China & Europe worried tax cuts will cause a giant sucking sound...

The jobs won't come back.

Why in the world would the corporations give up cheaper labor in favor of more expensive American labor?
I work for a big software consulting firm, and they are trying to reduce their reliance on offshoring and hire more consultants here in the US. Offshore consultants are cheaper, but the quality is lower, and it's difficult to get things done in a timely fashion.
I've spent years trying to get through tech issues with a fucking India guy claiming his name is Bob yet speaks so shitty english he may as well be from fucking pluto. The quality of these people is pathetic and most of the time we have to use our own internal guys to find the solution and tell the idiot in India what code to send to solve the problem. Jobs coming back, what a concept.
On my latest project I was assigned the task of fixing all the stuff that the offshore guys couldn't get working.
Because they don't actually do anything. The entire country of India is on a phone and flipping through pages in a book to help you. That's all those fucking people do. They try to sell you on they are experts but they just take what you told them and flip to the next page, paragraph or bullet point in their book. Then they repeat over and over the same stupid shit you've already gone through in what some may consider english. India doesn't exist because their good at anything. They exist because we have sent our lowest level jobs over there and promoted them as if they actually know what the fuck is going on. They don't.
The top 5% of the country in gross income is going to have a tax increase. The truly wealthy have little or no taxable income. Last I heard and this was about two or three years ago Bezos paid himself something like $30K as cash income. Most of what goods and services he gets are bennies for running the Bezos foundation that he owns and controls. The wealthy and the high income are not known for a great deal of overlap. I doubt that even 240 of our roughly 300 billionaires will see any income tax increase. The people making more than $100,000 per year tend to pay huge amounts of SALT and other than bragging rights are sucking hind teat in purchasing power to people doing comparable jobs in low SALT states.

The post Office and other parts of the bureaucracy of 40-50 years ago had separate pay scales based on location so this is a long standing problem. The reason for this problem is that the high SALT states have a higher tax contribution to pay off directly or indirectly at each and every stage of the supply chain. A huge number of resumes representing high paid professions in the high SALT states will therefore go out 2/2/18. Also a huge number of new facilities will be built in the low SALT states and that has already started. This will get ugly fast.
... as trillions of dollars leave for America.

"Indeed, China is in what could be described as a minor panic over U.S. tax reform. Why? China's high taxes, extreme regulations, high debt and shaky currency make it vulnerable to the $1.5 trillion tax cut that President Trump and congressional Republicans are about to unleash.

Specifically, China fears that hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars of accumulated trade surpluses will flee the Middle Kingdom's shores to return to the U.S. to be reinvested here as the American economy takes off."

China And Europe See What U.S. Critics Don't: A U.S. Tax-Cut Boom Is Coming | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Why Europe is worried about Donald Trump’s tax bill

US tax reform breaks global rules, EU says | Business | DW | 19.12.2017

How much are China's taxes?

Extreme regulation has existed in China for a while. Moving money out of the country has been a worry for the Chinese govt for a long time. They put a 100% tax on soccer players moving to China in order to stop money leaving China. This had NOTHING to do with Trump's tax cut.

High debt? How much is China's debt compared to the US's debt?

How "shaky" is China's currency? I'd say it's much more stable than the US dollar.
The jobs won't come back.

Why in the world would the corporations give up cheaper labor in favor of more expensive American labor?

You won't read the links will you, so instead of learning something and have a meaningful conversation, you just post opinions from your ass why?
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... as trillions of dollars leave for America.

"Indeed, China is in what could be described as a minor panic over U.S. tax reform. Why? China's high taxes, extreme regulations, high debt and shaky currency make it vulnerable to the $1.5 trillion tax cut that President Trump and congressional Republicans are about to unleash.

Specifically, China fears that hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars of accumulated trade surpluses will flee the Middle Kingdom's shores to return to the U.S. to be reinvested here as the American economy takes off."

China And Europe See What U.S. Critics Don't: A U.S. Tax-Cut Boom Is Coming | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Why Europe is worried about Donald Trump’s tax bill

US tax reform breaks global rules, EU says | Business | DW | 19.12.2017

How much are China's taxes?

Extreme regulation has existed in China for a while. Moving money out of the country has been a worry for the Chinese govt for a long time. They put a 100% tax on soccer players moving to China in order to stop money leaving China. This had NOTHING to do with Trump's tax cut.

High debt? How much is China's debt compared to the US's debt?

How "shaky" is China's currency? I'd say it's much more stable than the US dollar.

Read the damn links
I love your second link because I knew about how pissed Europe already was about America, they have been bitching already about our low taxes on fossil fuels and how come we don't have high taxes to modify behavior..
... as trillions of dollars leave for America.

"Indeed, China is in what could be described as a minor panic over U.S. tax reform. Why? China's high taxes, extreme regulations, high debt and shaky currency make it vulnerable to the $1.5 trillion tax cut that President Trump and congressional Republicans are about to unleash.

Specifically, China fears that hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars of accumulated trade surpluses will flee the Middle Kingdom's shores to return to the U.S. to be reinvested here as the American economy takes off."

China And Europe See What U.S. Critics Don't: A U.S. Tax-Cut Boom Is Coming | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Why Europe is worried about Donald Trump’s tax bill

US tax reform breaks global rules, EU says | Business | DW | 19.12.2017

Your third link Germany 30%, France 34%

And they are now crying of unfair low taxes in the US? From the link ..

"The underlying message to multinational companies is: If you produce here in the US, you will be spared the double taxation."

America first thanks Trump :)
other nations will just lower their corporate tax rate to be competitive with us....

that's how it works....

then what?

we give another tax break to bring corporations even lower than the 21%?
other nations will just lower their corporate tax rate to be competitive with us....

that's how it works....

then what?

we give another tax break to bring corporations even lower than the 21%?

They were already lower , and read the links we are using double taxation in the bill unless you make it in America :)
other nations will just lower their corporate tax rate to be competitive with us....

that's how it works....

then what?

we give another tax break to bring corporations even lower than the 21%?

They were already lower , and read the links we are using double taxation in the bill unless you make it in America :)

here is what the BBC article said .....

The US is likely to face challenges to some measures and the combination of changes could pressure other countries to rewrite their own rules, perhaps by lowering taxes, said Reuven Avi-Yonah, a law professor at the University of Michigan.

They will combat what we have done by lowering their own tax rates to be competitive to capture more of the market share....they will not sit idly and simply watch...

Globalist corporations are rejoicing!

Will Trump's plans trigger a tax war?
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... as trillions of dollars leave for America.

"Indeed, China is in what could be described as a minor panic over U.S. tax reform. Why? China's high taxes, extreme regulations, high debt and shaky currency make it vulnerable to the $1.5 trillion tax cut that President Trump and congressional Republicans are about to unleash.

Specifically, China fears that hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars of accumulated trade surpluses will flee the Middle Kingdom's shores to return to the U.S. to be reinvested here as the American economy takes off."

China And Europe See What U.S. Critics Don't: A U.S. Tax-Cut Boom Is Coming | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Why Europe is worried about Donald Trump’s tax bill

US tax reform breaks global rules, EU says | Business | DW | 19.12.2017
The only giant sucking sound this 'tax cut' will cause will be that of people like you kneeling in front of President Pussy Grabber. It is a gift for the very rich, with a little lollipop thrown in for a couple of years for the guy on the factory floor. And that lollipop will be gone shortly, while the rich will continue to get their increase in income.
Regardless of the party affiliation of the current and temporary White House occupant, it certainly is sad to see people hoping for the worst for purely political advantage.

Are we not better than this?
Hey Libs: if Trump's tax cut is so evil (Armageddon!), then you will all surely do the right thing and donate the tax money you saved back to the federal government.
It is a gift for the very rich, with a little lollipop thrown in for a couple of years for the guy on the factory floor.

And right there is the problem. You on the left consider government allowing people to keep their own money as "a gift." This means you leftists view all money as governments regardless who or how it's made.

It's such a sad way to look at our country; we work to give the government money, and they tell us how it will be spent.
other nations will just lower their corporate tax rate to be competitive with us....

that's how it works....

then what?

we give another tax break to bring corporations even lower than the 21%?

They were already lower , and read the links we are using double taxation in the bill unless you make it in America :)

here is what the BBC article said .....

The US is likely to face challenges to some measures and the combination of changes could pressure other countries to rewrite their own rules, perhaps by lowering taxes, said Reuven Avi-Yonah, a law professor at the University of Michigan.

They will combat what we have done by lowering their own tax rates to be competitive to capture more of the market share....they will not sit idly and simply watch...

Globalist corporations are rejoicing!

Will Trump's plans trigger a tax war?

So what's wrong with that? Everybody in the industrialized world will have more money to spend. This is a bad thing?
I love your second link because I knew about how pissed Europe already was about America, they have been bitching already about our low taxes on fossil fuels and how come we don't have high taxes to modify behavior..

Oh yes we do. Ever try to purchase a pack of cigarettes lately?
Kind of crazy the only people we really have to fight over this are our own citizens who're too fucking stupid to understand what is happening.

True, but we still have hope that you Trump lemmings will come around.

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