china gives the us suggestions on human rights violations we can work on

The notion we are a police state is nonsense.
The last couple of interactions with any law enforcement I have had is having my fishing license checked and one warning for speeding.
Maybe fucking idiots should just obey the law. Quit resisting like children when they clearly are in violation. Man up and take the consequences of their own actions
No one is being arrested for political views like they do in China.
A Police state...

A failing State...

Any questions?
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The notion we are a police state is nonsense.
The last couple of interactions with any law enforcement I have had is having my fishing license checked and one warning for speeding.
Maybe fucking idiots should just obey the law. Quit resisting like children when they clearly are in violation. Man up and take the consequences of their own actions
No one is being arrested for political views like they do in China.
I believe you are being a bit narrow in your view.
Freedom isn’t the ability to go to the movies. To watch sports.
Your circle of freedom is often decreasing.
We certainly can use the help.

You're a complete fucking moron with no clue if you think China is ok to lecture the US on racism.

Wrong. You’re uninformed as always.

We live in a growing police state where injustice is rampant, but only applies to the poor and minorities. The ultra rich are well protected.

You are like the frog in water, about to be boiled. WTFU.

You desperately want to believe your second grade government textbook on our nation. Sorry son, but its propaganda.
I’d say you are mostly correct, but disagree slightly.
Yes we are a growing police state.
My point of contention is that the injustice doesn’t just apply to poor and minorities. It applies to everyone who isn’t in the elite class. We all have to follow the rules... you, me, white, black, Asian, rich, poor. Our government elites and the Uber wealthy do not, and when they are caught committing crimes they let each other off the hook.
It’s not a racial issue, it’s a government corruption issue.
Agreed. However many of us in the middle class can afford a good attorney to fight effectively against an unjust government. The poor get railroaded, but dumb Americans think justice is blind in our nation.
A Police state...
View attachment 415134

A failing State...View attachment 415135
Any questions?
You are correct. We aren’t a police state in that regard.
However, look at the laws that government keeps putting into affect. Things like the patriot act where they monitor your bank account, you can only use cash transaction on a limited basis or your bank reports you. Searches of your person or property based on “I think you have drugs”. Asset forfeiture laws. Government making more and more rules regarding medical
Insurance, government taking more and more of your labor in the form of taxes. People being demonized by politicians with the help of the media. Oh you have your second amendment? Tell that to a bunch of states like California, New York, New Jersey,
Mass, Illinois, and so on. Go ahead and defend yourself, and watch local DA’s bankrupt you with your legal defense.
We are getting there. It’s a different form of police state, but we are on our way.
We certainly can use the help.

You're a complete fucking moron with no clue if you think China is ok to lecture the US on racism.

Wrong. You’re uninformed as always.

We live in a growing police state where injustice is rampant, but only applies to the poor and minorities. The ultra rich are well protected.

You are like the frog in water, about to be boiled. WTFU.

You desperately want to believe your second grade government textbook on our nation. Sorry son, but its propaganda.
I’d say you are mostly correct, but disagree slightly.
Yes we are a growing police state.
My point of contention is that the injustice doesn’t just apply to poor and minorities. It applies to everyone who isn’t in the elite class. We all have to follow the rules... you, me, white, black, Asian, rich, poor. Our government elites and the Uber wealthy do not, and when they are caught committing crimes they let each other off the hook.
It’s not a racial issue, it’s a government corruption issue.
Agreed. However many of us in the middle class can afford a good attorney to fight effectively against an unjust government. The poor get railroaded, but dumb Americans think justice is blind in our nation.
Lol. Funny, I was posting before I read this post. I just mentioned DA’s bankrupting you as you defend yourself.
Yes, the system is fucked in that regard. I’m not sure how to fix it.
A Police state...
View attachment 415134

A failing State...View attachment 415135
Any questions?
You are correct. We aren’t a police state in that regard.
However, look at the laws that government keeps putting into affect. Things like the patriot act where they monitor your bank account, you can only use cash transaction on a limited basis or your bank reports you. Searches of your person or property based on “I think you have drugs”. Asset forfeiture laws. Government making more and more rules regarding medical
Insurance, government taking more and more of your labor in the form of taxes. People being demonized by politicians with the help of the media. Oh you have your second amendment? Tell that to a bunch of states like California, New York, New Jersey,
Mass, Illinois, and so on. Go ahead and defend yourself, and watch local DA’s bankrupt you with your legal defense.
We are getting there. It’s a different form of police state, but we are on our way.
It’s claimed every American breaks the law three times a day, without knowing it in most cases. Our government has imposed numerous laws, many resulting in jail time or sizable fines. This is not liberty in any sense of the word.

The government also violates the constitution every day millions of times, as it spies on all Americans and worse. Hence, our government is a criminal enterprise. It fails to abide by the law. It needs reform or elimination.
A Police state...
View attachment 415134

A failing State...View attachment 415135
Any questions?
You are correct. We aren’t a police state in that regard.
However, look at the laws that government keeps putting into affect. Things like the patriot act where they monitor your bank account, you can only use cash transaction on a limited basis or your bank reports you. Searches of your person or property based on “I think you have drugs”. Asset forfeiture laws. Government making more and more rules regarding medical
Insurance, government taking more and more of your labor in the form of taxes. People being demonized by politicians with the help of the media. Oh you have your second amendment? Tell that to a bunch of states like California, New York, New Jersey,
Mass, Illinois, and so on. Go ahead and defend yourself, and watch local DA’s bankrupt you with your legal defense.
We are getting there. It’s a different form of police state, but we are on our way.
The state always tends toward increasing power in a few hands as possible.

We are FAR from a police state at this point though. Still one of the most free nations on the planet.
A Police state...
View attachment 415134

A failing State...View attachment 415135
Any questions?
You are correct. We aren’t a police state in that regard.
However, look at the laws that government keeps putting into affect. Things like the patriot act where they monitor your bank account, you can only use cash transaction on a limited basis or your bank reports you. Searches of your person or property based on “I think you have drugs”. Asset forfeiture laws. Government making more and more rules regarding medical
Insurance, government taking more and more of your labor in the form of taxes. People being demonized by politicians with the help of the media. Oh you have your second amendment? Tell that to a bunch of states like California, New York, New Jersey,
Mass, Illinois, and so on. Go ahead and defend yourself, and watch local DA’s bankrupt you with your legal defense.
We are getting there. It’s a different form of police state, but we are on our way.
The state always tends toward increasing power in a few hands as possible.

We are FAR from a police state at this point though. Still one of the most free nations on the planet.
But looking at the other nations around, being freer than them isn’t hard.
A Police state...
View attachment 415134

A failing State...View attachment 415135
Any questions?
You are correct. We aren’t a police state in that regard.
However, look at the laws that government keeps putting into affect. Things like the patriot act where they monitor your bank account, you can only use cash transaction on a limited basis or your bank reports you. Searches of your person or property based on “I think you have drugs”. Asset forfeiture laws. Government making more and more rules regarding medical
Insurance, government taking more and more of your labor in the form of taxes. People being demonized by politicians with the help of the media. Oh you have your second amendment? Tell that to a bunch of states like California, New York, New Jersey,
Mass, Illinois, and so on. Go ahead and defend yourself, and watch local DA’s bankrupt you with your legal defense.
We are getting there. It’s a different form of police state, but we are on our way.
On those points I agree. I have been very vocal against the drug war and Nanny statists from both ends of the aisle. Payroll income taxes are pure theft, as is asset forfeiture.
No one ever better even think of coming for my guns. We are definitely on the slippery slope, Biden and Kamala want to take a sled and ride that hill.
A Police state...
View attachment 415134

A failing State...View attachment 415135
Any questions?
You are correct. We aren’t a police state in that regard.
However, look at the laws that government keeps putting into affect. Things like the patriot act where they monitor your bank account, you can only use cash transaction on a limited basis or your bank reports you. Searches of your person or property based on “I think you have drugs”. Asset forfeiture laws. Government making more and more rules regarding medical
Insurance, government taking more and more of your labor in the form of taxes. People being demonized by politicians with the help of the media. Oh you have your second amendment? Tell that to a bunch of states like California, New York, New Jersey,
Mass, Illinois, and so on. Go ahead and defend yourself, and watch local DA’s bankrupt you with your legal defense.
We are getting there. It’s a different form of police state, but we are on our way.
On those points I agree. I have been very vocal against the drug war and Nanny statists from both ends of the aisle. Payroll income taxes are pure theft, asset forfeiture.
No one ever better even think of coming for my guns. We are definitely on the slippery slope, Biden and Kamala want to take a sled and ride that hill.
Absolutely agreed.
A Police state...
View attachment 415134

A failing State...View attachment 415135
Any questions?
You are correct. We aren’t a police state in that regard.
However, look at the laws that government keeps putting into affect. Things like the patriot act where they monitor your bank account, you can only use cash transaction on a limited basis or your bank reports you. Searches of your person or property based on “I think you have drugs”. Asset forfeiture laws. Government making more and more rules regarding medical
Insurance, government taking more and more of your labor in the form of taxes. People being demonized by politicians with the help of the media. Oh you have your second amendment? Tell that to a bunch of states like California, New York, New Jersey,
Mass, Illinois, and so on. Go ahead and defend yourself, and watch local DA’s bankrupt you with your legal defense.
We are getting there. It’s a different form of police state, but we are on our way.
The state always tends toward increasing power in a few hands as possible.

We are FAR from a police state at this point though. Still one of the most free nations on the planet.
But looking at the other nations around, being freer than them isn’t hard.
lol. Yes, that is true to some extent but the world as a whole is more free than it has been since human kind was organized into local tribes.

I get the visceral reaction to some of the absolutely massive oversteps the government has taken in the last few decades but on the whole we are generally headed in the correct direction. Look back 70 years and it certainly was not better and people were not more free in general. There are also other nations that do not do to bad either - England, Finland, Norway, Germany, Italy, Canada etc.

The real advantage we have IMHO is that we have defined rights as intrinsic rather than granted by the state and that gives the US a completely different take (and a far superior one IMHO) on what rights mean. The problem is that the US population at large has forgotten that key detail and is desperately trying to destroy the concept here.

An intrinsic problem with being so successful - we have forgotten what it truly means to be destitute or subjugated.
We certainly can use the help.

You're a complete fucking moron with no clue if you think China is ok to lecture the US on racism.

Wrong. You’re uninformed as always.

We live in a growing police state where injustice is rampant, but only applies to the poor and minorities. The ultra rich are well protected.

You are like the frog in water, about to be boiled. WTFU.

You desperately want to believe your second grade government textbook on our nation. Sorry son, but its propaganda.

Once again, you absolute fucking imbecile.
You obviously have ZERO clue what true Communist tyranny looks like.

You are like the millions of morons who voted Bidet.....NO FUCKING CLUE what you are asking for
You really need to take a step back. I’m head and shoulders more intelligent than you.

You are about intelligent as a bottle of dandruff shampoo, on that we can all agree!

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