China Expands Defense Budget 12%

Does anyone believe that China would ever invade the US? There are enough guns floating around in America that the Chinese military would have to fight a non-stop guerrilla war against US citizens, AFTER evading the world's largest thermonuclear arsenal of ICBMs and defeating the most advanced military on Earth.

China can raise its military spending as much as it wants and it will still not come close to how much the US spends.




America has to spend 3-4 times on the dollar to get the same thing China can. Think about it.

A Chinese man I know told me when their military is in a parade they don't even have enough real guns for the marchers, many have fake wooden guns. They are no threat to us.
Obama's cut to the military is minuscule. It should be cut by half, along with the entire federal budget.

Wishful thinking.

That's not "wishful" thinking, it's childish, irresponsible thinking.

Not really. We could run the military on half what it costs now if the military was willing to take a long hard look at the asinine policies it follows that cost billions in waste.

That's a separate issue. A very important one, but a separate one.
Does anyone believe that China would ever invade the US?
Here's a clue, they already have. They own us. Everything we buy is from China. They don't need to fire a shot, when they've already defeated us economically.
Does anyone believe that China would ever invade the US?
Here's a clue, they already have. They own us. Everything we buy is from China. They don't need to fire a shot, when they've already defeated us economically.

ok goody

then now would be a good time to hang yourself
China Expands Defense Budget 12%
OMG!!! That means they're spending almost 20% of what the U.S. spends every year! We're going to have to spend more, more, more!

it means they're spending almost 5 times as much as a percentage of GDP you left-wing idiot

Analysts believe China's actual military spending is significantly higher than publicised, with the Pentagon estimating it at between $135 billion and $215 billion in 2012.
China unveils fresh double-digit military spending boost | Business Recorder

Add 12% and it's about $250 billion. U.S. budget $1.562 TRILLION

Nice one there, Chicken Little.
Does anyone believe that China would ever invade the US? There are enough guns floating around in America that the Chinese military would have to fight a non-stop guerrilla war against US citizens, AFTER evading the world's largest thermonuclear arsenal of ICBMs and defeating the most advanced military on Earth.

China can raise its military spending as much as it wants and it will still not come close to how much the US spends.



Small cost for the price of freedom

What "freedom"? Obama is a Marxist tyrant, right? He's a weak, spineless, left-wing, authoritarian dictator who is coming for your guns, money and freedom, remember?
What "freedom"? Obama is a Marxist tyrant, right? He's a weak, spineless, left-wing, authoritarian dictator who is coming for your guns, money and freedom, remember?

Yep... and we will be ready..:lol:

It's about time we trimmed our military spending. Maybe if we weren't still in Korea and Japan, the Chinese would feel the need to increase their spending.
It's about time we trimmed our military spending. Maybe if we weren't still in Korea and Japan, the Chinese would feel the need to increase their spending.

And maybe if everyone in the world holds hands and sings together there will be no more war, crime, or negative aspects of human nature. Spark up another one, Moonbeam.
It's about time we trimmed our military spending. Maybe if we weren't still in Korea and Japan, the Chinese would feel the need to increase their spending.

And maybe if everyone in the world holds hands and sings together there will be no more war, crime, or negative aspects of human nature. Spark up another one, Moonbeam.

And maybe we shouldn't spend all our money policing the world. Maybe you don't know, but our gov spends more than it brings in. No military can defeat us till our economy collapses.
Does anyone believe that China would ever invade the US? There are enough guns floating around in America that the Chinese military would have to fight a non-stop guerrilla war against US citizens, AFTER evading the world's largest thermonuclear arsenal of ICBMs and defeating the most advanced military on Earth.

China can raise its military spending as much as it wants and it will still not come close to how much the US spends.



Small cost for the price of freedom


Shrub took your freedom with the PATRIOT ACT. And with a $17 trillion national debt, freedom is a fantasy. The cons have added $10 trillion, and libs have added $7 trillion cleaning up the cons mess they made, when they destroyed the economy.
History of the United States public debt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's about time we trimmed our military spending. Maybe if we weren't still in Korea and Japan, the Chinese would feel the need to increase their spending.

And maybe if everyone in the world holds hands and sings together there will be no more war, crime, or negative aspects of human nature. Spark up another one, Moonbeam.

Eight years of overly aggressive, antagonistic foreign policy under George Dumbya Bush led to Iraq's successful insurgency against the Bush occupation, and Russia's defeat of Georgia, which was a total humiliation of the Bush WH, which foolish and recklessly encouraged Georgia to start a war with Russia.
And maybe we shouldn't spend all our money policing the world. .

You'll be happy to know we aren't. We are acting in our own best national interests. Failure to do so will be much, much, much more expensive. But the near-sighted and dimwitted have trouble seeing that.
Eight years of overly aggressive, antagonistic foreign policy under George Dumbya [sic] Bush led to Iraq's successful insurgency against the Bush occupation

The insurgency was ultimately NOT successful. That weed is killing your memory, Moonbeam. And if you don't think that aggression is called for after someone punches you in the mouth then you are in for a lot worse very soon. Sorry Moonbeam, but the real world isn't all rainbows and puppy dogs.

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