China Expands Defense Budget 12%

Interesting contrast. We are chopping our military to the bone while Russia and China continue to expand. Like after Carter, so to will another conservative have to come to the rescue and pull our arse out of the fire.


China Expands Defense Budget Over 12% To $132 Billion

Submitted by Ankit Panda via The Diplomat,

The biggest Asia-Pacific defense story this week is China’s decision to increase its defense budget by 12.2 percent to about $132 billion for the next fiscal year. Notice that the figure is noticeably uncorrelated with China’s 7.7 percent actual growth rate (with a 7.5 percent target rate).

The numbers are expected, of course, and send a clear signal across the region that China is taking its investments in military hardware seriously. Contrast the Chinese trend with the United States’ belt-tightening on defense spending.

The United States and China are, of course, nowhere near to a convergence in defense spending. Our China editor Shannon Tiezzi takes a look at the similarities and differences between the two budgets.

China Expands Defense Budget Over 12% To $132 Billion | Zero Hedge

IF they keep expanding at that rate, they'll approach our level of military spending in a decade or so.

Hardly they have the million man army, must be ten cents on the dollar per person in that army.
Shrub took your freedom with the PATRIOT ACT.

The President doesn't pass legislation, idiot, despite what obama wants to believe.
Alrighty then, Shrub's REPUBLICAN CONGRESS took your freedom. Feel better now?

No. Many democrats voted for the Patriot Act, and voted to renew it again and again. Your mindless, idiotic partisanship is a complete fabrication. Try being a real person once in a while.
The President doesn't pass legislation, idiot, despite what obama wants to believe.
Alrighty then, Shrub's REPUBLICAN CONGRESS took your freedom. Feel better now?

No. Many democrats voted for the Patriot Act, and voted to renew it again and again. Your mindless, idiotic partisanship is a complete fabrication. Try being a real person once in a while.

You have to remember that the far left can not see what happens in their own party it is not allowed in their programming.

Even so Obama has legally done away with due process, so not sure how any far left supporter can comment on these things without looking like a major hypocrite.
were you in Iraq?

i was; on the first wave in. Guess what? we WERE greeted by cheerful, grateful Iraqis.

i guess you have never talked to an Iraqi Shiite who suffered, had familiy members slaughtered; by Saddam

so why dont you just stfu?

I have never served in our armed forces, so I'm very grateful to you for doing so. I have also personally spoken with Iraqis who, along with their families, suffered terror and oppression under saddam.
The military implications of this news is pretty miniscule. It is a decent sign that they are worried about growth though. Economic data in China is hard to come by but if their leaders are increasing defense spending they are probably doing it in an attempt to counter an economic downturn.
like i said; i went to iraq; we WERE greeted by grateful iraqis. if you didnt go you need to shut the eff up about it. not because my opinion is any better or more valuable than yours; but because you dont know what you're talking about

Again, not enough Iraqis cheered for US

Wow, look at those goalposts move! They are flying all over the place!

It would be a lot easier for you to just try being a normal person than to suffer in a futile attempt at defending this idiotic hyper-partisan 'persona' you've got going here. Go on, give it a try.
The military implications of this news is pretty miniscule. It is a decent sign that they are worried about growth though. Economic data in China is hard to come by but if their leaders are increasing defense spending they are probably doing it in an attempt to counter an economic downturn.

Might be gearing up in case the people in China finally get tired of the communist government controlling everything.
The military implications of this news is pretty miniscule. It is a decent sign that they are worried about growth though. Economic data in China is hard to come by but if their leaders are increasing defense spending they are probably doing it in an attempt to counter an economic downturn.

Might be gearing up in case the people in China finally get tired of the communist government controlling everything.

That's what they are always gearing up for. It is the #1 concern of the CCP.
The military implications of this news is pretty miniscule. It is a decent sign that they are worried about growth though. Economic data in China is hard to come by but if their leaders are increasing defense spending they are probably doing it in an attempt to counter an economic downturn.

Might be gearing up in case the people in China finally get tired of the communist government controlling everything.

That's what they are always gearing up for. It is the #1 concern of the CCP.


Blasts at China regional Communist Party office kill one

BBC News - Blasts at China regional Communist Party office kill one
It's so AWESOME that Obama is cutting back our military to pre WWII levels while China and Russia are expanding.

Just Totally Awesome! He's the most Awesomest Awesome Person in the history of the world!

Might be gearing up in case the people in China finally get tired of the communist government controlling everything.

That's what they are always gearing up for. It is the #1 concern of the CCP.


Blasts at China regional Communist Party office kill one

BBC News - Blasts at China regional Communist Party office kill one

It is all about prevention. Military spending to them is a lot more than what the military would be used for. It helps their economy, it helps employ their large young male population, it can be used as propaganda to establish a feeling of nationalistic pride, it can be used to bully neighbors, it can be used to increase their technological and industrial capacity, and more.

They are not investing in their military just to increase their ability to kill their own citizens. They are investing in it so they don't have to.
They are not investing in their military just to increase their ability to kill their own citizens. They are investing in it so they don't have to.

That has always been the CCP's chief military concern. Always.
were you in Iraq?

i was; on the first wave in. Guess what? we WERE greeted by cheerful, grateful Iraqis.

i guess you have never talked to an Iraqi Shiite who suffered, had familiy members slaughtered; by Saddam

so why dont you just stfu?

Lying sack of shit. Nobody was cheering, they were ALL trying to escape all the bombs that were falling. You killed a million innocent children, women and old people...civilians. You installed a Shiite government that is friends with Iran and Syria. You are a complete moron.
The President doesn't pass legislation, idiot, despite what obama wants to believe.
Alrighty then, Shrub's REPUBLICAN CONGRESS took your freedom. Feel better now?

No. Many democrats voted for the Patriot Act, and voted to renew it again and again. Your mindless, idiotic partisanship is a complete fabrication. Try being a real person once in a while.
I've already admitted many times that the dems were chumped by Shrubs lies. But that doesn't excuse your hero's stealing our rights. I don't excuse Obama for renewing it either. Taking our rights is wrong, no matter who's doing it. Now, how about you owning up to the cons wasting $5 trillion on those wars Shrub and the cons started. Bet you aren't man enough.
Alrighty then, Shrub's REPUBLICAN CONGRESS took your freedom. Feel better now?

No. Many democrats voted for the Patriot Act, and voted to renew it again and again. Your mindless, idiotic partisanship is a complete fabrication. Try being a real person once in a while.
I've already admitted many times that the dems [sic] were chumped [sic] by Shrubs lies.

And when they voted to renew it again and again and again? Clown. There were no "lies;" those representatives voted in what they felt were the best interests of the country. It's telling that you can't even discuss it using President Bush's real name. You're like some ignorant, dimwitted child.
were you in Iraq?

i was; on the first wave in. Guess what? we WERE greeted by cheerful, grateful Iraqis.

i guess you have never talked to an Iraqi Shiite who suffered, had familiy members slaughtered; by Saddam

so why dont you just stfu?

Lying sack of shit. Nobody was cheering...

Were you there, asshole? If not, you owe him an apology.
were you in Iraq?

i was; on the first wave in. Guess what? we WERE greeted by cheerful, grateful Iraqis.

i guess you have never talked to an Iraqi Shiite who suffered, had familiy members slaughtered; by Saddam

so why dont you just stfu?

Lying sack of shit. Nobody was cheering...

Were you there, asshole? If not, you owe him an apology.
Why? Do you have proof that HE was there?

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