China, India frontier guards celebrate New Year together


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
That is not a bad news and a good way to start the new year.


BEIJING, Jan. 5 (Xinhua) -- China and India organized a New Year celebration near the two countries' border, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson confirmed on Monday.

The activity, held in the western part of the border area, was carried out in line with an agreement reached by the two sides earlier, spokeswoman Hua Chunying told a routine press briefing.

Both sides sent New Year's wishes to each other during the celebration, which enhanced exchanges and mutual trust between the countries' border guards, Hua said.

The activity showed their determination and willingness to safeguard and strengthen peace and stability in the border area, she added.

China is confident in maintaining long-term peace along the border, Hua said, noting the two sides have launched a series of cooperation and communication mechanisms in recent years.

China is willing to work with India to implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries to constantly improve and promote relations between the two frontier guards, Hua said.

China India frontier guards celebrate New Year together - Xinhua
gee------sounds delicious------what does one get to eat at a
new year's party between china and india?--------and just what does the dancing consist of?. Lately I have gotten a whiff of
"HAKKA" (???) ..........yum...-------nothing like noodles
to cement a relationship

In the city in India where I grew up, there was an area called China town. In my teen years, my friends and I used to hit that area a lot for Chinese food. These Chinese people came to India long time ago and settled there. So their culinary got influenced by Indian cooking style. The result was an amazing fusion of Chinese and Indian cuisine. Of course, I did not know at that time that it was not the normal Chinese food till I moved to the U.S. and I started to notice the blandness of the Chinese food here.

If you are in Chicago, they have a Chinese restaurant owned by a Chinese Indian. This is the only restaurant in the entire U.S. that serves the kind of Chinese food that I still crave.
Yet Republicans and Democrats can't work together for the betterment of their own country.
I will never understand how people can support either party. It sure isn't intelligent to keep on electing people who have no plan on representing you and your interests, but people just keep on doing it.
Man, look it, after over 4 years of posting here, I finally hit 6,000 posts! :mm:
Yet Republicans and Democrats can't work together for the betterment of their own country.
I will never understand how people can support either party. It sure isn't intelligent to keep on electing people who have no plan on representing you and your interests, but people just keep on doing it.

If you are talking about the U.S., people don't have much choice. There are only two major parties: Democrat and Republican.
Yet Republicans and Democrats can't work together for the betterment of their own country.
I will never understand how people can support either party. It sure isn't intelligent to keep on electing people who have no plan on representing you and your interests, but people just keep on doing it.

If you are talking about the U.S., people don't have much choice. There are only two major parties: Democrat and Republican.

And we saw the apathy the voting public has for both the Dems and the GOP by the super low voter turnout in the last election, the lowest in 72 years.
A fairly large percentage of the people supported the Tea Party in 2010. But the support for the Tea Party dwindled because the Tea Party proved not to be political movement that represented what the people where looking for. They were too far to the right and they played political games, just like the Dems and GOP.
BEIJING: China on Sunday said the border dispute with India has been "contained" and the Indian elephant and Chinese dragon should "do more" to strengthen the bilateral cooperation to facilitate its settlement.

Addressing his annual press conference on the sidelines of the National People's Congress (NPC), China's legislature, foreign minister Wang Yi said a warm welcome awaited Prime Minister Narendra Modi when he makes his first visit to China later this year.

"Last September, President Xi Jinping made an historic visit to India. Picture of the two leaders working at a spinning wheel in Gujarat, the home state of Prime Minister, has spread far and wide in China," Wang said in response to a question from PTI about the India-China relations at a nationally-televised crowded press conference.


Border dispute with India contained China - The Times of India
NEW DELHI: Indians could soon join the same queue as passport holders from Singapore, Brunei and Japan when they land in Beijing or Shanghai. Citizens of these countries are currently eligible for visas on arrival in China. India may become the next, overturning decades of mistrust between the two that's been punctuated by a war and regular skirmishes.

Given the nature of a relationship that tends to veer from economic bonhomie to diplomatic distrust, such moves by the two most popul ..

Read more at:
Overturning decades of mistrust India and China may roll out visa on arrival - The Economic Times
In his latest contribution to our debate, Shashank Joshi raised some excellent points against my skeptical view of the emerging India-U.S. strategic partnership. But I'm still unpersuaded.

To explain why, it helps to step back and clarify the question we are debating here. It is not whether strategic relations between Delhi and Washington have grown closer in recent years, because clearly they have. It is what these closer relations mean for the geo-political contest between America and China.


Sorry America India Won t Go to War with China The National Interest Blog
China's top diplomat, State Councillor Yang Jiechi, is expected to travel to New Delhi for the 18th round of talks on the boundary question, likely to be held next week.

Officials in Beijing told India Today both sides would soon finalise the schedule for Yang's visit, with Monday and Tuesday of next week suggested as possible dates.

Yang, who is China's Special Representative for the border talks, will meet with National Security Adviser Ajit Doval, his counterpart as SR, and may likely meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his visit.

Besides the talks, the trip will also lay the groundwork for Modi's first visit to China as PM, set to take place before he completes one year in office on May 26.

The previous round of talks on the long running boundary question was held in New Delhi early last year, when Yang met then NSA Shivshankar Menon.

With Doval visiting Beijing as the Prime Minister's special envoy last year in the lead up to President Xi Jinping's September visit, it was agreed that Yang would travel to Delhi for the 18th round as well.

Expectations have been raised of some progress on the long running talks following Modi's sweeping election victory, with two strong leaders emerging in Delhi and Beijing. President Xi has accumulated power rapidly over the Party and military since taking over as President in March 2013.

Both former NSA Shivshankar Menon and Dai Bingguo, who preceded Yang as State Councillor and SR, told an audience at Peking University in an interaction in December that they believed that strong political leadership in both countries could enable progress in the talks.

External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj said during a visit to Beijing earlier this year that an out of the box approach to resolving the dispute could be possible.

However, a Chinese strategic expert cautioned in a recent interview to the Party run Global Times that a breakthrough will not be possible without India making a concession in the eastern sector, where China claims 90,000 sq km in Arunachal Pradesh.

India similarly would expect concessions in the western sector, viewing China as occupying at least 38,000 sq km in Aksai Chin.

China, however, does not recognise any dispute in the west to begin with, underlining the difficulty in breaking the deadlock.

Both sides are currently negotiating a framework to resolve the dispute in western, middle and eastern sectors - the second of a three stage process.

The first stage was completed in 2005 with an agreement on political parameters and guiding principles. The final stage will involve delineating the border in maps and on the ground.

Read more at: India China set for first border talks under Narendra Modi government Asia News - India Today
I am delighted with any interaction between china and india that leads to furtherance of FUSION CUISINE--------hakka noodles YUMMY!!!!!!!
I am delighted with any interaction between china and india that leads to furtherance of FUSION CUISINE--------hakka noodles YUMMY!!!!!!!

There is more to relationship between nations than fusion of their respective cuisines.
I am delighted with any interaction between china and india that leads to furtherance of FUSION CUISINE--------hakka noodles YUMMY!!!!!!!

There is more to relationship between nations than fusion of their respective cuisines.

really???? nothing much that interests me...

What is hakka?

uhm .....don't quote me----I think it refers to Chinese stuff which has crept into indian cuisine-------I am no expert------maybe Tibetan stuff-----DELICIOUS---something like egg noodles with veggies------with indian type spices. Hubby and I eat INDIAN-----
he is middle eastern from ancient silk road trader
community-------I am Yankee Doodle Dandy---with minor influence from eastern Europe and-----east end of London. FUSION!!!!!!!
I am delighted with any interaction between china and india that leads to furtherance of FUSION CUISINE--------hakka noodles YUMMY!!!!!!!

There is more to relationship between nations than fusion of their respective cuisines.

really???? nothing much that interests me...

What is hakka?

uhm .....don't quote me----I think it refers to Chinese stuff which has crept into indian cuisine-------I am no expert------maybe Tibetan stuff-----DELICIOUS---something like egg noodles with veggies------with indian type spices. Hubby and I eat INDIAN-----
he is middle eastern from ancient silk road trader
community-------I am Yankee Doodle Dandy---with minor influence from eastern Europe and-----east end of London. FUSION!!!!!!!

You're Ashkenazi and your husband is Mizrahi? Gefilte fish and Hummus seems like an odd combo. :p
I am delighted with any interaction between china and india that leads to furtherance of FUSION CUISINE--------hakka noodles YUMMY!!!!!!!

There is more to relationship between nations than fusion of their respective cuisines.

really???? nothing much that interests me...

What is hakka?

uhm .....don't quote me----I think it refers to Chinese stuff which has crept into indian cuisine-------I am no expert------maybe Tibetan stuff-----DELICIOUS---something like egg noodles with veggies------with indian type spices. Hubby and I eat INDIAN-----
he is middle eastern from ancient silk road trader
community-------I am Yankee Doodle Dandy---with minor influence from eastern Europe and-----east end of London. FUSION!!!!!!!

You're Ashkenazi and your husband is Mizrahi? Gefilte fish and Hummus seems like an odd combo. :p

interestingly enough-----he LOVES gefilte fish.------I am willing to eat it now that I am an adult---never actually MADE it------but I was never so ATTACHED to it as is he. As a kid--- I would not even look at the disgusting stuff. I do a terrific hummus. Generally---both on the table Friday evening

Indian and Chinese officials are meeting in New Delhi this week for talks on a border dispute that has for decades strained relations between the neighbors — the first such negotiations since Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi took office last year.

The two Asian countries are separated by a nearly 2,200-mile border whose exact location is a subject of bitter dispute. China claims India’s northeastern state of Arunachal Pradesh, which it calls southern Tibet. India claims a Chinese-controlled region it calls Aksai Chin as part of its northernmost state of Jammu and Kashmir.

India periodically accuses Chinese troops of “transgressions” across the two countries’ ill-defined boundary, known as the Line of Actual Control. Officials on both sides say such incidents are likely to continue – and perhaps escalate as India further develops its border lands – until the boundary is properly marked and settled.


India China to Meet on Border Dispute - India Real Time - WSJ
BEIJING, March 24 (Xinhuanet) -- Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi is on a state visit to India. After the first day of talks, China's foreign ministry said both countries have agreed to maintain peace along Himalayan border while resolving boundary issues.

Yang met Indian National Security Advisor Ajit Doval Monday to discuss bilateral ties.

The aims of the talks are to fix disputes over the border that divides Asia's largest nations and to form part of efforts to make progress on bilateral ties in the lead up to Modi's visit to China in May.

The last round of special representative talks took place during President Xi Jinping's visit to New Delhi last September.

These came after Modi had raised concerns about incidents of transgressions along the border.

China India aim to maintain border peace - Xinhua

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