore ??? Well if we screwed up, then I'm sure that we'll hear about it sooner or later.

Where China may have screwed up was excepting the funding if that is what happened. Hopefully we had nothing to do with the lab in Wuhan or even worse anything to do with "gain of function" through any sort of funding or anything like that in that lab.

Let's hope that China is touting a conspiracy theory for sure. Good grief.
You expect the lowlife Communist Chinese to do these kind of sick experiments but you wouldn't think the US, through Fauci's group, would fund such an evil endeavor. The US definitely played a part in funding these evil experiments. Of course, now that China has let the virus loose on the world, the US is having second thoughts about their part in funding such evil bullshit. And you might as well forget about our intelligence experts finding anything because they don't want to find anything.
No, it didn't. You'd have to be ridiculous to think it did.

People who will just make something up because it fits so nicely with their bullshit narrative.
China Government did very little to notify the World about the dangerous virus that was spreading in their country and in fact they even arrested Doctorā€™s who were on the internet telling the World about the virus before China Government came clean to the WHO.

Now tell me I am making this up and defend China Government for their failure because they did very little to stop the spread of the virus and it is clear they will lie about their numbers to make sure the World believe they are better than the rest of us when they have failed so miserably!
You expect the lowlife Communist Chinese to do these kind of sick experiments but you wouldn't think the US, through Fauci's group, would fund such an evil endeavor. The US definitely played a part in funding these evil experiments. Of course, now that China has let the virus loose on the world, the US is having second thoughts about their part in funding such evil bullshit. And you might as well forget about our intelligence experts finding anything because they don't want to find anything.
The U.S. has for decades experimented on the World and even it own Citizens, so anyone that think our own Country is above this, well then you are foolish!
China Government did very little to notify the World about the dangerous virus that was spreading in their country and in fact they even arrested Doctorā€™s who were on the internet telling the World about the virus before China Government came clean to the WHO.

Now tell me I am making this up and defend China Government for their failure because they did very little to stop the spread of the virus and it is clear they will lie about their numbers to make sure the World believe they are better than the rest of us when they have failed so miserably!
The problem with what you are doing is you're saying "oh, China did this, therefore everything China did must have been bad, and nothing can be anyone else's fault"

I mean, that's ridiculous.

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