China Expands Defense Budget 12%

And maybe we shouldn't spend all our money policing the world. .

You'll be happy to know we aren't. We are acting in our own best national interests. Failure to do so will be much, much, much more expensive. But the near-sighted and dimwitted have trouble seeing that.

Actually our foreign policy has been very dimwitted. Didn't we train and arm the afghans? Then we attack them later. We were friends with saddam too. Now we have been creating more and more terrorists. If we want to save money we stay out of every bodies business. Then we stop messing everything up.
Eight years of overly aggressive, antagonistic foreign policy under George Dumbya [sic] Bush led to Iraq's successful insurgency against the Bush occupation

The insurgency was ultimately NOT successful. That weed is killing your memory, Moonbeam. And if you don't think that aggression is called for after someone punches you in the mouth then you are in for a lot worse very soon. Sorry Moonbeam, but the real world isn't all rainbows and puppy dogs.

Iraq hadn't attacked us. We attacked them. We were the aggressors. And the insurgency was successful. The GOP wanted permanent occupation of Iraq, but a desperate Bush folded like a cheap shirt and gave in to Iraqis demands to a withdrawal timetable. Dumbya was brought to his knees. I loved every second of it. Liberals were 100% vindicated. And don't give me the "the surge worked" nonsense. The violence during the surge was lower, but too high still. Remember, we were supposed to be greeted by grateful, cheering Iraqis. Instead we have GOP deadenders bragging about the drop in violence to still unacceptably high levels. It was a mistake, and conservatives need to start owning up to it.
Eight years of overly aggressive, antagonistic foreign policy under George Dumbya [sic] Bush led to Iraq's successful insurgency against the Bush occupation

The insurgency was ultimately NOT successful. That weed is killing your memory, Moonbeam. And if you don't think that aggression is called for after someone punches you in the mouth then you are in for a lot worse very soon. Sorry Moonbeam, but the real world isn't all rainbows and puppy dogs.

Iraq hadn't attacked us. We attacked them. We were the aggressors. And the insurgency was successful. The GOP wanted permanent occupation of Iraq, but a desperate Bush folded like a cheap shirt and gave in to Iraqis demands to a withdrawal timetable. Dumbya was brought to his knees. I loved every second of it. Liberals were 100% vindicated. And don't give me the "the surge worked" nonsense. The violence during the surge was lower, but too high still. Remember, we were supposed to be greeted by grateful, cheering Iraqis. Instead we have GOP deadenders bragging about the drop in violence to still unacceptably high levels. It was a mistake, and conservatives need to start owning up to it.

Biden is on record believeing the surge worked you mindless idiot; and obama; after saying it wouldnt work; did the same thing in Afghanistan

libs are losers who lie to themselves
were you in Iraq?

i was; on the first wave in. Guess what? we WERE greeted by cheerful, grateful Iraqis.

i guess you have never talked to an Iraqi Shiite who suffered, had familiy members slaughtered; by Saddam

so why dont you just stfu?
Shrub took your freedom with the PATRIOT ACT.

The President doesn't pass legislation, idiot, despite what obama wants to believe.
Alrighty then, Shrub's REPUBLICAN CONGRESS took your freedom. Feel better now?

hundreds of democrats have cast literally thousands of votes to keep funding the Patriot Act you complete idiot; and obama's if anything has ramped up warrantless wiretapping of American citizens. you live in a bubble of hypocrisy left-wing moron. this has been reported.
stop being a loser and excuse-maker for progressive failure
The insurgency was ultimately NOT successful. That weed is killing your memory, Moonbeam. And if you don't think that aggression is called for after someone punches you in the mouth then you are in for a lot worse very soon. Sorry Moonbeam, but the real world isn't all rainbows and puppy dogs.

Iraq hadn't attacked us. We attacked them. We were the aggressors. And the insurgency was successful. The GOP wanted permanent occupation of Iraq, but a desperate Bush folded like a cheap shirt and gave in to Iraqis demands to a withdrawal timetable. Dumbya was brought to his knees. I loved every second of it. Liberals were 100% vindicated. And don't give me the "the surge worked" nonsense. The violence during the surge was lower, but too high still. Remember, we were supposed to be greeted by grateful, cheering Iraqis. Instead we have GOP deadenders bragging about the drop in violence to still unacceptably high levels. It was a mistake, and conservatives need to start owning up to it.

Biden is on record believeing the surge worked you mindless idiot; and obama; after saying it wouldnt work; did the same thing in Afghanistan

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Well, Biden is wrong. The surge may have brought down the violence in Iraq, but there's a good case that it didn't. And the violence was not supposed to happen anyway, and any level, per the wonderful foresight of VP Cheney, who predicted Iraqis being grateful. Only conservative deadenders defend the failed Iraq War.

The surge in Afghanistan had to be done. It should not have had to be done, though. Bush should have had the Afghanistan War done and over by 2008, with OBL RIP.
Obama had to make up for wasting so much of our blood and treasure in Iraq.
Iraq hadn't attacked us. We attacked them. We were the aggressors. And the insurgency was successful. The GOP wanted permanent occupation of Iraq, but a desperate Bush folded like a cheap shirt and gave in to Iraqis demands to a withdrawal timetable. Dumbya was brought to his knees. I loved every second of it. Liberals were 100% vindicated. And don't give me the "the surge worked" nonsense. The violence during the surge was lower, but too high still. Remember, we were supposed to be greeted by grateful, cheering Iraqis. Instead we have GOP deadenders bragging about the drop in violence to still unacceptably high levels. It was a mistake, and conservatives need to start owning up to it.

Biden is on record believeing the surge worked you mindless idiot; and obama; after saying it wouldnt work; did the same thing in Afghanistan

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Well, Biden is wrong. The surge may have brought down the violence in Iraq, but there's a good case that it didn't. And the violence was not supposed to happen anyway, and any level, per the wonderful foresight of VP Cheney, who predicted Iraqis being grateful. Only conservative deadenders defend the failed Iraq War.

The surge in Afghanistan had to be done. It should not have had to be done, though. Bush should have had the Afghanistan War done and over by 2008, with OBL RIP.
Obama had to make up for wasting so much of our blood and treasure in Iraq.

silly moronic monday morning quaterbacking from another left-wing loser. obama got to bin laden folowing Bush's anti-terror program; no other way.
were you in Iraq?

i was; on the first wave in. Guess what? we WERE greeted by cheerful, grateful Iraqis.

i guess you have never talked to an Iraqi Shiite who suffered, had familiy members slaughtered; by Saddam

so why dont you just stfu?

Sorry you risked your life in vain on a stupid war.

The few Iraqis who cheered for the US aggression were in the minority. Conservatives predicted all of Iraqi society would be forever grateful. Why didn't that prediction come true?

Turns out liberals were right all along. So satisfying.
like i said; i went to iraq; we WERE greeted by grateful iraqis. if you didnt go you need to shut the eff up about it. not because my opinion is any better or more valuable than yours; but because you dont know what you're talking about
were you in Iraq?

i was; on the first wave in. Guess what? we WERE greeted by cheerful, grateful Iraqis.

i guess you have never talked to an Iraqi Shiite who suffered, had familiy members slaughtered; by Saddam

so why dont you just stfu?

Sorry you risked your life in vain on a stupid war.

The few Iraqis who cheered for the US aggression were in the minority. Conservatives predicted all of Iraqi society would be forever grateful. Why didn't that prediction come true?

Turns out liberals were right all along. So satisfying.

satisfying? we all have out priorities idiot. but speaking of being right; and off topic since this baord is about china. record welfare and food stamps in obama's 6th year
repubs were right; obama is inept

Biden is on record believeing the surge worked you mindless idiot; and obama; after saying it wouldnt work; did the same thing in Afghanistan

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Well, Biden is wrong. The surge may have brought down the violence in Iraq, but there's a good case that it didn't. And the violence was not supposed to happen anyway, and any level, per the wonderful foresight of VP Cheney, who predicted Iraqis being grateful. Only conservative deadenders defend the failed Iraq War.

The surge in Afghanistan had to be done. It should not have had to be done, though. Bush should have had the Afghanistan War done and over by 2008, with OBL RIP.
Obama had to make up for wasting so much of our blood and treasure in Iraq.

silly moronic monday morning quaterbacking from another left-wing loser. obama got to bin laden folowing Bush's anti-terror program; no other way.

Bush started a war and failed to get bin laden. Now that is an epic fail.
Biden is on record believeing the surge worked you mindless idiot; and obama; after saying it wouldnt work; did the same thing in Afghanistan

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Well, Biden is wrong. The surge may have brought down the violence in Iraq, but there's a good case that it didn't. And the violence was not supposed to happen anyway, and any level, per the wonderful foresight of VP Cheney, who predicted Iraqis being grateful. Only conservative deadenders defend the failed Iraq War.

The surge in Afghanistan had to be done. It should not have had to be done, though. Bush should have had the Afghanistan War done and over by 2008, with OBL RIP.
Obama had to make up for wasting so much of our blood and treasure in Iraq.

silly moronic monday morning quaterbacking from another left-wing loser. obama got to bin laden folowing Bush's anti-terror program; no other way.

Bush stated that the didn't spend much time going after OBL, didn't care, didn't think getting OBL was all that important. He sure showed it. I'll go by his actions over your words. Nice try though.
Well, Biden is wrong. The surge may have brought down the violence in Iraq, but there's a good case that it didn't. And the violence was not supposed to happen anyway, and any level, per the wonderful foresight of VP Cheney, who predicted Iraqis being grateful. Only conservative deadenders defend the failed Iraq War.

The surge in Afghanistan had to be done. It should not have had to be done, though. Bush should have had the Afghanistan War done and over by 2008, with OBL RIP.
Obama had to make up for wasting so much of our blood and treasure in Iraq.

silly moronic monday morning quaterbacking from another left-wing loser. obama got to bin laden folowing Bush's anti-terror program; no other way.

Bush stated that the didn't spend much time going after OBL, didn't care, didn't think getting OBL was all that important. He sure showed it. I'll go by his actions over your words. Nice try though.

YAWN. because he was marginalized living in hiding you dolt. and has violence gone down in afghanistan since his death?

lol what an idiot you are; a loser desperately clawing for relevance
another post off (your) topicl; which is off topic anyway

if you want to go by actiions instead of words; i'll go by obama's record welfare and food stamps; instead of left-wing losers actually calling that "forward progress"
like i said; i went to iraq; we WERE greeted by grateful iraqis. if you didnt go you need to shut the eff up about it. not because my opinion is any better or more valuable than yours; but because you dont know what you're talking about

Again, not enough Iraqis cheered for US, and they certainly didn't keep in supporting the effort. By 2005, the blood soaked disaster that liberals predicted was in full effect. Turns out libs were right.

Listen, I realize that its tough to admit to having been wrong. But you really need to try on this one. It's important. Conservative writer Jeremy Lott may have more influence on you than I would:

RealClearWorld - What Republicans Need to Say About Iraq

Any Republican seeking nomination for the 2016 presidential election should at a minimum be willing to admit Iraq was a mistake. it was an error that cost us upwards of $1.5 trillion, thousands of U.S. lives and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi dead, while seriously hindering our efforts to track down the real culprits of September 11.
like i said; i went to iraq; we WERE greeted by grateful iraqis. if you didnt go you need to shut the eff up about it. not because my opinion is any better or more valuable than yours; but because you dont know what you're talking about

Again, not enough Iraqis cheered for US, and they certainly didn't keep in supporting the effort. By 2005, the blood soaked disaster that liberals predicted was in full effect. Turns out libs were right.

Listen, I realize that its tough to admit to having been wrong. But you really need to try on this one. It's important. Conservative writer Jeremy Lott may have more influence on you than I would:

RealClearWorld - What Republicans Need to Say About Iraq

Any Republican seeking nomination for the 2016 presidential election should at a minimum be willing to admit Iraq was a mistake. it was an error that cost us upwards of $1.5 trillion, thousands of U.S. lives and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi dead, while seriously hindering our efforts to track down the real culprits of September 11.

the real culprits died in the airplanes you idiot.

my God man!
like i said; i went to iraq; we WERE greeted by grateful iraqis. if you didnt go you need to shut the eff up about it. not because my opinion is any better or more valuable than yours; but because you dont know what you're talking about

Again, not enough Iraqis cheered for US, and they certainly didn't keep in supporting the effort. By 2005, the blood soaked disaster that liberals predicted was in full effect. Turns out libs were right.

Listen, I realize that its tough to admit to having been wrong. But you really need to try on this one. It's important. Conservative writer Jeremy Lott may have more influence on you than I would:

RealClearWorld - What Republicans Need to Say About Iraq

Any Republican seeking nomination for the 2016 presidential election should at a minimum be willing to admit Iraq was a mistake. it was an error that cost us upwards of $1.5 trillion, thousands of U.S. lives and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi dead, while seriously hindering our efforts to track down the real culprits of September 11.

the real culprits died in the airplanes you idiot.

my God man!

Most of them. Not all of them. None of them were Iraqis, nor trained in Iraq. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.

C'mon, say it with me "Liberals were right. The Iraq War was a mistake."
Again, not enough Iraqis cheered for US, and they certainly didn't keep in supporting the effort. By 2005, the blood soaked disaster that liberals predicted was in full effect. Turns out libs were right.

Listen, I realize that its tough to admit to having been wrong. But you really need to try on this one. It's important. Conservative writer Jeremy Lott may have more influence on you than I would:

RealClearWorld - What Republicans Need to Say About Iraq

the real culprits died in the airplanes you idiot.

my God man!

Most of them. Not all of them. None of them were Iraqis, nor trained in Iraq. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.

C'mon, say it with me "Liberals were right. The Iraq War was a mistake."

it's not too late to invade saudi arabia leftard; that's where almost all of them were from. not that it matters to an idiot like you; but islamic fanatics dont accept international borders; that's why our troops pick up African fighters off of 16000-foot mountains in afghanistan

by the way; where did one of the ringleaders of the 1993 attempt to take down the World Trade Center flee to after the bombing?

hint; starts with I ends in Q
15 of the 19 were saudis. is the loony Left saying they would have invaded the birthplace of Islam in the wake of 9-11 if it happened on their watch


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